The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, January 05, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    Power Failure
Felt Mondav
At Gates
Lamport Files
As Candidate
For Senate
Voters Decide-
(Continued from Page 1)
from Mill City district has, up to the
past two years, been using regularly
over the hill by Taylor’s Grove.
Sletto who is attending
The distance via the Elkhorn-Gates
Gates foll^ felt grateful the day road is approximately seven miles, he Pacific Lutheran college at Parkland,
| after Christmas, to Mountain States stated, with drivng time only 20 min­ Wash, is home for a two weeks
Power company for its selection of utes. The alternate route by way of vacation at the home of her parents
A republican, Fred S. Lamport, has
the morning after for a three-hour Taylor Grove would increase the time Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto.
filed Intention of running for the
| power failure that rendered useless to 35 minutes.
state senate from Marion county in
Dinner guests at the Floyd Bassett
all electric stoves and hotplates, elec­ It was reported this week that the home were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
the 1950 political election.
tric lights, and water in those homes contingent road was put into driving Burgess, Mildred Burgess, Donald
Lamport was first appointed to the
employing electric pumps.
senate in 1943 to fill the position
condition the last part of September, and Vernon Case of Klamath Falls,
temporarily vacated by the war ser-
In fact, a better selection of the following a road trip made by Walter Mr. and Mrs. Merle Devine and fam­
day could not have been made. Bell and Mrs. Booth, superintendent ily of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Everyone had savory leftovers to of the Marion county school district. Bevier of Fox Valley, and Mr. and
serve, and if cold turkey and pump­ Mrs. Booth stated, after her trip, Mrs. Dale Bassett of Corvallis.
kin pie appears to be a peculiar menu that the school board would not allow Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs
at breakfast, that is more tempting a bus to transport students over the Arnold Syverson and family, Mr. and
ON YOUR MARK! ... No ques­
by far than raw bacon strips and route.
Mrs. Virgil Cribbs and family of Mill
tion when 1950 arrives for Laura I un-cooked cackleberries.
The county road crew, it was re­ [City, and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin
Bai one of Elgin, III. Watchmaker
Also, on the dark day, Christmas ported by William Bickett, father of Raines of Lacomb, Miss Norma Jean
there produced giant time-piece
complete with precision movement j candles that had been used for cen­ several of the Elkhorn pupils, has and Lorena June Devine returned to
—just for moments like this!
ter pieces or mantel decorations were purchased gravel to place on the Klamath Falls with the Burgesses
: handy to give light.
road when the weather clears. He for the remainder of the week and
with the late Senator Charles Mc­ Thank you, Mountain States, for also added, several pains taking turns Cecil Bassett went to Corvallis with
Nary in his law office and in his quitting us on Monday instead of have been eliminated, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett.
campaigns. It has been my earnest , Sunday.
much drainage work done by the
Miss Jeanine Bentley who is at-
hope that my service in the state
crew who improved the road.
I tending Linfield college at McMinn-
senate would reflect the high char­
The Elkhorn-Gates road, it was yille is spending her vacation at the
Dog And Candy Don’t Mix
acter and integrity of his career.
reported, is now being used by crum­ home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Missing: one three-pound box of mies to transport men to and from Joe Bentley.
“My record in the 1943, 1945, and
1949 sessions is the best possible French cremes.
CBI, and was used during the cold
At the home of Rev. and Mrs. O.
basis upon which the voters may
Result: one very, very sick dog.
snap and snow bound days this win- A. Jewell were their daughter and
decide whether they wish me to con-
It has been brought out by family of Richland, Wash., and Paul
Mr. C. E. Coville, local real estate ter.
tinue in the senate. No part of that man, had to walk the floor of his those favoring the issue that only Jewell of Salem.
record pleases me more than the
Christmas day dinner guests at the
Vice of the then State Senator Doug­ reputation that I was one of the eas- home with his pet dog Christmas those fighting the consolidation are
las McKay. He served in the 1943 iest men in the senate with whom an day and evening because of the fol­ people in the Elkhorn district who do home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers
not have children.
were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stockwell
and 1945 sessions under this appoint­ average voter could discuss legisla­ lowing events:
and children of Salem, Mrs. Ina
tion of interest to him."
pound box of French creme can­ to wait, it was brought out by Mr. Stockwell of Stay ton and Mr. and
When McKay resigned to begin his
Lamport's legislative activities
term as governor, Lamport again 1 have covered a broad field of inter­ dies. She laid the box near a living Bickett, for a school bus from Stay­ Mrs. Jim Kimery of Lyons.
Miss Jeanette Nydigger, who is
was appointed by the Marion county ests. He has sponsored or co-spon­ room chair when they left for an ton, with high school pupils, if the
court and served in the 1949 session sored laws requiring that circus tents outing in the afternoon of the holi- proposed consolidation with Lyons, employed in San Francisco, arrived
issued by those disfavorable to the by plane at Salem to spend her vaca­
The court was interested at that • be fireproofed and one prohibiting day.
time with legislation to keep Marlon 1 fishing in Mill creek by persons over
will never two districts merger into one, were tion at the home of her parents, Mr.
county from falling within the class 1 17 years of age, publicity releases touch food unless it is placed in his to go into effect. This would mean and Mrs. George Nydigger in Fox
of special legislation applying to ' state.
dish, got into the box, and in an the grade school youngsters would Valley.
counties of more than 100,000 popu­ During the 1949 session, he was effort to avoid leaving any evi- not arrive home until nearly 5:30 or At the John McClurg home were
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alt-
lation that was originally Intended to chairman of the Railroads and dence, ate up the entire box full. 6 P.M., he said.
He added the proposed route over gilbers and her sister and husband,
apply only to Multnomah county. Utilities committee, vice-chairman of The result when the Covilles re­
Lamport was asked to supervise the Labor and Industries committee turned home was one very sick dog, the Elkhorn-Gates road would facili­ Mr. and Mrs. John Kampy and son
preparation of the needed legislation. and a member of the committees on which Mr. Coville had to walk the tate picking up the students on the Ray of Portland. Ray remained for
south slope of the hump and trans­ the week with his aunt and uncle.
Lamport stated in part in his filing banking, revision of laws and medi­ floor with throughout the night.
porting them into school at Mill City.
Dinner guests at the home of Mr.
for intention of running:
cine, pharmacy and dentistry.
The merger would bring into the
“On two occasions I have been
He was campaign manager during I The first English language daily Mill City school district funds much and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Hampton and son Douglas
honored by appointment as state McNary's last campaigns and in newspaper—the Daily Courant—was
needed by the community to main­ Earl of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs.
senator from Marion county. Many 1940 he acted as delegate to the published in London in 1702.
tain a high level educational oppor­ Norman Johnson of Portland, Mr.
people seem to feel that the exper- Republican national convention and
tunity for the children as well as a and Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Mr. and Mrs.
ience and seniority gained in the was instrumental in nominating Me- directors of the YMCA, trustee of
closer relationship with the people up Wood Oliver and Elmer Hiatt.
three sessions in which I have served I Nary as vice president of the United the YWCA and president of the
yonder. Opening of the road would • Gordon Heinecks entertained her
should be made available to the States on the republican ticket.
1 Salem Community Concert associa- bring the recreational advantages of­
brother and family of Portland, and
people of the county.
During World War two he was j tion. He is a member of the Amer-
“My Interest in public affairs goes Marion county's first war bond chair­ | ican Legion Capitol post No. 9, a fered in the Elkhorn area to the resi­ her parents Mr. and Mrs. Garber of
dents of Mill City and Gates as well Lyons.
back to my long years of association man, a member of the board of Mason, Shriner and Elk.
as a more accessable route to visitors
Dinner guests at the Wilson Stev-
in the area.
ens home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Elkhorn would feel the advantage Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman
through the finer educational oppor­ and son Stephen of Mill City, Mr. and
tunities offered their children as well Mrs. Bob Scott, Mrs. Ida Scott and
as a closer relationship with their Bill of West Stayton, and Mr. and
friends in Mill City.
Mrs. R. M. Smith of Lyons.
Joe Toman and his daughter of
Scio had Christmas dinner with his
brother, Albert Toman and family.
December 20, IO49
(Continued from Page 1)
adequate facilities should be made
for the children of these incoming
families, such as more social high
school affairs, a place for teen-agers
for dancing and games, and summer
Better highway facilities should be
one of the main issues in the minds
of local citizenry, he said, to bring
in the visitors from out of state to
see, what he called, one of the most
beautiful spots for recreational activ.
¡ties in the state of Oregon.
added that it is not necessarily to the
advantage of the constructors of the
damsite that the highway be put in,
but to the community to give visitors
to the state a scenic route through
the state.
It was brought into the limelight
that construction of the dams is go­
ing ahead faster than expected, and
people of the community and espe­
cially of Mill City should be more
conscious of the fact that the influx
of new workers will build the town.
Bauer also stated that more emphasis
should be placed on getting more in­
dustry into the area to care for those
who wish to stay in the area, espe­
cially logging and timber products
Many Guests Present
Other special guests of the evening
were R. A. Hoffman, general super­
intendent of CBI, Mrs. B. O. Shuck­
ing, vice president of the Salem
chamber of commerce, Robert L.
Jones, co-publisher of the Salem
Capitol Journal, and W. R. Hutch-
eson, president of the Gates chamber
of commerce.
Special piano music was played by
Mrs. Don Peterson, former orchestra
pianist from Helena, Mont., who
played many old favorites for an
after dinner dance.
Let George - -
(Continued from Page 1)
could run. So, innocent little me had
to challenge me to a race with him.
Does anyone know where I can get
a pair of wings, “If I had the wings
of an Angel, I would,” oh never
Who is this bright young man,
living at Wolverine castle, who is
looking for a job behind a desk cov­
ered with lace? I have a job for
him. A certain road, which is slowly
being ground into oblivion, needs a
little fixing. That road is right in
front of your home Mister. We
could stand some gravel dumped on
it to spare my Leapin' Leana.
Subsc ription $2.50 y«ir after Jan. I
Highest recorded temperature in
the U. S. was at Death Valley, Calif.,
July 10, 1913—134 degrees.
Pennsylvania was named in honor
of Admiral William Penn, fathor of
William Penn, founder.
Turpentine and rosin come from
the pine trees of the south.
Manchs Santiam Cafe
Detroit’s Plantation
lUisliiiiq All (Hur
X îiappij tXTut ijrar
mb ïlninkiuy Vint for
uuur patrullare biirimj
the past Vrar
1) ave Epps Furniture
You Heard About It!
Now You Can See It!
Come Out and Enjoy An Evening s Entertainment
Fun for Kids from 1 to 100
Mill City Theatre
Thursday, Jan. 5
8:00 P.M.