Januarj' 5, 1950 FOR SALE — 26-inch Boy’s bicycle $20, good condition. See it at the Peterson residence in Swift's add. B—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Trade in DETROIT Buying At Home Spells Progress for the Canyon FOR SALE—Model “A” Ford road ster, in perfect condition. Priced | right for quick sale. Inquire Keith ! Kadin, Box 472, Gates, Ore. l-3t I and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Otto Russell Red Rynearson Glen Dryden SPORTING 4 DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Hate Them L. C. DAVIS & SON Canyon Club NORTH SANTIAM TAUERN Persh Canyon Garage Otto Russell INSURANCE A friendly place to meet and eat. Information Center DETROIT, OREGON 24 hours a day * I JEWEL MYERS, MGR. ARTHUR’S CAFE Chicken in the Rough ROOMS FOR RENT—Inquire R. S Corbin. Hot water tank for sale, very good condition. Inquire R. 8. Corbin or at The Enterprise. l-3tp On» Mile East of Detroit EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager I Agency Fire Auto Life Accident Phone 1502 Detroit SANTI AM GARAGE Real Estate West Side Mill City Ph. »407 LISTINGS W ANTED ----------------------------- --------------- 1 FOR RENT—4-bedroom house, 1 mile from Gates. C. E. Coville, Real Estate, west side of Mill City. 49tf ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 Hemlock, Lebanon. * PHONH >U2 Weddle Funeral Home For Guaranteed Cleaning, it’s the MODERN FI XERAI. SERVICE Stayton. Oregon List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, I Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID, REAL ESTATE A GOOD »election of linoleum yard age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per eq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Real Estate MILL CITY Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. I). Phone 751 Mill City H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. BLOCK WEST OF THEATER NU-METHOD ID-HOUR SERVICE MILL CITY Albany LIPPOLD - BRENNER Accountants ’Bookkeeping Service ‘Auditing ‘Payroll Reports ‘Income Tax Phones: Mill City 207 ’ Salem 3-7615 ALF. O. NELSON FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean equipment call your fuller brush deal er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box 229 Aumsville, Oregon. FLOWERS GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE GOODE’S ELOWER SHOP WELDING J Phone Blue 64 B Stayton, Oregon 318 Broadalbin Typewriters Calculators Adding Machines CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 531 Court SALEM Sales — Rentals — Service FOR SALE—Brand new electric hot I - ...... water heater. Manolis* Trailer j Park, Gates, Ore. 48tf Ì David M. Reid C. E. Coville Attorney at Law FOR RENT—One new 3-room house, furnished: and one 3-room trailer furnished. Adams Cabin Court, across tracks from Jerry’s Tavern, Gates. 52-3tp PARTY WHO took boys watch from High School Gym please return to WOOD for sale—old growth, 16”— Mill City Enterprise, reward, no $12 cd., 2 ft.—$10 cd., for fireplace. questions asked. 51-3t Hardwood also, $15. Doc Nelson, Ph. FOR RENT—One three-room apart • ment furnished, for couple only. FOR RENT OR SALE Trailer. $50 Walt Nicholson. per month, very clean 47 model 25’. ‘ Beebe Apts. 51tf See at Martin’s Trailer Court.51-3tp FOR SALE—New double constructed stucco duplex. For sale by owner, WANTED — Cattle, hogs and sheep. call The Enterprise. 49tf Licensed and bonded buyer. Will FOR SALE — Beltone Heart ng Aid, good condition. W. J. Trimm, call at farm. Write Harold E. 50-3tp EXPERT auto and home radio ser Lyons, Route 1, Box 88. Bnethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr., Salem, vice. 20 years experience, all makes. Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf CBI needs accomodations: single and Guaranteed service. FOR SALE — Very best brand blue double rooms in private hmes, houses Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance berry plants. Grown in west for I to rent. Please list your available western planting. Write to Tony i space with CBI. Call Personnel office, PERSONALS Moravec Berry and Poultry Farm 4202. * TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: for price list. Route 1, Box 242, I will no longer pay any debts con Stayton, Ore. 51-17t-15 BARGAINS tracted by anyone except myself. i 2-BED ROOM house, garage, nice FOR SALE — Kenmore washing ma l-3tp AGNESS A. ALLEN lot $2,500, $800 down. chine, new metal washing tubs, large mahogany dining room table I '¿-ACRE, 4-ROOM house, $600 down with six chairs Inquire at Enter, total price $3,000. prise office. 44 3-ROOM HOUSE, extra good loca tion $2,700, $700 down. ■ntBBBBBBBBBBUBiaaiaBBBBBBBB HARLOW L WEINKICK LOST 6-mos. old kitten, dark grey with lighter strips. Live in house behind old Hill Top Store. Charles Faris. 52-ltp I Wants and Sales PENNICK-PENNICK MILL CITY DISPOSAL Phone 1901 Evenings 702 SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups >1 per month. Also light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2325 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELEC TION TO BE HELD ACCORDING TO LAW FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING TWO COUNCILMEN FOR THE TERM OF THREE YEARS FOR THE CITY OF MILL CITY IS HEREBY GIVEN: In accordance with Section 25. Chapter VI of the CHARTER for the CITY OF MILL CITY, there will be a special election held upon the 16th day of January. 1950, at the CITY HALL in MILL CITY, OREGON Said election to commence at One O’clock P.M. and continuing until Eight O’clock P.M. of said day for the purpose of electing two (2) Councilmen for the CITY OF MILL CITY, OREGON 1. Mrs. George Stewart, 2. Mrs. 1 Louis A. Rada, 3. Mrs. John Swan and 1. Mrs. Charles Dolezal, 2 Mrs. Frank Blazek have been appointed [ Judges and Clerks, respectively, to conduct said election Said ballots shall contain the name of each candidate for the office of | Councilman, for a term of three I years; which ballot each voter shall mark (in the place provided) and cast according to law as each voter may desire to vote. POSTED in the CITY OF MILL CITY: 1. City Hall 2. Mill City Enterprise 3. Albert Toman’s Hilltop Store 4. Faust & Ross Red & White Store Signed: EARL RAGSDALE. City Recorder of Mill City, Ore gon, by Order of the Common Council of Said City. First publication, Dec. 22, 1949—4t FOR SALE—’3« Pontiac sedan, clean and in good condition $235. One block west, one block north of Post 1-lt | Office, O. A. Jewel, Lyons. Detroit Tavern DAVIS Bruce I LEOAL ADVERTISING JERRY'S CAFE &TAVERN Attorney at Law Worden Building Silverton, Oregon Telephone 161 iiminii IIIIÜNIUIUMUII ffltUiUUlUHIHIil Friday, Saturday, Sunday COMPLETE DINNER Moni & Pop’s 6 Private Dining Room Cain property described as follow», to-wit: Beginning at a point which i» North 137.5 feet from the South east comer of the Southwest Quar ter of section 30 in Township 9 South of Range 3 East of the Will amette Meridian, Linn Co., Oregon; thence running S. 56 degrees E. 440 feet; thence North 681 feet to the meander line on the South bank of the North Santiam river; thence Southwesterly along said meander line to the West line of the South east quarter of the Southwest quarter of said section 30; thence South 166 feet to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said sec tion 30; thence N. 89 degrees 42’ E. 894 5 feet along the South line of said section 30; thence N. 41 de grees 40’ E. 155.0 feet; thence S. 86 degrees E. 121.5 feet; thence South 106.0 to the South line of said section 30; thence South 56 degrees 30' East 251 feet along Highway 222 to the point of be- ginning. Koenig property described as fol lows, to-wit: Commencing at a point 1,066 feet North and 400 feet East of the South-West comer of the North- West one-quarter of the South East one-quarter of Section 30 in Township 9 South Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Ma rion County, Oregon, according to the Curtis Lumber Company and Wadsworth Survey; running thence East 507 feet; thence North 50 feet; thence West 205 feet; thence North-West to a point 100 feet North and 200 feet East from the place of beginning; thence West 200 feet; thence South 100 feet to the place of beginning, all in Ma rion County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELEC TION TO BE HELD ACCORDING TO LAW FOR THE PURPOSE OF FOUNDATION GARMENTS Ogden property described as fol Special Attention Given to Fitting» CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES lows, to-wit: OF THE CITY OF MILL CITY. Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks Beginning at the Northwest comer Pursuant to the provisions of an 131 High St Salem Ph. 4032 of the Northeast one-quarter of ordinance passed August 24, 1949, by Section 31 in Township 9, S. R. 3 the Common Council of the City of I:!iniHII>IIU1ttlllllUllllli.llldlll;||||iilMiUlldlll.)MI ¡Uttlllillll lllMIIIÙIHiHUdiU Mill City, Oregon, there will be a j E. of the W. M. in Linn County, Oregon and running thence S. 0 de special election held upon the 16th day of January, 1950 at the City Hall, grees 21’ E. along the West line of the Northeast y4 of Section 31 a in Mill City, Oregon, and Beebe resi distance of «60 0 feet; thence N. dence, Jahnke residence, Koenig resi FLORIST and NURSERY 88 degrees 37’ E. parallel to the dence, Ester Ogden residence, and North line of said Northeast y4 Cain 4 Lake addition, which said Phone 6842 319 W. Washington 664.81 feet; thence N. 0 degrees 21’ places are designated polling places Stayton, Oregon W. 24.13 feet; thence N. 45 degrees in said city and areas proposed to 56' W. 167.95 feet; thence N. 33 de be annexed. Said special election to grees 05’ W. 127.22 feet; thence 3. commence at One o’clock P M. and 89 degrees 39’ W. 131.34 feet; continuing until Eight o’clock P.M. thence S. 0 degrees 21' E. 34.58 of said day for the purpose of sub feet; thence S. 88 degrees 37’ W. mitting to the qualified voters of 179.58 feet; thence N. 0 degrees 21’ said city and to the qualified voters W. 463.24 feet; thence N. 58 de of said areas proposed to be annexed grees 04’ E. 2063 feet; thence N. the proposition of whether or not said hereinafter described real prop 83 degrees 04' E. 87.69 feet; thence MILL CITY S. 80 degrees 15’ E. 218.57 feet to erty should be annexed to the City the North line of Section 31; thence of Mill City, Oregon. N. 88 degrees 37’ E. along »aid 1. Mrs. George Stewart. 2. Mrs. North line 89.83 feet to a point, on Louis A. Rada, 3. Mrs. John Swan the North line of and N. 88 degrees and 1. Mrs. Charles Dolezal, 2. Mrs. 37’ E. 535.0 feet from the North Frank Blazek have been appointed west comer of the Northeast >4 of Judges and Clerks, respectively, to said Section 31; thence North 33.13 conduct said election. feet; thence N. 80 degrees 15’ W. The following described property ......... K ÌMKW 308.42 feet; thence S. 83 degrees shall be submitted to the electors of 04' W. 106 10 feet to the Southerly said City and are as proposed to be right-of way line of the Southern annexed, for their approval or re Pacific Railroad; thence S. 58 de jection to-wit: grees 04’ W. along said right-of- Jahnke property described as fol way 162.09 feet to the North line lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 50 feet North j of Section 31; thence S. 88 degrees 37' W. 7.98 feet to the place of be of the One-fourth Section Coiner ginning; excepting therefrom that on the South line of Section 29, in portion lying within the right-of- Township 9 S. R. 3 East of the Willamette Meridian. Linn County, | way of the Southern Pacific Rail road. Oregon, thence running South 83 degrees 15’ West 130 feet along the said Ballots shall also contain the North line of the County Road; i words ’’For Annexation............. ” and thence West 241 feet along the the words "Against Annexation North line of the County Road; which Ballot each voter shall mark thence North 566 feet to the South and cast according to law as each line of the Railroad right-of-way I such voter may desire to vote. and being parallel with the North POSTED in the CITY OF MILL and South half Section line CITY; through said Section 29; thence 1. City Hall North 56 degrees 35’ East 182 feet | 2. Mill City Enterprise along said railroad right-of-way to 3. Albert Toman’s Hill Top Store a point 700 feet North of the south \ 4 Faust & Ross Red & White Store line of said Section 29; thence East Posted in Areas proposed to be An 778 feet to the West line of a road nexed : way; thence South 650 feet to the 1. Beebe property North line of a County Road; 2. Cain & Lake property thence West 560 feet to the point j 3. Ogden property of beginning and containing 14 4 Jahnke property acres, more or less. 5. Thomas property Bc-ebe property described as fol 6 Koenig property lows, to-wit: Signed: Beginning at a point 200 feet EARL RAGSDALE. North of the North Santiam High City Recorder of Mill City, Ore way. thence running North 100 gon. by Order of the Common feet; thence East 100 feet; thence bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Council of Said City. South 100 feet and thence West to First publication. Dec 22. 1949—4t the point of beginning. NOTE: The tie-in point for this survey is cut on Stone at the Southwest corner of NW’ Quarter of the South East Quarter of Sec 3403 or 88, for tion 30. Township 9 S„ Range 3 BARBER SHOP East Willamette Meridian. Thomas property described as fol- ' 2nd A Broadway Mill City lows, to-wit: Hours: 10 to 7 Beginning at a point 16 feet South L______________________________ and 26 feet West of the Northwest Comer of Tract No. 22. SHAW'S ADDITION TO MIIJ. CITY. Coun ty of Linn and State of Oregon, said point is on the East boundary line of the City of Mill City. Ore gon; thence running South 262 feet MILL (III, OREGON to a point on said East boundary line of the City of Mill City. Ore BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB gon; thence East 343.50 feet to a Commercial Refrigera point on the East boundary line of Tract No 23 of said addition, coun tion Sales and Service ty and state; thence North on the East boundary line of said Tract 2131 Fairiiroun<ls R>-a<l No 23. 262 feet to a point which is 16 feet South of the Northeast ' 1 ”• ■» I’...... 1-7193 Comer of said Tract No. 23; thence HOWARD CORSET SHOP RALEIGH HAROLD Tex’s Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails Call George Serving Turkey Dinner West parallel with the North boun dary line of both said Tract No.s 22 and 23, 343.50 feet to the place of beginning. VERNE’S Quick Towing Service Davis Electric & Tavern Supply j] Feet Hurt? Stax Ion llaniu; in* HOTPOIXT K XNGE - < \l I fl l<>\ \RGF EOK P CRTS Quick relief with Dr. Schalls Arch Supports EXPERTLY FITTED ROWE’S SHOE REPAIR and Fiirnilun Stayton. Oregon Next tn Star Theatre STATTON STAYTON Mineral Horner’s and Gem CUSTOM er TTI X G testes to Sapphires »nd Robies Cut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing nf Emblem« and Monoeram* On Stones. Prices Quoted On Request. Member of RO< KS A MIXER \I.S ISSOl | \TIOX Visitor» Welcome Mill City SILVER SADDLE GARAGE Highway West of Mill City FULLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS WELDING VXD REPAIRING I OPEN DAYS VXD EVENINGS 1 DUDLEY JONES Tel. <»03 Mill City