Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1950)
Highway- (Continued from Page 1) planned to meet the highway com- mission on Tuesday, the commis sion's earlier decision in favor of the goad did not deter the group's plan. They appeared before the commis sion as planned and expressed their heartfelt thanks. Commission mem bers were astonished, stating that "thank you” was seldom heard in their vocation. No small amount of good will was established by the committee’s action. Highway com mittee men present were Bill Hutch eson, chairman, Dave Reid, Lee Ross, Ned Richards, and Allen Keith. The work by this group is certainly to be praised, local citizens stated. Credit was also given to Bob Veness who shared in the responsi bility of organizing committee mem bers from Prineville to Salem. Other Project* Approved Also approved in Mondays meeting was the appropriation of $65,000 for Oiling miles of the Albany-Lyons highway. The oiling is to be done to the Scio-Thomas creek section. Boy Scout Week February 6-12 8—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE Morgan Files for Labor Commision Mill City Tops February 9, I960 Colonel Miles (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Howard Morgan, who represented | of These Days”, and Carolyn Miller Boston where he has been on active Clackamas and Multomah counties in did an impersonatoin of Beatrice the 1949 legislature, yesterday filed | Kay. Vern Esch, outstanding male duty as a lieutenant colonel in the his candidacy for the democratic vocalist was also on the program. ; Corps of Engineers reserve. nomination as State Labor Commis Janice Olson’s rendition of the Lord’ Colonel Davis was recalled to active sioner. Morgan is now a resident of I Prayer will not soon be forgotten, duty in October 1946, reporting at Ft. » * i •* Belvoir, Virginia, and was assigned j Dewey Robinson, proved to be ex- as executive officer of the Albuquer (ceptionally clever in his manipula- que, New Mexico, district, and later tion of the 88 keys. The show was j as operations and executive officer both opened and closed by Joe Lane of the Okinawa district. More re- and his Western Dance Gang. i cently he has been engineer for the Gene Malecki, master of ceremo- New England Military district. ' nies, gave impersonations of famous As a civilan he was engaged in people. constructon plainnng of Detroit and Howard Ragan, chairman of the Lookout Point dams. During the county March of Dimes committee, war he served as a lieutenant col. was pleasantly surprised at the gen jonel with the Corps of Engineers in erous response from the Mill City people. When the show played in the Mediterranean and European Salem, residents there gave $130. theaters of operation. while the local townspeople during Colonel Miles was resident engl. the most crucial time of the eco neer at the Portland Air Base be- nomic year generously gave $131.42.I fore going on active duty in 1942. Charles Kelly, local drive chair- [ He served in Mexico, England, France and Belgium. He is also a man extended his thanks to the | veteran of the first World War. The 40th anniversary of the Boy Liberty” is the birthday theme. Ladies Auxiliary of the Mill City Fireman; the Mill City Firemen; the Scouts of America will be observed Boy Scouts’ "Crusade to Strengthen February 6th to 12th in every part the Arm of Liberty” continues Mill City Theatre, George Laird, Club, Sue Mikkelson, Mill City high Polk county, where he operates a of the nation by more than 2,300,000 through 1950. Shell distributor; Shirley Lairds school, Odd Fellow’s lodge, the Mill large livestock ranch. Formerly a Beauty Shop, the Mill City Chamber City Enterprise, and others who boys and adult leaders. "Strengthen ! During Boy Scout Week, units will I member of organized labor (AF of hold "Crusade Night” meetings L). his term in the legislature was of Commerce, Mill City Woman's, made the March of Dimes a great success in this area. when 1949 Crusade Awards will be distinguished by a voting record presented. Representing the 12 j rated perfect by the Oregon State tive "Oregon Voter” recently said of Muir’s Bakery announced they Scout Regions, 12 outstanding Boy i Grange on farm issues, and by both him, "—bitterly antagonistic to would serve free coffee Friday aft Scouts will make a "Report to the the AF of L and CIO on labor issues. I i communists, his courage, ability and ernoon. February 10th between the firmness in conviction are widely hours of 1 and 5 P.M. with the usual The Marion County Democratic Nation” at Washington, D.C., where Morgan is an overseas veteran of recognized, with result he frequently charge to be given to the March of the Movement was incorporated Feb Central Committee will meet Feb the recent war, serving four years is mentioned as likely future con Dimes. It is never to late to give ruary 12th at the Mayflower dairy ruary 8, 1910. They will also take as a Naval officer with two years part in an impressive ceremony at testant for democratic nomination your dimes. in Salem to organize registration of duty in the combat areas of both for governor.” drive plans, to select primary can ■Independence Hall in Philadelphia. the Atlantic and south Pacific. He In filing his candidacy, Morgan ex didates and strengthen party organ The highlight of 1950 will be the is 36 years old, is a graduate of Reed pressed his determination, if elected, ization, committee heads announced Second National Jamboree which will see 40,000 Scouts and Leaders college (economics), has been mar ¡to overhaul the office of labor com this week. camping together at Valley Forge, ried for ten years and has three missioner and restore its rightful The meeting is slated to be an j children. He has had administrative important one and all democrats Pa., from June 30 to July 6, includ as well as legislative experience in importance to the people of the and ing Scouts of other lands. State; to enforce the laws under that are invited to be in attendance. ' government. During the early office, especially Oregon’s pioneering Meeting time will be from 1:00 to | months of the war he served in the i law’s for the protection of women and ¡6:00 p.m. with pot-luck dinner at executive office of the President in children in industry; and to carry noon. All state officers will be in Washington, D. C. FAMILY STYLE MEALS out the duties of the office in mak attendance and will speak during Morgan has friends and supporters ing detailed economic studies of the I the afternoon session. State chair- Under New Management ’ among businessmen as well as in causes, extent and remedies for in. i man of the democratic committee. A rooming house, owned by Vern ¡labor and agriculture. The conserva- dustrial unemployment in Oregon. W. L. Josslin; J. Leonard, vice Franse of Detroit, burned to the 1 chairman; Volney Martin, secretary; ground last Thursday evening at Mike DeCicco, treasurer; and Jim an estimated loss of $7000, and GoodMll. exec, sec’y. will be among heavi|y damaged an adjoining home the state officers present. while fireman fought to keep the The committee stated "This is i blaze from spreading to other near- | Victory Year for Democrats in Ore by buildings. gon” and urged party support. Tlie Idanha fire department ap peared on the scene in a matter of minutes but the fire was not dis covered in time to save the Franse building. Loss at the Earl Layman | home next door was estimated at $1500 Mongold firefighters also were at the conflagration and pre. i ■ i vented the fire from spreading to k- . i ? y the Cedar Tavern and Burts pool hall. 11 i i I ■ J' Nothing was saved from the IJH 11 rjlj 1 rooming house and only part of the i loss was covered by insurance. | Cause of the fire was not deter. mined Democrates Plan County Meet Mill City Hotel Cupid’s best helper is a Hallmark Valen tine. We have lots and Iocs of them for you to choose from! Edward Williams 330 Court St., SALEM Boarding House Fire Guts Detroit Rooming House térra Check Sheet for Farm Hobby Supplies and Games of All Kinds Home Building Is-ued Designed as a check sheet to use as an aid before buying, building or remodeling a farmhouse, a new j Oregon State college extension j mimeograph, number HE 7-302, en titled. "Is This a Good Farmhouse"” I W Our Mall Order Service and Order is now reday for distribution through That Winter Clame TODAY! county extension offices or from the college Written by Mrs. Margaret H. Tul s CLEM'S OKU,IN AL ler. extension rural housing special ist. the 13 page mimeograph can be I used as a check sheet for judging either working drawings or an ac. SALEM Phone 2-158« lt>3 N. Commercial . tual farmhouse Under such general headings as farmhouse size and shape, entrance nmnMHHnaMHHnanna!aniKiuna)sna»HaaBQHnmnranniauoicnanuaxrnnn Cl locations, circulation, doors, win 0 0 rangement. space has ben left to a o make check marks under columns 0 I headed excellent, acceptable and ' poor Detailed check questions are enumerated under each heading 0 Parious check points are illus- 0 o trated by drawings using a farm- $ house plan service Toy & Hobby Shop Meeting! oloddodsö o o sa c o o oaasto o sdö D o o a Laborer s Local No. 441 Feb. 14th, 7:30 P.M dd e ’S Mill Citv Let's all be there! 0 0 a a a 0 n 0 0 0 ö 0 o c a a a e 0 0 a 0 0 0 MARION GRAND» MI I TIN». The regular first-quarter meeting of Marion county Pomona Grange, postponed from January 18th. will be held February 15th at Ankeny Vern Livesav of Portland will be speaker at lecture hour his sub- ject. The Brannon Plan for Agricul- ture Agricultural committee mem- bers of subordinate granges urged to attend Liquid nitrogen will quickly i a piece of metal to minius 320 grees fahrenheit lyihci