Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
4 Vktim of Polio SOCIETY PAGE Reptilt» Collection Shown at School Peeler - Blan IOOF-Rebekah Ceremony At Join For Idanha Church Installation The Idanha community church was j The Mill City Odd Fellows Lodge the scene of the wedding of Miss No. 144 and the Santiam Rebekah Hazel Blan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lodge No. 168 joined last Saturday B. B. Blan, Detroit, and Frank Peeler for an impressive installation cere son of Mrs. Ella Peeler, Idanha, at mony for new officers. the 2:30 single ring ceremony, offic Marvin Dart. District Deputy iated by Rev. Eldon Haley, January Grand Master and Allura Chance, 15. District Deputy Grand President Miss Blan preceeded by her brides were in charge of the evening. In maid. her sister. Miss Bobbie Jean stalled as Noble Grand of the Odd Blan. met the groom accompanied by Fellow's was: Lowell Stiffler; Vice his best man. Norman Thomason, at Grand, Vem Thomas; Secretary. C. the candle lit altar, which was be A. Bruder; Treasure, Ed. Haynes; Past Grand. Melbourne decked in cedar boughs and yellow Acting roses. The bride chose for her wed Rambo; Warden. Otto Witt; Conduc ding attire, an aqua blue wool after tor, C. R. Stewart; Chaplain, George noon dress, with black assessories Veteto; RSNG., A T Koeneke; LSN and pinned to her frock was an G., Lee Dike; RSVG., George Berry; orchid corsage. Mrs. Frank New LSVG., A. T. Koeneke; I.G. Elmer Stewart: O.G. Ernest Brown. In- played the wedding music. ' stalled as Noble Grand of Santiam The bridesmaid wore a dark blue Rebekahs was Carman Stafford; Vice satin dress with a corsage of gar- Grand Hazel Nelson Secretary. Ber denias as did the mother of both the tha Baltimore; Treasurer, Ada Ply- bride and groom. male; Acting Past Noble Grand, The young couple will make their iDean Jackson; Warden. Clara Mor- home in Idanha. ris; Conductor, Alma Thomas: Chap- lain, Blanche Syverson; Musician, Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! Crissie Henderson; Color Bearer, Eva Duffy; RSNG., Allura Chance; LSN ôbbbbbbbb »»»»:»»»«»»:««»»»:«« G., Hattie Cole; RSVG., Rachel Olm stead; LSVG., Stasie Brewer; O.G. Arlene Downing; O.G. Bertha Shep- : herd. Acting as Deputy Marshalls were HANI) MADE Otto Koeneke and Ruby Brisbin; WATER PROOF — OIL PROOF other installing officers were: George Berry, District Deputy Grand War- SOLES AND HEEKS den; Ida Fleetwood, Deputy Secre tary; Leroy Dike, Deputy treasurer; Wilma Stewart, Deputy Chaplain; Otto Witt. Deputy Inside Guardian. Mill City Dean Jackson, out-going _______________ _______ _ Noble bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Grand was presented a Past Noble Mrs. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii Grand pin from the lodge. Tsrksnn thanked her committees committees Jackson thanked her acting during her term of office and presented gift remembrances t o Children cared for in my home them and to her out-going officers. ANY DAY, ANY TIME About 65 members and friends by day, or hour braved the ice and snow to attend the meeting Among out-of town IN YOUR HOME BY guests introduced were: Lowell Stif APPOINTMENT fler's mother Mrs. Victoria Stiffler, For more information of Salem and Mrs. Marvin Dart’s mother, Mrs. Catherine Jones, of CALL 924 Scotts Mills. Cake and coffee were MILL CITY served at the close of the session. Work Shoes DICK’S SHOE SERVICE “Child Care” HOME THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies She does not stand alone, this little victim of polio, symbol of the thousands who have been stricken. Backing all those who need help Is the National Foundation for Infantile Paralyels. Indeed, through the National Foundation, thousanda of little children are aided annu ally by the American people's contributions to the March of Dimes. Your help le vitally needed In the 1t50 March of Dimes, January 15-31. | B B Bl IRENE O’LEARY JIM O’LEARY St st n « » St BBBBfiBBfiBfifiBBBBBBBfiaBfiBBBBfiBfiBfiBBBBBfiBBBBBBBBBBBfiBBUB Dee Jay Nelson, noted heretologist and member of several American scientific societies, presented one of the many National assembly pro grams before an appreciative audi ence in the Mill City high school auditorium Tuesday afternoon In cluded in his collection of reptiles, which he brought with him for demonstration in his lecture, was a boa constrictor snake from the wilds of South America He gave a brief account of a trip into the southern | continent to capture one of these vermin. He also brought with him a Gila Monster, one of the two remaining poisonous lizards on the North Amer ican continent. Nelson stated the reptile is fed an egg a week to keep him alive. The audience was brought to the edge of their seats when Nelson showed them a small sized alligator. He then brought forth a larger one. which still proved somewhat of a • disappointment to the group, because of its small size After explaining how one should go about catching the water animal, he exhibited a five foot maneater adding it was eight > years old. J Thursday, Friday and Saturday J GENE AUTRY in < THE BIG SOMBRERO ; — Plus --- JUDY CANOVA in Ice and snow conditions now gen eral throughout the state are bring ing an upsurge of skidding accidents, the secretary of state's Traffic Safety Division has reported. The division said following another car too closely, sudden speeding up or braking, and too much speed at intersections and curves are com monest driving faults causing trouble on ice or snow. Braking distances are from 3 to 12 times greater under such conditions, it was pointed out. making it impera tive that drivers keep plenty of space between their car and the vehicle ahead. To help avoid that helpless feeling when your car goes into a skid, the division offered these tips: 1. "Pump” the brakes when apply ing pressure to the brake pedal to keep wheels from locking, help pre vent side skids, and to maintan direc tional control. 2. Be gradual in starting, stopping or changing of movement. 3. Use tire chains to reduce brak ing distances and to provide added traction when moving from a stopped position or climbing a grade. 4 Whenever possible, stay off the roads entirely following severe storms to facilitate snow removal and sanding by maintenance crews. J ' I LOUISIANA HAYRIDE ; Sunday and Monday it B*1 mooi ; i and BEN JOHNSON In « } * MIGHTY JOE YOUNG ; Tuesday and Wednesday JOHN WAYNE « FIGHTING SEABEES : : Thursday, Friday and Saturday » SITSAN HAYWARD and ROBERT PRESTON In TULSA i in Technicolor Super Outdoor Drama by Producer of "Canyon Passage” » • William Mikkelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ozzei Mikkelson of CBI, was Doors open at 7:20 P.M. listed among students on the honor , Complete show can be seen any t time up to 8:30 » roll at the University of Oregon in • H11111111111111 111 111111111111111111111111111111111 Eugene. Superstition Safety Division Issues Warning JUNGWIRTH by JEAN ROBERTS Friday the 13th has always proved a hectic day for Horace McCarley Mehama resident who claims that some misfortune has always befell him on that day. One year he tipped over a truck loaded with lumber; on another he was involved in a car wreck. Still another Friday the 13th, his car and truck both broke down This Friday 13th. he resolved to stay indoors and at home. He only ventured out to do the milking and discovered that his cow had died. Sand and Gravel Co. Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Shovel anil Trucks for Hire MILL CITY : Phone 9242 Days LYONS j 201 Dfty8 I 297 Nights Mill City Plant 2 Miles West on River Road CORRECTION PLEASE The Enterprise wishes to correct an error appearing in last week’s edition. Mrs. Ruth Witt, manager of the local beverage store, was i wrongly given the name of Mrs. 1 Webb. We wish to correct the error. The automobile has replaced the living room and the park as the fa vored locale for marriage proposals So reports the American Institute of Marriage Relations, after a na 1 tion-wide tabulation of reports from young married couples. Most couples explained that the automobile was the only place where they could find the privacy that sets the stage for the man to "pop the question”. Toys Housewares ? Gift Items Socks | Notions Underwear iHlilHUU'lli : COURTING IN CARS MILL CITY VARIETY January 19. 1950 5—THE MILL I |'1A 1 NTERPRISE We Still Have Some GUARANTEED - WATCH REPAIRING Wool Yardajie Left at Excellent for Shirts, Dresses, Coats, or Skirts 100% Wool Blankets A few Black Bear Shirts - $8.95 value Men’s Dress Hats Expert work. Finest mate rials. Work done promptly... and guaranteed. Let us give you a free estimate. $4.98 $7.50 $5.95 Santiam War Surplus and Santiam Clothiers DuraPower* VF forELGINS OIJ> BANK BUILDING M11J, CITY This amazinf mainsprinn now availablefor most LTgin models. •Mad« of F.l«llar Metal. Patent nandi-a Baker s TOMAN’S Mill City Jewelry HILL TOP STORE Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! accessible to all downtown gr ( x : ery department SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS O O 0 0 o 0 0 o a o Blossoms In The Snow OUR VITTI.E VINE is undismayed by the weather, It grow« when it snows, and Its vfttlew are ripe o 0 0 0 I o 0 0 °0 I for pickin'. In th« heart < ping — Th« I San Francisco $2 Ask abo* From II through noon till 2, every da' hut Sunday Down the famous NOHLGREVS ALLEY Off State Street, SALEM < ÏJFFORD I. WILSON. Manager O 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 O 0 FREE c a WITH »10.00 OR MORE ORDER I Ih. can of (»olden West Coffee SOAP POWDER, any brand, large pkg. CANDY fl bnrs CRACKER JACKS, « for CIGARETTES, carton CAMPFIRE MARMHMALI j OWS, each SNO-KREEM SHORTENING, 3 lb«. UPTON BIACK TEA BAGS. Ifl'n pkg BISQI K K. pkg. IGA PEANUT BUTTER, each Sp| DS. 25 Ih. No. I CARNATION WHEAT, I lb. pkg., each BABY FOOD, 3 for s 0 DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT CLOSING OUT AND ALL SALES FINAL wool mnm .ineatwt. WHITE STAG WOOL JACKETS M.95. now »4.99 4.99 HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. MIIJ. CITY WE DEUVEIt Open Week Day« from 8 A..M. to 7:90 P..M, a a o 0 o I 0 ■ ■ a ■ < >