Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
• 5 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. NOVEMBER X IW the LOUIS XI VS FOOD AND NAPKIN WERE PASS ED TO HIM, ON STATE OCCASIONS, BY SIX ' DUKES, A PRINCE, \ AND THREE LESSER NOBLES. Further on up some new warning signs are up as Stemmy Van Handel rigged up a donkey near the road last week preparatory to logging a hillside just south of the Guest Ranch. More new signs have madde their appearance at Salmon Le Sac Falls and Faun Creek, of interest to mo torists. Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myes on Satuday. HUMBOLDT (1769- I8S9), Kenneth Randall and Bill Bickett SCIENTIFIC EXPLORER sold some of their range cattle the OF SOUTH AMERICA, past week. DISCOVERED NATIVES ON THE R/O NEGRO M rs. Rose Collins left Friday for EXISTING ON CLAY Chillicothe, Mo., after spending the DURING RAINY SEASON past two months with her sister, Mrs. ¿X ‘ Mary Patrick. 5'/ a century C hristian Byron Randall, San Francisco art- MISSIONARIES FOUND ist, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CENTRAL EUROPEAN Kenneth Randall, at Elkhorn a few TRIBES CELEBRATING days last week, en route to the coast HARVEST THAN KSG>V- where he will do a series of paintings x ING, AND ITS GODDESS, of Oregon scenes. • } FRE/A, WITH BEER He plans to return to Oregon some f \ MADE FROM THE time in the near future and do a FINEST GRAIN AND number of paintings of the logging SPRING WATER. industry, which should be of interest to people in this region. /4 BULGARIAN FAMILY, Mrs. Winnie Ray was on the sick UNABLE TOREAD list this week. AMERICAN GIFT-PACK- Word has been received from John AGE DIRECTIONS', COM- K Payton that he has been inducted into PLAINED TN AT WATER the navy and is in training in San PURIFIER DISINFECT Diego, Calif. ANT D/DN *T MAKE Mrs. Carl Longnecker spent Sun GOOD SOUP! day evening in Silverton with Mrs. Ccpyr/yht /&4QJ. v.Oar^e Anna Longnecker and shopped in Sa €5 lem Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ray and boys I ly and Bob, Paul Payton, Mrs. Bill spent Sunday with their daughter, Bickett, Jackie. Phyllis, Treva, Alice Mrs. C. Leffler, and family, of Scio. Faye, Mrs. E. A. Newsome, Betty and The youngsters enjoyed a four day By MRS. MILLIE BICKETT Patsy went to a Hallowe’en party at vacation while Mrs. Patrick attended Ike Myers returned Oct. 28 from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts Saturday institute in Salem. a ten-day visit with h i s daughter, night. Bob Van Eaton spent the four day Those attending the pie social spon I holiday at home. Mrs. Daisy Scott, and family of Spo sored by the Farmers Union in Mc- kane. Treva Sue and Alice Faye Bickett Everyone was very happy to see hama Friday evening were Mr. and , spent the week end with their aunt, Mrs. Frances Randall out at Faith Mrs. Ike Myers, Paul Payton, Mr. Mrs. Velma Emerson, in Mill City. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker, Bob and Rebekah Lodge Wednesday night. Mrs. Ike Myers and Mrs. Bill Bick Mrs. E. A. Newsome, Betty and Billy and Mrs. Mary Patrick. ett were solicitors for the Commun Patsy spent the week end with Mrs. ity Chest this week. They canvassed The county road up the Little N. from the Bert Pree to the Elkhorn Bill Bickett as Bill and Buddy are Fork has undergone some changes in Guest ranches. in eastern Oregon elk hunting. Later in the evening a special the last few weeks. Several new’ cul Mrs. Trudy Billington spent Tues meeting was called by the president, verts have been put in and lots of day night with her daughter, Mrs. Chet Blum, to vote on Ray and Jean gravel spread in bad spots. A new Bill Bickett. Roberts to become members. It was ditch extends the length of one of Bill Bickett’s fields to prevent water carried unanimously. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION from washing the road and field. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker, Bil- NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELEC TION TO BE HELD ACCORDING TO LAW FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING OR REJECTING THE PROPOSED CHARTER FOR MILL Final Publication. November 3, 194!» CITY’, OREGON. IS HEREBY First Posted. October 27. 1949 GIVEN. Earl Ragsdale Pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance passed by the Common Council of the City of Mill City, Ore gon, there will be a special election held upon the Sth day of November, 1919. at the City Hall in Mill City. Oregon, commencing at one o’clock. P. M. and continuing until 8 P. M. of said day, for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualified voters of said city the proposition of adopting or rejecting the proposed CHARTER for Mill City, (copies of said pro poser CHARTER are now posted at the City Hall, in the Post Office and in the office of the Mill City Enter prise; all in the city of Mill Chy, Oregon), and additional copies of said CHARTER are available for ex amination at the Recorder’s office at City Hall in said City. The following act shall be submit ted to the electors of said City for their approval or rejection, to-wit: “To enact a charter for the City of Mill City, Linn and Marion Counties, Oregon.” Said ballots shall also contain the words “Yes, I vote for the proposed Charter” an I “No, 1 vote against the pro posed Charter” which ballot each Popular Fall Shades voter shall mark and cast accord ing to law as each voter may de sire to vote. First Publication, October 27, 1949 City Recorder of Mill City, Oregon, by order of the Common Council of said city >1 gauge, 13 denier 97C P**- 3 prs., only 2-75 siaea 81 j to slightly irregular OLESON'S ELKHORN LANDSCAPE NOW See our work at the CBI homes, and also the Montag Motel F. A. DOERFLER & SONS 150 No. I^ancaster Drive, at 4 Corners Phone 2-1322 SALEM lllllll IIIIIIIIIU alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A Statement to the Public today’s Blitz Weinhard A lot has been said in recent weeks about The Tax Dodging Co-ops, also a certain group has been flooding the community with the so-called “Tax Free Bucks." I In defense of ourselves, and so that the public may know the truth, we are publishing a list of taxes paid by us in the less than four years we have been in business. TAXES Paid by Santiam Farmers Cooperative - - January 1, 1946 to Sept. 30, 1949 Distributed by Gideon Stolz Co. Social Security Tax Truck and Trailer Tax Unemploy ment Taxes State Indus trial Accid. Comm. Tax I 285.68 $ 542.61 * 433.98 Í 180.87 $ 27 45 1947 777.12 824 52 334.98 274 84 32.45 1948 17« Hi .00 1168.34 591.63 389.48 32.50 Year Personal and R. E. Taxes 1946 1949 2777.73 1101.09 490.84 367.35 130.25 $5540.53 W>37.46 91851.43 $1212.54 $222.65 $12,464.61 GRAND TOTAL I MIGHT ADI) THAT IN A TRUE IT IS TRI E THAT WE DO NOT PAY A TAX ON PROFITS FOR THE VERY OBVIOUS REASON. THERE THEIR PATRONS. ARE NO PROFITS ACCRUING TO I S AS A UNIT. BUT ARE CREDITED BACK TO THE INDIVIDUAL REVERT BACK TO THE PATRON. WHETHER THAT P\TRON IS A MEMBER OF THE CO-OPERATIVE OR PURCHASER AND • HARGED TO HIM AS TAXABLE NOT. INCOME. THIS SAME PRIVILEGE IS AVAILABLE TO ANY « (»-OPERATIVE. SU< H AS OIRS, ALL EARNINGS ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS Ml< H DIS AND OFTEN M1SI NDERSTOOD SUBJECT PRIVATE BUSIN ES' WHO WISHES TO REH Nil ALL EARNINGS OVER «OST OF OPERATION BACK TO M. J. Martin, Manager Santiam Farmers (’.»operative