STATE TIMBER SALE Oral bids will be received by the Acting State Forester, acting in be­ half of the State of Oregon by and through its Board of Forestry, at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., November 14, 1949, for all merchantable Douglas fir timber designated for cutting by the State Forester or his agent, upon the fallowing described land located | in Marion County, Oregon: W4NW14 Section 15, Township 9 south. Range 3 East. W. M. Sealed bids will be accepted in place of oral bids if received at the office of the State Forester, 2600 State Sreet, Salem, Oregon not later All-America R um * Selections advise gardeners in the north­ than the above time and date. Before ern states to take advantage of the fall planting season to submitting bids, prospective purchas­ give roses a head start. Prune lengthy canes back to a ers should secure a copy of the pros­ pectus and bid form from the State height of 18 to 21 inches as shown at left. Soak roots in Forester, Salem, Oregon, or Elmer wuter until planted. Dig hole large enough to accommodate Taylor, Mehama, Oregon. The Acting roots without crowding and work soil carefully under the State Forester reserves the right to roots (center). When hole is twotliirds full, pour in half a pail of water to eliminate waive minor technicalities ok to reject air [Hickels. Fill hide, tamping the earth firmly aliout the roots and mountl soil to a any and all bids. height of eight inches around the base of the plant for winter protection (right). Signed: George Spaur Acting State Forester DEER HUNT PRIZES AWARDEp troit, won second prize with a 211 45* pound buck, and third prize was won The upper Canyon’s deer contest, by Hank Davis, Detroit Ranger Sta­ Gates school» were dismissed Mon­ day and Tuesday while the teachers for the largest buck of the hunting tion, with a 193-pounder. attended teachers’ conventions. The season, waa won by Charles Cannon, high school faculty was in Salem and Idanha, for a 215 pound kill. RELIEF AT LAST the grade toatihers went to Albany. It used to be that the Mill City The prize rwas a radio given by a Theater was for women only. Now’ Bill Hutcheson is enlarging the PHOTO SHOP building in which the Gates Furni­ local store there. Mrs. Denton, De­ there’s standing room. Open each Friday ture store is housed. An addition is being built between the furniture Mill City Furniture Company Advertisement store and Gates General Sstore. It 2:00 to 7:30 has not yet been decided what the space will be used for, but would be — PORTRAITURE — From where I sit .../¿f Joe Marsh a good location for another business. Gerald Garrison is installing a line I of refrigerators and an electrical re­ pair shop in the Gates Furniture I store. Mrs. Clarence Kush was called to Salem by the serious illness and sub­ sequent death of her mother, Mrs. I Squint Miller, who’s working as donated that pole to the woodpeck­ I Sophia Chittick, who had been in ill a telephone lineman, was telling me ers and set up a brand-new one for t health for several Imonths. their own use! about some birds that got into a REMEMBER I I Mrs. James Overlock of Seattle, ac­ tight with his company. From where I sit, we ’ d all be bet ­ companied her mother, Mrs. Ed Da­ LAST JANUARY Seems a couple of woodpeckers ter off if we were as tolerant with vis, on her return to Gates after a AND FEBRUARY sot up housekeeping in a telephone our own kind as that telephone visit at her daughter’« home. Mrs. pole. Nobody minded them living outfit was with the woodpeckers. Overlock and daughter were dinner Be comfortable now and prepared there, but they kept pecking at the Let’s consider the other fellow's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. for the really cold weather to come. wires — causing one short circuit point of view — whether it ’ s his Harry Shelton during her stay heie. Spark Oil Heater« always give after another. right to live where he wants, or to She returned to Seattle Monday. rou just the temperature you want enjoy a friendly glass of temper ­ Finally, the telephone people — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin were when you want it. See them today. ate beer or ale when and if he who had nothing personal against called to Eugene by the death of her PLANT YOL'R ROSES IN THE FALL FOR THE BEST RESULTS Mr ty h« the c ity c and terta John Iowa bard Dor< Shu) Carr Bev« and F ulai ever in t ble gra and girl ri« sdh hai the me Jei Bi< ter ha pr Cl ne ar ni S« ul M N it n V i 1 I Gates McEWAN Now They're Sitting Pretty grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Bester. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lau­ ra Joaquin. Mrs. Raster who was 81, had visited her granddaughter only a short tim «before her death, seem­ ingly in good tn«« 1th. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson at­ tended the stock show in Portland last week end ami also visited relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hennes« spent the week end in Vale on a pheasant hunting trip. Mr. ami Mrs. Barney Ryal and daughter Joan were over-Sunday vis­ itors in Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jun ami daugh­ ter ISat left Sunday morning for Ix>s Angeles, their former home, where they phm to remain for the winter months. The Juns recently purchased the Rambo home, whidh will be for rent until the owners return. Mr. and Mrs. Finer Stainnerland, recently of Arkansas, are newcomers to Gates, resitting in the Oak Park Motel. Skinnerian«! ia an engineer with ( III Mr. and Mi*. Tex Allen flew to Seattle last week eml to attend the StanfonbWaahington football gjme. Alien received his degree from {San­ ford. Mr. and Mrs. George A'thura of Seattle has joined her husband who has been here for several months helping his aister ami husband, Mr. an«!. Mr*. Walter Brisbin, in the con­ struction if the new portofflfflce build­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthurs plan to locate here and build a home on pro­ perty they recently purchased. the birds—just stopped up the hole where they lived. But they kept coming back. At last, the company Cofyrighi, OPEN SUNDAY Watch for opening of Complete Food Service Mill City Meat Market HMaM:iin«wiaMnmaaiainKn:tmMU.aaimi'ni:.uii-M4i« aun-n*m'Hi'r.rt ttirtitniwaw’imiuiwtimminiM Yoder-Martin Const. Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Commercial and Residential Builders Expert Bulldozing Road Building Clearing, Grading and Leveling Masonry and Concrete Work WE ALWAYS GUAR ANTEE Ol R WORK Mill City 1641 Stayton Blue 162-B Mui.uiuuuufiuiuimiuniiiirnu mi im mbirii lumniiHMiih •• .. Corvallis 1915 «. i :. i : ii mi mmituiumm i>.<.HU iiUiinrnii.uu.uu.nawi.ujLiiwuMdMLiiiuaMUKUmuiMaaaBMBi pleases. L'nited Statet Breucri f oundation Come to the Santiam Farmers Co-op. for your needs in FEEDS, SEEDS, PEAT MOSS, ETC. We also carry Appliances, such as Home Freezers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Clocks, Pressure Cookers, Washing Machines and many other items Not necessary to be a member to make a purchase t * a • zv Santiam Farmers Co-op. STAYTON . . .. ~.Frorn7095 radiant heat. For complete comfort. Delivery you need both. SPARK. ffoiL CIRCULATING HEATERS SPANIOL & CO. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work« Mill City State Bank Ph. 505 B MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. STANTON, ORE. • «• «■ -M- «• «• -3K -3K- -JK* -3K- «■ -JK- ^£. BUILD for Happiness BUILD a NEW HOME- IDANHA FIREMEN PLAN BENEFIT (MT. 29 Th«* l.tanha fire d««partment will hold its annual benefit Sat unlay, Oct. 29. Proceeds will go for more equip- ment and supplies. Music will la* fumishcl by the Sa­ lem Top Hatters. Tickewt may be pur­ chased *t most husineeas places. —---- - Mr. «ml Mrs. Eldon Haley and sons of Eugene wen* dinner guests at the Jim McKinney home Sumiay. Mr. Haley's texts for next Sunday are: morning "Perfet Unity”; evening • "A Man’s Need Fulfilled.” Darlene Storey, «laughter of Mr. and M rs. Buck Storey, was taken ill Fri­ day night and was taken to Salem Satunlay. She was treated and return ed home, much improved Complete supply of all • vour building Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Kock ALL GRADES OF LI MBER. LET US ESTIMATE YOUR MATERIAL COST-*. YOUR ENTIRE BUILDING PROJElY needs Typewriters Calculator« Adding Machines CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Ml Court SALEM Sales — Rentals — Service KELLY LUMBER SALES CO. OPEN S\TL RDAYS Distributed by Gid«>n Stolz L«. 4 I Retail Division Lussell Kelly, Mgr.