MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. NOVEMBER 3. 194» MILL CITY Mrs. Walter L. Peterson ami her mother, Mrs. C. J. Dahlen visited in Cloverdale on Monday and Tuesday of this week at the home of Mrs. E. O. Minor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and children of Bend where guests at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Walter L. Pet- erson on Wednesday. Mrs. Rosa Daly ami Mrs. Gladys Mason attended the Pacific Telephone company conference in Salem last Thursday. All connecting telephone companies with the Pacific Telephone were guests. Mrs. Peggy McCoy is now working at the Santiam Telephone company, Mrs. Rosa Day taking a leave of absence. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stone visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lake in Redmond over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly and chil­ dren are vacationing at their home at the coast for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis are leav­ ing this weekend for ther cabin at Alsea for a four-day vacation. Ed Kellom has retired from service with the Southern Pacific railroad company. He will devote his time to his store on Alder street where he specializes in fresh meats and groc­ eries. Mrs. Otto Witt is ill at her home with a sinus infection. Monday she went to a specialist at Salem for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan had din­ ner with Mr. ami Mrs. Elmer Culwell of Lyons this week. Mrs. Gladys Trask of Fresno, Cali­ fornia is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elsie Potter and her brothers, Del­ bert and Ellis. Mrs. Trask and Mrs. Elsie Potter spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bub Haseman of Idanha. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mason had dinner with friends in Redmond Sun- day. Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Schroeder and children of Forest Grove visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder over the weekend. Edward attended the home-coming game at Corvallis. Mrs. W. W. Allen is leaving Satur­ day for San Francisco to visit her son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen. Mrs. Vernon Todd and children i and Mrs. W. W. Allen drove to Idan- ha 1 Tuesday and had lunch with Mrs. Sam Palmerton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek at- tended the Elk’s dance in Albany Sat- urday night. Sunday they drove to i the coast with friends from Jeffer­ son and spent the night. Mrs. Helen Williams, director of the Lions’ club local talent show arrived Tuesday evening in Mill City and is staying with Mrs. Jennie Davis. Mrs. LOST FATHER While Paul Mason was elk hunting in eastern Oregon, Mrs. Mason gave birth to a little “dear,” Douglas Allen, on November 1st at the Salem General hospital, he weighed in at 7 lbs. 9 ounces. This is to Announce Our New Office In Jenkins Building Church Activities - (Formerly Baker’s Jewelry Store) Mark Hammericksen REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Open Every Thursday 1 to • P.M.6 P. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment * Eye examination * Eye glana adjust men ta I Williams’ home is in Wichita, Kans. Two former publishers, Dave Epps and Charles Wolverton, met with the new publisher, Don Peterson in the Enterprise office W’ednesday, proba­ bly the first time that three owners of this same paper ever were to­ gether. Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and family of Columbus, Ohio, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolverton Fri­ day. Mrs. Scott is a high school friend of Mrs. Wolverton. She was state supervisor of corrective speech defects in children for several years in Indiana. Mr. Scott was area head of the YMCA in Columbus and is being transferred to Florida. Mrs. Leroy Dike has been confined to her home the past few weeks be­ cause of illness. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Ferguson are entertaining the members of the Pres­ byterian Youth Fellowship with a Halloween party. Mrs. George Laird, local beauty operator, is having a modem shop constructed on the Linn county side of town on Broadway street, where the Presbyterian manse formerly stood. Construction has already be­ gun and occupation is expected some time next month. Miss Daisy Hend- ricson plans to move her variety and ladies’ apparel store in the shop va­ cated by Mrs. Laird. Norman Brayford, OPS representa­ tive at the Detroit Dam, motored to eastern Washington over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. James O’Leary and family plan to go to Portland this week end to attend a Christmas pre­ view and party at a Portland whole­ sale house. John Davis and his family and Mrs N. E. Davis of Lafayette visited their sister and «laughter over the week end. • Glasses fitted. • Broken lenses replaced General office« at TenBrook Jewelers, 313 W. let St.. ALBANY ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC CHURCH, MILL CITY Sunday Mass at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before 'mass. Father C. Mai, Pasfor • • • LATTER DAY SAINTS OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT Sunday School each Sunday 10 A.M. in high school building, Detroit. Priesthood meeting 11 A.M. Zealand Fryer, Presiding • • • Church notices will be welcomed without charge, kindly furnish any | changes desiied, as we will be happy to keep this column up to date. ¿The University Bowl of Salem cordially invites th« Bowling I’ublir to come in and en­ joy the sport and fun of bowling. 12 Modern Brunswick alleys to bowl on OPEN 11 A. M. <0 12 P. M. Rate 35c per line—3 line« for $1.00 I As a Special GET ACQUAINTED Offen this Ad. is good I I for one Lin< of bowling at our modern bowling palace. I l the finest in the Northwest. UNIVERSITY BOWL 1340 State St. Salem. Ore. Tel. 20631 for reservations COME IN AND TRY FOR SOME OF THE HANDSOME PRIZES Marion Forks BY MRS. SCOTT YOUNG Plan Your Sunday Dinner At MANOLIS CAFE Full Course Dinner $1.50 Alsc Delicious Steaks and Fried Chicken MEN’S WORK GLOVES Drastically Reduced Letters to the Editor ■ I have recently moved to Mill City, § luckily finding a very nice house on N.W. Alder Street. . This street is paved up to a certain point. In front of three homes half way down Alder street, one finds huge holes which are getting worse every day. The bal­ ance of the street, ipast this point, is fine. Can’t something be done to force the property owners to pave or fill in the holes on the street fronting their property? I am sure that I, along with numerous others who have to drive their cars over this very bad strip of street, feel that if any dam­ age is done to our cars because of this situation, it should be the re­ sponsibility of these property owners to repair our cars. Signed^ Mrs. Cecil L. Fritts. • • • DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY D. B. Hill, Whitey Goodman and Dick Turpin built a concrete walk with an iron-pipe railing on it be­ tween the bank and the Bank Cafe. is coming in daily Shop early for the best selection MILL CITY VARIETY Jim O’Leary ? a s § 2134 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Oregon Phone 3-7193 BUILDER’S SPECIAL Here is your chance to buy Common Lumber at a savings while quantity lasts Random length 2x4, No. 4 Grade $14.00 per M 2,(MM) ft. lot» Random length ixb N0.4.S&S $18.00 per M Random length 1x8 No. 4 Shiplap $18.00 pel M 2,000 ft. lots Smaller Quantities Slightly Higher and Irene O’Leary A Chance for Reliable Businesses Tenants wanted for 100-foot business block to be built on Highway in Mill City.l 20 to 40 ft, frontage units planned. See . . . I AT V OUR1 FINGERTIPS DAVID M. REID Real Estate & Tavern Supply FRERES’ Jefferson CHRISTMAS STOCK Davis Electric Commercial Refrigera­ tion Sales and Service pushed over five nights straight. Whoever is doing this undecent act, might think they have something to laugh at, but instead they laugh alone, and are putting themselves into the category of the worst people in the world.—Signed, Dick Turpin. Mrs. Josephine Morgan and daugh­ ters of Scio, accompanied by Harry Stillwell and Mrs. Morgan’s daugh­ ter’s two children all visited Marion Forks Sunday. They are all relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith made a Quality job printing at the Enter­ business trip to Culver and Redmond prise. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westerberg and I son George, who have been living here in their summer home on the San- I tiam, have now moved back to their I home in Portland. They have done I extensive work on their place ami it is a credit to the countryside. I Mr. Bear likes apples, so the folks I up at Marion Forks have found out. A small bear is becoming a pest. I He ,ransacked around a trailer house I and emptied a bushel of apples and I left only four. Could it have been he was thoughtful of others or was he just plumb full ? What do you think? He totes garbage cans around, claws ¡annsn»!a»»iannnnnnia»nniaannnnnHiann»»!cta!a!a¡a»»n)9íHnHHn»Hn«n» I around on doors with the hopes he I might get in. People’s hearts go B B bump bump but that doesn’t help. The o « only sure cure is a rightly driven shot. I I People who work would rather sleep I and that is the time he prowls. I I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker of De­ I I troit were Sunday visitors here. I M. and Mrs. Paul Klug are making I I their summer home ready for the B a winter months. I Mr. Don McNeil was here at his B summer home putting in braces s g against the winter snows. s PHONE 207 MILL CITY Broadway Hits of Today--4 records Album .... 3.27 Vaughn Monroe Album Wide Stock of 45 rpm records— Classics, Popular, Westerns and all vinylite — 69c each Classic Albums: FRERES BIJ1LDIN< They built this walk so that all citi­ zens would not have to walk in the mud, and they built the iron-pipe railing along side the walk so that the citizens and particularly the elder citizens, could hang onto the railing while coming down the hill during freezing and snowy weather without falling and breaking leg or neck. Commencing last Saturday night October 29, the walk railing has been Beethoven Symphony No. 7 Tchaikovsky Symphony, No. 6 Tcsaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite Wagner’s Des Rheingold and many others PORTER & LAU OPENING UNDER NEW MANAGMENT MICK’S BOARDING HOUSE Home cooking and baking First With What Yeu Want Most" COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Radio. Washer Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 Phone 3306 Virginia Chaffin Marie Petersen