Colonel Miles Transferee! To Okinawa Chamber of Commerce Wires Objection to President Truman • Lieut. Col. John W. Miles, resident engineer at the Corps of Engineers’ Detroit dam on the North Santiam river, has received orders transfer­ ring him to Okinawa for duty with the 20th Air Force there, according to Col. Donald S. Bums. Portland district engineer. The transfer order met with bitter disapproval of canyon business men and district leaders. The Mill City Chamber of Commerce wired their objection to President Harry S. Truman and the Gates Chamber fol­ lowed suit. Local statements gave high praise to the work of Colonel Miles because of his personal inter- est in canyon development. Colonel Miles, a man who rose from the ranks to his present commission has demonstrated a keener insight than have some West Point graduates. Miles was assigned as resident engineer at Detroit in March, 1949, by Col. O. E. Walsh, then Portland district engineer. Previous to that Colonel Miles served as special as­ sistant to Colonel Walsh in charge of all flood control design and con­ struction programs in the Portland district, except those in the Wiliam ette river basin. Colonel Bums said ' ylc"el M'les t. Col. would be replaced by 'ian Clarence C. Davis, forme, engineer with the operations di*, ion Colonel of the Portland district. Davis is returning to Portland from (Continued on Page 8) Voters Choose Idanha Council Next Wed Nine men have filed their names as candidates for council post in the city of Idanha. Voters will make their decisions next Wednesday Feb­ ruary 15th. Five members will be asked to take the council post and * they in turn will appoint the city’s mayor. Idanha citizens are urged to respond to the responsibility given every voter. The nine candidates seeking the council positions are: Sam Palmerton, age 43, high school graduate, at present co-owner of Idanha Shingle mill. U. S. Floyd, age 36. 10th grade education, at present employee of Idanha Veneer Plant. advocates street improvement. Noyes Whitten, age 36, one year college, partnership. B W. Logging company. Lloyd Girod, age 39, college grad­ uate, former teacher, owner of gen­ eral store in Idanha. Also candid- date for state representative. Ted Gillespie, age 50, high school graduate, grocery store employee at present. Fred Anderson, in Oregon 30 years, at present in mercantile business. Advocates "Pay as you go plan” for city government. Charles T. Haseman. age 69. high school graduate, at present lumber­ man. Gates Cochran age 69, grade school education, and business college. At nresent has 130 acres at old CCC ite. ♦ Humber Ray. age 42. part interest in Idanha Lumber CO. The polls will be open between the hours of 8:00 AM. and 8:00 P.M. Election board members are LaA’elle Haseman. chairman; Rilla Schaffer. Gladys Alvin. Eva DeBolt and Floy Storey. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Vol. XT—No. 6 MILE CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRE ARY 9. 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy HIGHWAY 1PPR0VLU! ■ ¡Thefts Cause Crackdown By Police Numerous car prowls, burglaries, and thefts have caused curfew re­ striction and police surveilance of late hour traffic. Police Chief J.’T. King announced at last night’s city council meeting. King stated that the five cars prowled at the Mill City Theatre and two breakins at the old grade school have been solved and the juveniles were apprehended. This week the fire h. 1 and Amer­ ican Legion hall were entered and approximately >50 was taken from the ’juke box’ at the firehall, the same night of the latter burg laries a 1949 Ford was stolen from W. G. Stover and was later return­ ed to the owner. On Sunday night, James Halver­ son, Fairview Home escapee, was picked up at the Meander Inn by local police. The car theft and burg­ laries were not yet solved. Police stated that youngsters un­ der 18 years will be picked up after the 10 P.M. hour unless they can offer an adequate reason or are ac­ companied by adults. All cars on the street after 2:00 A M. will be under suspicion and willl be subject to investigation. According J _ s •» t y statutes par­ ents will be held responsible for the ' conduct of minor children. It will be the police perogative to both fine or jail patents of delinquent children. It is believed the strict "crackdown" will halt the wave of thefts and citi- zens are urged to report suspicious I actions. In other cities where the I parents have been responsible for ! the action of their children, delin- quency rates have dwindled. DETROIT RO AD BLO< RED Highway 222 was blocked for over an hour Thursday afternoon when snow slid onto the road near the Detroit dam site. Plows worked on the slide for an hour and then were only able to open the road to one way traffic. Cars were lined up for half a mile in each direction and buses were thrown behind schedule. State police were present and directed the congested traffic. LINCOLN'S LEGACY WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, CREEP,COLOR OR NATIONAL ORIGIN 1». Gates C.C. Talks Incorporation The Gates Chamber of Commerce held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Gates Furniture store. A large delegation was present from Mill City. Also in attendance were Bell and Devers Stayton atty’s. Mr. Devers spoke on the advis- ibility of incorporation of Gates and advised on methods of forming boundaries. A boundary committee was appointed to determine by pub­ lic opinion of property owners,where the dividing Ines shiould be. At a later date a public meeting will be held before final decisions would be made. A possible water supply for the community also was brought before the discussion group. Mr. Veness, of the Mill City chamber, spoke on the difficulties of obtaining new roads. The next chamber meeting will be held at the Manolis cafe with Mil) City. Elkhorn and other inter- ested communities, The dinner will be for men and women alike Jnd will begin at 8:00 p m. Commission Okays $350,000 to Build Santiam Highway The long sought Santiam highway was hope for some federal aid in as between Mehama and Mill City was much as Oregon is scheduled to re­ approved Monday in a meeting of ceive some ten million dollars from the state highway commission short- the federal government for highway ly before a special delegation from aid. The road is expected to be this area was to appear before the completed and ready for use in 1951. commission in protest to past delays, Governor Refers as Baldock Hill T. H. Banfield, chairman of the com­ When C. E. Coville, member of the mission announced. Mill City chamber of commerce, The >350,000 appropriation was highway commission recently talked made to cover the cost of grading to Governor McKay's secretary in six miles of new road directly west reference to the highway need the of Mill City. The contract will be ,governor made reply by letter to let some time in May, R. H. Baldock, chamber president, Bob Veness, re­ state engineer stated Monday eve­ ferring to the road as "Baldock hill” ning. The remaining three miles to , Baldock stated however in good Mehama was not included in the al­ humor at Monday’s meeting that the lotment In as much as new surveys name had been changed to Banfield must be made to determine the exact bend. route of the new road. There is While committee members had some discussion as to whether the (Continued on Page 8) road" will follow directly along the river at this point or whether an j alternate route will be selected. i Right-of-Way Cleared in Depression The right-of-way for the new road was purchased by the state many American Legion members activi­ ' years ago and was originally cleared ties have not been hindered by win­ during the depression days by trans­ ter weather They have > scently ient labor. State officials stated completed the roof and outside re­ they have realized the critical need pairs, and have added Inside finish­ Thi- "March of Dimes” all-star for the road for some time but of- ing to the recently acquired Legion I talent show played before an appre- fered a new angle for delay when hall. Plans are now underway to I eiative crowd Wednesday night at they remarked the delay was en- build on to the present structure, a thé Mill City Theatre and garnered a forced because they were i afraid kitchen, reading, and rest rooms. record offering for the polio fund heavy trucking in correlation i with In tonight's meeting the Legion taking the lead from Salem when the construction of the Detroit dam honored three past commanders by Mill City topped the giving with would damage the new road, The presenting past commander's badges. >131.42. recent announcement that the ce- During the month of January the The show which began at 8:15 ment would be shipped to the dam- Mill City group led all of Oregon in P.M held the attention of the 350 site by rail was said to alter the sit- a membership drive. persons present for over two hours, nation. Earlier reports had indi- j Plans have been completed and Attenders stated "it was a wonder- cated expectancy of federal govern­ Saturday night dances will start this ful show”. ment construction of the road. weekend. Next week the hall is rented and no dance will be held, Bobby Christensen. 4 year old Bridge Contract to Follow dancer and singer presented a deter- Shortly after the beginning of the but on the following Saturdays there mined version of "Room Full of new fiscal year when more funds will will be dances held regularly. The Roses", Carol Jean Shower came become available the contract for the general public is invited. No admis­ with an excellent ability to tap . bridge across the Little North Fork sion will be charged. dance. I and the remaining 3 miles will be Lennie Dibbern, Salem accordion- I let. The road will probably end GIANT ICICLES AT MILL