Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1950)
IDANHA GATES Marion Forks very high fever predofhinating for quite some time. Mike Streff also is recuperating from an ear infection BY MRS. SCOTT YOUNG By REBA SNYDER By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Tiny birds by the hundreds brave the aftermath of the flu. A cedar tree four feet in diameter The last weekend saw the most The Chemeketans of Salem spewt the storms and snow to feast upon fell across Hiway 222 east of Idanha the cedar seeds and small bugs on I a few days at their resort home on severe weather that has been wished Veneer Co. Thursday about 6:00 pm, the cedars, tall firs and cottonwoods i White W’ater over the holidays. upon this area since the storm traffic was blocked until men from in this area. Their ability to maneu There were five carloads of them and started New Years day. At first the the Veneer plant sawed the tree and lack of wind and the fact that with ver in number, clean snow from . all enjoyed their trip in the snow. removed it with a tractor. Tele Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh of Bend the exception of one or two days the feeding grounds, and generally sur phone service is nil due to the break vive in the midst of difficulty is in spent a few hours visiting here temperature remained above freezing in the lines in removing the tree. made it less disagreeable. List week itself amazing. Because they have ! recently. Mrs. Marvin Thomasson suffered a end a high wind and driving rain George Barrett and party spent a also been elusive the correspondent slight stroke Sunday morning. has not yet identified them by name. short time here this week. The raised havoc with telephone and The Idanha little theatre group met The snow fall to date measures six I Barretts used to live here but now power lines, uprooted trees and made at the A. R. Snyder home Saturday it very difficult to keep the houses feet on the level. Over 116 inches make their home in Prineville. night with seventeen members. Dur warm. Then the thermometer drop Roy Newport stopped for a friendly have fallen. It has snowed every day ing the short business meeting, the ped to below freezing, as low as 19 in since January 1st, 72 inches have j chat last week. cast of characters for the three act fallen in January, 42 inches in Dec the evening, causing the snow to Nearly all operations on the fish play to be given for the benefit of the ember, none in November. 2>i inches become icy and the roads more slip hatchery have come to a stand still. Idanha church, were read, Mrs. John in October. pery and dangerous. Most social af I Deep snows about bury the work, Ray officiated. Refreshments of ice fairs were canceled and only those Dorothy Morgan is just recovering j The plasterers left yesterday until who were compelled to be out in the cream and cake were served after an from a severe case of the flu with . further notice. The pipe line is all storm left their firesides. evening of Canasta. in but not tested in the eight inch School was dismissed early one day Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thomason line yet but they left until storms Nineteen guests came bearing gifts last week because of power failure plan to move to Prineville as soon as make it possible to work. Mr. Ken the weather and the condition of his for the bride to-be . Refreshments neth Hughes who has been filling in and the inability to heat the build were served by the hostess. ings. The school busses have con mother will permit. the ditches where the pipe lines lay Born to Mr. and Mrs. Athel Savage tinued to run each day. There has Mrs. Ella Peeler will leave soon is now moving part of his equipment for her home in Mena, Arkansas, at a Bend hospital at 1:30 am Thurs from the area. The new lights that been some absences due to bad colds visiting in California on her route day, a 6 lb. 3 oz. boy. Tiny Savage is light the pond area make a wonder I and the diseases common to this time of year. staying at the Frank New home in home. ful showing at night on the white Mrs. Edward Titze, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ross and chil her mothers absence. snow. visiting in Portland at the home of dren move Tuesday to Portland. Mis. John Rone returned to her With the deeply laden trees with They are being transfered from the home Wednesday evening from a snow and the terrific wind storm her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and first aid station here. Dr. Wilcott three day stay in a Salem hospital recently, many trees came down Mrs. Scott Lindsey since before of Detroit will have this station. for observation and tests. Lyndia across the highway to make it haz Christmas returned home last week Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod, Alan and Rone visited the U. S. Floyd home ardous driving for those who braved in much better health than when she left for Portland. Jimmie left Wednesday morning for while her mother was away. the storms. One tree measuring two The second of series of benefit card a two weeks vacation at points of Due to the heavy snow fall all log feet in diameter was blown down parties for the Gates Women’s club interest on the western coast. ging and mill operations are at a near Pamelia creek, thus making a was held at the home of Mrs. Joe A bridal shower was given Wednes standstill. A few men are still em barrier for quite some time between Joaquin Saturday evening. Two day night at the Clyde Storey home ployed at the Idanha Lumber mill on the east and the west. tables of cards were in play during in honor of Miss Hazel Blan. Detroit. repair jobs. Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson and party the evening with high score held by of Knowles and Johnson body and Mrs. Glen Hearing, consolation was ’ fender works at Lebanon are here awarded William Athey. Refresh shovelling snow from their summer ments were served by the hostess at home on Marion Creek. the close of the evening to, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mr. and Mrs. CARD OF THANKS Glen Hearing, Mr. and Mrss. William We wish to express our thanks to Athey and Joe Joaquin. all the veterans, IOOF Lodge mem Mrs. Lula Collins who spent the Serving a full meal for lowest possible cost. bers and friends for their thought last week in Willamina at the home fulness during the illness and passing J of her daughter, Mrs. C. Roshelm of our beloved husband and father, returned home Friday. She reports Louis Kanoff. that the weather there was much FRIED CHICKEN Mrs. EDITH KANOFF and Sons worse than here at home. 3—THE 3111 I. CITY ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone returned to Gates Tuesday of last week after spending several weeks in Illinois at the home of their daughter and hus band. Mr and Mrs Robert Marshall. Mrs. Marshall was formerly Winifred Stone. The regular January meeting of the Gates Womans club was canceled because of the weather. The social meeting at which time pictures were to have been displayed by the Marion county Health association was also canceled until such a time as the roads are more passable and less dangerous. Mrs. Jerry has been confined at a Portland hospital for the past week It is reported she was to undergo major surgery. Jack Bester of Eugene has been staying at the home of his grand daughter, Mrs. Joe Joaquin for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gessner attended a party in Salem Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrss. R. L Vose. The affair was in honor of the birthday anniversaries of their son William Boaz, of Portland and Robin Vose, son of the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Vose. Kathy Boaz of Salem, grand daughter of Mrs. Gessner visaed at the Gessner home over the weekend. Also Seri in g - « X X X X X X X X X X XfXJX X X X X X X X~«KB s: Wood’s Dry Goods Store (Next to Post Office) (¡IFTS for the Family GIFTS for the Home LUZIER’S PERFUMES X X X X x X X X X X X X xixjx x X X >OGQ£M8M# Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! — . •> $ JS <a 0 CBI Has A Big Project - - So Have IVe - - Damsite Special Menu January 19, 1950 65c Hobby Supplies and daines of All Kinds Use Our Mail Order Service and Ord«» That Winter Game TODAY! SÄUM’» ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop N. Commercial SALEM Phone 2-1588 FRENCH FRIED PRAWNS CHINESE NOODLES HOME MADE CHILI VIV’S Steak House - WHERE DAM WORKERS DINE ” IRIS HOLGATE — Under New Management — DAVE PORTER f--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N Chevrolet Owners—this is the oppor tunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can Don’t put off those needed repairs any longer. We have made it pos sible for you to take care of this necessary work by paying a small amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. WE CAN GIVE YOU ONE DAY SERVICE—in at 8:00 out at 5 p.m. Install piston rings Grind valves Clean and align oil pan Bum out breather pipe All gaskets 5 quarts oil NEW "HUSHED” 1OO H.P. V-t Ye«, you con »van hear Ford’« quality. You hoar the new quiet of Ford’« tough and ready 100- hortepower V-t, the only V-8 in the low-price field H’l the type of engine you find In America’« coitliert cori ... yet Ford make» this 8-cylinder powerhoute available to you at hundred« lex than you’d pay for mo»t "«ixe»."’ THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY— $48.65 NEW "HUSHED” RIDE Sound-conditioning all around, plot Ford*« "Llfo- guard" Body (now 13-wayi ttronger) make the ’50 Ford «0 »¡lent, you con talk In whltper«. Add Ford’» quiet to Ford’« quality "feel" and you*! Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Don’t forget to ask about our budget plan 510 North Commercial SALEM, OREGON tee why Ford’« the one fine cor In It» field. Ph. 3-3175 T Re-Roof Now! While our stocks are complete. Large stock of several kinds of roofing materials — ROLL ROOFING - LUM I NUM CORRUGATED ROOFING - STEEL CORRUGATED ROOFING There's in your future ...with a future built in Cjetikt-luL sfitte 9) Fvu( efapuA. CARLOAD PRICES SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Stayton Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton TEST DRIVE A ’50 FORD — IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES! <!»