■a See Us A delicious garnish for vegetable soup is little balls of smoked cheese rolled in crumbled bacon and drop­ ped into the hot soup just before serving Vegetables and cheese make a tasty soup combition. The ! cheese flavor enhances the vege­ tables and adds good substantial pro­ tein, too. Cream of Vegetable soup with cheese is a creamy, flavorful soup, hearty enough to serve as a main dish The addition of cheese lifts this soup out of the "ordinary" class. for all your PI umbing and Heating Needs Spaniol & Co. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works Stayton Dear Hearts and Gentle People Ol’ Master Painter Dreamers Holiday Johnson Rag Before you buy-see the SPARK GAS-MAKING DEMONSTRATION Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical Records. McEWAN PHOTO SHOP PORTER & LAU Next Dot.r to Jenkin's Hardware “First with What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Open Friday Afternoons PHONE 2243 M1U City Stayton 215 DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST In Jenkins Building MILL CITY . (Formerly Baker’s Jewelry Store) Telephone 2243 for Appointment« Open Every Thursday 1 to 6 P.M.6 I*. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment • Eye examination * Glasses fitted. • Eye glass adjustments * Broken lenses replaced General offices at TenBrook Jewelers, 313 W. 1st St., ALBANY 4 MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special PEACHES HALVES AND SEGMENTS, N o . 2^ can 2 47e Lenten Recipes Cream of Vegetable Soup with cheese ( lunch Activities I 7—THE Mil I. <114 ENTERPRISE • • • FREE METHODIST CHURCH "The Church of Light and Life Hour” Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Junior Church* 11:00 Evening Senice 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould Pastor North Mill City Crtam of Onion and Cheese Soup Quality ioh printing at the Enter* prise. (¡ates Birthday Club Meet - jk - :♦> » Mrs. Martha was hostess Saturday afternoon at her home to members of the Gates Birthday club. Eucher was in play at three tables for the afternoon following a dessert lunch­ eon served by the hostess. Prizes were won by Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Robert Levon and Mrs. Arnold IDAMI 4 COMMl N1TY < 111 RUH Syverson. This club was organized Sunday School 10 A M. more than fifty years ago. when Morning Service 11 A M Eucher was as popular as Canasta is Youths Hour 6:15 P.M. today. Mrs. Bowes and her sister Evening Service 7 P.M. i Mrs. Blanche Dean were charter Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M. members. Those enjoying Mrs. Eldon Haley, Pastor Bowes hospitality were Mrs. Dean, • • • Mrs. Gerald Heath. Mrs. Clarence CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Johnson, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. Services are held every Sunday Robert Levon, Mrs Elmer Stewart, morning at 11 o’clock a.m. in the Mrs. Maude Davis. Mrs. Walter IOOF hall. Brisbin, Mrs. Riley Champ. Mrs. • • • Arnold Syverson, Mrs. Walter Bei- COMMUNITY CHURCH ver, and Mrs. Clarence Johnson. Full Gospel I reaching Serves <■ 2 Tbsp, butter Ä cup minced onion 3 Tbsp, flour 2 Tsp. salt % tsp. pepper 4 cups milk Yt «UP cooked chopped carrots 1 cup diced, cooked potatoes cup cooked peas 2 Tbsp, minced parsley Sunday school 10 A.M. 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Morning worship 11 A.M. Dash of cayenne Evangelistic service 8 P.M. V« cup grated Chedder cheese Preaching services Wednesday and Melt butter in top of double boiler, Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor add onion and cook over low heat, • • • until tender. Add flour and season FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ings and blend. Gradually add milk Services every Lord's day while stirring; cook over low heat Morning worship 11:00 A.M. until smooth and thickened, stirring Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M. constantly. Add vegetables, pars­ ley, Worcestershire sauce and cay­ Evening worship 7:30 P.M. T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor enne. Heat and sprinkle top with • ♦ • grated cheese. Serve immediately. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cheese and onion make a very Morning worship 11 a.m. tasty combination—and will be sure Music by choir. to make a hit with he family. Serve Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching it with toasted rolls, vegetable Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs. relishes, spiced apple sauce, cookies Arthur Kreiver, leader. and a beverage • • • ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Serves 6 CHURCH, MILL CITY 3 Tbsp, butter Mass at 9 A.M. 2 cups sliced onions Confessions heard before Mass. 3 Tbsp, flour Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. I 4 cups milk Father C. Mai, Pastor Salt and pepper • • • 1 cup Cheddar cheese, grated I. hrm DAI BUNT8 or JESi s Melt butter in saucepan. Add the ■ < IIRIS I < III K< II. DETROIT J onions and cook over low heat, stir­ Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. ring occasionally until yellow. Add in high school building, Detroit. flour and blend well. Add milk and Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. cook, stirring constantly until thick­ Zealand Fryer, Presiding • • • ened. Season to taste with salt and pepper, add cheese and stir until GATES COMMUNITY cheese is melted. Serve with crisp CHURCH OF CHRIST crackers or toast fingers. 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship PAUL SMITH CHALLENGED 6:30 Christian Endeavor 7:80 Evening Worship Paul Smith, Mill City's walking Walter Smith, Pastor. man, was challenged to a record to­ • • * day but will be unable to meet the DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH competition for a few years Smith Warren Knape, Pastor received word from James H Hock­ Sunday school ... . ....... 10 a.m. ing, of Teaneck, N. J., who walked Morning worship ................... 11 am. 40 miles in 9 hours on his 92 birth- Youth meeting ................... 6:45 p.m. day. In an exchange of greetings Youth night Saturday .......... 7 p.m. between the two walkers, Smith believed he could meet the record Quality job printing at the Enter* when the 92nd year rolled around. prise. February 23 1950 BEM TY SHOP SHIRLEY LAIRD Phone 2603 Mil.!. CITY Call George 3403 or 88, for Towing Service SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 Mill City Ix>dge No. 144, L- ^^"^^O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. MILL CITY, OREGON COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC LIGHTING Salem Lighting & Appliance Co SALEM 236 N. High Street Thomas Housing Project LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE G. E. THOMAS, Mill City EVERY DAY New Outstanding « o: g Photo Finishing - 24 hour service I o o I 0 o: .« B B ,o o I B O 0 0 0 B 0 B o 0 0 B i 0 Lending Library Toys Gift Items Notions Housewares Socks Underwear MILL CITY VARIETY IRENE O’LEARY JIM O’LEARY O o g B I B g ■ o g o » Spring* Suits Coats & Dresses Arrive. Be sure anti see them at The SMART SHOP 115 N. Liberty, Salem rresh Meat VERY REASONABLE Kel loin’s Grocery Mill City OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A M. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 9 AM. to 4 P.M. Special Revival Meeting MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH South First Street Old Time Gospel Messages COME AND BRING YOUR FRIEND AND FIND A HAVEN OF REST. REV. W. W. WATKINS. EXTRA! n n Read thia ad COME IN buy a Quality Guaranteed Used Car and Save Many Dollar». EXAMPLE Chryaler New Yorker 4-Dr. Sedan------- --- »• 1949 1948 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan 1948 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sr dan 1946 Oldnmobtle 6 Club Coupe » 1946 Dodge cuatnm 4-Dr. He < » < > o n o CMRYSI-ER Salem Automobile ( o Home ot Service 4M N Codi St PHONE $-4117 PLYMOUTH Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock LYONS ’ 2M Day" I 297 Nights MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days Mill City Plant 2 Mile* Weil on River Road SPECIAL SINGING AND MUSICAL NUMBERS Meetings Each Night at 8 P.M except Monday and Saturday EXTRA Sand and (/ravel Co Evangelist Scott W. Busselle PRAYER FOR THE SICK EXTRA! JUNGWIRTH Hobby Supplies and Games of All Kinds Um Our Mail Order Service and Order That Winter Game TODAY! SALEM** ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop SPECIALS 100% WOOL SHIRTS, regular $8.95 „ 100% WOOL JACKETS, regular $8.50 100% WOOL DRESS SLACKS, from SPORT JACKETS, Water Repellent 5-lb., 100% WOOL BLANKET .. ..... ALI. WOOL YARDAGE OOOfri BOY S JACKETS and RAINCOATS () F F REGVLAR PRICE 58 SHIRTS were $$.00 ...... ....... ...... . ...... ACHUTE 8IIJC A Boy at $$.05. sow ..... $ 2.00 $ 1-05 RAIN G BAR AND RUBBER BOOTS AT LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE Santiam War Surplus and Santiam Clothiers