7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mr and Mrs. Sam May and family and Mrs. Florence Cummings of Sa lem, mother of Mrs May, and Cleo Jose were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn. December 15. ISM GRANGE PLANS INSTALLATION Santiam Valley Grange will hold installation of officers Friday eve­ ning, Dec. 16. at 8, according to Fern Sletto, grange secretary. Ber­ tha J. Beck, Oregon state secretary, will be installing officer during the open meeting to the public. A Christmas party will be held at the same meeting with a gift ex­ change and pot luck dinner to be held following the installation. Gifts are not to exceed 50 cents. Grange dues will be taken Die same night, it was announced, and all members are asked to bring theirs in order to compete for the 1950 pen­ nant. The Grange has won the pen­ nant the past two years, having col­ lected its dues by March 31 of each year, and officials hope to do the same this year. Dues are $2 60 per member. ELKHORN By ELSIE MYERS Elkhorn experienced its first snow of the season last week It started snowing Thursday and by Friday morning there were about three inches on the level. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers attended American Legion meetings in Stayton Wednesday evening. The regular meetings were followed by a county council meeting Mr. and Mrs Louie Ray recently LARGE spent the day at the home of their ( HOICE TREES daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and $4.00 Mrs. Don Schultz of Scio. Their lit­ tle grandson, who has been suffering and with rheumatic fever, was not too well. The Rays brought their little A Group of grand-daughter home with them for Your Choice a few days. at $1.50 Word has been received of the death of Mis, Fay Worley of Molalla An acre of pine trees can produce on December 4th. Mrs. Worley was three times more cellulose than an the mother of Mrs Bonita Myers. Any Size to Order Mr. and Mrs. John Baller of Red­ acre of cotton. mond were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dark. Those from the Little Northfork at tending the Farmers Union in Meha­ ma Friday night were Bell Bickett, LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PULMBING Mr. and Mrs S. C. Dark and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers AND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE Salem visitors Saturday included TOO SMALL Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett and girls Ph. 2-7390 Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Rd. SALEM and Mrs. Mary Patrick tim Mrs. Steve Dark was the guest Fri­ day of Mrs. Goldie Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Myers visited with friends and relatives in Elkhorn COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL AND DOME TIC Saturday. They were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike LIGHTING Myers. Sunday guests at the Myers home were Mrs. Myers’ brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. I Metzger an her nephew, Robert SALEM 236 N. High St. Exley of Gresham. CHRISTMAS TREES DICK’S SHOE SERVICE GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heating Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. I The University Bowl of Salem cordially invites the Bowling Public to come in and en­ joy the sport and fun of bowling. 12 Modern Brunswick alleys to bowl on OPEN 11 A. M. to 12 P. M. Rate 35c per line—3 lines for $1.00 As a Special GET ACQUAINTED Offer, this Ad. is good for one Line of bowling at our modern bowling palace, the finest fai the Northweet._______________________________ £ Salem, Ore. UNIVERSITY BOWL 1340 State St. Tel. 20631 for reservations COME IN AND TRY FOR SOME OF THE HANDSOME PRIZES MO S O E E 8 FESTIVE PUNCH FOR HOLIDAY PARTIES Punch makes the party, especially when it's a gleaming bowl of spark­ ling golden punch sift among grape reds and purples, that tastes as good as it looks. This Banana-Float Punch has a delicious fragrant, fruity flavor and it's amazingly quick and easy to prepare, thanks to the Real Grfld canned lemonade, orange and grapefruit bases which are its prin­ cipal ingredients. The convenient sized cans give you all the fine fresh fruit flavor with none of the fuss and bother of squeezing and straining. These canned fruit juice bases are economical, too, because they are all juice and no waste. Vou'il want to keep a supply of all three flavors on hand to use for a variety of de'icious, refreshing drinks. Banana-Float Party Punch (makes 30 punch cups) 1 can each Real Gold lemonade buse. orange base and grapefruit base 2 cups strong tea I No. 2 can crushed pineapple 1 quart water 2 quarts charged water I banana Mix lemonade, orange and grupe- fruit bases with tea, pineapple and water. Just before serving, pour ovoi ice and ndd charged water Slice banana and float on top. Di n’t B >riow — Stihacnbe! r.------------------------------------------------------------------------——————-—------------- announcing k VIV'S STEAK HOUSE HAS OPENED ITS NEW private D ining roomj availabix for SPECIAL PARTIES AND ALL ORGANIZATIONS. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS $1.25 Featuring Fried Chicken, Prawns, Etc. V1VS Steak House " WHERE DAM WORKERS DINE ” IRIS HOLGATE — Under New Management — DAVE PORTER e I Radiantube Cooking Units hove been detignod for ipeedier, more economical cooking. They're flatter and wider—so more heating sur­ face comoi In contoct with uten­ sil*. Tip up for easy cleaning. ATFMf built - In lights entire cook­ ing top. NEW. witch NEW t-60Time- knobs are easier to Signol ha* two road — no need to speed*- ene far bond or • top - watch roach. FREE utes, another for up smoothly, to 60 minutes. on triple Nylon NEW smarter- leaking styling by 1940 IMS 193» 1938 1937 I9S7 1987 193« 192» IMO 1938 world-famous Ray­ mond loewy. Model RM-75 — double oven. Cniy $00 00 down — cash price $000 00 • models of f rigidoiro ing from $000.00 MEHAMA, OREGON < Fresh Meat VERY REASONABLE Mill City OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A M. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS !> A M to 4 P M. S HAS MOVED To the Building Next Door to Jenkin'a Hardware BUSINESS HOI IIS CHANGED to 10 till 5i30 Fridays Evenings by Special Appointment PHONE 224$ Mill City V REMEMIER i LAST JANUARY ex AND FEBRUARY Be comfortabls now sod prepared for the really cold weather to come. Spark Oil Hesters always give rou just the temperature you waas when you want it See them today. „„From Spark deluxe OiJ Heaters give both circulating and ,„irTiei|igte radiant beat For complete comfort. Delivery you need both. _ SPARK _ jjOILCIRCBLATIMC REATERSb SPANIOL & CO. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works FREE Ph. 5O5B STAYTON. ORE. FREE PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-door Sedan .... .... HUDSON “lit” club Coupe ... ______ __ ________ Pl.YMOI III IlM.I XF, 4-door Sedan PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4 door Sedan < HEVROI ET DELUXE 4-door Sedan _... PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-door Sedan FORD t-door Sedan FORD BI SIMAS < OI 1’1. FORO t-door Sedan .............. a ___ PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4 door Sedan .. ... PIA MOI TH » door Sedan 4M 00 .4M.00 $05.00 345.00 245 00 2454» 145-90 145 00 7500 195.00 135 00 YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY ONE OF THESE USED CARS TO GET YOUR FREE TURKEY. ANY USED CAR WE 8KLL DURING THIS SALE IS ACCOM­ PANIED BY A FREE TURKEY. floctric Rangos start KEN GOLLIET :«• ;«• :o> :«• Check I his List Buy One Get Your Free Turkey quietly rollers. Jl’ST EAST OF GATES COME IN — BUY A USED CAR NOW — GET YOUR THANKSGIVING OR XMAS TURKEY FREE ing up to 6 min­ NEW «KWB& Turkey Turkey Turkey ac­ curacy for measur­ storage drawers move •:« m «• THE (. Ufi Ambers' The second regular meeting oi the Gates Chamber of Commerce was held at the Gates Furniture Store. Thursday evening, with W R Hutch­ eson presiding. Plans for future projects were discussed It was de­ cided to have a community Christmas tree erected and decorated A com­ mittee was appointed to secure the tree and select a site on the high­ way. The Church of Christ, Gates, is ex­ tending a cordial welcome for every­ one in the community to attend serv­ ices through Sunday morning, De­ cember 10. A program has l>een pro­ posed and a pot-luck dinner will be held following the program Every- body is welcome. A delegation of members of the Gates Chamber of Commerce and property owners were in Salem Mon­ day to meet members of the county court, in protest over the proposed closing of several streets in Gates. Petitions had been presented request­ ing the closure of streets leading from the highway north which would leave property owners towards the i hill, with no means of exit from I their land. Mr. and Mis. la'Wis Cline and son . from the ranger station in Detroit . were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Rains. They reported five inches of snow at the station and more expected to fall. Miss Janet Klinker who spent a week at the home of her grandpar­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Millsap, returned to her home in Stayton Sunday. • ♦ ♦ The annual Christmas party of the Gates Woman's club was held in the recreation room of the high school, Thursday afternoon. A short busi­ ness meeting was held, Mrs. Elmer Stewart presiding. Reports were made by the committees who had ar­ ranged the recent bazaar sponsored by the club. Votes of thanks were taken for all the nrercliahta and members who had donated articles to be sold at the bazaar and to all the members who gave their time and efforts to make it a success. Follow­ ing the business session a program was presented. Misa Eileen Eccleston played a piano solo: 'White Christ- | mas". A demonstration showing how | to make decorations for the Christ­ mas tree was given by Mrs. Harold Wilson; Mrs Edmund Davla read •'The Night Before Christmas”; 'talk: "Christmas in Alabama” v given by Mrs. Paul Davis; Mrs. Theo­ dore Burton gave an amusing mono­ logue; an exchange of Christmas Greetings over the telephone with her mother in Danish". The program was followed by the exchange of gifts by the members present. Re­ freshments were served by the host­ esses, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Clar­ ence Johnson and Mra. Edmund Da­ vis. Those in attendance were Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Larry Shelton, Mrs Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. Theo­ dore Burton, Mrs. Frank Saunders, Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. Lincoln Henness, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Lula Collins, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Mrs Elmer Ste­ wart, Mrs. Joe Joaquin, Mrs. Albert Millsap, Mrs. Velma Carey, Mra. Louisa Romey, a visitor, Mrs. George Manolis and the hostesaes, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Frank Blazek, Mrs. George Stewart. Mra. Dallas Strickler and Carol Jane Blazek were shopping in Salem Tuesday. . ♦ Fluorescent lamp stoop, GATES »:■ Salem Automobile Co. I < HRYMIX* - 405 N Com l St House of Service 4M N Coml 8t PHONE 8-4111 PLYMOUTH 4.35 N. Court St. |