DETROIT ALTHOUGH EGYPT IANS DINED AT INDIVIDUAL TABLES, T h ID DID NOT INHI BIT CONVERSATION - ROMANY GYPSY BOYS, AS WELL AS GIRLS, WERE TAUGHT TO COOK., ON THE THAT ALL MUST EAT. I reland ' s famous SAINT PATRICK, (C/RCA- 389 A. D.) EMPLOYED A FULL-TIME HOUSEHOLD B rewer to S upply his PEOPLE WITH GOOD BEER. GATES January 5, 1954 5—THE MILL < ITY ENTERPRISE children, also William Boaz, another By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP By MRS J. A. WRIGH1 son from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Rampla of Ft. “Announced by all the trumpets of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gessner and Mr. the sky, Bragg. Calif, have been the guests and Mrs. Charles Smith motored to of her brother-in-law and sister Mr. Arrives the snow, and. driving o’er ' San Francisco, December 20. to spend the fields, Christmas with Gessner’s sister and and Mrs. Luther McDaniels. FRIDAY’ AND SATURDAY On Tuesday. December 27. William Seems nowhere to alight: the whited with Mrs. Smith's mother and sisters Preston Foster in air who live in the city. They returned and Donald Fryer left for Provo, GERONIMO Utah by way of California. They both Hides hills and woods, the river and December 28. Plus the heaven" expect to attend school there this Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Rains and son AU Comedy Cast In winter. THU CASTAWAYS So, on New Year’s day most Gates Tilman were guests several days in James Griffin, wife and baby j folks were content to remain at home I Sweet Home at the home of her son daughter of Imperial Beach. Calif, by a cosy fire and live again, in re and family Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cline. Sunday and Monday Mrs. William Wight spent the holi- are spending this week as guests of trospect, the pleasant days just FRED MacMURRAY his stepfather and mother. Mr. and spent; days when relatives and days in Portland at the home of her and Mrs. Nolan Rasnick. guests had joined with them to make daughter Mrs. Laurence Betterton. SLY VIA SYDNEY Mrs. Louisa Romey was hostess Wilbur White master sargeant the holidays the gayest season of the in at her home Christmas day. Dinner from Ft. Lewis is spending a 16 day year. Trail of the Lonesome furlough in Detroit visiting his step, Mr. and Mrs. James Overlock and guests were, her mother, Mrs. Rosa Pine father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Wil- daughter Kathylene, of Seattle who Roten, William Wight, Benny Conard in Technicolor Wilbur White, master sargeant had spent the Christmas holidays and Mrs. Mary Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison and and brother Keith White. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Tuesday and Wednesday Al Monroe, who was seriously in- . Davis, left for their home the first son Gerald spent the weekend in Alsea at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. HUMPHREY BOGART jured in an auto accident near Stay- of the week. liam Ward, his father Lester White and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Varcoe ] Raymond Follett and Mr. and Mrs. INGRID BERGMAN ton about a year ago had his leg re- visited in Tillamook over the New Vem Follett. They report a much In with Donald E. Creasy of Salem Year holiday, at the home of her | heavier snow fall there than here at home. driving for him, spent New Years j father, Mr. Darrel Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Siltala were eve with friends in Detroit. Mrs. L. M. Hill of Seattle and Mias Gale Dorothy of Mill City, brother Mary Lee Hill of Richland, Wash, guests In Salem New Years at the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Emmett Dorothy was a New j were holiday guests at the Theodore I home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dywer. \ ears eve visitor in Detroit. Burton home. Mrs. Burton is the I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosheim of CARY GRANT On New Years eve, a dance was daughter of Mrs. Hill and sister to Gates have moved to Willamina and given at the Blue Moon hall with a . Miss Hill. ANN SHERIDAN where he has accepted a position as local orchestra consisting of drums, In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders were ' general superintendent of the Garra- saxophone, guitar and piano. A Christmas day guests in Salem at the brandt and Investment company. I Was a Male War Bride crowd of betwt^n 80 and 100 at i home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lane. Years' Funniest Comedy! A "Gut-Hammer” Is the gong used tended and had an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manning have i and Mrs. Tex Allen attended the New , to call loggers to meals. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. bought out the interest of Samuel Year eve C.B.I. party'in Mill City.] The name “Old Glory" was given Complete show can be seen any time Manning in the Canyon cafe and Mr. Both men are employed in the office to the American flag by Captain Wil up to 8:30 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltl I and Mrs. Samuel Manning and family of the Consolidated Builders Incor liam Driver, Salem, Mass. I have moved back to Sacramento porated. California Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sheperd, who Mrs. Myrtle Manning, mother of were joined by their son and family, I Robert Manning, is able to be out Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheperd and , after having been sick for the past ' daughter Beverly of Idaho motored two months in the hospital and at to Tillamook to spend the Christmas home. festive season at the home of their Raymond Sophy has bought the son and brother and family, Mr. and stock belonging to the Santiam Food Mrs. Harold Shepherd. j Market and has moved it to the De Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Millsap, who troit market. He has leased the had visited at the home of his uncle, With a . . . ¡building which has beeen used by the Albert Millsap for the past two operators of the food market. Mrs. ■ weeks, left Friday on the Shasta Day Nola Rasnick and Mrs. Delmar Nel light for their home in Woodland, son former operators of the Santiam ] California. ' food market will remain in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wise (Flor Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Montgomery of ence Carrysott) of Portland were re- I Glide were house guests this week of ] cent guests at the Clarence Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mattoon. He is home. with the B.P.R. and worked here Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frisch and several different times. ! two children of Portland were Gates j visitors one day last week, calling at COMPENSATION OFFICE the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millsap. OPENED TUESDAY The Frisches were former residents State unemployment compensation of Mill City where he was employed checks will be available at the local in the office of the Mill City Manu theatre Tuesday, instead of at Faust facturing company. and Ross, it ws reported today. The Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards had as office will be open at 9:00 a m. their New Years caller, Al Munro of Salem. Munro, who was formerly ] employed by the Seitzinger logging LICENSED company, was seriously injured in a car wreck a year ago in January and only released from the hospital in October. His wife, Mrs. Munro will be remembered as Miss Jean ALL-WOOL YARDAGE GOODS ................................ 1-1 $1 per month and up Dawes, of Mill City. $12.95 - 100% VIRGIN WOOL BLANKETS ......._...... I Also serving Gates and Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Richards spent $9.50 ALL-WOOL FIELD & STREAM COATS ................. Christmas day in Mehama at the MILL CITY A FEW $8.00 DRESS SHIRTS ...... ..................................... home of their grandson and family, DISPOSAL SERVICE BLACK BEAR BRAND WOOL SHIRTS ..................... ...... Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brown. I’llONE 2352 BOYS SWEATERS, $1.95 Value ...................... Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hearing have LEONARD HERMAN $49.50 5-MAN RUBBER BOAT __ _______ ____ ____I moved Into the Tucker house just West of town. Hearing operates the ANY PIPE IN THE HOUSE ___________ ______________ local barber shop. $39.95 22-CaL RIFLE ............ I Cecil Haun, the most seriously in ENGINEER and LACE-TO-TOE BOOTS 10% OFF jured of those surviving the wreck of the crummy which plunged over the I cliff above the dam site, was brought home from the Salem Memorial hos- , pital the day before Christmas. M _ V REMEMBER . Haun Is reported to be recovering a LAST JANUARY from his injuries satisfactorily but According to Mrs. Haun, o- AND FEBRUARY [ slowly. OU) BANK BUILDING MILL CITY "he is up and down' though mostly down, ’’ due to his extremely weak Be comfortable now and prepared OBBBBBBBBBBIanHBnnnfiBnBBBBnHl ened condition. for the really cold weather to come. MNNMMHI New Year weekend guests at the Spark Oil Heaters always give 'on just the temperature you want home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gessner when you want it, See them today. were her son and family from Salem Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boaz and three Casablanca CHEKHOV, FAMOUS RUSSIAN WRITER, WARNED HIS GUESTS that cleverness AT DINNER RUINED THE APPETITE. Cupyr'ifht idSO v. v. Ctarke. w—in 7’' 1 ' ihïîe ,: ; r * The Commercial Book Store Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3*4534 SALEM. ORE. Walk in, Please, Ride out, PLEASED Kaiser-Frazer WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS RENTALS SALES REPAIRS HOWSER BROS. Your Power Tool Rental Headquarters 1410 So. 12th SALEM Phone 3-3646 Your Salad Days Are Not Past, They’re Present The best time for salads is from 11 right through noon till 2, each day but Sunday Underneath the Down the famous NOHLGREN’S ALLEY Off State Street, Salem SHOWER MOTOR CO., Stayton Close-Out SALE One Week GARBAGE SERVICE ■ II II I anBBBBBBBBBbnBBBBBBBBBBBBn I i Beginning Sat. Santiam War Surplus and Santiam Clothiers no Re-Roof Now! While our stocks are complete. Large stock'of several kinds of roofing materials— ROLL ROOFING - ALUMINUM CORRUGATED ROOFING - STEEL CORRUGATED ROOFING circulating and Immediate radiant beat For complete comfort. Delivery you need both. SPARK CARLOAD PRICES ¿T oil ciRCULATisG heaters SPANIOL & CO. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Werke Ph. 5O5B 1 STAYTON, ORE MASTER nt» *->■< - ■— -— « llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Stayton