Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1950)
Church Activities Party Hints for St. Valentino’s Day February 9, 1950 IDANHA visit with his mother in Hatfield. SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea By REBA SNYDER Arkansas gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club GATES COMMUNITY’ After burying the family car three Milo Harris was brought home in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 CHURCH OF CHRIST 10.00 times Sunday in the soft snow, Mrs. from a Bums hospital Monday j Sunday School Mill City I .edge No. 144, L* 11:00 A R. Snyder decided she had for night. He entered the hospital last j Morning Worship '*O.O.F„ Meet» Every Friday gotten how to drive in snow and Thursday to be treated for a 22 cal- | 6:80 ’ Christian Endeavor L Jr rT 3ft 7:30 left the car set in the garage for iber Colt pistol wound self-inflicted night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. Evening Worship a spell on a hunting trip with friends that | Walter Smith, Pastor. The local fire department adds an day. The two-car load hunting • • • other feather to their cap. Called party were preparing to return DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH out about 9:30 p.m. Thursday too home from a thrde-day rabbit hunt Warren Knape. Pastor Sunday school _............ 10 a.m. late to save the burning rooming when the safety lock on Harris’ gun Morning worship 11 am house in Detroit, making the run in was accidently dislodged and the Youth meeting . ................. 6:45 p.m five minutes, by conservatively us- shot entered the calf of his leg, Youth night Saturday ......... 7 p.m ing their water supply they were hitting and groving the bone, partly SHIRLEY LAIRD able to save two building nearby. circling it. His condition is painful • • • Sol Tucker had his car slightly but satsfactory. FREE METHODIST CHURCH damaged last week when another Guests at the Frank New home Phone 2603 "The Church of Light and Life Hour” car slid into his on the highway be- Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. 10:00 Sunday School MII.I. CITY 11:00 tween Idanha and Dtroit. Jerry Pittam, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morning Worship 11:00 John Wiggins, Detroit grade Schaffer and Mr. and Mrs. A. R Junior Church 7:30 •chool janitor, is recovering from Snyder. Evening Service Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! 7:30 leg injuries suffered when he was Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Alvin en- Wed. Prayer Meeting For St. Valentine’s Day, a colorful party table is decorated with knocked down from a snowslide on 1906 Phone Mr. gay assorted Valentines ana favors and. for refreshment, heart-shaped tertained Saturday night for Pastor the roof of the school Thursday. and Mrs. Warren Stoll. Rev. L. C. Gould cookies and this sparkling Valentine punch carry out the holiday The warm sun had loosened the theme. The punch is quickly and easily prepared with the new homo North Mill City genized Real Gold concentrated fruit bases which come in handy-sized snow, and Mr. Wiggens was caught While playing basket ball Monday • *• • cans and give you delicious fresh fruit flavor without the fuss of at school Donald Snyder slipped on IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH in its path. He was badly shaken the wet gym floor, fell and knocked squeezing or straining. Economical, too, because there’s no waste. and will need a few days rest. Sunday School 10 A M. VALENTINE PARTY PUNCH 3403 or 88. for Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gordon and himself out. He suffered no 111 ef- m (makes 1 gallon) Morning Service 11 A.M. fects. family drove to Portland Wednes I can each Real Cold lemonade base, I quirt valer Evening Service 7 P.M. orange baae. grapefruit base 1 quirt! gmgerate 2 cups loganberry or grapeiutce Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M. day for a few days visit with rela The Boy Scouts held their first ' Mix lemonade, orange and before serving pour over ice snd Eldon Haley, Pastor tives. Mrs. Gordon underwent an meeting of the new year Monday grapefruit bases with loganberry add gingerale. Garnish with mint operation for tonsil tissues which night at the grade school auditorium. • • * or grapejuice. Add water. Just leaves or sliced fruit if desired. had grown in years after the initial January meetings were canceled be CHRISTIAN SCIENCE cause of bad weather and road condi operation. Services are held every Sunday Men were employed Saturday and tions. Plans are being made in PAST RESIDENT HURT IN PARIS ceived a fractured pelvis. She has morning at 11 o'clock a m. in the part of Sunday scooping the snow preparation of the scout circus in been in Paris studying art and Mrs. Ruth M. (Peg) Smith, form French under the GI bill. While in IOOF haU. off the large planer shed of Idanha Salem MILL (TTY, OREGON • • • erly on the staff in the governor’s Mill City Mrs. Smith worked tor Lunber company. Last years heavy COMMUNITY CHURCH office and early resident of Mill the Hammond company. Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! snows had weekened the building Full Gospel Preaching City Is confined to a hospital in and it was spreading. Quality job printing at the Enter Sunday school 10 A.M. Paris. France, after suffering a While loading lumber Thursday Morning worship 11 A.M. James McKinney fell on a strip of fall from a bus, according to news prise. Evangelistic service 8 P.M. Like half a brick, truth goes Preaching services Wednesday and ice. breaking a rib and injuring received last week. others. Two fingers were also hurt In the accident Mrs. Smith re farther—It’s easier to throw. Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor He was treated by Dr. Wilcott and aHnHnnai9in»Hni9i»í!asínnn99in»H£tnH is improving satisfacturely. His - small son, Denny also fell last week LICENSED FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH and cut his chin quite badly. Services every Lord’s day Mrs. Elbert Brown, who has been Morning worship 11:00 A M. > bedfast the past three weeks is able Young People ’ s meeting 6:30 P.M. I to be up part of the time. Mr. and Evening worship 7:30 P.M. i Mrs. Nichols and son of Bend were T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor $1 per month and up Sunday visitors. Mrs. Nichols is • • • Also serving Gates and Lyons FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. Brown’s daughter. MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heibert took Morning worship 11 a.m. their son Harold to Dallas Monday DISPOSAL SERVICE Music by choir. REPAIRS RENTALS for treatment. He has had a severe SALES PHONE 2352 Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching Mill City cold the past week. LEONARD HERMAN Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs. Arthur Kreiver, leader. Dr. Willcott who has been practic • • • ing out of Detroit has established his office in the first aid building. ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Your Power Tool Rental Headquarter* He will continue his private practice CHURCH, MILL CITY and represent the Industrial Insur Mass at 9 A.M. Phone 3-3646 SALEM 1410 So. 12th Confessions heard before Mass. ance company. I.ET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. Mrs. Gertrude Klane of Lincoln, PLUMBING AND HEATING Father C. Mai, Pastor Nebraska who has spent the past • • • No Job Too Large and Nona Too Small month with her daughter, Mrs. LATTER DAY SAINTS OF JESUS Warren Stoll and family left Friday Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SALEM Ph. 2-7890 CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT with another daughter, Mrs. Charles Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. Mohlers and family. IM in high school building, Detroit. Jon Tucker was brought home Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. Sunday evening from Salem hospital Zealand Fryer, Presiding where he has been recovering from a leg fracture for the past ten days. His condition is good and the cast GENERAL CONTRACTORS is to be removed the 15th of this WOOD’S STORE month. General Dry Goods COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS The Frank New family lost a friend Monday when their dog, Pat NOTIONS LINGERIE Expert Bulldozing I ty, was killed by a car on the high READY-TO-WEAR I I way in front of Girod’s store. Road Building HOSIERY LUZIERS COSMETICS Calvin Cannon came by bus Sun . tearing, Grading and Leveling day morning' from a five month « « if iCM iWK.rt.RIXSOr.Ä.XÖQClOfIRIXWIWlfbfnt Masonry and Concrete Work 3 I Xa ^3 REALTY SHOP Call George Quick Towing Service All GARBAGE SERVICE Rubber Footwear Repaired WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS DICK’S SHOE SERVICE HOWSER BROS. GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heating YODER-MARTIN Construction Co We Always Guarantee Our Work Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 JFirst ^Jresbutcrian (Church I jHill tfity. ©rrgmt DAVID JAMES FERGUSON. D.D ■ 3» mm Bendix Washer February 12: "Lincoln”. February 19: "Prayer and Belief”. February 26: "Let the Men Serve”. April 2: "Palm Sunday". April 7: "Good Friday". April 9: “Easter”. COMMUNION SERVICE GOOD FRIDAY All Invited ORDER OF SERVICE: Prelude Call to Worship Doxology Invocation Gloria Psalter Selection Hymn of Praise Scripture Prayer Notices Offering Music by the Choir Sermon Hymn Benediction Postlude 3 models $5 down BALANCE EASY TERMS LIMITED NUMBER. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ALSO 10 good Used Electric Washers 6 good Used Oil Circulators Wood Ranges & Circulators Clerk of Session: Donald Sheythe. Treasurer, Mrs Herbert Schroeder Senior Elder J P Smith: Chairman of Trustees William B. Shuey Director of Music: Mrs Donald Sheythe. Missionary Society: Mrs Lester Hathaway. Sec . Mrs. Fred Grimes Chairman House Committee: Mrs D B Hill. Young People: Bertha Baltimore, Leila M Kelly Every Member Canvass: Mrs H Mason. Mrs D B Hill, Mrs Baltimore WE HAVE A GREAT WORK TO DO. EVERY MEMBER CAN VASS AND THEN CANVASS FOR THE NEW MANSE WE URGE EVERYONE TO HELP THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER IS FRI DAY, FEBRUARY 24th. SERMON: March 5 "Experiment. Experience. Enjoy". March 12 "The Grand Amen”. Santiam Hardware & Implement Co CHRIS E. NETTLING STAYTON I ORDER OF SERVICES: FEBRUARY 1950 SALE! $169*50 Minister TELEPHONES TELEPHONES SURPLUS TELEPHONES FOR ONLY $10*°° Men’s and Ladies' Western Dungarees & Shirts ’--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reduced Prices on all Wool Shirts & Coats V Santiam War Surplus and Santiam Clothiers OLD BANK BUILDING PHONE 57« X.