’ Heny Heibert returned to he home t Tuesday. Her son, Harold, remained > in Dallas with her sister-in-law until .Mrs. Herbert i stronger. By MRS. RHEBA SNYDER Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Haley and After three weeks in Dallas recov- | ering from a major operation, Mrs. sons, Mike and Steve, were week end IDANHA NoOneEverRegretsBuyingQuality There is good, had and indifferent in almost every line. Seeing ability is no exception. Very few children have poor vision to start with. Very few adults have good vision in later years without help. Take good care of your vision while you have it to care for. I I Mark Hammericksen REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Offices at Mill City Furniture Co. I Open Every Thursday 1 to • P.M.6 P. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment * Glasses fitted. * Broken lenses replaced * Eye examination * Eye glass adjustments General offices at TenBrook Jewelers, 313 W. 1st St., ALBANY I 7:30 guests at the Frank New home. Mr. Evening Service 7:30 Haley’s topic for next Sunday morn Wed. Prayer Meeting 1906 ing: “Obedient Christian”; Sunday Phone Rev. L C. Gould Pastor evening, “Salvation First.” North Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Otis Floyd and daugh ters ,“7,>Lebanon, were week end Id DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST anha Sioitors. Warren Knape — Pastor Goldie and Floy Storey gave a Hol- 10 a.m. lowe'en party Sunday afternoon for Sigvday school 11:00 those children they could find, as it Morning worship was a “spur-of-the-moment affair. Youth meeting 6:45 7:00 Those present were Caroline Lady, Youth night, Saturday Music; games, eats and devotions Donnie and DeWain McKinney, Ches ter Cole, Gay and Pat Palmerton,, Freddie and Sarah Smith, Mike Ha CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 11:00 ley, Sally New, Billy, Bobby, Buster Services Sunday morning Mill City and Betty Tucker, Lana Lynda, Dar American Legion Hall GATES COMMUNITY lene, Frank, Steven, Nancy and CHURCH OF CHRIST Claudie Storey. 10:00 Mrs. Jerry Pittam and daughters, Sunday School 11:00 9herry and Patty, who have been in Morning Worship 6:30 Nebraska the past month, arrived in Christian Endeavor 7:30 Portland via the streamliner Sunday Evening Worship Walter Smith, Pastor. morning. Mr. Pittam memt them there. They were dinner guests at the COMMUNITY CHURCH Albert Snyder home Sunday evening. Rev. Wayne W. Watldns, Pastor Forty-four ipersons were present at 10:00 the Detroit-Idanha fellowship potluck Sunday School 11:00 dinned at the Rod and Gun Club Sat Morning Worship 7:45 urday night. Gaimes were played by . Evangelistic Service 7:45 the young folks after which a song | Wed. Bible Study service and an address by Warren ' Knape, pastor of the Detroit church, was presented. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday night at the home of PHOTO SHOP Mrs. Ella Peeler, with 3 members at tending. Mrs. Schram was co-hostess. Open each Friday Friday night at Mrs. Esther Fouts, the winning team in the membership contest, Mrs1 Floy Storey, captain, Mill City Furniture Company was treated to a party by the losing 2:00 to 7:30 team, Mrs. Fouts, captain. Guessing — PORTRAITURE — games were played, followed by bun- ko. Mrs. Fred Storey won first prize at bunko and Mrs. Orval Lady the consolation prize. The Eagles formed an auxiliary Saturday night at the messhall of the CCC Camp. Of 60 eligible mem bers, 40 were initiated into the lodge. Past week guests at the Eddie Ev- I enson home are Mrs. Evenson’s par- I ents. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and her sister, Elaine, of South Dakota. OPEN SUNDAY Watch for opening of Complete Food Service Mill City Meat Market Thomas Housing Project LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE If You’re a G. I., See G. E. Thomas, Mill City i®ttiimiiminraNn«M»inmfU!UiiittHr«mNmiiiiiiiirHHiiBisfr iHi’L ' Yoder-Martin Const. Co. McEWAN i ’ | I 1 Church Activities FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prelude; call to worahip;doxology; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir;' sermon; hymn; postlude. FREE METHODIST CHURCH j “The Church of Light and Life Hour” Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Junior Church 11:00 Spark deluxe OiJ Heaters give both circulating *n^Immediate radiant beat For complete comfort. Delivery you need both. „SPARK. STATE TIMBER SALE Oral bids will be received by the £f"ou CiaCUlXTIMG HEATtWS Acting State Forester, acting in be half of the State of Oregon by and through its Board of Forestry, at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, at 10:00 o’clock, A. M., November 14, Plumbing and Sheet Metal Worbe 1049. for all merchantable Douglas Ph. 505B fir timber designated for cutting by the State Forester or his agent, upon STAYTON, ORE. the fallowing described land located in Marion County. Oregon: WHNWla Section 15, Township 9 south, Range 3 East. W. M. Sealed bids will be accepted in; place of oral bids if received at the office of the State Forester, 2600 State Sreet, Salem. Oregon not later than the above time and date. Before submitting bids, prospective purchas ers should secure a copy of the pros- ( pectus and bid form from the State Forester. Salem, Oregon, or Elmer1 Taylor. Mehama. Oregon. The Acting State Forester reserves the right to waive minor technicalities oito reject any and all bids. Signed: George Spaur Acting State Forester SPANIOL & CO. Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICXUPS AT baundry: Nu-Method, Mill Qity and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jaff Cafe.. . Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 168 S. High Ph. 3-9125 SALEM MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS. PROP. “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY OREGON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Commercial and Residential Builders Expert Bulldozing Road Building Clearing, Grading and Leveling Masonrv and Concrete Work I WE ALWAYS GUARANTEE OUR WORK Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 uinuen. umiaaui.tmii» uu iiiwiiuiMuiiiimiwiiu.uuuaavw ¡.».iiuiuinauiuikuu.uaiimmniKiBianaiiaaanauii Be comfortable now and prepared for the really cold weather to coma. Spark Oil Heater* always give mu just the temperature you want when you want it See them today. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Services Every Lord’s Day- Morning Worship 11:00 6:30 Young People’s Meeting 7:30 Evening Worship Tom Courtney, Pastor CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS I Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall ¡..urn xn .,i,i ;, irnnnraoiiwMiik If you want to save money on money orders buy BANK Money Orders. Com pare the coat of our Bank Money Orders ( m * ehart below) with any other kind. BANK MONEY ORDERS Ceet Amount Under 9100 ............................................. 10c Over »100 ............................................... 10c WHY PAY MORE? USE BANK MONEY ORDERS Mill City State Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. MN JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co. Washed Sand. Cement Rock. Crushed Road Rock. Oil Rock. Kill Rock Complete A Friendly Place suppl) of To While Away all your * building Your Idle hours Shovel and Trucks for Hire MILL CITY Phone 9242 Days LYONS ‘ Mill City Plant 2 miles west on River Road Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock ALL GRADES OF LUMBER. LET US ESTIMATE YOUR MATERIAL COSTS. YOUR ENTIRE BUILDING PROJECT needs Richards Tavern GATES OPEN SATURDAYS Retail Division Russell Kelly, Mgr.