The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 05, 1950, Image 3

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    Elkhorn To
With Mill City
Consolidation of the Elkhorn school
district with the Mill City school sys­
tem became a reality last Friday
when voters accepted the issue in
Mill City by a vote of 8 to 0 and
Vol. VI—No. I
Elkhorn accepted 15 to 11.
Only eight voters turned out in the
Mill City election at the high school
while 26 of the 28 eligible registrants
voted in Elkhorn.
Action to bring the eight students
in the outlying district Into schools
here will not be carried out until the
start of the next school year. The
Elkhorn district has hired a teacher
for the present school year.
An explanation of rate changes for
Proposed routing of a school bus to
The universal elements combined
pick up the youngsters in the Elk­ electric customers served by Moun­
forces this week over the Canyon
horn district and transport them here tain States Power company from its
area to furnish a taste of summer,
led to much controversy between the Willamette Valley electric system
winter, Bpring, and autumn for resi­
district's school board members and was made today by Z. E. Merrill,
dents in the vicinity.
the citizens in the community. One president of the Power company,
More than six inches of snow cov­
route would carry the students over
Mr. Merrill stated that the changes
ered the ground at Detroit while
the Gates-Elkhorn road, while the effective in January, 1950, were de­
Idanha reported a good foot of the
other would bring them in on the signed to simplify rates, and to elim­
white blanket stopping transporta­
river road via Taylor Grove.
inate dual meters wherever possible.
tion through that city.
Mill City
County School Supt. Agnes Booth This will conform to the practice of
also had its sub freezing weather,
declared the road over the mountain­ the company on some of its other
combined with snow Sunday, Monday
ous slopes via Gates was inadequate electric systems and with the prac­
and Tuesday.
for bus transportation. The road, tice of a number of other electric
Old Sol beamed his flicker of rays
however, was reported to be ready service distributors in the Northwest.
down on the city Wednesday after­
for travel after a county road crew
noon for about two hours, but snow
The new rates were adopted to
straightened out many of the diffi­ achieve simplification. Many resi­
again drifted from the sky Wednes­
cult turns.
Gravel has been pur dential, commercial and small cus­
day evening and rain Thursday aft­
chased for the road, to be applied tomers, however, will find it to their
when the weather clears.
Both city and state police reported
advantage to change their electric
Donald Sheythe, local president of wiring to receive all of their require­
few accidents, even With the hazard­
the Mill City district school board, ments through one meter. It should
ous driving conditions along the
said today further action on the mat­ be noted that present customers will
highway. Police still urge drivers to
X &
ter would be way-layed until alloca­ in no instance have an increased
use caution because of the icy pave­
■ F — *•
w *
tion of funds for the coming year are electric bill as a result of the new
made at the next meeting of the ( rates.
Most schools again resumed Tues­
» ■ ■
day, although busses were hampered
The change rates will also apply to
Total taxes from the addition of
by traveling conditions. The Parent
practically all new connections made
the school to the local district would
Teacher meeting at Stayton was
to the Willamette Valley system of
give Mill City’s school system $65,000
called off because of the weather, but
i the company and will result in sav.
more to work with for the coming
Mill City parents will hold their meet-
i ings to the customer because he will
This will be used for addi­
ing as per usual.
' in most cases need to provide wiring
tional teachers and building equip­
A scheduled basketball game be­
for only one meter regardless of the
ment badly needed here.
tween Mill City and Turner Friday
types of electric service he may use.
A decision for routing of the bus
night will be played, it was reported,
Mr. Merrill pointed out that elec­
will be left until the time of
a scheduled non-league
leaded with house trailers for Mongold, the seini-truck and trailer belonging to E. IL llitclunan of Salem,
tric service in this area is one of the
meeting, Sheythe said.
game between the Wolves and Che-
few commodities which have not in-
mawa was called Tuesday evening
dow in the Dawes building and also damaged the trailer house on the truck.
It was an hour before the
I creased in price since pre-war days
wreckage was cleared and the hazard to traffic removed.
The upper picture shows how the truck and
because of road conditions.
and that this new step in rate simpli-
trailer finally stopped and the lower a close-up of the damage.
(Photos courtesy of Capital Journal.)
Throughout the northwest, floods
cation is in accordance with the com­
are endangering several communities
pany’s policy of providing a more
in British Columbia, ice flows caused
Registration of Bicycles
convenient means for customers to
blocking of the Yakima reservoir,
With Police Due Here
make a greater use of the service.
cutting off the water supply for some
Details as to the application of
time, and icy roads In Portland and
All bicycle owners are being
these rate changes are available at
Seattle caused many accidents.
urged to register their two wheel­
all of the : . yany's Willamette val­
Schools were closed in many sub­
ers with the local police, J. T. King,
Soil conservation district forma­ ley offices. Customers are invited to
urban communities .n «Washington
police chief said today.
tion for Linn county will be discussed call or write if they should desire
Railway transportation was
Police will register the name, ad­
at a special meetingat the new Lyons further information or advice rela-
delayed for several hours by the
dress, number and color of the bi­
school Thursday evening at 8:00 f tive to their electric service, accord­
weather wave.
cycle for filing. This will facilitate
this locality has not stopped work on
combined to make it tough going for
ing to C. M. Cline, local manager.
Here at home, three families at the
finding of stolen bicycles if such a
R. B. Hitchman, Salem truck owner,
the Detroit and Big Cliff dams, al­
need should arise.
old Amalgamated mine 15 miles
Petitions for formation of the dis­
who was transporting a heavily lad-
though workmen did remain off the
King said owners can register
above Elkhorn were in danger of be-
trict are being circulated throughout
job Wednesday, Jack Murray, CBI|ln<r . . . . ¿
ened semi-truck-trailer load of pre­
.nnnrt/d tn.Lv
b,O,ate<l b*
anytime during the day or evening. 1 official reported
the local area to gain approval of a
. the
— hp
/ snows. It
fabricated homes from Portland to
was just one year ago that heavy
district in this immediate area.
He added that work has already
the Mongold government camp, Mon
equipment was put into action to
Anyone owning ten acres or more
day morning.
begun on construction of the aggre­
carry relief supplies through to the
of land are urged to be present at the
About 9 a m. the truck driver hit
same location The group, last year,
special meeting Thursday evening.
ing of a 108 inch steel retaining tun­
the famous Banfields’ loop out of
were marooned for more than two
Several of the soil conservation staff
Mill City, slid, and lodged against the
from Stayton will be there to answer
| length when finished.
Electrical power was put out for wall of the Mill City tavern, causing
Electric power service was cut off
any and all questions pertaining to three hours and 25 minutes in the damage to the houses, wall of the
A few new workers are being put
more than three hours in the Mill
soil conservation.
on the pay rolls, replacing those who
Mill City, Lyons, Mehama area Tues­ tavern, and breaking in the window
City area when a tree became over­
Those circulating petitions for the day night when a tree uprooted and in the establishment.
Funeral services for Virgil Johnson
loaded with snow and uprooted, sev­
formation are Ike Myers, Steve Dark, fell across a power line between Scio
Traffic was snarled for more than asphyxiated victim when his automo­ ; is no foresight of adding more work­ ering a power line in Its fall
Chet Blum. Tony Marnick and Elmer and Lyons, it was reported by the an hour before the equipment could bile slide into a snowbank recently on ers in the near future.
Sleigh parties, skiing and general
Meanwhile, Colonel Miles reported
Mountain States Power company of­ be turned around. A Hammond stage the Dalles-California highway be­
time partying occupied the
ficials today.
line bus. as well as travelers through tween Bend and Klamath Falls, were work is going ahead of schedule at time for most of the younger set in
An emergency power unit carried the city were delayed by the acci- held at Weddle’s Funeral parlor in
and around Mill City. Planned en­
Stayton Thursday, December 29, work at the new fish hatchery.
power to parts of Marion county 45 dent.
tertainment and work for the old­
minutes after the accident, it was
Another truck bound for the same with the Reverand Lloyd Whitford of
sters still carried on.
struction of an information booth, to
reported. Light service in the Stay­ place, and the large semi involved Sutherland officiating.
be located on the highway, he added.
ton area, however, was not dis- in the wreck, had to return to Salem
The body was brougnt from Klam­
and wait for better conditions before ath Falls, where it was previously Bids will also be open for call in the
near future for construction of a
reported the burial was to take place
The accident occured at 10:35 pm., again attempting the trip.
storage house for rock core.
Roy Eaves was bound over to a
company officials said.
Many local
Two days later, one of the trucks
The victim died from fumes of core, obtained from drilling in the
grand jury and his wifi was turned citizens used left over candles from
did make it through with a load of carbon monoxide from the exhaust of area of the dams, will be saved for
over to juvenile authorities in Salem the holidays and flashlights during
Accidents have hit a low ebb dur­
houses, it was reported. Stewart's his car after the car slide backwards
general information and inspection.
by the Breitenbush justice of the
ing the week although rain, snow,
the emergency.
wrecker removed the stalled truck
into the snowbank as he was travel­
Fifteen housing units and utilities
peace following their arrest Decem­
ling from Crescent Lake to Bend. originally scheduled to be open to sleet, and the many elements of the
ber 28 for possession of stolen goods
Also killed in the accident were Jack call this month, have been tempo­ universe
valued at $93.35,
Virgil Friedley and his wife, Drucilla, rarily stymied through army negotia- through the Canyon area, Chief of
The goods had been stolen from
Police J. T. King reported today.
of Idanha. The trio had been work­
t Continued on Page 10)
three different stores in Detroit over
ing the vicinity of Bend.
Most serious accident was the Mon.
a period of about a month, The arti-
day morning freak on the hill going
cles included a watch stolen from the
through Mill City in which a heavily
of Mill City and had worked here as
home of Mrs. Pike.
loaded truck slipped on the icy road
The arrest was made by state pa
Mining company officials living at centers in the one way road, they
and lodged against the MUI City
trolman Robert Steele who arraigned the old Amalgamated mine located said.
the couple into the Britenbush justice on the Little North Fork, 15 miles
Residing at the mine this winter and four children.
King warned drivers, however, to
Burial was in the Fox Valley ceme-
court in Idanha.
above Elkhorn, are in danger of be­ are the Hewitts and Mr. and Mrs.
use caution while driving and avoid
Walter Dozier of Stayton was ar- ing isolated again, as they were from Justin Trippett and Mr. and Mrs. tary near Lyons.
laigned before the Albany justice December through March first of last Bill Boeman, relatives of the Hewitts
Oscar Chapman, President Tru­
Meanwhile, Bob Steele, local state
court charged with wanton waste of year.
Last winter the group was ma­
man's recent appointee as secretary
game on December 13 by Steele. He
More than two feet of snow cov. rooned for more than two months by
of interior is expected as principal police officer, has warned drivers to
was fined $154
The Albany court ered the ground New Year's day, high snow banks and bad weather.
speaker at the annual Democratic use chains for all driving. He said
also fined Brice A. Dolzer of Stay, periously hampering transportation When provisions ran low, Mr. Trip- FRIDAY—
Jackson day dinner January 7 at 6:00 they will be needed for all travel over
ton the same amount for killing deer to and from the mine.
pett snow-shoed out for help.
pm. at the Cosmopolitan club, 11th the Santiam Paas highway.
with less than a forked horn and in
Mr and Mrs. Ercill Wilson and Mr employed two cats to rescue the x VtTRDAY—
and S W. Alder streets in Portland,
closed season.
and Mrs. Myran Fender of Mehama, party. It took seven days to work
Earl G. Maxon, Linn county Demo­ REPTILE < HARMER TO
•Santiam Riders Dance
Two Stayton men. Leroy Harold who were New Year's dinner guests into the mine with the equipment.
cratic chairman, announced recently. SHOW HERE
Fehlen and John Edward Mack were of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hewitt, mine
Although the camp is situated 30
All Linn county democrats interes
Folk Dance club 2 p m.
Dee Jay Nelson, noted reptile mes-
charged with hunting ducks after superintendent, said it took nearly miles from the nearest town, and is MONDAY—
ted in attending the $2.00 dinner are merixer, will be featured on a na­
hours December 20 and fined $14 In five hours to make the trip from accessable only by a narrow rocky
Lions club meeting
asked to make reservations by writ­ tional program at the Mill City high
Stay ton justice court.
Mehama to the mine via jeep. The ledge for a road, the officials have
ing Chairman Mason at route 2, Al­ school auditorium Tuesday, January
Boy Scouts 7:30
A charge of possession of venison jeep had been equipped with chains made the place both comfortable and TLESDAY—
10. starting at 2:45 p.m.
in closed season was imposed on four on all four wheels.
This will be Chapman's first pub­
Nelson will bring with him a boa
Detroit men. Lawrence Newell Trask,
The visit was well worth the labor
Idanha Eagles 8 p m.
Electricity is generated with small
lic appearance in Oregon since his constrictor and several other well
Phillip Edward Robinson, George Ro­ ing trip, however, because of the lav­ power pumpers from local streams.
Altar Society meets 2nd Wed.
appointment and he is expected to known varieties of snakes, which he
bert Winters and Charles R Win­ ish entertainment offered them by An unexpected eye catcher is a beau­ Till RXDAY—
discuss the program of his depart­ will use for demonstration in his lec­
ters. who were cited into court by their hosts.
The two couples were tiful grand piano gracing the living
IT A meeting
ment for the development of the ture.
state police
sometimes halted by slides and high room of the Hewitt home.
resources of Oregon
Conservation meet, Lyons School
Admission will be 25 cents.
Rate Changes
In Electricity
Due Here
Snow and Ice
Front Hits
Local Area
1 a
Soil Officials
Will Discuss
ÏI 1
Ice and Snow
Cause Wreck
In Mill City
Electric Service
Disrupted Here
By Failing Tree
Weather Does
Not Hamper
Dam Project
Funeral Service
For Gas Victim
Held in Stavton
Couple Arrested
For Possession
Of Stolen Goods
Travel Hampered
By Bad Roads
Amalgamated Mine Officials
May be Isolated again
Truman Appointee
To Be Featured
At Demo Banquet
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