December 8, 1949 4—THF MIEI. <TTY ENTERPRISE GRADE s< HOOL BASKETBALL SCH ED I LE A N NOUN(ED The first basketball game of the season of the Mill City grade school will be played December the in the gymnasium when they meet Sub limity. The team will be composed of «th. 7th and 8th grade boys. Wednesday afternoon try-outs for yell and song leaders were made be fore the Sth, 6th, 7th and 8th grades, the winners to be announced. The complete basketball schedule follows: Sublimity at Mill City—Dec 9th Mill City at Detroit—Dec. l«th. Mill City at Turner—Jan «th. Aumsville at Mill City—Jan. 13th. Mill City at Gates—Jan. 20th Gates at Mill City—Jan. 27th. Mill City at Sublimity—Feb. 3rd. Detroit at Mill City—Feb. 10th. Turner at Mill City—Feb. 17th. Mill City at Aumsville—Feb. 24th. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Complete Food Service OPEN SUNDAYS MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY ■MH Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe.. Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit. 163 S. High SALEM Ph. 3-9125 MM I LYONS By EVA BBEMLEB There will be a pot luck dinner and fellowship hour next Sunday, December 11, following the regular church service, held at the club house e.ery body come to church and stay for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian were hos tess for a party held at their home Saturday evening, following a pot luck supper the evening was spent informally. Present were Mr and Mrs. John Prideaux and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mohler, Shirley and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McRae, Mr. and Mrs. John Worden and Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. George Nydigger and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman and family and JoAnne Kunkle. Santiam Valley grange held their regular meeting Friday night at the grange hall. The regular routine of business was carried out, and plans completed for the special meeting which will be held at the grange hall I Saturday evening, Dec. 10, to confer the first and second degree on a class of nine candidates, installation of officers will be held December 16, with Bertha Beck state secretary as installing officer, which will be open to the public, visiting lodges Lacomb, Scio and Stayton will also be pres ent. Recent visitors at the Otto Weid man home were Mike Bilyeu of Jor dan, Mrs. Lydia Metcalf and Mrs. Bud Swartwood of Capalis, Wash. Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mrs. Daisy Johnston were her two nieces and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyer and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bowers of Salem. They were extending birthday anni versary wishes to Mrs. Johnston on her 76th birthday. A cub master and den mother training course meeting was held at the Rebekah hall Monday evening. The scouts are really going to town, DR. M\RK II U1MERICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST ’S Cafe In Jenkins Building MILL CITY . (Formerly Baker’s .Jewelry Store) Private Dining Room Telephone 2249 for .Appointments fife Open Every Thursday 1 •« <• P.M. 6 P. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment • Eye examination * Glasses fitted. * Eye glass adjustments * Broken lenses replaced General offices at TenBrook Jewelers, 313 W. 1st St., ALBANY 4 Ml TIMBER WOLXE8 WILL RE LIONS CLUB GUESTS The local Lions Club will give a dinner Monday evening here for the Mill City high school football -team Each member of the club has been asked to bring a member of the Tim berwolves’ squad to the dinner. Ar rangements are being made for the affair by Jack Colburn. For Guaranteed Cleaning. it’s the NU-METHOD BLUEBIRDS SELLING CHRISTMAS CANDY The Bluebird Camp Fire groups have been out selling candy during the past week. Events planned for them in the future are trips through the Mill City Bakery to see how breads, cakes etc. are made, and through the Mill City Enterprise office to watch a paper in the mak ing. --------------------------------------- Wm. O’Shea (left), executive secretary of the Small Brewers Committee, Chicago, presents F. W. Shepard, manager Sicks* Brewing Company, Salem, the first prize blue ribbon awarded the company for its label for Sicks’ Select Beer. there are 24 registered cubs and sev eral more expected after the first of the year. Den mothers are needed, any volunteers will be appreciated. The church choir will hold their Christmas concert at the Lyons Methodist church Sunday evening, Dec. 18, at 8 o’clocg. It will consist of the regular choir, men’s choirs, and the junior choir. This will be a nice feature and every one is invited. Mrs. Catherine Julian (grandma Julian) returned home with her daughter Mrs. Ida Barkley of South Gate, Calif., where she will spena some time. Friends were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Voleen Shields of Salem who passed away Sunday at the Salem General hospital following a long illness. She is a sister of Mrs. Lyon of Lyons. Mrs. Art *Olsen of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, visited at the home of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Mrs. Glen Julian and her mother Mrs. White spent the first of the week in Portland. They will return | Wednesday. I Leroy Comforth had the misfor- tune of breaking the small bone in j his ankle while on a skating party in Salem. Mrs. Gladys Stiffler who has been staying at the home of her daugh ter and family Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Toland, has gone to Scio where she will help out at the telephone office for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt and sons Richard and James of Lebanon were Sunday evening guests at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. Amos I Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and children of Walport have moved to Lyons for the winter, where he will be emloyed for Sam Bridges, the Gas Heat company. Quality job printing at the Enter prise. SILVER SADDLE GARAGE SANTIAM CO-OP INSTALLS AIR SERVICE The Santiam Farmers Co-op has installed a free air and water service | for motorists at its driveway on First street, Manager M. J. Martin announced. The facility will be main tained as a public convenience by the concern, whiesh does not sell gas. Highway West of Mill City FULLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS WELDING AND REPAIRING OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS DUDLEY JONES Tel. 903 Mill City LOST MONW may never be regained, but if you lose an unsigned blank check, you needn't worry. Safeguard your funds. Open a checking account and carry convenient checks instead of large amounts of cash. Mill City State Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. 48-HOUR SERVICE MILL CITY i Now in Progress The SMART SHOP SALEM. OREGON lis N. LIBERTA' Beautiful Warm COATS MASTER ^•»pular - -it YOl ARE INATTE!» TO OPEN A <H\RGU ACCOUNT