■TH»: MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE Rose Daly and Alona Daly went to TAMALE SUPPER THIS FRIDAY Dw-embrr 8, 1H4!» FOR SALE New double constructed A Tamale supper will be held at Drain Tuesday for the funeral of his stucco duplex. For sale by owner, Vem Shaw accompanied by Mrs. the Presbyterian recreation hall to call The Enterprise. 49tf K « « :: K X « » >i « a a a a a a a a cousin Cecil Bernatzki who died Sat morrow night (Friday) from 5:30 to RABBITS FOR SALE — 59 head of Mrs. Grace Marquam of Salem was urday in a Eugene hospital from in 7 p.m. Buy your tickets at the door X recent weekend guest at the home does and nine bucks. All New Zea a à juries received in an auto accident and come early. Adult tickets are land Whites. Mrs Dan Morrison. of Mrs. J. R. Geddes. a à Box 180, Gates. Oregon, inquire at 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood and Mr Friday evening. $1 00 and children 70c. Progre«« for the C*nyon X Gates General Store. 49-3tp and Mrs. Walter Powell and two A fellowship dinner was enjoyed at Mrs. Clayton Baltimore is general FOR SALE — Equity in 1949 Roll daughters of Lebanon, visited re- the First Christian church Tuesday chairman of the supper. away 28-ft. Sleeps eight. Will ac cently at the Geddes home. evening. A good time visiting with The Tamale supper is being held cept older trailer or car on trade-in. son music and a radio quiz featured on in co-operation with the bazaar Mrs. Betty Belcherand and Fred Wilson, Butler’s Trailer Court, which will be open at 2 p.m. on Gates. 48-3tp Pete are in Mill City staying with the agenda for the evening. The Santiam Valley Grange No. Friday afternoon. Aprons tea tow GROCERIES MEATS her sister, Mrs. Ardell Webster. ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit Mrs. Anna K. Blazek has been ill 828 will hold a special meeting Sat els, fancywork. Christmas decora Janet Margaret ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 and confined to her home urday, December 10 at the Grange tions, ornaments and cards are NELSON NOBLE Hemlock, Lebanon. • Mrs. L. C. Chance visited in Port hall. Members are urged to attend. among the many beautiful articles featured at the bazaar. FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean land the past week with her daughter There will be a potluck. The Ladies of the Presbyterian Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood is general equipment call your fuller brush deai- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Trailer Court er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box Carey and Diane, While there sev- church are giving a hot tamale din [ chairman for the bazaar. eral old Mill City friends called and ner Friday evening in the recreation 229 Aumsville, Oregon. First in Detroit room. Adult tickets $1 00 and chil- hosts at a ham dinner Saturday eve visited with her. Still Firat in Detroit List your homes and farms with me. Sil- ning, the ham being won at the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leisy of I dren 70c. Red Rynearson Otto Russell Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, verton were Mill City visitors Satur Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kelly spent theatre gift night. Guests were Mr. Glen Dryden Detroit, Lyons. the weekend at their summer home and Mrs. Al Hoffman, and Mr. and day calling on old friends. DAVID M. REID, REAL ESTATE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shaw and on the coast. Mrs. Ray Stiner. FOR SALE—Baby crib and mattress Craig were daughters Audrey and Velma Mrs. Waldo Nettleton and $12.75, portable Minnesota electric IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab caled to Drain, Oregon Sunday upon Muir of Salem spent Tuesday visit- Two small fry having birthdays Dec. 7 were Jeanie Kelly, daughter sewing machine, A-l condition by have it recovered, modernized and of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly and Jef- $39 50. Gates Furniture Co. 49-lt made like new. Mail us a card giving the death of her nephew, Cecil Ber- ing relatives in Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. John Muir and family ferson Wolverton, son of Mr. and natzki. FOR SALE 3 rooms and bath and exact location and I will call with spent the weekend in Salem, Mr. Mrs. Charles Wolverton. The former fireplace, plaster and stucco out samples and give free estimate of FOR REN I' 4-bedroom house, 1 mile Muir attending stag party of the was given a party at kindergarten by cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. side on about »/« acre, priced at C. E. Coville, Real , American Legion post. her mother and the latter had a $2,900, if it sells this week. % mile I’i«ku.p and delivery free. C. E. Hen from Gates. Estate, west side of Mill City. 49tf Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parker and party at his home. Guests were Kay from Stayton on the Kingston road, sley, C04 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone first house on the left hand side. Mis. M. B. Peetz of Salem were din- WANTED- Two passengers wishing ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wargnier, Wayne Stiffler, Bruce 49-ltp 1153. j Tuers, Kathy Swan, Shirley Veness, to share ride and expenses with Mrs. Peetz is Sharyn Cribbs and Ronnie Knowles. FOR SALE- By owner, 4-rooms and A GOOD selection of linoleum yard persons going to San Francisco Hutcheson Sunday. soon. Contact Enterprise office or 1 the mother of Mrs. Hutcheson. and bath and utility room, with a age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. Mrs. Delbert Jenkins and Miss fireplace, electric hot water tank, | yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Mrs. A. N. Webster 49-ltp Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bangs of San Daisy Hendricson went to Salem and and wired for electric range, plas-; . Francisco are moving into the new Albany Wednesday on business and ter and stucco outside, with an I EXPERT auto and home radio ser FOR SALE — Dachshund puppies, good highchair, converts into play I cabin recently built by Nelson Lan- | pleasure. open garage, a small chicken house j vice. 20 years experience, all makes. table. Bengston, 3rd house back | phear on his property. Mr. Bangs on about 1»4 acres of fine river i Guaranteed service. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Palmer and of Hill Top Store, next to Ray will be bookkeeper for his brothers bottom soil. Priced at $4,700.00, Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance Roberts. 49-3tp in Detroit who are hauling on con family were weekend guests of Dr. ¡2 mile from Stayton on the Kings and Mrs. Pat Bain of Portland. ton road, first house on left hand FC’ . SALE—Large wood circulating tract for the Idanha Veqeer Co. side. 49-ltp Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Baker drove BARGAINS heater, good condition. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bauer were : to Salem Sunday for a jewelers Arthur, Hazel st. and 2d ave. 49-3t WANTED Cattle, hogs and sheep. 2- BED ROOM house, garage, nice meeting at the Senator Hotel. lot $2,500, $800 down. Licensed and bonded buyer. Will FOR SALE—18 New Hampshire Re<? LEGAL ADVERTISING John B. Herron and Byron Davis call at farm. Write Harold E. »■¡-ACRE, 4-ROOM house, $600 down pullets, laying, $2.25 each. Al Snethen, 1550 I^ancaster Dr., Salem, NOTICE TO CREDITORS total price $3,000. were winners of the shuffleboard Meirose, Lyons, between Mill City Ore. Phone 2-1345. 48tf 3- ROOM HOUSE, extra good loca and Gates, Linn Co. road Notice hereby is given that I have tournament Sunday evening at the 49-ltp »z%r» vzmit Court >1 1 been, kx«» by 4-lxzx the /"V Circuit of X.fnvinn Marion tion $2,700, $700 down. Their awards were FOR SALE OR TRADE — Daveno FOR SALE Gas refrigerator $125, County, Oregon, Probate Department, Meander Inn. and chair, 4-room oil space heater, PENNICK-PENNICK and gas range $75. 1265 East ave., appointed administrator of the estate j ca£ robes. practically new, folding dinette i Phone 1901 Detroit is sending _ a team to com- Salem. 4-3t I of James Dawes, deceased, and have Evenings 702 table. C. U. Kangas, one block qualified. All persons having claims pete in the shuffleboard tournament south of Hill Top Grocery, turn left I NEED A TELEPHONE?—Come in against the estate of said decedent at the Mill City Tavern some time and first road right, first white j and see the new Stromberg-Carlson hereby are required to present them, next week. Announcement of the house on left side of road. 48-3tp . desk telephone. Highest quality and I with proper vouchers, to the under be made later. winners will signed at Mill City, Oregon, within GAR-WOOD HOISTS approved for your local phone ser FOR SALE OR TRADE—for car of equal value, Kaiser Fraser Rototil-1 vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance six months from the date hereof. Dated this 1st day of December, and DUMP BODIES ler - Rotoette, used less than 25 Phone 902 Mill City 1949. hours, $295.00 see at Dick’s Shoe BODIES MADE TO ORDER D. B. HILL. Service, Mill City. 48tf THE PERFECT GIFT! Administrator. LOGGING TRAILERS TODAY'S GREAT PIANOS! BELL & DEVERS JUST THE PLACE For someone I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BALDWIN - CABLE - HADDORFF Stayton, Oregon who wants a good 4-BR home with WURLITZER Attys, for Administrator. 48-5t acreage In Mehama, Ore. Quiet i y NEW SPINETS FROM $395 and secluded. Good place for chil-1 <♦: -a Best values on New and Used Grands, dren. Close to Bchool. Wonderful Ph. 2-5590 Spinets, Uprights, view. See owner at place. Edith R. 543 Ferry St. Salem, Ore. Philippi, Mehama, Ore. 48-3tp Open evenings till 9 p.m. except Sat. i FOR RENT Partly furnished apart STONE PIANO CO. ‘ THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO ment with garage. Also sleeping STORE" room. E. D. Cooke. 47tf Attorney at Law 1540 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Ore. FOR SALE Brand new electric hot CUSTOM CUTTING SHIRLEY LAIRD 318 Broadalbin Albany water heater. Manolis' Trailer Agates to Sapphires and Rubies Park, Gates, Ore. 48tf Cut and Mounted to Order Phone 2603 r CBI needs accomodations: single and Drilling and Placing of Emblems and Monograms double rooms in private hmes, houses MILL CITY Real Estate to rent. Please list your available On Stones. Prices Quoted BARBER SHOP space with CBI. Call Personnel office, On Request. MILL CITY :«• <♦> <♦> <♦: 2nd & Broadway Mill City • Member of ROC KS & MINERALS KM M ... ' . . «4M HM« . * Hours: 10 to 7 ASSOCIATION WOOD for sale old growth, 16”— y Visitors Welcome ALF. O. NELSON $12 cd., 2 ft. $10 cd., for fireplace. Attorney at Law Mill City Hardwood also, $15. Doc Nelson, Ph Worden Building Walt Nicholson. • Silveiton, Oregon 3403 or 88, for Telephone 161 MILL CITY Trade in DETROIT Buying At Home Spell« Santiam FOOD \I 1RT ’ Canyon Garage EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES „ p. E. FRY, Manager Detroit Tavern DAVIS SPORTING & DRY GOODS fame i» Pendleton Shirts We Have Them < • L. C. DAVIS & SON Canyon Club Persh Bruce M Wants and Sales FOR SALE—Hood River Apples, $2 box; also fine grade Turkeys, live or dressed. Don Marshall, Phone 3623. 48-3tp FORPttALE Kenmore washing ma- i it»* new metal washing tubs, l.yab mahogany dining room ¡able wlui six chairs Inquire at Enter, prise office. 44 WCk4' FOR SALE-Delivi red or you ^IW Glenn R. Mattson, Rt. 1. Box also second growth fir tlm |W" 45tf • 1OJ FOlit^AI.E Willys Jeep or trade for car or pickup. Harvey Moullet, be hind Pool Hall or Box 1348 Stay ton. 48-3tp FOR SALE Fat Turkeys, toms 40c and hens 50c lb. Mrs. J. H. John son, Lyons. 48-3t FOR ANY KIND of brick v oik, I ¡re places, chimney flues, patios. Free estimates. Write to John W. Hanna, Route 3, Silverton. 44-6t4» MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. Leonard Herman Phone 2325 anM»»ooa»a«a<a<a»w«a»»s(»nn«B JUST ARRIVED— Ladies and Children’« Umbrella« Bath Towels — Aprons Handkerchiefs Sheets — Embroidered Cases it Tablecloths Hendricson’s Store Balcony Epp’s Store Zi kA jÀX U PHONE MILL CITY 2602 or 2108 naBaKHHHniannHnniaiaHnniannnnnn Christmas Gifts for the Little Folks at the Hobby Shop 168 N.Commercial. Salem Jorgensen-Steinke’s David C. E. Coville Real Estate West Side Mill City I’ll. 8407 LISTINGS WANTED H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. VERNE’S MILL CITY Service Station HOWARD CORSET SHOP FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. 'I’owing Service SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES MILL (TTY, OREGON FISHING TACKLE »ö»»»nö«HHÖ»ÖKQ»«)SöiOHStBÖÖ)S FLOWERS BLOCK WEST OF THEATER John Adams Stayton. Oregon For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel. Arthurs Cafe Chicken in the Rough . Reid HARLOW L. WEINRICK ('ail George Phone Blue o lB and eat. SHIRLEY’S REALTY SHOP Horner’s GOODE'S FLOW ER SHOP A friendly plan* to meet ? Weddle Funeral Heme Basements, Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer Camp Mill City. Ore. Ph.9O3 PO MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Stayton, Oregon "Fleas Don't Bother Me I'm Dusted with Information ('enter, Detroit, Oregon PULVEX DDT” 24 hours a day JERRY’S CAFE &TAVERN Serving Turkey Dinner Friday, Saturday, Sunday COMPLETE DINNER 95c Gates, Oregon Your Salad Days Are Not Past. They're Present PùLveJc >t»a no wait filli HUS fttrs I m orr The best time for salads is from 11 right through noon till 2, each day hut Sunday Underneath the Mil! Citv Pharmacy FDR FREE IIOTPOIVI RINGE SERVICE — CALL STAYTON KIR > II \Kt.F FOR l‘ IRTO IM» Mil E AGE ONLY. and liiriiitun F SANT I AM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING Stayton. Oregon STATTON PHONE 1UÏ Down the famous NOHLGREN’S ALLEY’ Off State Street. Salem