Author T—THE MILI- CITY ENTERPRISE_____________________ December ». 1949 | was paid nothing for it. Haycox was long used to doing tough civic chores at no pay. He still is. forestry progress to the public." A panel was arranged. It was to Now we learn that Hayeox will be a be made up of two weekly news featured speaker at the Pacific Log By JIM STEVENS paper editors and two editors of daily ging Congress session in Seattle on Ernest Haycox . . . November 14-16 for money, we papers, and a moderator. In the days of innocence before hope For moderator I nominated Ernest Pearl Harbor a bunch of us were Another Mountain . . . planning for the annual meeting of Haycox. Each of the dozen men in The big all-over job that Mr. Hay the gathering had read Haycox sto the fir lumbermen in Portland. The cox has done for this region, of main part of the program was to deal ries in magazines and books and had course, has been in projection of its with the solemn mystery of modern seen Haycox movies. But few knew history and geography to millions of business called public relations. For much about the man himself or his leaders and movie-goers during the 40 years the men of lumber had been importance in the life and history past 25 years and more In this per prodded on improvement of forest of the Pacific Northwest. I was able formance our author has accom to tell enough to put over my nomi practices. plished more than all the other Mr. Haycox accepted and "This meeting is a good occasion nation. authors of the region put together— proceeded to do a memorable job of for Impressing lumbermen with what a really conservative statement. the public thinks of their industry," two-way interpreting between the No other writer of the West today we agreed, "and at the same time to public and the lumbermen. I that I can think of comes close to begin telling the story of industrial With due shame I confess that he ; matching Haycox in terms of audi- Out of the Woods academic habit of rejecting popular writing in selecting literature for educational uses. The attitude does Ernest Haycox an injustice. He does not pretend to high art but there is high art in his work "Stagecoach" holds its own with the best of Ameri- I can fiction in its field. The motion picture that John Ford made from it is generally recognized as one of the ten finest ever produced Many more examples of the kind could be cited. But my main argument is that, any way you look at him, Ernest Hay cox has grown into one of our greatest northwest resources. He stands out in the way of Mt. Hood in Oregon and Puget Sound in Wash ington. I doubt if he’ll like the idea of being compared to a body of water, but there it is. He is a re source that is not to be neglected. All of this comes to a proposal. It is for an Oregon-Washington joint committee of authors and educators to plan for official acceptance and use of selected Haycox novels in the public schooU, colleges and univer sities of the northwest corner states, i Who will join me? COURTS iK m THE j«- «• «e- WBc Cl iß Ambers' Butler'» Trailer News, Gates Mr and Mrs. Gene Davidson spent \ Friday Christmas shopping in Salem. Mrs. Parr is living in Salem where she is employed. Newcomers to the trailer court ate • :«• Mr and Mrs. Roland Long and their son and daughter-in-law,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long. Mr and Mrs Elmer Progue were initiated. Thursday evening, into the Ameranth Lodge in Portland. VERY REASONABLE Fred and Jean Wilson atended the dance at Jordon Saturday evening. Visitors at Pearl and Art Durham's home over the week end. were their Mill City son Lowell Durham, Alice Jenkinson OPEN WEEK DAYS and Mr. and Mrs. Hershfelt. 8 A M to 7 P M Mrs. Jim Libby left Sunday for her SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS parents home in Bakersfield. Calif- | ence size over a long period And he 9 AM. to 4 P.M. while she awaits a visit from the I | is not only a great popular story stork in January. teller but he is accurate in his his Mr. Jaenicho spent the weekend in tory and his landsapes. He produces Portland. educational material. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davidson took a At this point I rise to state that group to Mill City to see "Voice of Ernest Haycox has suffered neglect. the Deep," Wednesday evening. "Suffered" is not the word, however. • « • The neglect has caused him no pain Santiam Trailer Court. Gates or worry. It is simply something for The violet is America's most pop By MRS ALVIN HAMAN the rest of us here to be ashamed of. ular choice for state flower. It is re Mr. and Mrs John Bonham and j Here is a vastly popular writer who cognized as such in Illinois, New Jer- children left Wednesday for their ! has been teaching Oregon country j say, Wisconsin, and Rhode Island. history to millions for many year» Edwin Booth is the only actor who home in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Ben Burch, Mrs. Duane Ham and teaching them also the attrac has been elected to the Hall of Fame an and Mrs. Clifford Haman spent tions of the region's land. The values | for Great Americans. HAS MOVED of his instruction are nationally ac Mount Whitney and Death Valley, Friday shopping in Salem. Mrs. Sheldon Northrup and chil To U m * Building Next Door cepted. highest and lowest points in the U. S. to Jenkin'» Hardware And here at home the colleges and are only a few miles apart in Calif. dren of Hillsboro visited over the BUSINESS HOURS CHANGED weekend with Mr. Northrup. schools neglect them. Why? The first free library in America to 10 till 5>30 Friday» Mrs. Arthur Peterson and children, The Author As Artist . . . was started in Charleston, S. C. in Evenings by Mrs. David Luck, Mrs. Alvin Haman Special Ap|H>lntnient The answer no doubt abides in the i 1695 and Novey spent Saturday shopping PHONE 224$ 51111 City in Salem. A-------------- - --? —------- 'J Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woodward and daughter left Saturday for Texas to spend Christmas holidays with VI V’S STEAK HOUSE HAS OPENED ITS NEW " friends and relatives. PRIVATE DINING ROOM; AVAILABLE FOR Mrs. Olive Barnhardt spent Satur- SPECIAL PARTIES AND ALL ORGANIZATIONS. shopping in Stayton and Salem. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS $1.25 Don't Borrow — Subscribe! Featuring Fried Chicken, Prawns, Etc. Fresh Meat Kel loin's Grocery McEwan’s Photo Shop and shop- ANNOUNCING___________ FHEMDNTv HOTEL . * >r 326 O'FAMEtL ST. • - SAN< F^AbfCISÇO; CAD*" V -------—— —* T* <' REMEMBER . LAST JANUARY (X AND FEBRUARY VIV’S Steak House "WHERE DAM WORKERS DINE” IRIS HOLGATE — Under New Management — DAVE PORTER (LIFFORD J. WILSON, Manager Bo comfortable now end prepared for the really cold weather to coma Spark Oil Heater* always five 'ou just the temperature you wans when you want it. See them today. Hine i one way to stop you* C**! But let's be proctical! The best way to Mop is with good braltei. Why Take Chances? If your brakes won't hold—are noisy, grab, swerve, undependable — we can fix them — right — the first time I Spark deluxe Oij Heaters five both circulating • ■dtmn,e(j|nte radiant heat. For complete comfort, Delivery you need both. Our modern brake department is completely equipped with the world-famous Barrett Brake Equipment. The Barrett Brake Dokter cures almost any brake trouble in a few minutes and gives you new car safety and efficiency. SPARK _ H OIL CIRCULATING You'll be surprised how little it costs! HEATERS^ SPANIOL & CO. Phone or Drive In Today! Plumbing und Sheet Metal Work* Paul Hanso i ’ s Garage Ph. 505 B MILL ( ITY FREE STAYTON, ORE. FREE FREE Turkey Turkey Turkey Ford is 50 ways new for '50 . . . packed with improvements that make it the fine car of its field, lor Ford brings you an even smoother "Mid Ship” Ride on new foam rubber front seat cushion with new non-sag springs ... a new silent ride in Ford's 13 ways safer. See . •4 ** Hear and Feel the difference Thertt c sound-conditioned '‘Lifeguard'’ Body. Power such as you've never felt. It’s 100 h p. and it's a V-8-the engine type used in costliest cars-for hun dreds less than most "Sixes". It's so quiet you can talk in whispers at highway speeds. Try it today. in your future ...with o future built in at your FORD DEALER’S COME IN — Bl Y A USED CAR NOW — GET YOUR THANKSGIVING OR XMAS TURKEY FREE Check This List Buy •r i hie Get Your Free Turkey 1910 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-door III list>N "II club Coupe ¡939 PLYMOUTH Dl l ! XE I door 1938 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-door 1937 ( HEVROLET DELUXE 4-door I'.i; I I VMOUTH DELUXE I door I I <11.11 ’ door »«Ian I'Ciii I ORD BUSINESS t <11 PE 19 ¡9 I «»RD ’ door '•edan 193« PLYMOUTH IIU.I XI. I door 1933 PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan Sedan 195 00 305.00 395.00 345.00 24500 245.00 145.00 145.00 75.00 195.00 135.00 Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedan ............... YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY ONE OF THESE USED CARS TO GET YOUR FREE TURKEY. ANY USED CAR WE KEIJ. DURING THIS SALE IS ACCOM PANIED BY A FREE TURKEY. Salem Automobile Co. Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton (HRYSIXR 406 N. Com i St. Home of Service 495 N. Coml St. - PLYMOUTH 435 N. Court St PHONE 3-4117 ______________ ...... /