o This group is eager for any one in- | at the Allen home this week was Mr, terested to join them Those present | W Ferguson who is employed in the at the first meeting were Carmen office of Consolidated Builders Inc Hutcheson and Parker of the Gates Stafford, Norma Devine, Mrs. Clare with Mr. Allen. Furniture store have had an addition Hennes*. Gerald Garrison, Tilmon Mr and Mrs. Warren Varcoe were built between the furniture store and Rains. Gerald Volke and the hostess in Tillamook last weekend at the the Gates General store, which is Miss Wilson. home of her father, Darrel Stewart. Miss Joan Ryal, one of the most ! completed and is reported will be for Wiley Muise who is attending popular of our high school girls was school in Salem at Willamette Uni­ rent A. J. Hatton and son recently from chosen “Sweetheart of the Canyon" j versity spent the weekend with his Portland had the lots they purchased at the recent contest conducted by grandmother, Mrs. Anna Nystruni in here leveled and prepared for the the Lions club. Niagra. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. | P. F. C. Earle Humphreys who has building of a modern utility house and Motel in the rear of the property. and Mrs. Saunders were Mr. and Mrs. been stationed at San Francisco was It is reported they wll build a busi­ William Johnson of Salem. Mrs. at his mother's home last for a visit ness block facing the highway. Lincoln Henness was also an after­ before reporting for duty at camp Miss Helen Wilson was hostess last noon visitor at the Saunder’s home. Carson In Colorado. Humphreys is Thursday night at her home to a Miss Helen Wilson and Don Carey (the son of Mrs. Riley Champ. group of the younger set here who motored to Corvallis last Friday Mrs. Minnie Everton who has been are interested in starting a dramatic night to attend a concert and a bas­ club It is planned by them to put ketball game in which Carey played. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. on home talent plays later In thewin- Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Burrel Cole was called to Yakima ter. The proceeds of any admission Tex Allen last Saturday and Sunday Washington this week on business. charges for the performances will be were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Greene of [ It will be necessary for her to remain used for charitable or civic purposes. Seattle Washington. A dinner guest I several months. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Johnson mo­ Adterlaemenl tored to Eugene for a two day busi­ ness trip. While there they visited From where I sit... //Joe Marsh relatives. I GATES Watch Out For h V The Symptoms! Laughed out loud when I heard Hoot Davis was down with Chicken Pox. A man of forty-flve catching a kid’s disease! So I went to see him, armed with jokes about "second childhood” but forgot them fast when I got there. Hoot looked terrible and had quite a fever. While we talked, I come to think of how Chicken Pox is a lot like other "diseases”—diseases of the character, such as intolerance, self-righteousness or just plain ig­ norance. They're excusable in chil- idren, but when they come out in adults they’re ten times as bad— and can be mighty “contagious.” From where I sit, we should all watch out for the “symptoms”— little things like criticising a per­ son’s preference for a friendly glass of temperate beer or ale. We’ve seen personal freedom wither away in other countries, when individual intolerance was allowed to get out of hand and be­ come a nation-wide epidemic. Mrs. Orville Hayward visited her husband in Portland over the week­ end. Hayward, who has been hos­ pitalized there since a car accident is reported to be making improvement. Mrs. Fred Stone has been in Illinois at the home of her daughter for sev­ eral weeks. She will remain there over the Christmas holidays. Mr. Stone plans to join them about the first of December and will accom­ pany Mrs. Stone on the return trip. Mr. Oswald Hirte, chairman of the local school board gave a short talk urging the parents to take a more active interest in the school. He suggested that a Parent Teacher As­ sociation be organized, and appointed a commitee to contact the parents and endeavor to start a p. T. A. On the committee were George Manolis, Mrs. William Pennick and Mrs. N. R. Pennick. Following the program 4—THE 5(11.1. CITY ENTERPRISE cards were in play at several tables while most of the crow'd watched a game of basketball between the boys and qirls teams. The boys were victors by a small margin J. O. Herron auctioned off the pies and 1340 were realized from the sale. This money to be used by the stud­ ents for the purchase of new suits for Watch for opening of the basketball team and other needed equipment. OPEN SUNDAY J- Complete food Service Mill City Meat Market Thomas Housing Project McEwan’s Photo Shop HAS MOVED To the Building Next Door to Jenkin’s Hardware BUSINESS HOUKS ('HANGED to 10 till 5:30 Fridays Evenings by Special Appointment PHONE 2243 Milt City SILVER SADDLE GARAGE Highway West of Mill City LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE If You’re a G. I., See G. E. Thomas, Mill City YODER-MARTIN Construction Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS FULLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS WELDING AND REPAIRING OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS DUDLEY JONES Tel. 903 Mill City Expert Bulldozing Road Building Clearing, Grading and Leveling Masonry and Concrete Work We Always Guarantee Our Work Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 Copyright, 1949, United States Brewers Foundation MILL CITY TAVERN REMEMBER LAST JANUARY AND FEBRUARY BYRON DAVIS, PROP “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY OREGON ’S 8ERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill Wity ami Stayton ..laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe.. Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 168 S. High SALEM • Private Dining Room For Guaranteed Cleaning, it’s the 48-HOUR SERVICE MILL CITY Walk in, Please Ride out, PLEASED SHOWER MOTOR CO., Stayton „ Spark . deluxe ,, ^.,rrom OiJ Heater» give both circulating ••’ you need both. SPARK ffpIL CIRCULATING HEATERS^ A Friendly Place Kaiser- Frazei Deport ♦ NU-METHOD With a . . To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern GATES SPANIOL & CO. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works Ph. 505B all your building needs MILL CITY |>uUr •»**<••*** Mill City State Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. BUILD for Happiness a NEW HOME supply of MASTER » wad Think a moment! Have you a life insur­ ance policy? A marriage certificate? A birth certificate? A deed to your home? U. S. Savings Bonds? Family heirlooms? These are just a few of the things you can safeguard against loss by renting a safe deposit box with us at small cost. STAYTON, ORE. Complete Paul Hanson s Garage ivfty d0 y.fe eed a $afe Cafe MHRMMMMM Salem Laundry Be comfortable now and prepared for the really cold weather to com*. Spark Oil Heater« always give rou just the temperature you want when you want it. See them today. OPEMSATURDAYS Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock ALL GRADES OF LUMBER. LET US ESTIMATE YOUR MATERIAL COSTS. YOUR ENTIRE BUILDING PROJECT KELLY LUMBER SALES CO. Retail Division Russell Kelly, Mgr «