Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1949)
Mr and Mrs Lester La Munyan are new residents of Mill City living i in the Ed Cooke apartment on Alder Mr. and Mrs. Alton Parks and fam street Mr. La Munyan is employed ily spent the weekend at the home of at Knowles Body and Fender Shop. her parents Mr and Mrs R. L. Mrs. Lester Hathaway has been in Faust. i Salem several days recently to see Mr and Mrs Homer Thacker and | her daughter, Minnie who lives in the family of Idanha spent the weekend I eastern part of Oregon, while she is in Mill City visiting relatives and in the hospital for observation friends. Dr. and Mrs. David Ferguson left ! Clayton Baltimore who has been ill Sunday on a week's trip to Califor ’ with pneumonia is now recovering nia, by auto nicely. The Baltimore's have a new Friends and relatives from Silver- 1950 car. ! ton of Clarence Esteson came over C. E. Coville, realtor, reports real Sunday and put the roof on his new estate is moving. He sold Mrs. Mac's house. The work is progressing rooming house to Mr. Nelson and Mr. | nicely with the help of local build- Knight of Salem. It is believed they j ers also. plan to build on a dining room to Within the past week dirt has been add to the services to be provided. j put over the rocks outside the new Clarence Esteson's house was sold , grade school building. to Einer Skinner, land engineer at Driving to Salem last Monday the the dam. Ed Cooke family had a startling ex Another property sale by Coville perience. A deer jumped a fence was the Woods farm between Mill just east of the fish hatchery landing City and Gates. It was sold to so close to the car that some quick Royal Johnson and his sister. maneuvering and swerving of the car Come in and see Christmas Cards, was required to keep from hitting Wrappings, Gifts, Note Paper, Etc. I the animal. Serious damage could First Presbyterian Booth in lobby of I have resulted considering the animal Mill City State Bank 48-3tp was a large buck. Mrs. Curtis Cline was shopping in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dahlen are Portland last week. i planning to spend the weekend in Shields Remine plans to leave this j Silverton. They anticipate visiting week for San Francisco on business. 1 with friends of long standng, having i lived in Silverton for many years. ' Attending the lutefisk dinner in Typewriters Calculators ; Trinity Lutheran church will be part Adding Machines of a pleasant trip. CAPITOL OFFICE MILL CITY EQUIPMENT CO. 531 Court SALEM Sales — Rentals — Service High School Notes By THAD ROBERTS TIMBERWOLVES WIN TWO Mill City high school opened their 1949-50 basketball season with T?" and "A" games at Chemawa on De cember 2nd MUI City won the *‘B” game by a score of 13 to 2. The "A” team won their game by a score of 37 to 30 Chemawa "B" 2 Mill City “B" 13 Ironpipe Bill Deen (6) F W Yallup Leroy Podrabsky (7) F Dempsey Dick Downer C Sakota Thad Roberts G Howard Dick Kanoff G Mill City subs: Shelton, Maritala. Chemawa subs: O. Yallup. Grant, WUliams (2) Sampson, Univi Chemawa “A’ 30 Mill City "A" 37 Wells (6) Leo Poole (5) F Lawrence Thornley (7) F Matt (2) Satanus (1) Ollie Muise (20) C Felsman (2) G Verl Moberg <5) Belgard (15) Bob Baltimore G MUI City subs: Roberts. Chemawa subs: Sheffel (2), Plum mer (2). t * • MILL (TTY TAKES JEFFERSON 13 TO 6 Mill City won their 10-minute game with Jefferson in the annual Marion County Jamboree held in Salem by a score of 13 to 6. The south, com posed of Mill City. Gates. Detroit, Aumsville, Turner and Sublimity won the Jamboree by a score of 74 to 63. The "Deacon's Seat" was a large Mill City "A" (13) Jefferson “A” (6) i seat close by the fireplace in a log Leo Poole (6) F Porter (14) ging camp bunkhouse. Lawreice Thornley (1) F Brown j | Ollie Mulse (3) C Marlatt (2) j Lawrence Poole (3) G Reeves (0) 1 Bob Baltimore (0) G Ricks (0) Mill City subs: Moberg. Roberts, Downer. E. Podrabsky. and R Peter son. Jefferson subs: Gain, Blackwell, Cameron. Williams, Wittenbarger. Manolis Santiam Cafe If your wife can’t cook, dont divorce her. EAT HERE, and keep her for a pel. JUNIOR PLAY I Water Well Drilling I I j i The Junior class of Mill City high will present a three-act play on Fri day, December 9. The play, entitled | "The Girl With Two Faces”, has an all girl cast and will begin at 8:00 P.M. at the High School auditorium. Admission is 65 cents for adults and i 30 cents for children PHONE 505 MILL (TTY FOR FREE ESTIMATE MILL CITY DOWNS SCIO. 42-31 Mill City high opened their home basketball schedule with a 42 to 31 victory over the Scio Loggers Tues day night. Ollie Muise paced the Wolves with 12 points. The Scio "B” team won the opening game by a score of 15 to 12. Thomas Housing Project L. Thornley (10) F Gabrielson (11) Leo Poole (7) F F. Sprague (1) Ollie Muise (12) C Morris (7) L. Poole (11) G Sweet (5) Bob Baltimore (2) G B Sprague (5) Mill City sub: Moberg. Scio subs: Light, Westinghouse (2). WELL DEEPENING .AND CLEAN OUTS L. M. HOLLINGWORTH Mill City (42 LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE If You’re a G. L, See G. E. Thomas, Mill City IVcemlx r 8. 194* TWO FORCES 5—THE Mil l t m ENTERPRISE Two great forces stand behind the economy of this country. DEMOLISHING THE ROADS BARGAINS One is mass production the unique Overwhelming evidence is piling up system of producing goods of every to substantiate the belief that heavy In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares kind of high quality, in volume, and commercial trucking is destroying at a low cost. It is the root source our major highways at an alarming MAC'S of material abundance and high liv rate, and at a huge cost to private 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking ing standards motorists and all other taxpayers. A particularly convincing example The other is mass distribution—the equally important and equally effi has been cited by the chief highway cient system developed to bring those engineer of Illinois. His department LICENSED goods within reach of the 140.000 000 accumulated detailed data on two people who use them. sections of Illinos highway which are This is a huge nation in land area, 30 miles apart and identical in con Yet the same brands of goods, at struction One section, according to about the same prices, are found in a traffic count, carried an average of $1 par month and up every corner of it. They are adver- ,490 trucks a day while the other car Also serving Rates and Lyons » tised in our newspapers and maga- ried less than 20 The first section, MILL CITY zines, and over the radio, When after 20 years of service, “was pract- something new appears, it is put on i ically demolished." The second sec DISPOSAL SERVICE sale in remote towns almost as soon tion was "in perfect shape after 22 PHONE 2352 as it reaches the stores in the big | years of service.” LEONARD HERMAN gest cities. Its merits are shown to ■iMnsBSManMSE: ssmmmmmmmbbm buyers in basically the same way. Don’t Borrow — Subscribe I In mass distribution, as in mass production, we see the finished re sults of the free enterprise and co operatives of getting a job done. The retail store is the average Ameri can's closest and most personal con tact with the forces that make the nation’s economy tick It is the place where he spends much of his money and where the irresistible pressure of competition outside of \l a t art Dinners Short Orders monopolies guarantees that he will LYONS get fair value in exchange. Mass production turns out goods and mass distribution sees to it that they are readily available when we want them. G Mill \GE SERVICE ? CAFE Finest guaranteed work done by experts. Prompt service. Free inspection. Bring in your watch. CONSTIPATION (Colitis) A. -A < Is a sympton, not a disease. Rectal ailments are the under Ax*sí' lying factor. Hemoroids and other colon ailments must be corrected. ‘No loss of time No hospitalization Free descriptive booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic N ituro Proctologist 1144 Center St. Salem, Ore. : 4^4 Quick relief with Dr. Scholl’s Arch Supports DuraPower Mainspring* for ELGIN OWNERS FXPERTI.Y FITTED Available for replacement in most Elgin*. ♦Ma.lo of llgiloy" tuetal. ¡'»tent peu.ita<. USE OUR LAYAW AY PLAN— A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANYTHING UNTIL NEEDED. ROWE’S SHOE REPAIR Baker's Next to Star Theatre Mill City Jewery STAYTON ««»»aaanHHawnnanBoannnBHnwa ELCINS 1 \\1 Zi Scio (31) VALUES Gary Peterson, sophomore, has j been confined to his wigwam by a I seige of the flu. We hope he will be back with us real soon. Lester Poole, graduate of Mill City high school and student at Oregon state college was pledged as a can didate for Scabbard and Blade, na- i tional military society, according to . a recent issue of the OSC Daily Bar- I ometer. J* IX . A I J1Í 141 * >.T * • LIPPOLD - BRENNER We invite you to come in and see our lovely Christmas Gifts for the Ladies Accountants ‘Bookkeeping Service ‘Auditing •Payroll Reports ‘Income Tax Phones: Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 ■ ^7 's'» T Acod. Watch«,corre<m.„ - ----- *7 .-ssi.-sur;- Tex’s Tavern MILL CITY A friendly family atmosphere prevails Z OCCURS — 1 ---- —— I IL- a smart Christmas shopper. You ran aav ,im<- by loing all your gift buying right here in o r ■>ir. Ue recommend especially our big r< a - '.on of Elgin Watches. There’s a wide range of styles and prices. No Chriatmaa gift gives a greater thrill than an Elgin Match. 85th Anniversary Values A Small Deposit on a Lay-Away OLESON’S BAKER'S MILL CITY JEWELRY Open u :oo o clock till 8:oo on Sat. MIIJ. (TTY, OR.Ef.ON USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN