MEHAMA bargains In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares GATES DETROIT 3—THF. MILL CITY ENTERPRISE January 26, 1950 Joe Wright accompanied them. Joe K-XKMXwx X!XDW «»ladhötoi « ». By JEAN ROBERTS By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Mr. and Mrs. Flank Wilson drove has gone into Salem Memorial hospi With most of the deep snOw With the melting of the snow Gates to Salem on Tuesday where he had tal for a weeks treatment of a ail MAC’S WOOD’S STORE 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking melted, roads and driveways still re , has come to life again. One hears a tooth extracted and visited his ment. Dr. Andersen of Stayton is main slick and slushy causing dis j very little complaint about the con- doctor. They stayed at the home of Generisi Dry Goods comforts to town folks as well as tinued rain which seems to be pre Mrs. Clayton Smith Tuesday and his doctor. Mrs. Wright returned home with the Wilsons. While in NOTIONS LINGERIE country dwellers. I ferable to the majority than the cold Wednesday evenings and returned Salem she spent some time with her READY-TO-WEAR Andy Spriggs ofthe Southern Bar ' and snow. home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Aunt and Uncle Mr and Mrs Ronald IIOXIFRY BK complained of the difficult job of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Park and Clover. l.l’ZIERS COSMETICS acquiring smoke wood in the snow’ | three children returned to Gates last Ada Piuitt, all of Lebanon. Myers Warren Knape pastor of the for his custom smoke house. week. The Park family left Thanks- is a former resident. Mrs Pruitt Church or Christ here announced a | giving for a visit with relatives in Sherman Wall w'as very unhappy w’as Miss Ada Leedy, a local girl. toboganning party If the snow is Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! when he was forced to put chains on ¡Michigan, Arkansas, Missouri and1 Sunday guests at the Richard's home alright, if not the party and games his car to drive out of his yard onto [ Arizona. were their grandson and family, Mr. will be held at the church. Womens j the highway, a distance of about 20 The Gates schools were closed Mon and Mrs. Elton Brown and son fellowship meeting will be 7:45 You want to be warm and com feet and then remove the chains as ' day and Thursday last w’eek due to Harold, Aladean McDonald and Ed Thursday,January 26, at the church. fortable thia winter. You want to power failure and the Inability to win Good all from Mehama. ' the highway was free of snow. Keith White was the first man in accomplish this as economically as 1 heat the buildings. ■ Mrs. Lula Collins is visiting in Paul Clise stated that it took him the canyon to get the refund on army possible. THAT’S what we ll talk Mrs. Nettie Glover is caring for Salem, a guest at the home of” her | two days to get his car into the Yf.O about when you come in to see the insurance. His serial No being 005. Tnrvv T Lyons, w’ho 1- ____ .1_ . . . . _ Mrs. Jerry is convales daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. garage after returning from a trip. new Spark Oil Heaters. Due to the bad weather none of I The driver af a hay truck hauling cing at her home following a period Claude Seilard. the mills in this area are operating. of hospitalization in a Portland E. V. (Bud) Collins and Fitz Good alfalfa from Eastern Oregon re- Shoveling of snow is the only activ hospital. man of Estacada were Sunday vis | ported that it took five hours to Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul were itors in towm. Collins came expect ity at the present. come over the pass from Sisters to weekend visitors in Portland. Paul ing to see his mother Mrs. Lula Col Saturday January 21 will be the Mehama. is employed in the office of the C.B.I. lins. only to find her out of town. last day the Detroit Library will One person who doesn’t complain be open on Sturday until warmer Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Athey have about the snow is Jack Alloway pro weather, probably spring time. prietor of the local pool hall. With Mrs. Ned Richards last week were purchased land from Mr. and Mrs. However the library will continue to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Myers and Mrs. Gerald Heath. The Atheys expect to most camps and sawmills shut down build a home on the property in the be open every Tuesday and Thursday due to bad weather the billard par from 2 4 pm. near future. vivid talk on Porto Rico where she lor is a well patronized business. Mr. and Mrs. George Stafford are vacationed last year. The home extension meeting at the Don’t learn traffic laws by acci Little Tommy 1 Kirkland who fell receiving congratulations upon the home of Mrs. Inez Crook was well dent. arrival of a baby girl, bom January last week and cut his nose necessita- attended despite snowy weather with ting nine stitches i is reported to be 20 at the Salem Memmorial hospi 17 ladies partaking of a no-host tal. The new baby will be welcomed improving. lunch at noon and 23 members and Miss Kau from the Yeater Appli- by a big sister, Miss Carmen Stafford visitors present in the afternoon. ance Cc, in Salem will be at the Me and a brother, Marvin Stafford, who A business meeting was held in hama community church Friday is the father of a small daughter, the forenoon with Mrs. Alma Kirsch January 27, at 2:00 p.m. to demon Mrs. Stafford has, untili just recently chairman, presiding. Giving home strate sewing machine embroidery. been employed on the teaching staff sewing a professional look was the Her demonstration is given on a of the Mill City Schools. project demonstrated by Eleanor Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke were Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works Trindle, county agent, who also had Westinghouse machine and will show hosts, at their home Saturday even- many phases of fancywork anyone Stayton on display a county wide scrap book can do. Everyone interested is wel ing to a group of friends. Cards Use Our Mall Order Service and Order that had taken first prize at the come to attend this meeting which is provided entertainment during the That Winter Game TODAY! state convention. Before you buy -see the SPARK evening. Refreshments were served sponsored by the ladies aid. The meeting was adjourned after GAS MAKING DEMONSTRATION Mrs. Bertha Kellenbarger of Emer by the hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Os Miss Trindle gave an interesting and son Iowa, who has been visiting her wald Hirte, Mr. and Mrs. William SALEM’S ORIGINAL ............... ' =? neice Mrs. Keith Phillips for several Athey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin, weeks is planning to leave for Calif, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mr. soon. and Mrs. George Clise, Mr and Mrs. Pat McCarley and Chet Smith left Glen Hearing and the hosts. Mr. SALEM 163 N. Commercial for San Diego last week to visit Mc Athey held high score and Mr. Clise Carley’s parents. received consolation prize. Hobby Supplies and Games of All Kinds Spaniol & Co. CBI Has A Big Project - - So Have We - - Toy & Hobby Shop Serving a full meal for lowest possible cost. Damsite Special Menu Also Serving - 65c FRIED CHICKEN FRENCH FRIED PRAWNS CHINESE NOODLES HOME MADE CHILI V TV’S Steak House ‘ WHERE DAM WORKERS DINE” IRIS HOir.lTT __ __ Hili’ WlPTl’H The one fine car The Last Word In Modern Wrecker Service We have just recently put into operation a new heavy duty wrecker. We are now epuipped to handle any job. We have an experienced wrecker driver standing by 24 hours a day. TWO WRECKERS DAY & NIGHT! The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510North Commercial St. Phone3-3175day&night Salem, Oregon Re-Roof Now! While our stocks are complete. I^irge stock of several kinds of roofing materials — ROLL ROOF I NG - LUM I NUN 1 CORRUGATED ROOFING - $TEEL CORRUGATED ROOFING CARLOAD PRICES SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Stayton Herrold-PliiJippi Motor Co., Stayton TEST DRIVE A ’50 FORD —IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES!