MILL CITY ENTERPRISKOCTOBER 27, 1949 Mrs. Frances McCarley. The group doing well, and venturing about on SANT1AM Fraternal Order of Ea started off enthusiastically with a pot crutches. gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club Arc & Acetyline Welding luck spuuer and slumber party at the Bv MRS. JEAN ROBERTS in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 clubhouse Monday night, followed by Ken Golhet, local merchant, will Truck and Auto Repairing hold his third annual Hallowe’en par­ a hike and campfire cooking Tuesday. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! By RHEBA SNYDER Open Days and Evenings ty Monday night for the entire Me­ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred of Mill City Yakima. Wash., were week end visit­ hama community. School physical examinations for SILVER SADDLE Golliet’s Hallowe’en party is a gala ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. first graders and those Mudents affair with all the stole personnel W. Kiikland. They were friends in screened for special examination GARAGE turning out to help with decorations South Dakota years ago. through Nurse - Teacher conference, CONSTIPATION The town of Mehama is practically will be held at the grade school and other party preparations. Highway west of Mill City (Colitis) bereft of onen, as elk season has op ­ Thursday, Nov. 3, from 10 a.m. This year, as usual, it will be a Is a sympton, Tel. 903, Mill City masquerade with plenty of prizes. ened. One group of hunters, eight in 3 p.m. not a disease. all, really prepareed for emeigencies An tanmunizalion clinic will be and refreshments for every­ Rectal ailments and a successful hunt by packing a the same place, the Detroit grade one. are the under­ truck with camping equipment, a school, Friday, Nov. 4, for preschool lying factor. small “ cat ” and $100 worth of gro ­ children, from 9 a.m. to noon. Miss Ann Bergholtz, assistant Hemoroids and other For Guaranteed county club agent, met with mothers, ceries before leaving for eastern Ore­ colon ailments must be corrected. gon. Many logging concerns and Thursday Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tuck- i teachers and pupils at the Mehama •No loss of time Cleaning. It’s the school to organize a 4-H club. Five I mills are temporarily short-handed er took their daughter, Betty, to Sa- j No hospitalization due to elk fever. lem to be treated for a throat infee-i girls enrolled in the 4-H project un­ Free descriptive booklet Home extension meeting under the tion. They returned her to Salem der the leadership of Mrs. Madeleine Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic urday for the same treatment, auspices of the county extension unit Ridling. They chose “Busy Bees” as Naturo Proctologist is much improved. their club name and elected the fol­ will deal with window treatment at GATES Mr. and Mrs. Frank New its next meeting Nov. 4. It will be 1144 Center St. Salem, Ore. lowing officers: Joyce Shum, presi­ 48-HOl'R SERVICE dent, Judy Monroe, vice president, an all-day meeting with pot luck daughters, Eva Lou and Sally, MILL CITY an i Geraldine Longfellow, secietary. lunch at noon. Women are invited to Friday evening for Lebanon to spend Seven girls and two boys enrolled bring a favorite recipe and start a the week end with the Otis Floyds ' there. They returned home Sunday. in a Cooking I 4-H club directed by recipe book as a side project. Richard Davis, brother of Mrs. Ed The community chest drive ie un­ Mrs. Doris Teeters. They plan to Evenson, left Monday from Flugene der way in the Mehama aiea with ; meet every second Monday. Otto Russell to enter the Air Corps. Mr. Davis Mis« Wood, home economics in- Mrs. Merle Teeters in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Golliet returned has been making his home ¡here for I structor from' Stayton, was guest at the regular meeting of the Women’s Friday from a trip to Victoria, B. C., several months. •‘At the Bottom of the Hill” Week end guests at the Eddie Ev- | Club last Wednesday. She demonstra­ where they visited friends. They were Agency enson home were Mr. accompanied by two other couples. and Mrs. Cla- ted the use of textile paints. She Mrs. Ed Taylor who suffered a rence Hewitt, Salem. Fire plans to attend the next meeting on broken ankle recently is leportedly Nov. 2 for further instruction. Auto The regular meeting of the Deanha (Word was received here last week PTA was held at the grade school Life that Mr and Mrs. Joe Jonees (daugh- library Monday with T. C. Moore | ter of Mrs. Jennie Moe) are parents Accident presiding. After a short business of a baby boy, Mrs. Moe’s 13th grand FIRST meeting, at which the membership Phone 1502 Detroit I child. They live at Klamath Falls. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH chairman. Mrs. Floy Storey, reported Mr, and Mrs. ELwin Erickson, for- a drive well under way with a roll of Prelude; call to worship;doxology; ! mer Mehama residents, have moved 97, an interesting program was pre­ invocation; gloria; psalter selection; | here again after spending the last I few years in Stayton and California. hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; sented Mrs. Joan Cauble sang, accompan-, I They have irnoved into the Leo Kirsch notices; offering; music by choir; ied by Mrs. Gordon Skidmore. A his- sermon; hymn; postlude. home. Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, The Farmers Union is sponsoring October 2 —Worldwide Communion. tory of PTA was given by Mrs. Jane Weisgerber. Mrs. Fratzke, vice pres ­ Oil Rock, Fill Rock a free movie to be shown in the Wo- ident of Region 9, ami Mrs. Ralph men’s clubhouse Friday night, Oct. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sep(prell, Marion County council pres Shovel and Trucks for Hire 28. The public is invited, Pie and Service« Every Lord’s Day ident, were guests of honor and con­ coffee will be served following t>he 11:00 ducted a roundtable discussion on the Morning Worship Show. MILL CITY —Phone 9242 Days LYONS j anNigüa 6:30 need for parent education. They also Young People ’ » Meeting The Campfire girls have been re- 7:30 explained the uses of the 25 cent per Evening Worship Smitty Mabel organized under the leadership of capita tax of the parent organization. Tom Courtney, Pastor Mrs. Garmen McDonald assisted by Mill City Plant 2 miles west on River Read Mehama D W. Reid MID Idanha A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern NU-METHOD MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP INSURANCE OREGON MILL CITY Church Activities JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co. BRIDGE TAVERN At the bridge in. Mehama CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS Salem Laundry 9ERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill Oity and Stayton ..laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Caf«.. Idanha iry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 163 S. High Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST Warren Knape — Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 Morning worship 6:45 Youth meeting 7:00 Youth night, Saturday Music, games, eats and devotions FREE METHODIST CHURCH "The Church of Light and Life Hour' .»» 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Junior Church 7:30 Evening Servjpe 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 1906 Phone Pastor Rev. L. C. Gould North Mill City SALEM GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Christian Endeavor 7:30 Evening Worship Walter Smith, Pastor. It’s New ! It’s Smart! MEANDER INN WERE FRIENDS MhET On Highway 222, Linn County side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert G orge ‘Sparky’ Hitter Just arrived: Ladies’ and childrens’ umbrellas Plastic head wear New and uuusual gift items and toys Use our convenient layaway plan for Christmas dolls and other toys Open Fri., Sat. evenings McEwan Photo Shops CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 11:00 Services Sun-lay morning American Legion Hall Mill <’ity want to remind you that Christmas is beginning to creep up on us and that it is not too early to begin thinking about Photographs of your children or family group for the Ideal ( hristmas (lift. A photograph of yourself is the gift only you can give; unique and deeply appreciated hy friends who receive it. ANNOUNCING New 4-Wheel Drive The vehicle of rugged construction, yet easy to handle, and rides with surprising comfort. Equipped with positive all-wheel traction. Y“U can go through mud, sand, snow and ice—up steep grades—on or off the ro d. MILL CITY VARIETY A groufp of men from Detroit and Idanha will have a work day at the COMMUNITY CHURCH church building next Saturday, fol­ Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor 10:00 lowed by a fellowship pot luck dinner Sunday School 11:00 at the COC Camp messhall. Morning Worship 7:46 Evangelistic Service 7:46 Wed. Bible Study ■MM Station Wagon The Boy Scout court of honor was held: inthe Detroit auditorium Mon- day night, The court was conducted by the scoutmaster, Don Streigle, as­ sisted by Col Tucker, assistant scout­ master, and two committeemen, Hen­ ry Heibert and Ray Overholser Thirteen boys, in an impressive ce­ remony, receiver} tenderfoot badges. They were: Leonard Overholser, Rex Leach, Jack Weisgerber, Alan Girod, Ronald Gibbs, Jimmy Stahlman, Don­ ald Snyder, Fred Davis, Robert Laly, Jerry Lisle, Terry Ferguson, and Russell Rice. Second etas« badges were presented Jon Tucker and Quin­ ton Finley. Wayne Lisle was present­ ed the senior patrol badge and Ger­ ald Tucker a first class badge. Gerald Vickers, Gerald Tucker, Dick Woodward and Shorty Lisle got stripes as patrol leaders. Assigned as assistant patrol leaders were Dick Caulkins, Donald Snyder, Fred Davis and Moyne Renner. Scribe award was given Leonard Overholser, an.I Dick Woodward got the bugler award. Refreshments were served in the school cafeteria. Photographers always have a m»h AT LOWEST of last-minute buaineas during the PRICES IN THE ( hristmas Season and that ia why VALLEY we NEW * USED mv HAVE YOUR PHOTO­ GRAPH TAKEN EARLY AND AV­ OID DELAYS that usually develop It near the end of December. McEwan’s prices are very reason­ 1605 N. Summer able—a* low as $9.00 per dozen for SALEM, ORE. 3x5 pholi.a in fine mounts. 5 x 7'a ar. $15.00 per dozen. We are proud Linoleum • Wool Carpet Appliance* Living Room Funrnitur» of having maintained our low price» I without increns" since pre-war day«. Our studio in the Mill ( iy Furni­ ture Stare is open each Friday after­ noon and evening. 352 No'th High. Salem Phone 3-7S02 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • TRADE • TERMS Ph. 3-511« Our Btudio in the Mill City Furniture Store is open each Friday afternoon and evening