MEHAMA ELKHORN LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker and 1 Billy, and Bob Van Eaton. John Payton, who has been station By ELSIE MYERS By JEAN ROBERTS ed in San Diego in the navy, has been Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boyer of San Several inches of snow falling in Jose. Calif., were guests at the home Ed Romey and Wilmer Crites of j home on leave. He has been visiting Gates visited with Bob Van Eaton at the home of his parents Mr. ana an hour and a half Sunday morning of her daughter and son-in-law Mr. this week at the home of his mother Mrs. Paul Payton of Stayton and with was welcomed with glee by all Me and Mrs Merlyn Knox of Fox Valley. Mrs Carl Longnecker. his sister Mrs. Carl Longnecker and hama small fry, but with little en- Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Knutson thusiam by the older folks. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Myers of Oswe family. visited relatives in Lyons over the A group of young people near Wil- New Year weekend. They were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Newsome and go spent a few days at their home in Elkhorn this week. They were enter daughters Betty and Patsy of Mill soij ' s hatchery were having a gay guests at the home of her aunt and tained at dinner Thursday evening at j City were over night visitors at the ’ time Monday on a sled hooked be uncle Mr and Mrs. .George Berry the home of their brother and sister, j home of Mr. and Mrs Bill Bickett hind an automobile, while further up They also visited at the home of Mr. the road an automobile filled with and Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mr.and in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers. Friday. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. i Jackie and Phyllis Bickett spent thrill seekers was skidding and cut- Mrs. Keith Salchenberger. Bill Bickett, Treva Sue and Alice Fay several days of their vacation visit- ting di-does on the icy pavement. Mrs. Haulins of Cathalamet. Wash, A big snow man stood in Shield’s is visiting at the home of her daugh ing with relatives in Mill City. Mrs. Carl Longnecker has been ' yard but Linda and Judy Monroe ter and family Mr. and Mrs Chet suffering from an attack of flu the were disappointed in their attempts Grimes. LET GEORGE DO IT: to make a snow man out of the dry Mr. and Mrs. George Nydigger and last week. WHAT? j snow that wouldn’t roll. son Lary returned from San Fran Mrs. Mary Patrick has returned to Pat Shields entertained a group of cisco Saturday. They made the trip her home here after spending part of Mehama teen agers with a dinner at taking their daughter Jeanette back, OF COURSE her vacation in Portland. her home Monday. ALL KINDS OF SAWS FILED Mrs. Sischo of Salem is visiting Glen Julian is leaving Saturday for after she had spent the Christmas Any Time at the home of her son and daughter Akron .Ohio. He will be joined later holidays with her parents. Be Ready for Chains Feb. 1st Mr. and Mrs. Willard Chamberlain in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sischo. by Mr. Julian. He expects to drive are the parents of a baby daughter Chinese first used paper at an un a new Pontiac home for a friend in bom December 30th at the Salem PHONE 924 General hospital. This is their third known date. By 156 B. C. they were Eugene. Located % Mlle W. Mill City Terry and Warren Kimsey, grand child and their third daughter. The making it from the pulp of the Mul on 222 sons of Mr. and Mrs. Art Landers young miss weighed 51bs. llozs, and berry tree. have been visiting them over the has been named Mary Alice. New Year weekend. New Years day was a quiet one in %« Mr. and Mrs. Roy Philippi moved Lyons. It was ushered in with quite accessible to : over the weekend to their new home a snowfall, which continued through at Stayton. all downtown part of Monday, but. when evening Newcomers to Mehama are Mr. and came the thermometers were drop 'Z.’l’T r Mrs. C. E. Hayes who recently moved ping rapidly, which promised a low r r n in the house beside the Bob Shields reading by morning. home. Mr. Hayes is employed at the Mr. and Mrs. Art Anderson spent Detroit dam. the weekend in Salem at the home á Mrs. Moe has just returned from a of his sister and family Mr. and Mrs. two week visit at the home of Mr. Jack Spaulstra. Mrs. Clyde Lewis spent several and Mrs. Henry Kornmann, in Van couver. A new grandchild explains days in Portland vieiting relatives. I She will return home the first of the the visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe spent 'the week. ' Big Sunny New Years at the home of Mr. and Golliets store and several other Mrs. Floyd Monroe at Dallas. They Rooms reported the road as slippery and business establishments were closed for two days over the New Year holi bad. Ercill Wilson and Ray Roberts day. A County bridge crew was busy all were gone three days last week on a In ths heart of theater and >hap* last week repairing bridges up the business trip to the coast. ping —The Fremont is ideal for Mehama community church held Little North Fork road as far as San Francisco visitors. Rooms from their annual election of officers last Freres old mill. $2. Ask about our weekly rate. Sunday. Violet Wallen was reelected Phyllis Wallen, who attends school «t superintendent, Margaret White, sec at Ashland, visited her parents Mr. retary, Janet Beilin assistant secre and Mrs. Leonard Wallen over the holidays. tary and Lois Roberts librarian. File Your Saws George Cree 1 SAN FRANCISCO J Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye visited Sunday at the home of his parents BARGAINS Mr and Mrs E L Roye. The Royes In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing. Housewares who were recently married in Port land just returned from their wedd MAC'S ing trip,. They will make their home 145 8. Church, next to Salem Parking in Albany where she will be employed in the telephone office and he will return to his classes at Oregon State college. lij) Ambers' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phelps spent the holidays visiting relatives at Lancas ter, California. Considerable property has changed hands in Lyons in the last few weeks. JUST EAST OF GATES Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson have «_<«• »:• :« ■:«• ••» <«• -as- sold their variety store to Beulah Lewis, Mrs. Gladys Stiffler has bought the house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, located back of the Lyons Food market. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Toland have sold the house they recently completed to Mr. and Mrs. Kramer of Sublimity. Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead have purchased the house OR where they are now living, from Mrs. WHII.E YOU WAIT Evelyn Garman grandaughter of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Donlson. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain have also purchased the house they now occupy from Mrs. Garman. THE (. ill A I’ L E S ONE DAY Service I i COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC ^9 LIGHTING % A Sts HÍ1TFI January 5, 1950 3—Tilt: MILL cm ENTERPRISE ■ —- Salem Lighting & Appliance Co 236 N. Hirh St. SALEM Kiln Dry Lumber and Finish Lumber Retail Dept. Idanha Lumber Co Phone Detroit 7024 < ** 326 O'FARRELL SVMRM^IW^AlY’FR^ClSCO, tfÄLIF CIJFFORD J. WILSON, Manager FOR HUNDREDS Chevrolet Owners—this is the oppor tunity you ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can THAN ANY OTHER EIGHT CYLINDER CAR IN AMERICA Yes, the silent new 100 horsepower V-8 you get in the '50 Ford is priced far below all other EIGHTS-even hundreds below most “sixes.” Ford alone in its field offers you 8-cylinder power—the V-8 power found in America’s costliest cars. Or, if you prefer, an advanced 95 h.p. “Six” is available. Don't put off those needed repairs any longer. We have made it pos sible for you to take care of this necessary work by paying a small amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. WE CAN GIVE YOU ONE DAY SERVICE—in at 8:00 out at 5 p.m. Install piston rings Grind valves Clean and align oil pan Burn out breather pipe All gaskets 5 quarts oil THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY— 9 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Don't forget to ask about our budget plan 510 North Commercial SALEM, OREGON I'h. 3-3175 I. Toys Gift Items Notions n 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I ? Housewares Socks Underwear Sale! Sat. irsia Ladies Nvions 98c H o ? I I 0 o ■ c 0 I o <y R o pair Sheers and Davtime Sheers MILL CITY VARIETY 0 o 0 0 I 0 0 ■ C o ■ I 0 H •j J 0 I 0 0 O 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 s nnHHBBnBnoaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOBBBBBBBBiDB’’’BBBHKBHBaHHHHHH Jim O’Leary and Irene O'l-eary IT’S THE ONE FINE CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD It's the “Fashion Car” . . . more beautiful than ever . . . more comfortable than ever with new non-sag front seat springs with foam rubber seat cushion . . more head room with new headlining bows . . . (more hip and shoulder room than any other low-priced car) . . . Ford's famous “Mid Ship” Ride in a 13 way stronger “Lifeguard” Body . . . Heavier scaling in 41 areas for added quiet and protection ...11 new colon . , . sparkling new fabrics . . . push-buiton handles for new silent-secure door locks. SEE HEAR AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE 50-WAY NEW AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S HerroU Philippi Motor Co., Stayton assez