been sick many months passed away at the Salem Memorial hospital where she had been for over a week. By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT She had been home for over a week I FOR RENT—4-room furnished apt., modem, 1 block back of Hathaway Miss Alice Twombly 3rd grade , and then had to be taken back to i Garage. See Mr. Regal. 4-ltp teacher here since last fall left by i the hospital for further care. Al Buying At Home Spells Progress for the Canyon bus on Friday to go to Portland though people here knew she was not FOR SALE — Two oil circulating where she was to take a plane to at all well her death came as a shock heaters, good condition, $20 and $50, each. Telephone 2243. 4-3tp North Dakota. She is to be married to her many friends. Emma Cornu soon to Floyd Hames who is working was bom in Switzerland, September and Trailer Court FOR SALE Medium size oil stove, there for Michael Baker Co. He 16, 1889 but came to the United SPORTING A DRY GOODS FIRST IN DETROIT never used, $40.00. Call O. F. worked for the same company here Famous Pendleton Shirts STILL FIRST IN DETROIT States when she was 18 months old. Larsen. 4-ltp We Have Them Red Rynearaon Otto Russell last year. Mrs. Nolan Rasnick will ¡Her parents moved to Pratum a L. C. DAVIS 4 SONS Glen Dryden A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum teach the 3rd grade the remainder of little town about six miles East of yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 95c per the year. Salem where she lived until her UH sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nygaard marriage February 2, 1909. They FOR RENT—One three-room apart went to Portland by car Friday and lived in Salem, Oregon City, and in ment furnished, for couple only. Saturday. They were driving on to the early 1930’s came here where Beebe Apt». 51 tf Astoria where his sister Muriel is to 1 they have resided since. For sev PERS1I | be married at 7:30 Saturday evening eral winters they stayed at Breiten- BRUCE LEGAL ADVERTISING | to Chief Petty officen 3rd class, of bush Hot Springs where Mr. John No. 18766___ ! the Tongue Point naval station. son was employed. Five children NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Mrs. Wilbur Seastrom is taking were bom. three of whom are living, I have filed my final account in the | the place of Mrs. Bill Bray as 6th Helen C. Smith, Stayton; Lawrence One Mill E hh I of Detroit estate of Sam M. Jurgensen, de Expert Repairing G. Johnson, Pacific Grove, Calif.; and ceased, with the County Clerk of grade teacher for this semester. SHELL OIL PRODUCTS Marion County, Oregon and the court I Miss Jean Chrisman left for Port Robert C. Johnson of Detroit. Be JEWEL MYERS, Mfr. U. 8. ROYAL TIRES has set the 11th day of February, land on Tuesday where she expects sides her husband Oliver Johnson she 1950, at 10 o’clock A.M. and the Cir- 1 to get employment. She will stay P. E. Fry, Manager is survived by 7 grandchildren, sister cuit Court room as the time and Blanche Cornu of Salem, a brother place for hearing objection» thereto with a sister there. and the settlement of said estate. On Wednesday evening, January Louis Cornu, Pratum and a nephew OTTO WITT, Executor of the 118, Mrs. Oliver Johnson, who has at Pratum. ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit Estate of Sam M. Jurgensen, OTTO RUSSELL ing. Brad Bradley, 1895 Hemlock, Mr. and Mrs. Rop Newport arrived deceased. Lebanon, Phone 2133. 3tf in Detroit on Tuesday, and expect to BELL & DEVERS, Atty for Exec. Typewriters Calcuators Stayton, Oregon FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean- be here about a week. Adding Machines ing equipment call your Fuller First publication Jan. 12, 1950 —5t John Arthur has bought a new CAPITOL OFFICE Brush dealer. Theo. Muysken, Rt. Agency Ford convertible. EQUIPMENT CO. 1, Box 229, Aumsville, Ore. 3tf | SALEM 531 Court Life Auto Fire FOR SALE—1 large Duo-Therm oil Sales — Rentals — Service heater, with fan; 1 30-gal. Coleman Accident Cliff Ambers Amber» ’ oil hot water heater; 1 pair ladies ski shoes, size 8; 1 Chromalox elec- Detroit Phone 1502 trie heater. These may be seen at LIPPOLD - BRENNER the Free Methodist Church, north Accountants tide. Phone 1906. 3-3tp Just East Fast of Gates Bookkeepngi Service Auditing Payroll Reports Income Tax LIST YOUR homes and farm» with Phones : me. Have cash buyer». Mill City, Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M. r Reid, Real Estate. 3tf HARLOW L. WEINRICK WANTED — Cattle, hogs and sheep. SALE — New Hampshire and i Attorney at Law Licensed and bonded buyer. Will FOR Parmenter Red chicks from 300 call at farm. Write Harold E. BARBER SHOP egg foundation stock, also Hamps, HOWARD CORSET SHOP 318 Broadalbin Albany Bnethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem, 2nd A Broadway Cornish fryer chicks, all straight | Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf Foundation Garments run chicks are $15 per 100. Send Hours: 10 to 7 for circular. Gehring Hatchery & Special Attention Given to Fittings FOR SALE — Verybest brand blue- Poultry Farm, Phone Black 193, Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses- Smocks berry plants. Grown In west for Silverton, Ore. 2tf western planting. Write to Tony 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm FOR RENT Modern furnished apt», for price list. Route 1, Box 242, by week or month. Winter rates. Btayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 Lyons Motel, Lyons. 3-3tp FOR SALE—New double constructed BARRIE DOUGLAS FIR BARGAINS Stucco duplex. For sale by owner, 2- BED ROOM house, garage, nice FLORIST and NURSERY call The Enterprise. 49tf lot $2,500. $800 down. I’hone 6812 319 W. Washington CBI NEEDS accommodations: Single Vi-ACRE, 4-ROOM house, $600 down Stay ton, Oregon and double rooms in private homes. total price $3,000. Phone 1287 Albany or J Or houses to rent. Please list your 3- ROOM HOUSE, extra good loca- PHONE MILL CITY 2602 or 2108 <>uD»nHaHHnHHHnHnHnnnnnu»H» Write Call available space with CBI. tlon $2,700, $700 down. iiimiiiiriitiiiiUiiiiiHimnnnniti 3tf Personnel Office, 4202. PENNICK-PENNICK EXPERT AUTO and home radio Phone 1901 Evenings 702 Service, 20 years experience, all CO.. INC. makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance 3tf January 26, 1950 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE DETROIT FOR SALE — Wood range See Ed Chance, 1 mile east of Gate» on highway. 4-ltp Trade in DETROIT DAVIS Detroit Tavern Canyon Club North Sant ¡am Canyon Garage TAVERN !-------------- — INSURANCE The M APLES Wants and Sales VERNES WANTED RALEIGH HAROLD POLES or STUMPAGE ■DnotHnHHQnnaHHianHnHnHBaHnH I MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2325 ■uncuaiannHianKiaHnnKtKinnnHHHEtH C. E. Coville Real Estate West Side Mill City Ph. 3407 IJSTINGS WANTED I Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance DAVIS Electric & Tavern Supply See Ed L. Davis Lyon», R.F.D. Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service PHONE 751 Mn.I. CITY JERRY’S CAFE XT Phone 3-7193 Serving Turkey Dinner hmmi : i SANTIAM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR Arc and Acetylene Welding Phone 3452 FLOWERS GOODE’S FLOWER SHOI Phone Blue 64 B MILL CITY Service Station Stay ton. Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Friday, Saturday Sunday •mi: COMPLETE DINNER • !1 95c ri lcxs Tavern «•ates, Oregon an. ru n. >» wimanwuursmam* se,« mi . wi inuma I E. ’Pink' Mason, Prop. MILL CITY SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES A Friendy Family FISHING TACKLE Atmosphere Prevails Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON - - • ir f — iis For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the Repair Shop NU-METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Saw Mill Repairing Mill City BLOCK WEST OF THEATRE By REBA SNYDER Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker left Wed nesday morning for a month or six weeks vacation. They will visit Mr. Baker’s brother In Los Angeles, Calif, and other relatives in Pheonix, Arizona. Mrs. Athol Savage and baby. Terry Edward, arrived home from a Bend hospital Thursday afternoon. Many callers have been to the Savage home since their arrival. Mrs. Elbert Brown has been quite ill with kidney trouble the past week. The condition of Mrs. Marvin Thomasson is some improved at this writing, she hopes to be up and about in a day or so. The Deahna P.T.A. meeting has been postponed due to disagreeable weather and slushy roads. Notice will be given of the next meeting. Arnold Snyder, of the Gen. H. B. Freeman, spent a three day leave with home folks here, returning to Seattle and duty Monday morning. Mrs. Louis Joyce went to Portland Sunday to attend to some business the first of the week. Four days rain melted the snow down to a mere three feet, but about another foot of new snow fell Mon day and Monday night. The bright sun light Monday noon gives one hope that the snow won’t last all winter and up into June. Quality iob printing at the Enter* prise. DAVID M. REID Real Estate Mill City SILVER SADDLE GARAGE Highway West of MUI City FULLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS Welding and Repairing Open Days and Evenings DUDLEY JONES Telephone 903 Mill City Standard Pole & Piling 2134 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. IDANHA LITTLE ILLS MAKE • True, that "little illoes«’’ you'r« been mentioning in an offhand way, may nCS seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms; But, neglected, these "little Illa" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; m>< so mention needless suffering and lost of precious time; Consult • Doctor now— yos'll save by it in the ends And, of course,are hope you'll being bis prescription to ns for rareful compounding; Capital Drug Co. Salem Towing Service JOHN ADAMS For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel ••••••• Ttfsdtirïtoiri Mil l. CITY, OREGON !9innBanann»)an»nrna»naannnHn Basements, Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer Camp Mill City, Ore Phone 903 A Friendly Place To While Away HORNER S MINERAL and GEM SHOP Mom & Pop's CAFE Private I lining and Fiirnitiire Stayton. Oregon The Katzenjammer Kids, Snuffy, vf vili ûO j CUSTOM Cl TTIN'G Agate* to Sapphires and Rubles Cut and Mounted to Order DRILLING AND PLACING OF EMBLEMS AND MONOGRAMS ON STONES. Prices quoted on request Member of Ras ks A Minerals Association VISITORS WE.IXOMI Mill City fCVjTA M4M *■>' MS *« V» eocsru. C -y-AST * l A feoom Your Idle Hours GAR-WOOD HOISTS and DUMP BODIES Rodivi Math* to Order lagging Trailer** JORGENSEN-STEINKE’S TAVERN 543 Ferry St. Phone 2 5590 Salem. Ore. GATES : c 7 ÇAÇ" 7 / •orr»-1 6OF A O’ «rw < ; ¿»«AON \ rts MAOCM O' OMSS TX? • mo * PA*»« FOR FREI HOTPOINT RANGE SERVICE — CALL «TAITON S44R. CHARGE FOR PART* 4ND MH.F \GE ONLY. Wimpy, and Jiggs join the March of Dimes \ ! I I