GATES land. Mrs. Miller of Salem, Gale (her nephew and family, Mr. and Mis. LEGAL ADVERTISING Her son, Jack NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS Carey and daughter Donna Lea, (Harold Wilson. Miss Wilson, James Carey and the Spoelstra called at the Wilson home Notice is hereby given that March hostess, Mrs. Carey. Mrs. Gale Carey Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Spoeltra 1st is the last date on which to se­ By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP cure your dog license from the returned to her home with him. Don Carey, student at Oregon was unable to be present. County Clerk without paying a pen­ Mrs. Ned Richards who was in­ Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush and alty. The license fee is $2.00 for FOR SALE—Premiere carpet sweep­ FOR SALE- Large new home with State, who was home over the week daughter of Salem spent the week ­ male and spayed female dogs, and or without acreage. Ideal for end was a much feted lad while here jured in a fall Monday of last week er, was $74.95, now $49.50 Ken Golliet, Mehama. 8-lt boarding or rooming house or in observance of his birthday anni­ was brought home from the Salem end at the home of his parents, Mr. $3.00 for female dogs. After March 1st a penalty of $2.00 will be charged made into 2 apts. Inquire Enter­ General hospital Thursday. Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Rush. with each license issued. All pups 8-3tp versary. Friday evening he was a CASH PAID—For used pistols and prise. Richards sustained a broken arm, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper from dinner guest at the home of Mr. and are subject to license as soon as they rifles. See Dick Paynter, Apt. 2 above Enterprise office. 6-3t FOR RENT -3-rm. furnished apart­ Mrs. Harold Wilson. Places were just below the shoulder, multiple Ashland were guests this week at reach the age of 8 months. If li­ ment, modem, garage. E. D. bruises and suffered from shock. the home of his sister and brother- cense is not procured before such 5tf laid at the table for Mr. Carey, his She is getting along as well as can in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin. pup reaches the age of 9 months FOR SALE—Guaranteed fresh eggs Cooke. mother Mrs. Velma Carey and son | the penalty of $2.00 attaches. The at my residence near Gates school. FOR SALE Kenmore washer, $40 James, his grandmother Mrs. C. M be expected. Mrs. Elton Brown of Mrs. C. Rosheim of Willamina and present law requires the County T. Lincoln Hennes. 7-3tp Ken Golliet, Mehama. 8-lt Miller of Salem, Miss Helen Wilson Mehama is caring for her grand- Mrs. Claude Seilard of Salem were Clerk to issue a metal tag which WANTED — Cattle, hogs and sheep. FOR SALE 3 Acres and 6-room and the hosts, Mrs. and Mrs. Wilson. mother-in-law. i at the home of their mother, Mrs. shall be fastened by the licensee to Licensed and bonded buyer. Will a collar and kept on the dog at all house, bam, chicken house, or I Miss Carmen Stafford has been Lula Collins, one day this week. times when not in the immediate call at farm. Write Harold E. chard, good garden soil. Royal Sunday a family gathering was While here they took Mrs. Collins 'employed at the fountain in the Gar ­ Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem, Johnson, Telephone 742, 2 mi. east held at the home of Mrs. Velma possession of said licensee. The tag Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf • to Mill City for medical attention. ' will protect the dog from being of Gates in Linn county. 8-4tp Carey complimenting her son. rison cafe. Mrs. Verna Hunziker and son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis were called a stray. License must be pur- FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue­ FOR SALE—New double constructed j Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. of residence. Portland has been visiting relatives Albany and Stayton visitors Monday I chased in county Eugene Carey and family from Port berry plants. Grown in west for stucco duplex. For sale by owner, PETE FTFDT.FR, on a combined business and shopping in Niagra and Mill City the past western planting. Write to Tony call The Enterprise. 49tf Linn County Dog Catcher. III III Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm week. trip. FOR RENT — Apartment. Heineck ’ s NOTICE for price list. Route 1, Box 242, Mrs. Paul Davis accompanied by Grocery, Lyons, Ore. 8-lt Personal property taxpayers are Stayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs. Nettie Glo­ Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! ■ required to file an invoice as of FULLER BRUSHES and clean-1 ver and Mrs. Floyd Völkel were [January 1st, 1950, with the Asses- CBI NEEDS accommodations: Single FOR NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING sor for an assessment base. Assess­ ing equipment call your Fuller and double rooms in private homes, Salem visitors Saturday. Miss Janet Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. Notice is hereby given to the legal or houses to rent. Please list your Klecker, guest at the Davis home voters of School District No. 129j, ment must be filed on or before 1, Box 229, Aumsville, Ore. 3tf March 2, 1950. Penalty provided available space with CBI. Call accompanied them to her home in of Linn-Marion counties, State of after due date. 3tf LIST YOUR homes and farms with Personnel Office, 4202. MILL CITY Oregon, that a School Meeting of the Trucks and automobiles carrying Stayton. Have cash buyers. Mill City, BIXPERT AUTO and home radio me. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson, said district will be held at the High state license plates and furniture in Gates, Detroit, Lyons. David M. on the 13th day of March, private homes are exempt. service, 20 years experience, all A Friendy Family Mr. and Mrs. John DeWall all of School Reid, Real Estate. 3tf 1950, at eight o’clock p.m., for the makes. Guaranteed service. Furniture in Hotels, Apartments Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zunk purpose of discussing the budget for and Rooming Houses are subject to Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf FOR SALE — New Hampshire and Atmosphere Prevails and son and Miss June Zeller of the fiscal school year, beginning July taxation. Parmenter Red chicks from 300 ( A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum If you have not received an as­ Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1, 1950, and ending June 30, 1951. egg foundation stock, also Hamps yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per Signed, CHARLES C KELLY, sessment blank, please notify the HlimMIUIUlMtUiniUUNIMMiU Cornish fryer chicks, all straight Davis from Seattile were Sunday ■q. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Cletk. Assessor’s Office. run chicks are $15 per 100. Send guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. First publication Feb. 23, 1950—3t JOHN W. SHEPPARD, FOR RENT—One three-room apart­ for circular. Gehring Hatchery A I Norman Garrison. Mrs. Garrison Linn County Assessor. Poultry Farm, Phone Black 193, ment furnished, for couple only. and son Gerald were Portland visi­ First publication Feb. 2, 1950—6t Silverton, Ore. 2tf | Beebe Apts. 61tf tors Monday. Mrs. Cecil Haun as­ notice of alley V acation WANTED—Barkle Douglas Fir poles FOR SALE— Premiere carpet sweep- sisted in the store for the day. Petition er was $59.75, now $39 50. Ken ' or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany [ Mr. and Mrs. George Boone and In the Matter of the Application of: 8-lt or write Standard Pole A Piling Golliet, Mehama. R. L STIFFLER Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family all Co.. Inc. _________ 741 ; FOR SALE-One kitchen wood range DOLORES M. STIFFLER from Lakeview were guests the last —and cabinet sink. See Wendell BETTY SLATON of the week at the home of Mr. and Heller, back Santiam Garage. 7-3tp LOUIE SLATON • Blacksmithing Mrs. Dan Morrison. D. L TURNIDGE One Mill East of Detroit ¡FOR RENT — Modern furnished apts. • Welding ALPHA TURNIDGE For Guaranteed Cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Nat Bond left this by week. Lyons Motel, Lyons. 8-3t • Logging and Saw TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: week for an extended trip south Into JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. Notice is hereby given that R. L FOR SALE — 28-ft. 3-room Trailer Mill Repairing it’s the Mexico. They planned to get a bit Stiffler and others, have filed a peti. house, with ref., water heater, Bu­ of sunshine after the frigid weather BLOCK WEST OF THEATRE tion February 1, 1950, with the Com­ tane cook stove. George Cornwell, mon Council of the City of Mill City, here. Box 108A, Silverton, Ore. 8-3tp to close the Alley running East and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Varcoe spent West through Block Four (4) in FOR RENT — Two deluxe furnished the weekend in Portland at the home Elizabeth Addition to Mill City, Mar­ apartments, new, clean and com­ of her mother, Mrs. Rose Stewart. ion County, Oregon, and that said fortably furnished. Gas cooking 24-HOUR SERVICE Fount Paul motored to Eugene Common Council has set the 27th and heat, large electric refrigerat­ day of February, 1950, at 8:00 P.M. ors and hardwood floors. Bendix Saturday to join Mrs. Paul who is Mill City o'clock thereof at the City Hall as automatic laundry privileges. Half there caring for her three neices, the time and place for the hearing block from post office. Phone 2652, daughters of her brother and wife, of objections, if any there be, why 8tf who flew to Rome for the Holy Year. the above described Alley should not SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED be closed. WANTED—To buy or rent a good They will also visit France, England The above petitioners do hereby used upright piano. See George Tanks priced $12.50 and up. and Scotland before returning home. grant a permanent easement through Steffy or call evenings, phone 305. Mrs. Paul will be in Eugene for three said Alley-way to the City of Mill 8tf Electric Rotary Sewer Machine weeks. City, for purpose of any public im­ with razor »harp knlvea cuta provement. The date of the play, “The Honey­ Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! roots, and grease from sewers. EARL RAGSDALE, moon is Over” to be given by the Ml ■MSMMBSNKWM City Recorder. cleans sink Electric Niard Gates Play House at the Mill City First publication Feb. 9, 1950—3t Typewriters Calcuators drains, lavatories, bathtubs. theatre has been changed to March Adding Machines 9th due to a conflicting date. The CAPITOL OFFICE Phone SALEM 3-946«, COLLECT Gates Playhouse is a group of Gates EQUIPMENT CO. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem young people who are interested in 531 Court SALEM ___ dramatics Sales — Rentals — Service ■ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap were CO-OPERATING (Salem and Stayton visitors Monday. “I W. H Rock of Niagra returned home one day last week, from work and turned the radio on to listen to a news broadcast just as the account MMMMMM of a fatal car accident was an- Reasonable Rates Personal Attention nounced. The accident had occured in Astoria and Robert Kelim had WIRING — RADIO — REFRIGERATION — AUTOMATIC Expert Repairing been killed. Kellim was the son in­ CONTROLS — ELECTRONIC DEVICES SHELL Oil. PRODUCTS PHYSICIAN & SURGEON law of Mr. and Mrs' Rock, who left AI.I. WORK GUARANTEED U. S. ROVAI. TIRES Ai immediately for Astoria. Mill City *. E. Fry, Manager Mrs. Minnie Spoelstra of Salem was a weekend guest at the home of | February 23. 1950 a—TUE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales lex’s Tavern North Sant ¡¿tin H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop TAVERN NU-METHOD MIKE’S Septic & Sewer Service Shux Electric and Frye Electric Business - Directory to Give You a Complete Electrical Home Service Professional Canyon Garage D.W. REID. MD u Free Hotpoint Range Service ■naMHHnannHHnnnniannDinianHHH PHONE STAYTON 2964 MILL CITY DISPOS IL SERVICE HARLOW L. WEINRICK Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2325 318 Broadalbin ■aoiHHnnn)aHnnQHnH)snninnn»nnn ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I)\\ IS SPORTING A DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them I. U. DAVIS A SONS A Friendly Place Attorney at Ijiw FLOWERS GOODE’S FLOW ER SHOP Phone Blue 64B Stayton, Ore. . Albany Your Idle Hours Accountants Bookkeepngi Service Auditing Payroll Reports Incorno Tax Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-1.Ingerle-DrrMesHrnocks 181 High St. Salem I WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Open Saturday Afternoons Mbs Your feftu/y Mfarm Enough LIPPOLD - BRENNER Phones: Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 HOWARD CORSET SHOP To While Away RICH ABD’S TAVERN GATES Modern Funeral Service OREGON STAYTON UK8; BARGAINS | In Furniture, Stoves. Dishes Clothing, Housewares MAC'S DAVID M. REID Real Estate Mill City 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking I JUST ARRIVED— l sulle« and Childrens I ■ ubre I las Bath Towels — Aprons Handkerchiefs Sheets — Embroidered Cases Tablecloth. Heiidricson's Stori The Frosty Months are Costly and Long C. E. Coville Real Estate INSULATE WITH West Side Mill (My IJSTINGS W ANTED ZONOLITE PERSI! Bnlcony Epp's Store $T CARLOAD PRICES WOOD’S STORE FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY General Dry Goods NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR hosiery I.VZIERS COM'IETKR ■MUMRD um < x rjcxouocxXX3OCHMMRÌ SERVICE PHONE Mil l. CITY 2602 or Î108 MASTER •»<> Mill City Jefferson PHONE 8715 Stayton