De.eriib^r H, 1949 19— TH*: MILL < TTY ENTERPRISE Crash Victims- i Continued from Page 1) landed. Al Haun, Ardell Webster, who was killed, and the driver were at the bottom of the canyon. Dis lodged rocks caused the injured men some worry. A carload of dam workers were first on the rescue scene and one of them put in the call for help, which came from the Mongold ambulance FROZEN cake tests to be CONDUCTED AT OSC Can on«- really make a <*ake, freeze it. and then serve It fresh and lusc ious a week, a month ur several months later** In an attempt to answer that ques tion the school of home economics here is conducting some research this year. Mrs. Patsy Jones, 1948 graduate, is making the cakes to be frozen from a recipe developed last spring by Dr. Andrea Overman, di rector of home economic» research, now on sabbatical leave. The cakes will be taken from the freezer and judged throughout the year by a group of home economh-M staff members, after which Dr. Over man will compile the findings upon her return. Another research study concerns the stability of fats In pas- try mixes during long storage. NEW PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT IS INSTALLED Merry-go-round and new slide been installed on the southwest of the new grade school build- The Mill City Firemen paid $142 on the former, the total cost of which was $158 50 The latter cost $165 00 and was purchased by the school district. The equipment was bought from the Northern School Supply company. Appointment of John Bollinger, 53, The old playground equipment was as genera) manager of the Oregon moved from the former grade school Farmers Union Co-operative associa building to the new side. A cord of seasoned wood will give a* much heat as a ton of coal, and tion has oeen announced by the board NEW ENTERPRISES FINDING leave about one-quarter the amount of directors. Bollinger succeeds D. OPPORTUNITIES IN MEHAMA M. Eby who submitted his resigna of ashes. By JEAN ROBERTS tion several weks ago. He will take Mehama's newest enterprise, a cus over active management of the Farmers Union co-operative's four tom smoke house is doing a booming stores and oil and gas plant Jan. 1. business reports Andy Spriggs, owner Mr Bollinger has been active in the of the Southern Bar BQ. At present Farmers Union and co-operative he is awaiting delivery of lumber to construct another building for cut movement since 1933. ting and curing meat and rendering lard. A 7-lb. salmon, caught by Bruce Otto Bussell Philippi, young son of Roy Philippi after a recent trip to the coast is being smoked in the separate fish compartment. Agency The meat business in the Mehama Fire area seems to be a thriving one. Earlier this year, Myron Fender Auto local butcher, anticipating the grow Life ing demands of the canyon started Accident a modem version of the old meat wagon. He now delivers meat dally Phone 1502 Detroit via station wagon to the canyon com munites at competitive prices. aHHnnnannKHnnnnnnnHnnHnaHnnannnnnnnHHnHnnHnHHnnnnnnun INSURANCE if THINK! This Christmas for Only $2.00 Give a Years Subscription to The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Welcomed by your freinds here or anywhere in the United States THREE ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTIONS, INCLUDING YOUR OWN, FOR ONLY $5 00 A SUITABLE CARD WILL BE SENT ANNOUNCING YOUR GIFT DONOR'S NAME ADDRESS Send Gift SubscriptionH IG NAME ADDRESS NAME •WS ADDRESS REMEMBER SUBSCRIPTION $2.60 PER YEAR AFTER JANUARY 1, 1950 0n Lhiur END TABLES LAMPS SMALL RADIOS (üfyrtBtmas S’hnppitty at lïïitihrlhi LEN MITCHELL New Shipments Just Received MEN'S CLO1HES STAYTON — Open Friday and Saturday Evening» tiu H TOMANS Complete Assortments and Price Ranges in Time For Your HILL TOP STORE FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS FREE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WITH $10.90 OR MORE ORDER 2' lb. Package Biskit Mix and 1 No. 2 can Pineapple CIGARETTES, IVr t arion 10 It» St UAH S t*, fan IG A SNO KKKEM 1i It». IGA KUII K HIKERS ttMONIT I I Ol K SOtTlsll.K < Iht ( IMPI IIO M ili'IDI \| i oils q< im it o vrs MORTON SALT, «HIT* for KING Ml.AP l-OWDER Ml II» No i SPI Its $1.45 •9.1 .75 1.79 .17 .39 .35 .35 .19 .27 1.19 o c c O 0 0 0 HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. oc«Bon«BBBBBBn#BBnonoBoocioínnjniíBOítiniHBUoeottBnnioa it 1 : « .30 Dave Epps Furniture Co Open Evenings