* I The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY, OREGON DON PETERSON. Publisher Entered as eecond-claes matter November 19. 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. < I »sill II II Ml» I II I I'lNGi One Insertion for 50c or three for 31.00. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run In regular classified section and those rec eived later will run In the Too Late to Classify” section. Th» Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect In sertion. Errors In advertising should be reported immediately. Display advertising 40c column Inch. ,4 fu* . ' .d 0R £ g I c ^N E R lllvhli H ‘ .4s 0 0*1 AT I OU > 9 / ■ . GATES BROADWAY AND MAIN STREET If the Brakes Don't Work Just Hit Something Cheap --------------------------------- By BILLY ROSE-------------------------- —— A fellow tried to sell me a helicopter the other day. He told me I could hop from the roof of my theatre to my place in West chester in 20 minutes, and added that it was as easy to drive as a car. I told him I wasn’t in’-'rested because I couldn’t drive a car. How come? Didn't I evei y and learn? Just once. And here's what happened, . . . One day several summers agp. my wife said, "I wish you'd learn how to drive. Every time you want a paper or a pack of cigarettes, I've got to stop what I'm doing and chauffeur you into the village.” “Okay,” I said, "if you’ll play teacher.” Each guest attending is requested to bring a small gift for exchange. Next morning I crawled into the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke and car beside Eleanor. "Just turn this took a handkerchief out of his Mrs. Mary Garrisbon and Mrs. sons attended a birthday dinner in jigger over,” she pocket and dropped it in front of Alice Siltala were tn Salem Saturday Mehama, Sunday at the home of her began, “push i n the car. on business while their husbands grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L, “Lookit, Gene Autry.” he said, this dingus, pul] cared for the Variety Store and Cafe. Kirkland. Others present were out this doohickey, “I wana see you do that all over step on this wing again, and this time pick up the Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hudgins, Jean *» doodle, press down handkerchief with your teeth.” and Mrs. Tilmon Rains were Mr.and Jackie Mitchell of Stayton, and Eleanor gave him the smile that o n this thing — Mrs. Luther McNulty from Milwau and Mrs. Clay Kirkland family of used to make the front cover of a m a b o b, and kie, Mrs. Charles Rains and Mrs. W. Mehama. you're all set to “Life.” “He’s learning to drive,” J. McTilllcan all from Oregon City. she said. Fred Stone entrained in Portland go.” Mrs. Floyd Völkel was on the sick Friday evening for Ulnois where he “What’s this giz "No kidding!" said the cop. Billy Rose mo?” I asked, list for several days last week but is will join Mrs. Stone at the home of "Hou long is this class going to "The hand brake,” she said, last? Some other drivers would now able to be on duty in the Gates their daughter, Mrs. Robert Marshall ‘‘You throw it on quickly in case like to use this road when Sonny for a visit over the Christmas holi General store. of emergency.” Boy gets through with it." The annual bazaar sponsored by days. “What happens if the brakes “What did I do wrong?" I asked Miss Janet Kfecker of Stayton is the Gates Woman’s club was held in don't work?” “Hit something cheap," advised the officer. the social rooms of the high school spending at the home of her grand “Didn’t you hear my whistle? my spouse. Friday evening. Due to an unusally parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millsap. Didn’t you see my signal?” he de- The high school students and many small crowd in attendance a smaller manded. A MOMENT LATER the car went amount of money was realized than of the parents attended the Gym I shook my head. hiccuping down the road. Then for The cop sighed. “I’d better go had been hoped for., The crowd jamboree at the Willamette gymnas a mile it went smooth as you home,” he said. “I don’t seem to though small made up in generosity j ium in Salem Saturday evening. please. A feeling of confidence i be doing much good around here.” for lack of numbers. The bingo i Mrs. Theodore Burton and son came over me, the same feeling • • • table loaded with beautiful and use Billy are visting in Seattle at the all new drivers get just before the 1 THREW THE CAR into reverse ful prizes was the chief attraction. I home of her mother. They plan to lights go out. I pressed down on and backed away from the fire plug. the gas. Fancywork, eats, home made candy, | [ be gone for about ten days. “If you’re going to drive much,” raffles and a country store and fish Mrs. Paul Davis and mother Mrs. "The pistons seem to be knock yelled the cop, “I’d have the car pond for the kiddies were some of Nettie Glover were shopping in Stay- ing," I said professionally. painted red on one side and "Pistons nothing," said Eleanor. on the other, so the witnesses the things provided for the evenings I ton last week and while there visited "Those are my knees." contradict each other.” entertainment and as the means of | | at the home of friends. I had only one more mishap Everything went fine until we securing funds for the club house un- j Members of the Birthday club met got to the traffic light in the vil ting home. I scraped a guy’s der construction. Saturday afternoon at the home of lage. I forgot to press the hickey- der. He was pretty nice about it. The annual Christmas party of the Mrs. Gwen Schaer. A luncheon was madoodle on the gilhooley and the ‘‘It’s my fault,” he said. “I saw Gates club will be held at the school served by the hostess, assisted by car stalled. The lights changed you coming. I should have driven house Thursday afemoon.Dec. 8, with her sister Mrs. Robert Levon, Euc- from green to red, and from red into the fields and avoided you.” Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Maud Davis hre was in play at three tables dur- back to green. A cop came over. There are two stone posts and Mrs. Clarence Johnson hostesses. ing the afternoon. High score was “What’s the matter?” he asked. flanking the drive which leads up to our home. I got past them “Haven't we got any colors you held by Mrs. Blanch Syverson .and without a scratch—also without like?” second by Mrs. Riley Champ. Mrs. the rear bumper. That did it. After switching the radio on and Lula Collins was presented the con- off, I suddenly pressed the right Since then, I've never been be- sollation. Those attending were At YOUR FINGERTIPS thing. In the order of the way it hind a wheel. When Eleanor and I Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mrs. Floyd Bas happened, I grazed the cop, skid go driving I sit in the back seat set, Mrs. Blanch Syverson, Mrs. Mar ded through the safety zone, clipped and read the Burma Shave signs. tha Bowes, Mrs. Blanch Deamn, Mrs. the fender on a bus, and came to The only concession I’ve made to Lula Collins, Mrs. Riley Champ Mrs. rest with my bumper against a the Automotive Age is to learn how fire plug. The cop stalked over, to fold a road map. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Walter Beiver, Mrs. Robert Levon, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, and Mrs. Edmund Davis. GATES CHAMBER OF Mr. and Mrs. Otis Dike were hon COMMERCE HOLDS MEETING ored on the occasion of their 40th The newly organized Gates Cham wedding anniversary, Sunday after By ESIE MYERS ber of Commerce met Sunday in the noon, November 27th,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Dooley and Gates Furniture store. The purpose Broadway Hits ef Today--4 records , their daughter Mrs. Edward Chance, of the meeting was to elect officers Mike have returned to their home Album .... 3.27 I assisted by another daughter Mrs. after spending the summer at Myrtle ' Ted Stiff. Among those complimen- for the ensuing year. Those elected Creek where Mr. Dooley was engaged Vaughn Monroe Album were President, W. R. Hutchenson; Wide Stock of 4$ rpm records— I ted were Mr. and Mrs. Dike, Mrs. Vice-Pres, Glen Henness; Sec-Trea., in logging operations. I Gerald Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Classics, Popular, Westerns and Dinner guests at the home of Mr. Johnson, and daughter Mrs. Gwen Richard Parker. A board of direc- and Mrs. Ike Myers Thursday eve all vinylite — 69c each tors was chosen for terms of one, two Schaer, Mr and Mrs. Engle Johnson Classic Albums: ning, were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Lang Staf and three years. For one year was and family. Beethoven Symphony No. 7 Fred Butler and Gilbert Weathers; ford, Mrs. Veea Carey, Mrs Edmund Tchaikovsky Symphony, No. 6 Steve Myers arrived in Elkhorn Davis and the Rev. Smith of Eugene. for two years Floyd Völkel and L. J. Tuesday from Days Creek to spend Tcsaikovaky's Nutcracker Suite The recently formed dramatic Adams; for a three year term were several days with relatives Wagner’s Des Rheingold group met Dec. 1st at the home of Norman Garrison and Glen Hearing. friends. and many others I Miss Helen Wilson. Plans were A meeting was called for Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett and 1 made to start rehearsal on the play, night of this week. and Mrs. Ike Myers attended i the qroup selected. Those taking card party at the Legion hall in •s part in the enterprise are Miss Car- Stayton Saturday night. Mrs. Myers "First With What You Want Most” i men Stafford, Gerald Garrison, Til- carried home the prize, a beautiful COMPLETE AFFIANCE SERVICE man Rains, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare poinsetta. Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Henness. FLORIST and NURSERY Mrs. Roberta Longnecker is now Electrical Appliance Phone 6842 319 W. Washington assisting her husband who has been Quality job printing at the Enter Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 Stay ton, Oregon employed for some time on the new prise. y summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Petingil. Roberta is giving the fem inine touch in the way of a painting job. ELKHORN PORTER & LAU RALEIGH HAROLD See Us for Your Printing Needs No Job I oo Large or Too Small THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Subscribe \(>\\ ' Decenibe r 8, 1949 P-THE MII.I. CITY ENTERPRISE I Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! NOTICE aBKm»nBBHBnnsnnniiS0»»nns(nn' We Specialize Due to the rise in printing and paper costs, plus the fact that The IN REBUILDING Enterprise is a larger paper than last LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S year, it has been found necessary to increase the subscription rate slight ly. After January 1, 1950, the rate REASONABLE PRICES will be $2.50 per year. PROMPT SERVICE However, all subscriptions now in force are not affected, and on an other page appears an advertisement MUI City which offers attractive rates until the first of the year to both new and BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB renewal subscriptions. m This rate increase is in line with most weeklies whose subscriptions have been increased, some to $3 per year. The Enterprise shall endeavor to serve this canyon better and more Commercial Refrigera efficiently in every way opening new and additional services to its readers tion Sales and Service and advertisers as time and space 2134 Fairgrounds Road will permit. Please feel free to call on us at any time, and especially we Salem. Oregon Phone 3-7193 are equipped to take care of all your future job printing needs. .. « uun.ua» SHOES DICK’S SHOE SERVICE Davis Electric & Tavern Supply We Specialize in Wreck Rebuilding, General Auto Body Repair IN ALL OUR WRECK WORK FRAMES AND FRONT END SUSPENSION ARE CORRECTED ON BEAR FRAME AND ALIGNMENT MACHINES. YOUR CAR LOOKS NEW WHEN WE ARE THROUGH" Knowles Body & Fender Repair PHONE 88 MILL CITY Walk in, Please Hide out, PLEASED With a Kaiser-Frazer SHOWER MOTOR CO., Stayton