Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1950)
January 26, 1956 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Junior Cagers ’Wolves Eagles Sockeye Salmon Released at Odell Trip Opponent Thrill Crowd in Overtime Tilt Win SPORTS PAGE The Junior Cagers from the Mill I City grade school have dropped their ¡opponents with precision having lost The Mill City Timberwolves met only one tilt to St. Mary's, Coach Stayton's Eagles Wednesday evening Vernon Todd reported today. on the home floor and gave the cheer The grade school has been playing The Mill City High Timberwolves two teams, comprised of the 7th and section little time to catch their breath with the final score 35-33 for took both games with Turner, Tues Sth grade and the 5th and Sth. the Timberwolves after two overtime day night, by a score of 44—32 in the In the vie with St. Mary’s the A J periods. I Varsity encounter and 39—27 in the team trailed by three points at the The Mill City Rockets, home town Bob Baltimore dropped in a lay- I “B" game. With Muise pushing in final gun with the score at 17-14. in for the winning points for Mill team, met the Aumsville eagers last 8 points Mill City lead by a score of The young maple team from Mill i City. The game was even through- Monday night on the Aumsville floor 11 to 3 at the end of the opening City lost the game through their in- [ out with the quarter scores reading to squeeze through with a 39 to 38 period. The Timberwolves then in ability to convert their free throws, 13-13, 15-15, 22-21 In favor of Stay- victory creased this to 25 to 15 at the half. making only two out of 11 oppor- |ton, and at the end of the regulation Aumsville began the evening’s The second half was much closer but tunities. while St. Mary’s converted game it was 29-29. However, with score with the first two field goals Mill City kept their lead and won by four out of eight free shots given only a minute remaining in the first but Mil) City was able to gain a slim the final score of 44—32. Center ¡them. It was not, however, a league overtime period it was 33-29 in favor lead at the half when the score read j Ollie Muise again lead the Timber. j game. 17 to 13. of the Eagles. At this point Law wolves with 18 points DeRosia lead R. Johnson and J. Boyle tied for The B team won their contest with rence Thornley dropped in two Turner with 7 points. The win top honors in the scoring field with buckets to again tie the game at 33 strengthened the Timberwolves first a score of 8 to 3. four field goals and the completion Box score: “A” team (grades 7 all. Stayton gained possession in the place position in the Marion county of one free throw each giving them second overtime but Baltimore stole and 8): league. both a total of nine point for the the ball for the winning bucket. St. Mary ’ s (17) Mill City (14) Turner (32) Mill City (44) evening Ollie Muise again lead the scoring Minten (4) Wells (2) Stewart ¡Thornley (6) F Aumsville bucket honors were ¡Leo Poole (7) Geisler for both teams with 11 points, de Klobstak (4) Ward (3) F Neitling (4) spite the fact he fouled out midway distributed among three of the play Muise (18) Wipper (5) Hampton C Kintz (1) Gray (3) King (4) G ers with seven points each for the Law Poole (7) Neilson (8) in the fourth quarter. (7) DeRosia Golden G Baltimore (2) evening. The Mill City ”B” squad wasn't David Mill City subs—E. Podrabsky (4) , Webb John Seim, Aumsville high school L. Podrabsky, Moberg, and Roberts. Christenson Wayne as lucky as they dropped a 42-16 coach was the official for the eve Turner subs—Eisen (2), Metcalf Carey game to the Eagle Jayvees. j (4), Bear (2), W. Wipper, Hatfield, Andrews (3) ning. MID City (35) Stayton (33) Gregory (4) The Rockets continue to hold the Glidwell, Richer (3). Thornley (6) F Samples (5) Officials—Pointer and Warren. ‘ *B ” Team (Grade 5 and 6) Leo Poole (6) F Hindes (3) league lead. They will meet Bur- ' St Mary ’ s (3) Mill City (8) Junior Varsity^ Muise (11) Titus (9) C roughs Inn n ia game scheduled for (21 Bell Turner (27) Crook (6) Mill City (39) Law. Poole (7) G Morgan (9) Tuesday night in Mill City. Sullivan Metcalf (6) Gregory (2) | L. Podrabsky (4) F Baltimore (5) Norton (5) G Pietrok (1) Moberg Thomas (4) Howe F Johnson (2) Aumsville 38 Shelton (6) S Mill City Rockets 39 Spaniol Schelske (6) Jones C Officials—Johnsrud and Moore Dalke (7) Marttala (5) F Lalack (8) H. Pietrok Winkell (4) Kouhlman G F Gilbert ( 7 ) Kanoff (10) Carey (7) Junior Varsity Welter Deatrick (5) Marttala G Brown Roberts (4) Johnson (91 F Stayton (42) Mill City (16) (8). ¡ Skillings Williams Mill City subs Killinger (6) F Podrabsky (3) F Hamilton (9) Roberts Cooke (2), and Peterson. Wheatmen (1) Bowling (4) C Cox (6) Shelton (3) F Turner subs — Watson (2), Wilt. Bennet Gillespie (7) G Manning (2) Fehlen (5) Marttala (5) C Nelson Busby (5) Plug. Tucker, Boyd. Wells, Collier. Armstrong G York (4) G The young maples quint from Mill Kanoff (1) Killinger (6) G Boyle (9) Sowers (11) G Don't learn traffic laws by acci- | City spared no sympathy as they Roberts (4) Toman G Mill City subs—Skillings. Cooke. walked over their Stayton opponents dent. Stayton subs — Small (5). Small Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! last Friday, with the •’A" team score (2), Heater, Heinricks. Klecker, of 31 to 6, In the second league Peters, Fahshotz, and Pallat. game: An Evening at Stayton (6) Mill City (31) Buel Stewart Forrest (1) Ward (9) Ethridge Hampton Williams King (2) The Detroit High School Basket B Holm Golden Weddle ball team drove out to Sublimity for Webb (2) Richman a game on Tuesday evening despite ] Is a Laughing Matter so Christen Wellen (3) the bad roads and snow. The score Carey M Holm Andrew Videnz was: Emerson (2) Crook A team 46 39 in favor of Sublimity. Stadolla Kaske (2) Verbeck (4) B team 40-13 in favor of Sublimity. Gregory (12) Rockets Win Over Valley Team 39-38 Timberwolves Two from Turner The Oregon State Game commis sion has received 300,780 landlocked ■ sockeye salmon eggs for hatching and eventual liberation in Odell Lake The young sockeye salmon will be reared at the Willamette Fish Hatch, j ery near Oakridge and liberated in ! Odell Lake following the ice break up this spring. Sportsmen have been favorably impressed with the fishing provided by the Odell Lake sockeye which feed extensively in the surface waters during the spring. Most of the sockeye, also known as yanks or bluebacks, in Odell Lake mature once every four years, stated Dr. John Rayner, Chief of operations for the fisheries division of the Game commission At maturity the sock- 'Wolves Cougars Re-schedule Game The scheduled basketball game be tween the Mill City Timberwolves and the Detroit Cougars has been rescheduled. The original date was Tuesday, January 31, but the date was changed to make a break in the schedule before the all important Aumsville encounter Wednesday night. The game will be played on the Mill City floor. The preliminary game will begin at the usual time of 7:15 with the varsity game following at 8 30. eye spawn and die, completing their life cycle. The Game commission hopes to establish a sockeye popula tion in Odell Lake that has fish reaching maturity each year. D< n’t Borrow — Subscribe! Call George, 3403or 88 for George Stewart Mill City Detroit Drops Two to Sublimity Manolis Santiam Cafe Come Early and Have Fun I For winter driving— | | See the new... | ••B' Mill City (25) Crook (10) Gregory ( 4 1 Basset Howe (1) Jones (10) Coolman Williams Nelson Roberts Lemke Culp It’s New! It’s Smart! MEANDER INN Team stat ton (13) Boyle (2) Small D Garlang Shelton Stevens (9) Weddle (2) B. Garlang (2) Poole Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! I Skid-Rid I I SAWDUST TIRES I Eliminates the need of chains on snow or icy highways. = Retread your present tires as low as H $7.75 | for 600x16 - 24-hour service = When two people open a checking account, against which either is to deposit or make withdrawals, the ac count is called a joint one. Both persons sign an agreement which authorizes either to sign checks. This is a good idea for wives and husbands, and for business partners. MILL CITY STATE BANK Retreaded Tires MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP With Sawdust Treads available in your size-change while you w ait. MAYttOWE» ■ ■ fl I Philippi Tire Service | MEHAMA, ORE, | DON’S UNION SERVICE MILL CITY QUONSET GARAGE GATES I TH! SIGN OF V T