The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, February 02, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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Entered as ««cond-claas matter November 10. 1944 at the poet office at
.Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1*79.
<’l. ISSIFIEI) 41*4 KMTIBINGi One insertion for
or three for 11 "0.
The Enterprise will nett be responsible for more than one Incorrect In­
sertion. Errors In adv Jrtislnc should h.- report rd Immediately. Display
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Today, I’d like to tell you about a talk I had with a doctor
who is doing research work at one of the New York cancer clinics
He made me promise not to use his name because he was afraid
he might be blacklisted by the foundation which pays his salary
I began by asking him to sketch in his pre-research career.
The usual 10-year grind,” he said. "Four years of college, four
more at medical school, a year as intern, and a year in residency train­
"What made you go into research?"
1 y *-r
When Is It Right To Kill?
Recently a certain physician was charged with murder and publicity
swept the nation over a question that 1« not new — the advisability of
"mercy killing«”.
This editor lias given the question not only on this occasion but at
previous times, considerable thought and meditation.
One must admit
that those who carry the banner in favor of such killings do have some
points. Many persons, after having watched some one they loved in Incur­
able imin, have prayed that the afflicted one might not have long to live,
and death's coming brought a type of sweet repose. But, be that as It may,
the mortal man with wisdom great enough to decide whether innocent
people should live or die has yet to come Into existence.
It has been my privilege to know over the years many fine and respect­
able doctors. Their character has been without question and I have con­
sidered their friendship of intrinsic value. As a matter of fact, with many
of these men I would entrust my life. However, there must be a line of de-
markation and this would be It. Entrusting of life Is one thing, but any
thing, thought, or princijial that would destroy such a sacred trust should
not Itself lie allowed to live.
The law of gravity is at times very severe and there would seem times
when it might be convenient to break. However by this time most folk
realize that It cannot be broken without the costly consequences. God's
laws also at times would seem convenient to break but with parallelism
to gravity they cannot be broken.
While the problem of where to begin an appeasement with the mercy
killers would I m * tri-niendous, the question that would dwarf It into oblivion
would be, where would it end.
I am reminded of the wise parent who In reprimanding a disobedient
child gave this sage bit of advise. "There are certain things in life we
cannot have”.
Certainly there is a truth for us.
Then- are certain
factors which cross the horizon of our life that cannot be ours.
taking of a humau life must full Into that category.
Editors Letter Box
There are times when community
problems, personal complaints, con.
structive suggestions and such be­
come very much like the weather.
Everyone talks about it and nothing
is done about It.
Sometimes If we talk to the right
person something is done about it.
May the editor make this sugges­
tion ? If you are one of those per­
sons that has such a suggestion why
not write to this paper and let us
publish ft. We would of course, like
to know your name, if you should
choose to write. Names will be with­
held if the writer wishes.
Old man winter took another bang
at the Lyons area, with the telephone
company suffering the hardest blow,
tearing down the lines which had
just been rebuilt from the previous
Six inches of snow was
dumped onto the already 15, knock­
ing out the power lines leaving the
town without electricity most of the
day, and again marooning the peo­
ple on McCully mountain who had
Just dug out of a ten day hiberna-
tlon, closing the school for the rest
of the week and both saw mills are
closed down, but there are two busy
companies, the gas heat men and
the fuel man, who were going in high
then the temperature plunged to 6,
below at the Mt. Jefferson mill at
4 am. and continued to stay at a
low mark throughout the day.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell re­
ceived word of the birth of a daugh.
laundry Nu Method, Mill City and Stayton
Laundry and Dry Cleaning—
Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha
Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit
163 South High
Phone 3-9125
Quality Meats & Groceries
Frozen Foods
Friday & Saturday Special
Campbells Tomato Soup
3 cans for 25c
• New!
At a meeting of the local firemen
Wednesday night Sam Palmerton
was re elected Fire Chief and Warren
! Stoll was re-elected Sec. Treasure, j
■ Other officers elected were president, 1
Jack Haseman: vice prsident. Frank
New; 1st. Captain, Homer Thacker
and 2nd. Captain, Wayne Woodward, j
Carl Schaffer was named chairman i
of the committee to finish the in- |
terior of the fire hall.
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Girod and sons j
returned Thursday p.m. from a two 78
week vacation along the west coast,
in Vernonia and Lebanon, Oregon.
A horse’s kick resulted in a broken
leg for John Tucker Saturday. He
was immediately taken to a Salem
hospital for treatment.
Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. War-
ren Stoll entertained at their home
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank New, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Pittam, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer
and Mr. and Mrs A. R. Synder.
Weekend guests at the Henry
Heibert home were Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Haley and sons.
Idanha awoke Tuesday morning to
10 degree sub-zero temperature and
frozen pipes.
However, things are
not always what they seem, as last
year was thought to be one of these 45
in seven year winters.
Due to a breakdown the unemploy­
ment people were not able to be in
Detroit Tuesday to sign up the un­
employed as usual. Those wishing to
sign up had to drive to Mill City.
-------------------------------- By BILLY ROSE-------------------------------
Advertising 45c column inch.
"Too Little for Brains7 Idea
Is Hindering Research Medicine
It's Smart!
Where Friends Meet
On Highway 222, Linn CounLy Side
George ’Sparky' Ditter
"Like a lot of young doctors," he
said. "I couldn't get used to sitting
by while a patient
died simply because
I didn’t know any­
thing else I could
do for him. Every
time I looked up
into the eye* of
relatives gathered
around the bed of a
man in the last
stages of cancer, I
told myself that
Billy Rose
my job wasn’t to
go on using the hit-or-miss tech­
niques but to get into a laboratory
and help find the real cure. »»
“How did you go about getting
“I made the usual applications.”
said the M D.. "but I soon found
the hospitals and universities had
no funds to hlri research men,
and that 1 couldn’t get a Job unless
a foundation paid my salary. To
complicate things, most foundations
won’t give you a fellowship unless
you first have a job. In addition,
it’s almost impossible to get a
grant until you've published a cer­
tain number of scientific papers
and. of course, you can't publish
such papers until you've worked
in a laboratory and had a chance
to do research worth writing about
“It finally boiled down to this—
1 could work for nothing in a can­
cer laboratory, or I could take a job
paying $120 a week doing research
for a cosmetic outfit. WeU, I had
just gotten married and was ready
to settle for the money, but my
wife wouldn’t hear of it—she went
out and got an office job and made
me stick to my test tubes."
• • •
"HOW LONG did you work for
"About a year." said the doctor,
"and then the head of the medical
center—a very decent guy—squeezed
me onto the payroll at $28 87 a
week ”
"You could have earned more
washing dishes.”
"We managed Io gel by." laid
the medico, "hut the following
year my wife had a baby and had
to quit her job. After that, it uai
pretty rugged. At, for instance.
ter bom to their son and daughter-
in-law, Mr. And Mrs. Perry Clipfell
of Mehama, at the Salem general
hospital January 28. She has been
named Patricia Marie.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and son
Thumper returned home the last of
the week from Akron, Ohio, where
Julian attended a convention, and
was Joined by Mrs. Julian and Thum­
per, making the trip home in a
new car.
They visited his grand­
mother in Missour, also relatives in
Indiana. They also visited in Indi-
ana They stopped in Texas. Mexico
and California
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Free and sons
left the last of the week for Ro­
chester. Minn . where they will spend
some time with relatives.
Deo Bridges, small son of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Bridges was brought home
the last of the week from the Salem
Memorial hospital following an ap­
The B. J. Thrailkill family have
moved into the J. H Johnston house
recently vacated by the Chet Grimes
Mr and Mrs. Art Andersen enter­
tained with a canasta party at their
home Friday evening, present were
Mr and Mrs. Jack Linglass and Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Teagan of Me­
Mr. and Mrs Laurence Walworth
spent several days in Portland where
they attended funeral services for
his aunt Mrs. Laura McDonald.
Kenneth Johnston of Bremerton.
Wash . spent the weekend in Lyons
where he was called by the sudden
illness and death of his mother Mrs.
Daisy Johnston.
Mrs. Catherine Lyon spent the
weekend in Portland at the home of
her daughter and family
Little Sandra Duggan, daughter of
Mr and Mrs Jack Duggan was
brought home from the Dombecker
hospital in Portland, where she had
spent some time for treatment of
Some boys like .«now and some
There are several in this
neighborhood who will be glad to see
the ground again They say It isn't
any fun to leave their bicycles at the
highway and walk through the snow
to deliver their papers, but neverthe­
less they are right on the Job.
Mr and Mrs John Kunkle who are
pasturing their young stock on the
Keith Salchenberger place near Jor­
dan. report extensive damage done
by dogs to several young calves
ue couldn't afford to buy a crib,
and the youngster had Io deep
in a donated baby carriage.
’’Somehow, though, we pulled our
way through, and by the end of the
following year I had gotten a couple
of research pieces published. With
these to back me up, 1 applied for
a fellowship paying $3,000 a year."
"Minus withholding tax, I pre-
"It may not sound like much.
but I felt like John D., Jr. when the
grant came through,” said the
doctor. "Last year. I went through
the application rigmarole again—
275 typed pages—and this time I got
the full $3.600
• • •
“WHAT DO YOU 1)0 to earn all
that money?” I said.
"I'm in charge of three cancer
projects and help on half a dozen
others. On the side. I run a throat
clinic, work in the wards and give
"Any chance of a raise?”
"I’m afraid not," said the doctor,
"and as far as fellowships are con
cerned. I'm getting near the end of
the line I’m 29 now. and the founds
tions don't like to make grants to
men over 30 ”
"There's always the job in the
industrial lab.” I said
Ladies and Children’s Umbrellas
Bath Towels — Aprons
Sheets — Embroidered Cases
"Il may come Io that," laid the
M D., "but I hope not. No mat
ter u hat it pays, I want Io keep
plugging auay on cancer. Il seems
a lot more important than de­
veloping a new shade of face
ponder .
Hendricson’s Store
Balcony Epp's Store
The day after our talk. 1 hap
pened to pass the medical sky
scraper in which the young doctot
works, and I noticed that an addi
tional wing was under construction
Dozens of steel workers, bricklay­
ers and carpenters—all averaging
around a hundred a week—were
getting in each other's way
Over the half-finished entrance
was a space which looked as if it
might eventually be filled with •
block of marble on which a fitting
inscription would be carved
"I know what it ought to be." I
said to myself. " 'Too much for
bricks, too little for brains.’ ”
Unemployment In the State of Ore­
gon has shown a continued increase
with a present estimated total of
5700 people out of work, the State
Unemployment commission reported
this week.
The shutdowns in logging opera­
tions and the lay off of sales and
service personnel following Christ­
mas made the major contribution to
this increase. Although it is ex.
pected the woods industries may call
back some men relatively soon no
great relief can be expected until the
opening of agricultural demand In
March and April. New unemploy-
ment insurance claims filed through
this office during December totaled
1,742 showing a considerable increase
over the previous month.
I Can Dream, Can't I?
Mule Train
Dear Hearts and Gentle People
Slippin' Around
Dreamers Holiday
Ol’ Master Painter
Don't Cry Joe
Johnson Rag
I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of
That Lucky Old Sun
Whispering Hope
Careless Kisses
Hop-Scotch Polka
Why Was I Born?
Toot, Toot, Tootsie
Canadian Capers
Bluebird On Your WindoweUl
I Can Dream, Can’t I?
Mule Train
Lavender Coffin
Last Mile Home
I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of
Dill Pickles
Careless Kisses
I Don’t Know Why I Love You
Wagon Wheels
Don’t Bother To Cry
The Bumpity Bus
Now That I Need You
A Beautiful Blonde From
Bashful Bend
Slipping Around
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PHONE 2243
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(Formerly Baker’s Jewelry Store)
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