UaiV oí Ore La tu ary SOCIETY PAGE 0. E S. Installs New Officials This Week (liiirch Activities COMMUNITY CHURCH 7—THE MILI < ITY ENTERPRISE .tannar) 5, 1950 Teen-Agers Spend P.T.A. Will Meet Holiday Season Thursday Night With Parties Full Gospel Preaching Sunday school 10 A.M. Morning worship 11 A M. A round table discussion will bfl Evangelistic service 8 P.M. the feature at the regular meeting" Preaching services Wednesday and A midnight banquet was held at I of • the Mill City Parent Teacher*« Marguerite McCoy and Lawrence Friday 8 P.M. the Charles Kelly home for many of association Thursday evening, Jan Walworth were installed as worthy Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor the Mill City teenagers during the uary 12. matron and worthy patron of the • • • holiday season following a theatre A discussion of "What do you con The marriage of two of Detroit’s Order of Eastern Star. Marilyn chap FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH party for the younger set. younger set at Stevenson, Wash, has ter No. 145, Monday evening at the sider the most difficult problem of Services every Lord's day Initiatory degree of the order of been announced recently by Mr. and lodge hall during impressive cere Participating in the gala all-eve- adolescence?” will be carried on by Morning worship 11:00 A M. Eastern Star was conferred on Mrs. Mrs. R. G. Manning, parents of the monies. ning affair were Leia Kelly, Ramon Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M. Peterson, Pat West, Gordon Miller, three high school teachers and three Mabel Parker of Detroit at a special bride. The meeting was called to order by parents of teen-agers, according to Evening worship 7:30 P.M. meeting of the Marilyn chapter, No. Alona Daly, Lawrence and Leo Poole, Mrs. Robert Veneaa, association pre«- Roberta Manning and Dorland Ray, last year's worthy matron, Fem Tom Courtney, Pastor Pauline Mason, Lawrence Thornley, 145, held recently at the lodge hall son of Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray of Shuey, and worthy patron, Wilson | tdent. • • • Mrs. Doris Haseman of Idanha acted Idanha were married in simple cere Stevens, who introduced the follow Pat Davidson, Bob Baltimore, Donna Following the roundtable, a novel as courtesy candidate. monies and unattended in the Wash- ing installing officers: Frank Smith, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cooke. Dolores Poole, Arlene Kuhl i entertainment will be presented. Re Dr. David J. Ferguson. Preaching Presiding over the affair were Mrs. ignton town. man, Jane Frances Peterson, Jim installing officer; Alberta Smith, in freshments will also be served. Sunday School 10 a.nt. Fem Shuey, worthy matron, and Mr. The bride wore a coppercolored stalling marshall; Maxine Hill, in Cooke, Gary Peterson, Thad Robert», Morning Worship 11 a.m. Wilson Stevens, worthy patron. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller of Forest I Everyone is invited to attend the satin suit and a corsage of camelias stalling organist; and Mildred Allen, • • • meeting, she added. Mrs. Shuey presented Mrs. Parker and carnations. Grove and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. installing Chaplin. Acting as court ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC with a gift from the latter’s husband Charles Kelly. esy girl was Dolores Ann Smith who CHURCH, MILL CITY at the conclusion of the ceremonies,.... presented each with a corsage. A Mass at 9 A.M. During ‘‘good of the order” cere A New Year’s eve taffy pull ush piano solo, “Bless This House,” was Confessions heard before Mass. monies, a solo. Oh Holy Night, was ered in the Newr Year for several of played by Maxine Hill. Altar Society 2d Wednesday. 8 p.m. the Mill City younger set at the sung by Mrs. Maxine Hill. Also sev Other new officers installed during Father C. Mai, Pastor home of Mr. and Mrs. John David eral Christmas carols were sung by the evening were Lois Scott, asso • • • the Mesdames Doris Sheythe, Maxine son. ciate matron; Floyd Johnson, asso- LATTER DAY SAINTS OF JESUS Hill and Mary Kelly. While waiting for the New Year, date patron; Edith Mason, secre CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT Dancing, games and an exchange tary; Mary Tuers. treasurer; Halle Thursday evening, January 19, the the teen-agers occupied the evening The fifth birthday was honored Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. by pulling taffy, eating apples, pop Tuesday afternoon for little Luther annual school of instruction will be of gifts occupied an evening of the Toman, conductress; Laurel Johnson, j Nicholson by a party given by hie held for new officers following instal holiday season for many of the Mill associate conductress; Vivian Wal- in high school building, Detroit. corn and punch. Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. City high school teen-agers at a sur worth, chaplin; Fern Shuey, mar- lation on Monday, January 2. Those attending the enjoyable cele mother, Mrs. Walter Nicholson, tn Zealand Fryer, rrosiding bration party were Alona Daly, Paul her home. Refreshments were served at the prise party for Thad Roberts, given shall; Leora Stevens, organist; Betty • • • ine Mason, Leia Kelly, Ramon Peter- Refreshments were served to the special meeting by Mrs. Shuey and by his mother. Mrs. H. H. Roberts. Tinney, Adah; Ruth Lanphear, Ruth; GATES COMMUNITY son, Thad Roberts, Eugene Thornley, many guests present. These Included Mrs. Alice Getton, with Mrs. Sheythe Refreshments were served to the LaVon Kriever, Esther; Doris Hase- CHURCH OF CHRIST Bob Baltimore, and the hostess, Pat Shirley and Bonnie Lawson, Sharon assisting. The holiday motive was guests by the hostess during the man, Martha; Mary Bayless. Electa; Sunday SoLool 10:00 Davidson, and her parents. Mr. and Stone, Claudia Bruder, Shirley and cleverly used at the tables in the din course of the evening. Virginia Robison, Wardes; and Henry Morning Worship 11:00 Bobby Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mrs. Davidson. ing room and in the chapter room Those attending the gala evening’s Bayless, sentinel. Christian Endeavor 6:30 Kanoff, Mrs. Tom Booth, Mr. and where there was a lighted Christmas entertainment were Gary and Ramon . A degree honoring the out-going Evening Worship 7:30 Peterson, Bill Mikkleson, John Nel I worthy matron and worthy patron Mrs. Ed McGriff of Oswego, Mrs. tree. NEW YEAR ’ S SPENT IN DINING, Walter Smith, Pastor. son, Eugene Thornley, Pat Davidson, entitled the “End of a Perfect Day,” Mary Nelson, Mrs. Eddie Stone, Mrs. DANCING BY LOCAL FRIENDS • • • j Bob Baltimore, Leia Kelly, Alona was given by the 1949 officers under Paul Cree and the hostess, Mr«. A New Year ’ s get-together by a "Fleas Don’t Daly, Lawrence Poole, Pauline Ma- the direction of the associate matron DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH group of friends was spent with danc. Nicholson. Warren Knape, Pastor Bother Me son, Lawrence Thornley, Dolores Marguerite McCoy. Sunday school 10 am. ing at Jordan's hall. The group later I'm Dusted with Poole, Ardith Jones, Sue Roberts, A degree called “A Night in Morning worship 11 a.m. returned to the Walter Nicholson Mrs. Paul Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Jo« PULVEX DDT i Thad Roberts, and the hostess and Hawaii” was directed by Fem Shuey Cribbs, Mrs. May Cribbs, Mr. and Youth meeting .......... 6:45 p.m. home for a turkey dinner. | host, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. in honor of the new worthy matron Youth night Saturday Those present for the get-together Mrs. Solon Echerd of Mollalla and 7 p.m. DANCE SATURDAY AT and Patron Mr Walworth taught Sermon topic for the Detroit Chris, were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cribbs, Mr. the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nich | JORDAN HALL in the islands for many years. tian Church is "How to Remain a and Mrs. Fred Gnuschke, Mr. and olson. KIUS FLEAS A dance will be held at the Jordan Colorful paper leis were used in Christian”. Y“" KEEPS 'EM OFF • • • hall with music by Larry and his ‘he deMree which was climaxed by ¡Cascade Rangers this Saturday the Pesentation of the "Hula Dance FREE METHODIST CHURCH i night. The dance will be sponsored bV tiny Miss Christiansen of Stayton "The Church of Light and Life Hour” by Riders of the Santiam. in appropriate costume. Sunday School 10:00 ________________________________ Mill City girls who belong to Aca- Morning Worship 11:00 order of Rainbow Girls, were led by Junior Church 11:00 Marlene Verbeck, associate worthy Evening Sendee 7:30 advisor, in a degree honoring Mrs. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 I Shuey who was presented with a Phone 1906 VIV’S STEAK HOUSE HAS OPENED ITS NEW gift in appreciation for her gracious Rev. L. C. Gould Pastor PRIVATE DINING ROOM; AVAILABLE FOR I service to the organization. A gift SPECIAL PARTIES AND ALL ORGANIZATIONS. North Mil) City was given by proxy to Mrs. Charles • • • Closed Monday SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS $1.25 | Kelly, who was unable to attend the IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Featuring Fried Chicken, Prawns, Etc. I ceremonies. Sunday School 10 A.M. Girls taking part in the degree and Morning Service 11 A.M. representing the seven colors of the Dedication Service Sunday 2:30 pm Rainbow Girls were Leia Kelly, Evening Service 7 P.M. “WHERE DAM WORKERS DINE” Patricia Cree, Dorothy Downer, Ard Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P.M. IRIS HOLGATE — Under New Management — DAVE PORTER ith Jones, Betty Lou Cree, Dolores Eldon Haley, Pastor 1 Ann Smith of Sheridan, and their • • * I GENERAL CONTRACTORS mother advisor, Sue Tuel of Stayton. CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ♦ A gift from the 1949 officers of Services Sunday morning 11:00 COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS Marilyn chapter was presented to American Legion Hall Mill City Fern Shuey, out-going worthy mat Expert Bulldozing ron, by the new worthy matron, The regular meeting of the Altar Marguerite McCoy. Past Matron's Society of St. Catherine’s church will I Road Building and Patron’s jewels were presented LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE be at the home of Mrs. Paul Ressler, Clearing, Grading and leveling ♦ | to Mrs. Shuey by Leora Stevens, and ♦ I | on the River road, Wednesday, Jan If You’re a G. I., See J to Wilson Stevens by William Shuey, Masonry and Concrete Work : uary 11 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Lowell Stiff- i Real Hawaiian leis of fragrant carna I ler will be co-hostess. tions, flown from the Islands, were All new members of the group are ! We Always Guarantee Our Work presented by Vivian Walworth to I cordially invited to attend the meet Marguerite McCoy, Lawrence Wal- « ing. Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 ) worth, Fern Shuey, and Wilson — Stevens. The second meeting of the folk iiniiiiiiiMtiiiiiiiniuiii At the refreshment hour, the I dance club will be held Sunday, Jan- tables were cleverly centered with uary 8, in the upstairs of the Dawes out-door scenes depicting a Winter building at 2 p.m. There will be Wonderland. Serving on the com election of officers and an outline of mittee were Rachel Olmstead, Mel the new year’s program. Robinson and Anna Jenkins. The regular meeting of the Riders IUUXMAM of the Santiam Saddle club was held Tuesday evening, January 3, at the ASPHALT TILE CARPETINO Glenn Matson home. At the close of INLAID UNOLEUM the meeting refreshments were (Next to Post Office) served by Mrs. Matson. Door prize Call for Free Estimate« 4| allmaä £ GIFTS for the Family was won by Pete Peterson. EXPERT UNOLEUM INSTALLATION CARDS Detroit Lady Initiated Into Eastern Star Couple Married At Columbia River Town Ceremonies Fifth Birthday Celebrated At Nicholson’s Young Roberts Honored With Surprise Party FINE FOOD Served 5 P.M. to 12 P.M ANNOUNCING Manolis Santiam Cafe VIV’S Steak House YODER-M ARTIN Construction Co. : Thomas Housing Project : : ! : G. E. Thomas, Mill City See Is for All Kinds of. Floor Covering Wood’s Dry Goods Store GIFTS for the Home Santiam Hardware & Implement Co CHRIS E. NETTLING STAYTON LUZIER’S PERFUMES :: x u x x a x x x X grx xx ;t :: a a X XX JOfx SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Es gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Cluo in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 HALLMARK TI CARDS Mill City Ixrdge No. 144, 1.- ^^O.O.F.. Meets Every Frida, night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. PHONE 574 Florida has a coastline longer than any other State. The name paper is derived from the Latin word Papyrus. Is your car hard to start these cold HALLMARK 11 CARDS Don’t Borrow — .Subscribe! mornings1 IIALLAAARK 11 CARDS Atlas Heavy Duty Battery KEITH GAS STATION IIALLMARK 11 CARDS MASTER EDWARD WILLIAMS 330 Court Street Salem, Or«.