The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 03, 1949, Image 1

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    T he MILL CITY
New Publisher
Pledges Paper
Worthy of Area
The new management of the Enter­
prise assumes the re«pon»ibllitieri and
«duties of providing the Canyon with
a (publication worthy of its people,
background and po»»ibiliit** without
illusions. To give the Ninth Santiaun
area the kind of paper it idserves will
be a real job, and we appproach the
tank with a thorough awarene»» of iu
importance and implications.
Don Petereun, owne. arid publisher,
ha* a background of accomplishment
and standing as a typographer, print­
ing «hop executive and public spirited
citizen. He has already invested sev­
eral thousand dollar* in new and mod­
em equipment to add to the Enter­
prise facilities, especially in the com­
mercial printing department
Mr. Peterson is a brother of Walter
L. Peteiaon, recent Mill City new
comer and contractor, and of Mr*. Ed
Cooke, a resident of Mill City for
several year*.
Women Save
Infant as
Trailer Burns
An unusual aceiuent disrupted tele­
phone and power servlca within a 26-
mile radius of Larbanoii Monday, In
eluding Mill City, but six uiepiion*
company worker* eat apod injury.
Manage: Kenneth E mus of th*
Mountain Blates Power company said
An alert mother and a neigiiteri last
Thursday saved an infant boy from a g Iephon* wire, held by the six man,
came in contact with a 12,Odd-volt
a burning trailer house in th* Marion
power Ims
i Fork* vb-inity
The- trailer bouse of Richard N.
Peters located ari Minto Creek was
’ cvtnptetely deatruyed by th* fir*
Mrs P«Aers waa at a f*-igidx*r s
i trailer iv; juat a f«* minute* with
I her *>-iall »laugliter. Ti»* baby Danny
I lay asteqp in th* trailer alone W'faei,
hid HORN, Mll.l. CITY
Plan to Incorporate
Stirs up Lively Eight
Half of Lights Mill City Wil) Opposition in Detroit, Idanha
Decide Charter Voiced Against 2<l Election
In at Damsite
Ele«ùon on the second attempt te your opproval or -hsappryval at a
HMvipvrale Ute City uf Dation bas 1 spécial elcxUuu te b* hcld «ktober **.
Forty-eight, or apptvglmately
Mr«. Peters glanced through tire wm-
' "♦«tlvslv ‘.«liied by iii* evunty I l'in» u.casui* prupvse» te inc'uiporate
wee,i wu... .
«low of hei friend's place sire saw
half, of th* «able light* strung 5d
for Tu«n»day , Dec«si:b*r 13 froui ( as a city lu b* kuuwu at "DvtrviV’
; flame* leaping past the window
feet above Uie pruapecGve tup uf
Mill City's first chart«, to accept
to b pm at D*troit h i g h , an ar* uf laud extend*1 ■* *
Mr*. Cleveland grabbed a tarpaulin
the Detroit <iaui, ai* in ptec* and
or reject, will b* presented te tb*
nom a point
and the two rusted over, Mrs. Cleve-
:i> <4peiativn, and on th* main dam
Jhelow Üit pieeeut tewu qf Detroi!
voter» Tuesday her*
I land throwing Uie trap vvvr Us» tear
CvnsiyJidiated Builder*, lac., bave
Üi« Marion County .-idc of th*
Tire- date arsd elle eleuUon <tsel/,
Fol« will open at X pun at
I ing k«s osen* heater, sintiiding dire
concentrated their effort in ex­
however, are subject to report by the BaiAiain Kivei te Ure vuinity of Ma
City Hall and will close at 3 pjn
mother, while sire puh«d tee seven
tending their access road systern
The diaft c'iiai tei is posted at sev- distnet atterney as to whetiiei the ry'» <i*«k or a diauuu'e of toute eax
I mvntt»* old boy te safety
He had a
tv reach pile head tow*, area highi
I er-ai lucal steres and the Qty Hall petition* and the piuceeding* so far mikte.
burn on Uie cheek and only a few
up on th* south ubutiuaent of th*
are all m regular form.
We feel tliat te incorporate suc-li
for review before Uie elecUou.
seconds would iiave tneaist death te
dam and up Cuui.ey Creek toward
Member* uf th* county court point wi extensive are*, the laigvr portion
j Mm.
their quarry siG The north head
*d out that di* extreme final date of wiurti is undeveloped, umuhabitad
Mr. Peter* -is workitig on the figh
tower excavation is essentially I arg Mrs John Bwan, chainnsui, laruis
ter «alhng utectiuii would iiav* been ! stump land mto a city and then »ad-
; hatchery.
contpiepe, and preparation* are un
:Deceurb«»|- Xd, hut te be on the safe dle ourselves with a tax burdtm in
11» Rada and Mi*. Georg* Btewart
der way to pJuce Mieir track
|side )t was called three days eaiiier. older to provide Uie area wiUi public
T«re election may be mor* tten a
The upetregzn cofferdam, which
I This will give tbe reaident« of th* utilities is not only unsound arid Uu
formality, inaamudb a* «wee untfl re­
gbpte off the river flow from tkie
vicinity a full nine day* te register reoaouabh- but actually fantastic.
cently teere iure beta: action to <Lis.
DON PETERSON, New Publisher
Mrs Be: tiia Bergholz died at the
It lia* been suggested by Ohe pro­
dam area, is being etrengthe-ned
us book* must «tluae 3V day* terfor*
j mtei porete, in oue instance a petition
I home of Iter daughter and son in-law,
and completed.
die election. CnUcrsm wa* diieute" ponents of this measure that a mu
to that effect was circ-ulaud aid had
Mr. and Mr*. Ed Be-rghoiz at Mill
' ut Uie court because the pi ex eding rncipa! water system te aei vuie Uns
P'vunciaGoii exploration by the I over lbb signature».
I City, on October 30 at Ah* age of 7T
etecthNi was called juirt before the urea uf some six mile* in length
mean* of cor* drilling is under
Th« original vote to impiperete
years, 22 snuntet aid 3 day*
i election date which autuciatica Uy would be financed by treUmg rev «mu#
way on die noiOh abutment and in
I the town won by only æv«i votes.
Surviving are two sone, Herman
In bile opinion of a registered
I closed the regieti atlon on the day of bond.-
th* river bottom.
Wiabei of Roundup Moul., M sicher
Pi upo manta, however, , are
-------------- | Uie < all and a numbei of remdeut* civil engineer a»f FoiUund, it would
Weiber of Watertown Wise , aid five LIONS CLL B TO RREBENT
that Uie charter wtl not be turned | »aid they had betm shut out from probabbly cost at least |IbU,tMM) te
naughter», Hulda Bergholz aid Due a HOME TALENT FLAY
down becaua«- Grey believe most of | voting fur that r«aaaon. It is now f«Xt install a outer system te sejvic* this
At tire pieseut time
Langboiff, both of Mill City; France*
tile townsfolk have teren won over te Urey wall all haie ample notte* and large an ar«m
l\re M. I City Lions Club will pig-
teaue/te daiivad
Uiere are approximately 176 usideiMG.-
"Ward of Gates; Dorothy Wright of
sent tire livure talent play, "Laff It
♦■Milwaukie. Ore., and Enthei Weber of | Off” at tire Mill City theatei vt: the
unct business house*, or potential wat
I 'M.« «teH&on call stales:
Also, >wiUi Ui* «Ute set, if tec el
*u custom«.- in tire area above th«
Mattson W 1st.; also fou» grand chil-
evenings of November It and 17.
flow line of tu.e loservob. We do not
iren and two great grand rtùtdrreu.
- milted
tv Ul* electola of .aid city
elect office» in Tebe um y and suffi
According tv reviews
tire S play
bervi»,«* w.Ü be ted Mi W*r*--w>*w»'
is a
Css Afa ....
httl<w teme approval py reywut.uu, te- I cieni «redad fÚM given Ao piepaic a ( have to b* bankers or mathemaUcians
newspaper ieview. i_
_ ________
' Wise., and buria’ st Johnson Creek,
. te know chat it wwretd take an exoiAu
Icity vidget in May.
whe'eve, presented. Lucal men and wit
Unit cha ge ter water te maintain an
wunrteii furniirti th* tale«»!, Ah* men 1
"To enact a charter fui the City
If Uw ele«Aivn goes ahead un Uie I office, pay ter th» necessary line
doing tile speaking part* ai«<i tire 'of Mill Qty, 1 jinn and Murimi Com. date naured memo*is ut tire electron
w hew :
mamtenantre and sarvu.e work and
ladies i mpersvnaung ciiildren and] tma. Oiegen
I board will be Margaret Kairiuck, lai
i meet Ohe interest on |16V,tMX). not te
Tax statement* ere ibeing received beauties from foreign land* Mildred
“Bad ballote »nah also contaui tb* vele HtMMMuau, Nora A Wright, Edmi mention the malAui of making pay-
in Che Mehama area, with taxes due Duncan Will.« bi *, who will dn«ic-t th«
word» ‘Ye*. I vote for tbe prcgooeci Mattoon aid Fknernie h Bunt.
I ent* on the piim-ipal
Nov 15. Miel property owners ar* play, arr vi.-d 'Tuesday from Gresnam.
«shatter' and ‘Nu. J vote «-gaumt th* Opponents B u I miu ’ Qby«>cUou*.
The mazrner in winch Uu* pi<*pu»ul
ri until ng at the advance in taxes, wsere the Rotar) club put the play
pi\.po»«d charter' wnmi ballot eaoh
In a letter «naide tu U m - Enter prise was placed on Ohe ballot is not in our
with some of then: (increase' by 11M1 on foi an appt relative audience
LEO f VEAN Ne» Editor
A Noter aiiall mark and cast accocdiug Jamme B Gordon «melóse* anote*i
opinion Uie democrats, American way
per cent
is necessary for th* pro- to law a* each euch voter u«y de­ leAtei wiuca wa* subnutAeci te tile ui-
Lev C. Dear, who will tackh the
of doing Uungs. There were no pub
sile tu lote.’’
tereriUd voter* ou Qctobei 11 th. Xu i I m mureelings where auMi vital fan
cdiUiriai and adv* tis'ng departmenu, DR. HAMMERKlKKEN MOVES
Th* box office will opeo at 7:30
his LeAGcr, among other icanons for tei* a* buundaruMi. finaiM-uig. possible
i* an olii-tMTier in printing, adverti*
Th* offro* of Dr Mark Haiimt rerick F.M. on the evening* of Novemte-r
voting down tbe preponed incorpora­ bei.efits and probable coats were dis
mg. and allied aetii (ties in Iowa and sen, optomet riut,, ha* beer moved
16 and M. and curtan Unit is S
tion, Mr. Gordon »laAta-
Sout. Dakuta. and more recently a» frotn its iornrer location in the Mil!
• uased iL*y Us' public, instead, a small
service on the auvertining xtaff* of City Furniture company building to
"The citizen* der« ar* not ugauisl self elected gJoup decided tiiat the
the Saletr. C«np tai Journal and baiem tile building formerly occupied by the
lucurpuraUoti a» sudi if it i* reason
uoundaries sliuulu be sum. and »ucti.
Capital P:es*.
«sul* M in tee case of Mill Gity oi Uie name uf ths»prupvaed city should
jewelry store at Broadway am Zuc
The present Enteiipruw manage­ ftaaet. next to tne Jenkins Hamwate
Friday on the fourti of November Bister*. We can »«>« many <d«antag be “Detroit” and than told the sign
Th* at«* on tb* north aids of
ment take* this opportunity to ipay a
Uie Mill Gity Timber wolves will meet I «a. For a place Uli* size, it is pel - ar* cd tire puAiUui tiiat Bier* would
tee Nortt bantUMn River for a dis
deaerveci tribuU1 to Charles* Wvivei -
ube no ukocm m u»xes
W* do nut
with the Chemawa Indian* on Mill ‘«Hupe doubtful, but a reasonable ai
tanc* of appt uxauateiy g-Afc mil«»
ton outgoing pir liaher. The armait CALL TDK HlVb
auction Uu* metliud uf guvermi.ent
iCiky'e field
Gasm- tiaae will be at 2 gumeut could be made for incolpo'
ahuve th« On in <i»a* beta all s»a*'h«id
of ivurnalimr. mum be tiio roughly ON CLEAR!NO
i o'clock. Th* Ludiau* ai* now ainead atuig Idanha or even Detiuit alone | and .we can’t ‘help thinking that goy,
and buitiec over Final cieaupp op
searched, mcieed. tv find a i«cord pf
of Mill Gity hi -tile leagut but if w* ¡ although Lieu oit d or will be Fed | «i* a vote, ui this district, feel a* we
The BmmeviHe Fowei AdnuniaUa
eratiuiis are under «way Tius work
accomplishment equal to his
We all know tiiat
Land tioo is calling for bid* on Invitation
can win this game Friday it might oral property aid re TAX-EXEMPT. 'do about this i»au*
ie being performed by Thompson
ing in Mill City treat from a New No. 4BWH for clearing the right-of
put u* ahead of the uMier team ithe i’Jne Ulittk* of incorporating a fairly overyUnrg in this uld word sooner or
Hendrickson Logging Company,
Yoik Citj editvria desk totally with
<»oiMm»ei I later must be pad for in cold, iutrd
lie urns: a’ Che end c»f til« eaiasvi . nomvgtmeou*
way for the Lebanon-Gosben Z3b-kw
and E L Gate* and Company, li*
out training as> a pnrite or prenamar., line in Lane and Linn counties. Or»
Wny don’t some of you town people what coud G done You could start cash am1 certainly no one iris* re
Th* ai-ea south uf the rive, I* not
h» pruceeuad to prtmuce- a conaiatent- gun Tite bid* ar* to tb* opened in
come Ao tire game mid support th« ■at Gate* continue on te Dtctruit, Icl- going to pay out bill* for ire
s«> fa« aa»aiM;«H aitliougt wuout bt'
iy-itnprwed newspaper
Tit* prumias* of batter water and
To grain Portland on Tuesday Noveinbe- 22
kids on tire G-am
After all it i* the aiMia aid Ma ion Turk*, aid tak« m
per cent of U m Slashing lias Iwei
the eno nuty of the meciiamcal prob that putnubiy some uf yuur tile whole btaiireid canyon Tiren* munt power wove U »»ggireu* of th* peti­
Lb4t* and copies of the invitatio« may
comfiietec. and burning i* in pro­
ienis he faced and overcan* it is orrt) oe obtained team th* Bonnevil,* p«»w
Be-a um one tion iiave boon exaggerated and may
«id* will go to some nay, « lot'* O* • i ul* uf reason
cess all over die area This wujk
necessary to state that five year.«’ er Adm in intra tiun's procurement of
everyoiM- that can. come to the gam« .spoonful uf iiredicme 1* good for the be Mower «X f utf lilmcmt Abac the vot
a* being pe formed by Gtrorg*
It i*
ctoae apt’licatior i* ordinarily re­ ficer in Pvrtiaia.
patim»! doesn't mean Uiat he should •■ * have been led to believe
he.«!*) afterituon
quire«! Ui btreume a j«>u iieyman
Tie saetioi of lane U b* ciea.ei
service witliout incorporating audit a
printer, and praaawork present* ite is appruxiniatei' 40 mid* in length« will be a game mk * with Bank*.
"'The argument was
large areg.
«ren numerou* int icaMea and mise­ and the width of right-of-way to be
A* it u> a holiday tie team will ex- ter water seivice and
Rigneir »ere: £grl Parker, Ban
To a prtnler M- Woiverton* «-.eared i* 125 feet, ipiu* uanger tieer.
pe«-t tv see a lot uf tile hum* town , coud b* secut vd in no other way.
At tue Marton Fork* Fish Hatch
^uceeagful st uggie 1» amazing and The mvitaUor provide* tnat Abe pro)-
peupie there at ths- gwuM ivotiug for I T ai m mg cummunitieri by tile scote PatauMton, Hubei Ray, C T. Hase
e*y itne Gastland Company inc .
Hi* editorial prowess war •set is diviOisd nite' this* so
The boys ptvmw te put or a i iiave cheap power fu tlieir milking man. Harold T Duiean, VeiHa Al-
have u«mi. paving hie circular tear
never if question, ant. should iu de- that awaid may be mane by schedule
gisxl game for til* uvirefit uf the peu- ftem'mnac pump* chuno et t c„ but demnaa, G J. Ekidmot*. Milo Harris.
■ng yn><ic and have 24 out «rf 4B
cide to rr-env*T joumahmi that pape' or a* a whole, and that tne entire
p.« attending
tlM>y dmi> t go out aid incoi rporaAe Ruth Bktdore, P E Fry. R P Bophy
coir Ji »eteri They have eu s on tially
which employe him wil’; Ur morn for- >ork will be < vmp.crtec: within 241'
Uiousand» uf act««* uf paalui re laud M<s.asl Parker, Huxel L. Baldwin.
comp dud the exG tor work un th*
Art Ge « vai* ast Frxiay Na Mil City Ao get it. Mill Gity liar beer mcor- Howard J Baldwin, Enn* Mattoon,
caiemiar hays after daG of receipt
three resiomce* and are on in­
iio»» J Met uiMLon, Mabel W Moore.
f Hilberwoiver aid tee Gervais
poiaud twe y«u» ard it t «till ir aecv
of notice G ptue«sed
tenor work. Tbe ro»F i* being
j^nou town fin^bed a t*Kh’ game ail . ed by a privreG power company it 1 Jotii! Ardiur, F <W Bray, Qtu> J.
for c««?»
Or. November
November ) 1 cont act Id
placer or. tbe large hateiiery uuud
Wein,», an B C <A»chraia’
turti. 7 U» T. Mill fJiLjr «cored f»ra’ m atlil ha» ‘Ba«duck Hilf so lUcorjKiia
Philltp Seeg***. f year
i ng th* right-of-way for th** EugeD»
Tb* cote:tete base of Ú m larg«*
On itiuraday morniug Judice Ed.
tiw second quarter co a 30 yard paar» tion work» rx ina<x We no doub'
M’ an< Mr». Albert Sees
m » i . 11«» k' TranafnuiBtoi
>eutanguia< rearing pond liar beefi
, or Vickar* of Idanha, principal ad
reporte* to b* in
Noe i and 2 U* Mitot B Porter, Saieir.
compiete« and to* wall* ar* uéiiijf
vcaaG of b* p upos*< itM.uiporat.oi
aaf al. Igervau» ir* the third quarter» H guu<i tuu* aod
m MÌ We aie *1! for it.
th* I.A>ernbeckt*r rxiapilai
Toe contract wa.* awar(Mj<i on a low
poured Ti» rí*c*'
or Ui complet*
.nfursned the Enierpr»» that be nuulc
wa» laker »at* ta<t week
.»KÌ uf
al outside work prx» U tn* fir»?
T Ffttberwoive»
* Gervai* two and auditorium u! rf wil«**; h n*uci wg- elate Mie case of thus* ut favor tn ar
faring a fractured aktfll a*
Tb* u»ta iemrti
¡ üh 1 it 12.^
vard atr<e h
We article ii next week’s Enterprise
L* f«*urti quart er pia*.* mignt well
ill from the iwmiqrt* a u torno - and bcb enti .neiy witmn Lan» count)
e Gorvao r
Mill City* M) have a fir* durtnet Witt ü vo I uíi U mí
Th*' WKtth of rqphtof - wax U
v-rd line, <e
o uspp*
timi« force wn.di avtu tne vj/puAitfui ad PALME AKREr-l CM ARGEL
xmdiUoT unti' now <ia»* beet C i *» red a * lóí
Tb*- contractor
1 ’ feet
ore* «rtanna resMaenW w
work. Lilt«* ¡Oar mu >
I th* big miU due
du» tv a biuud clot
A suit ooekiiig <UHiu>gw in the
* aaenoa day* f**
will Ü»- alii»* wed
Gervaar fullU
M fk<nt
nuMdUi aiM> ar am - amount of zibjZoV was (liad th»* weak
<tMÍ be«H> is
non* w?r><Hiâiyf whei t
v«»ntp*eU Ui* • work
.wpuiMub^e for
weie aii •£- by Veaua smith of Mill City against
they were r«difiy o
W m Ge*vare
U «»n»er ’• Mu«tiunar> Society
.Lyu 1
rotfW from Fort ArqceMfl
hn< «riti. «UCT cured vnttHMit ♦licuipuraUiig a U/WT
••prugrsTr. »r. oove» m B dc *
First Cftr istiar Chuiref n «eu
M - D R Btevsi
btttvsn* «/ Gate-r
Tiri*-) ar* ’M*’, and Mr.*
The •«IU'' I U m * v*rU»ir h.xiwd b>
U> imröie wtte
In tne actrem H .* al.sgvO Umt ul’
wü b*
1rs. F ank f arirwa» W Hunes •*f Natiuna E*»vc«li<m
M v f Zre»i
tAppvfaeiiUr <>f 4ut
HKurpo a Juiy k Mr* bu-ion* riignsd a . .,u.
♦nor. ¿»n dau^ìler The
♦v*?inu*** P
pre** ntad of t*w evwnirtK of Tnu wf'-*1
tion. follow*
plaint >Uu»rgmg VsUire brniU with,
\ovi-mw»' W if th» r»«** Mil * tty
b*ta< %oUu
obtaining money under false pre
frr«(P ? mtdoo . jrj a fiMSidiv
A commi:-
H e, U h ufHkeiiMnw*!. • iqp-reaMtU* ■ tense*, wnich compiami wa* later
‘.e¡ r reserrtin# swvera nei<i*-ormp
Uve **ou| </f U m cithMiu' of batroit iti mu . ase<i
commufiitM* if «pomoso# thr pio-
Vem<« Biiuth alleges the
Abwi>' Iw« itunoter peMfkt* attefiued
<ujd ¿dan**««. a<e lAiuiqf Ui*r uppui ■ original complaint war filed un«y to
fC’gz.r «vu« *Uirtr «-
Ttw Mil
the P T A
yru* «a*iH
luiut> U' ye wfi ' U- ><M4. oui teikOW daiitagi bar repuusGoc.
Bn* aak*
cuitior wil
ciuaaur our rewuiu for
(dinner T hu * » cm *« evento#
....... pmset-y dmiuigar and
9 St
' reported Uw affair uw at«e*r eve .
HMMUMir HTflrCi *r
piWIIM« for AilrJM'
AfBHtpiei I ■ u ' 11 ~ 'h», * '
1 Hie J UCnuu^
Timberwol vet» Face
Chemawa Indi ant»