Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1950)
Rainbow Girls Russian Singers Install Officers Slated for School SOCIETY PAGE Mission Society •r Holds Meeting 5—THE Mil I. CITY ENTERPRISE ----------- —---------------------------------------------- Elk Hunters Fail to Report January 2®, 1950 iiiijumuii A National Assembly program featuring the Bajan Volga Trouba To date, less than half of the hun i dours will come to the Mill City I Thursday, Friday and Saturday school auditorium on Thursday. ters who purshased elk tags in Ore I SUSAN HAYWARI) and February 2 at 1:45 p.m. Admission I gon for last season have mailed in I I The Women's Missionary society of ROBERT PRESTON in is 20 cents. Uladimir Bajan is bring- I their hunting reports to the Game I f the Presbyterian church met Wed commission, it was announced today I Installing officers were; Shirley j ing one of the most unique and A birthday dinner was given by nesday. the 25th at the home of Mrs. » colorful musical organizations of the by C. A Lockwood, Oregon State W. W. Allen, for devotion, education Mrs. Tony Ziebert to celebrate Larry Henness, past Worthy Adviser, Leia in Technicolor Game director. Lockwood pointed jZiebert's seventh birthday. Those Kelly, Marshall; Catherine Hale. entire country here for a special con- I and a short social. Super Outdoor Drama by I out that these reports are required | cert. Mr. and Mrs. Bajan are invited were David Reid. Wayne Chaplain; Yvonne Rosserau, Recor f Producer of "Canyon Passage" The meeting was called to order natives of Russia but are now Amer by law and are also of vital necessity Stiffler, Shereen Muir. Nancy Trask, der; and Ardith Jones, Musician. Í by society president, Mrs. Lester i for the proper management of our ican citizens. Besides playing and Marlene Verbeck was installed as Erie Smith, Lucille and Luella Zie Hathaway. Mrs. James Swan di big game herds. Sunday and Monday bert. The evening was spent play Worthy Adviser, Jacquiline Calavan, singing native folk songs of their 0 rected the devotional service and > Of the 16.980 elk hunters reporting t native country, Mr. Bajan will also ing games. Associate Worthy Adviser, LaVonne MARIE WILSON I Mrs. Herbert Schroeder gave an in so far, 7,257 have reported making t and Wednesday evening, a birthday Humphreys. Charity; Karleen Dra- give a brief informative talk on the t teresting book report. kills, and 9,104 reported they were f JOHN LUND dinner was held at the Zeiberts home ger, Hope; Leia Kelly. Faith; Shirley life and customs of Russia. I unsuccessful. The remaining 619 Those in attendance were Mes- to celebrate Lucille Zeiberts ninth Henness, Recorder; Yvonne Rosse- In t I Mr and Mrs. E. Carpenter from reported they didnot hunt. dames Lester Hathaway, Herbert birthday. Friends who attended the nau. Treasure. t MY FRIEND IRMA Lockwood stated that the late t Schroeder, Floyd Fleetwood, Mel ■ dinner and enjoyed the evening play Kirk Wirick and Ardith Jones pro Ipsilanta. Mich., have recently moved t season in the Baker area running into the Kaiser addition. Mr. Car Robinson, Elsie Potter, Floyd Jones, ing games were Carol Veness, Sher vided musical entertainm ent. Mr. John Swan, O. K. DeWitt, James een Muir. Phyllis Pate. Georgia and Mrs. William Shuey presented penter will be the superintendent of until December 31, probably had 0 f Tuesday and Wednesday some bearing on the lack of reports, t Swan, and Dr. and Mrs. David Fer Plamer, Luella and Larry Zeibert. the Worthy Adviser with a gavel. the gravel plant for CBI. I JAMES CAGNEY but he stated too that many deer i guson. Friday afternoon, a party was The Charles Kelly’s and Ernest Gra t hunters have also failed to report. A delightful lunch was served by given at the Zeibert home to cele ham's presented Miss Verbeck with He urged all deer and elk hunters I the hostess. brate Luella Zeibert's second birth a rainbow pin. t who have not reported as yet to mail Other officers installed were; Paul day. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. their reports at once. The right of way may be yours, but Pete Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Red ine Mason Carol Lee Purdy, Pat AT YOUR FINGERTIPS If the return report card has been it isn’t worth dying for. Thursday, Friday and Saturday ; Henness, Dorothy Downer, Juanita Wells. Mrs. Billie Shipley, Mr. Zei lost or mislaid, a letter will do. The » Morris. Novadeen Bruce. Pat Cree, WAYNE MORRIS bert Lucille and Larry Zeibert. The llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll letter should be addressed to the and children’s parents spent the after, Joan Shumonick, Pat Miller, Betty Oregon State Game commission in I Lou Cree, Idenna Shumonick, Patsy JANIS PAIGE noon playing pinochle. t Portland and should include the Graves. Ardith Jones, Cornelia Lee, I In following information: if a hunt was Betsy Kriever. Irene Thomas, Jacqui Children cared for in my home CLOW INTERNMENT HERE made or not, if a kill was made or ANY DAY, ANY TIME Miss Bessie Clow niece of the late line Squine, Violet Semms, Dorene not, and if a kill was made the Borst, and Carol Newkirk by day, or hour In Technicolor Mrs. Geo. Clow, former telephone op approximate location of the kill and Refreshments were served by the erator in Mill City passed away re the approximate age of the kill. IN YOUR HOME BY Doors open at 7:20 P.M. cently in Portland. She was a Scio Rainbow Girls. APPOINTMENT This is one way that all hunters « Complete show can be seen any J The assembly presented past former resident of Mill City. Intern time up to 8:30 • can help to maintain hunting in Ore J 7« RPM POPULAR RECORDS For more information ment was in the Fairview cemetery Worthy Adviser, Shirley Henness, 11111 lllllllllllll llllllll lllllll 11II lllllllllim gon, Lockwood stressed. I Can Dream, Can’t I? with Rev. Nevin from Multnomah with a white Bible. CALL 924 Mule Train county officiating. Weddle’s funeral MELI. CITY Dear Hearts and Gentle People home was in charge of arrangements. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Slippin’ Around Dreamers Holiday Ol’ Master Painter Don't Cry Joe Johnson Rag SALEM Echoes Student talent from the Oregon 141 N. Commercial St. I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Phone 3-4534 Cocoanuts | State college speech department is Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road That Lucky Old Sun now available without charge to Has Everything for Your Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Whispering Hope neighboring community organiza Careless Kisses tions for programs of practically any Hop-Scotch Polka I desired length. Why Was I Born? The types of programs on a wide Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies • Toot, Toot, Tootsie range of subjects include exempore ( 294 Days Canadian Capers «CISKK« lectures, orations, illustrated talks, MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days LYONS ’ Bluebird On Your Windowsill I 297 Nights forums and discussions, debates, one- act plays, readings, and demonstra 45 RPM POPULAR RECORDS Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road tion of parliamentary procedure, or I Can Dream, Can’t I? practically anything in the field of Mule Train dramatics and forensics. Speeches Lavender Coffin on special subjects of the organiza. Last Mile Home b » k i tion's choosing can be arranged on a I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Cocoanuts i month's notice. FREE ESTIMATES Dill Pickles The students, operating under the Careless Kisses LACE BOOTS « 6.50 student platform service, are under I Don’t Know Why I Love You « 5.95 KNEE BOOTS taking this service to gain experience $ 3.50 ARMY BUCKLE OVERSHOES Wagon Wheels «13.90 RAIN SUITS I l*i appearing before audiences. Some Don't Bother To Cry students are ready for immediate « 1.95 TIN COATS The Bumpity Bus « .90 engagements but they appreciate as VINYLITE GLOVES (Oil and Acid Proof) Now That I Need You See MARTIN J. HANSEN advance notice as possible. A Beautiful Blonde From C. N. Harris, assistant professor of Bashful Bend speech, is in charge of the service Slipping Around and "bookings” may be made Come in and see our wide selections through him. «18.95 BLACK BEAR CRUISER COATS ¡a B I of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populara, Old «13.50 WHIP! ORD PANTS I B Timers, Classical, and Semi-Classical «4.95 and up MEN and BOYS CORDS ■ S Lyons Altar Society Party I I Records. 8 S o YOU CAN NOW GET YOUR 1950 FISHING i The party sponsored by the Altar B B AND HUNTING LICENSES HERE 0 B Society and held at the Rebekah hall B 8 O I 0 Sunday evening was well attended in 0 0 8 spite of the bad weather. Cards "First with What You Want Most" 0 8 0 B helped to furnish the entertainment COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE I M 8 B B with several tables of Pinochle and g o ♦ i Radio, Washer, Refrigerator 0 B 500 in play. A bingo table also made ■ o 0 and Electrical Appliance 8 I H lots of fun, and during the blanket OLD BANK BUILDING MILL CITY H Stayton 215 00 raffle several were lucky enough to Mill City 1881 ■ ■ 0 take home a blanket. »»¡ani: 0 Ziebert Children The Acacia Assembly No. 40. Order of the Rainbow for Girls met in Stay All Celebrate ton on Wednesday of last week for an impressive installation of new January Birthdays officers. TULSA G-MEN “Child Care” HOME ; The Younger Brothers : O.S.C. Students Available for Meetings THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE JUNGWIRTH Sami and Gravel Co. OFFICE NEEDS Shovel and Trucks for Hire I I I I I I I I I & Heating Mill “We Aim to Please'’ I i i I I I 1 i i I MILL CITY VARIETY 8 0 « 0 ■ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 I ■ ■ ■ I I g Photo Finishing - 24 hour service Lending Library IRENE O'LEARY JIM O'LEARY <a r\ Wool Yardage/i 1/ 1-3 Off \J PORTER & LAU Housewares Toys Gift Items Socks Underwear Notions Santiam War Surplus and Santiam Clothiers «■ a 0 ■ 0 o o o o n O o O O For Stormy Weather 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J »O. OöOOOOOKaööBnBößKKKHHaHKKtnHHUnnn HILL TOP STORE GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS iBHaHaHö»HHnn»aßöö!a!SB»öH»öi Snow Three Feet Deep FREE WITH 010.00 OR MORE ORDER 1 lb. Swift Premium Weiners and 1 can 2J4 size Eastern Sauerkraut Just lon’t enough to keep those anxious people away from the STAR KIST GRATED TUNA IGA No. ÍL, Sise SLICED PINEAPPLE CAMPFIRE MARSHMAIJOWS PICNIC SIZE TASTY PAK CUT SPEARS ASPARAGUS . No. 2 PINE APPLE JOCK ....... HINTS CATSUP _ No. t V. C. PORK A BEANS „ I^iseious food for prices frugal Open every noon but Sunday from 11 till 2. Down the famous NOHIXSREN S ALLEY Off SUte Street SALEM }3 for 4 for $| ]6 for $| HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. MILI. CITY Opea Wark Day« f