MILL CITY IDANHA DETROIT LYONS Members of Jordan farmers union By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek were By REBA SNYDER Eastern Star members in the Can- local meeting at the Mt. Pleasant to Rainier, Washington, be called Week end guest at the Orval Lady yon have formed a club. They now school, voted unanimously that the home were their daughter, Mrs. Phil cause ef an automobile accident in- have 16 members and will have their monthly program service was out volving her sister, Mrs. Goldie Butler. Vollman, her husband and three chil regular meetings at the club rooms standing in help to the educational ¡They left Monday. dren of near Willamina. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn enter at the CCC camp on the 1st and director, in helping new members to Twenty-one persons were present tained Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Their become acquainted with the program at the December meeting of Idanha | and Mr. and Mrs. Shields Remine aim will be to sew for crippled chil | of the Farmers Union. The 22 mem- Little Theatre Group Saturday night dren of the Shrine hospital. The I bers present heard the panel discus | Saturday evening. at the CCC camp in the Engineer Visiting at the home of Mr. and temporary president is Mrs. Lillie sion on the Farmers Union program. building. Eight new members joined Mrs. Joe Clark is his mother from Helwig and Sec. Mrs. Jessie Ramsey. Participating in the panel were John the group and plans were made to This Tuesday evening they are hav- Silbernagel, John Rohwein, Josephine California. present a three-act comedy, rehears Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis are plan- inK a Christmas party at the club Thomas, and Margaret Pietrok, als to begin in January. All pro ning to spend the weekend at their rooms and at this meeting regular Laura Neal paid high tribute to the ceeds above actual expenses will go cabin at Alsea. officers will be elected. The rooms work done by officers and doctors of toward the new church buiding. The Russell Kelly, local retai' lumber are being appropriately decorated for the Health Center in her report of a January meeting will be at the Sny man, is bragging about town that if the party with a Christmas tree and special meeting held in Salem Novem der residence the second Saturday of he gets his tag for the special doe all kinds of greenery and holiday ber 28th. Mr. Haskel Huntley has the month. They have members from the honor of bringing the first new hunting season he will get his doe on colors. Mrs. Walter Reynolds and Elbert the first shot. The reason for his . Idaho. California, Minnesota and member in the membership drive. Brown have been on the sick list the optimism is that he borrowed Byron even as far east as Massachusetts, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hargreaves are the new members, Mrs. Hargreaves past week. Davis’ gun during the elk season and ! besides, Oregonians. Scout Court of Honor will be held got an elk on the first shot. He is The Eagles dance at the Rod and will be the new educational and rec A Christmas Friday night December 9th for the again borrowing the gun. It is a Gun club Saturday night was a great reational director. scouts of Detroit, Idanha and Mon good thing he isn't taking Talley’s success. There was only a fair crowd ' party was planned for the next meet- gold. The boys will again split post unless he wants mince meat, That’s but everyone had a grand time, re ' ing December 16, with Mehama local the following Saturday, starting at the way I heard it, Talley. freshments were served by auxiliary as guests. Every one to bring a gift 10 A M. The Bluebird Camp Fire groups mt/nbers. The Detroiters furnished and get a gift. Soil conservation dis trict was much discussed issue by The North Santiam club met Wed have been out selling candy during I the music. nesday afternoon at the home of the past week. Events planned for Mrs. Gerty Davis of Neiligh, Nebr., John Neal, John Silbernagel and Lunch of sand Mrs. Feris. Those present were Edna them in the future are trips through ! who is spending the winter on the Haskel Huntley. Gordon, Mary Guplliford, Mabie Bar the Mill City Bakery to see how west coast is visiting this week at wiches, cake, cookies and doughnuts ney, Betty Pittam, Pea Geibler and breads, cakes etc. are made, and the home of her neice Mrs. Vern and coffee was served at the close of I the meeting. Reba Snyder. Meeting of December through the Mill City Enterprise Franse. 7, will be at the Snyder home. The Women’s Society of Christian office to watch a paper in the mak Mrs. William Cauble Sr. returned Swede Duncan and family are ing. Friday after spending most of the Service will hold a cooked food and moving to Bend this week where Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis and Ted week at he home of her brother-in- fancy work sale at the community Swede will operate a service station. Gilbraith are having a hangar party law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Robert club house Saturday December 10th, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Haley and at the Davis airport Saturday, De Hunter of Prineville. i Every one come and see what we family were guests at the Heibert cember 17th with about seventy in Mrs. William Cauble Jr. and daugh- jhave in the fancy work line and get home the past weekend. vited guests. The purpose is to stim ter Suzanne and Mrs. Nolan Rasnick I something to eat. Weekend guests at the Rice home ulate interest In flying during the drove to Portland Friday where they Mr. and Mrs. Averill of Halsey In McMinnville were Mr. and Mrs. winter months. : were Sunday guests at the home of spent the weekend. Frank New and daughters, Eva and Miss Wilma Wallace and Wendell their daughter and son in law Mr. Mrs. A. R. Snyder was in Stayton Seastrom were united in marriage at ; and Mrs. Rammie Martell. Sally. The Idanha Fire department was Tuesday afternoon on business. 8 P.M. at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. O. New who have Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hopson and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wallace at Dal- | resided in Lyons for the past year called on a chemney fire at the resl- dence ot Mr. and Mrs. M. Rudy, daughter Jerry Lyn were Christmas las. The bride wore a wine colored moved Sunday to Independence, shopping in Salem Saturday. Little damage was done. Mrs. where he is employed. dress and carried an orchid. :x Seastrom is one of the operators of f. the Duck In cafe here and the groom in Salem Sunday Nov. 27. Attending is employed by Michael Baker. The from Santiam Aerie 2745 were Mr. young couple make their home here. and Mrs. Ed. Debolt, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Cauble Sr. I Mrs. Arthur Ingalls. Mr. and Mrs. John Estey drove to had as Thanksgiving day guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Florien Mills Salem Tuesday to attend the funeral of his father W. H. Estey, who died and Bill Webster. Thanksgiving guests at the Archie ’ at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gladys Mattoon home were Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery at Ocean Lake. Intern* Oren Jones and daughter Shirley I ment was in the Belcrest cemetery. Joe A. Wright who cut his hand from Redmond and Mr. and Mrs. quite seriously, Sunday, while chop Raymond Jones and daughter Carol Closed Mondays Ann of Prineville. Mrs. Oren Jones ping wood was dismissed from the is a sister of Mrs. Mattoon and Ray Salem memorial hospital on Thurs ’X day with his arm in a cast from tip mond Jones is a nephew. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook spent of fingers to the elbow,which the at Thanksgiving day with her mother tending physician, Dr. Andersen, said would have to remain on for at least Mrs. Ben Golden of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. William Cauble had the next six weeks. as their guests her mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young and her brother Paul Jr. all of Tacoma. The occasion was also a birthday party Don’t put off those needed repairs any longer. We have made it pos KARKIE DOUGLAS FIR for Mrs. Cauble. sible for you to take care of this necessnry work by paying a small Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker had as amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor their guests his brother and wife Mr. repairs on Chevrolets only. and Mrs. Clinton Parker and sons Phone 1287 Albany or Calvin and Carlisle of Alpine, Ore. Write WE CAN GIVE YOU ONE DAY SERVICE—in at 8:00 uut at 5 p.m. The Community Christian church of Detroit has started the Christian Install piston rings Women’s Fellowship club, having Grind valves their first meeting at the church on Clean and align oil pan Dec. 1 Mrs. Edna Burke of Eugene IIIILIUUI Burn out breather pipe speaker for the evening gave a very All gaskets interesting talk and gave the club 5 quarts oil some wonderful ideas for projects LITTLE ILLS they might undertake. THIS IM LI DES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED I Officers elected were Mrs. Eva MAKE PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY— Wise. President. Mrs IJllian I^cach, Secretary and Mrs. Alice Moore, treasurer Meeting dates are the first and third Thursday of each month, Anyone interested in helping the • True, that "líale illness’’ needy is welcome and invited to come I you’re been mentioning in to these meetings At the next meet an offhand wsy, may nd seem to amount to much— ing. Dec. 14. everyone is to bring a Don't forget to ask about our budget plan just a few faint symptoms; guest and a small gift which will be But. neglected, these "little 510 North Commercial SALEM. OREGON Ph. 3-3175 sent to the old peoples home in Bea ills’* can lead to big bills foe doctors, medicines, etc; not verton to mention needless suffering The Willamette district No. 3. F O. and loss of precious time; E held their tegular district meeting I Consult a Doctor now— Like Fish & Chips? We Now Have Them Manolis Santiam Cafe Chevrolet Owners---this is the oppor tunity you ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can WANTED POLES OR STUMPAGE Standard Pole *\G * Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company you'll save by it in the end; And, of course, we hope you’ll bring his prescription to us for careful compounding. Capital Drug Co Salem. Oregon EVERY TIME MfSCItIPTIO« « VOf/ Re-Roof Now! While our stocks are complete. Large stock of several kinds of roofing materials— ROLL ROOFING - ALUMINUM CORRUGATED ROOFING - STEEL CORRUGATED ROOFING CARLOAD PRICES SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Stayton ■VHBM* »of»» with Ba«i »otsi without Bath . $7 OO .0 In the Heart of the Theatre and Shopping District 'Newest anct '“N-- ORT LAND M • BROAD tor bne in looking, good cooks know >ou must »tart with dairy product! of tine flavor. The answer is Mat dower — the thoneof good cooks esers where SHOP! Gates FURNITUR E Market W here Every ay is Sale for New and Used Furniture Parker & Hutcheson