Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 20, iso» Gates A drawing for a priae which had those who donated food, the young Collis Heath is in Alaska. The men day at the home of her parents, Mr. been dontaed to tse club by the Gates girls of the high school who served, are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Cliff Ambers The Gates correspondent regretted Furniture Co. was held, Mrs. Hollis and the people from Mill City who Heath, who are now alone for the Norman Garrison has been clerking to learn of the sale of The Enterprise. Turnidge winning. Mrs. Millsap who attended, and all who have helped in They have enjoyed working with Mr. had volunteered personally to raise I any way to add to the fund which has first time in four years. in the Jenkins hardware store in Mill an i Mrs. Wolverton and appreciate money for a tireplace in the new club I grown so slowly and still has to grow Ctiy the ¡past week while Don Jen their kindness in overlooking and house reported a start of $37 toward before our drean is realised. The program committee JUST BAST OF OATBS____ kins takes a vacation. Mrs. Garrison correcting the mi.Mpelled words and that end. Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! « «r» «KW« -a» •a* is caring for the Garrison variety bum reporting that has so often been announced a hard times Halloween store here in her husband’s absence. handed them as news. They are good party for members and their fam Earl Humphreys of Toledo spent scouts and good bosses. Good luck to ilies at the schoolhouse. Admission a week at the home of his mothef them and also to the new boss when will be one vegetable which will be used in the stew to be served during he takes over. Mrs. Riley Champ. the evening. Any comingg uncostum- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blackburn, The Gates Womans Club met in ed will be fined. The social meeting their son, Floyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Briles of Aumsville, visited in Calif regular session in the social rooms will be Thursday afternoon, Oct. 27, ornia at the home of their son and of the schoolhouse Thursday after at the home of Mrs. Burton with Mrs. and Finish Lumber Retail Dept. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black noon. Hostesses of the day were Mrs. Frank Saunders and Mrs. Edward burn. The Briles are the parents of Elmer Stewart. Mrs. Theodore Bur Chance, assisting hostesses. ton. Mrs. Velma Carey and Mrs. A- The turkey dinner sport so red by the ■Mrs. Charles Blackburn. club last Wednesday evening was a Recent guests at the home of Mrs. bert Millsap, officers of the club. Following the luncheon hour the ' grand success, both financially and Hollis Turnidge was her daughter Phone Detroit 7024 business session was called, Mrs. El- as a demonstration of co-operation and two children, Mrs. Bob Kelle, of the and geed will in the community. The mer Stewart presiding. Plans for Sutherlin. Mrs. eKlle also visited at bazaar to be held by the club Nov. 12 generous servings were delicious and the Louis Kelle home while here. were discussed and committees ap many requests have been received to Friends of Miss Georgia Shane will pointed Mrs. Harold Wilson reported repeat the affair. The club wishes to that she left be interested to know for the committee in charge of the thank the committee in charge, all by plane last week to visit oldtime turkey dinner held Wednesday eve friends and relatives in her former ning that $145.55 had been taken in, xt fbw . Mill City Lodge No. 144, L- home in Pennsylvania. and this sum will be added to the ^^O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday Miss Clara Scott of Salem spent building fund. night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. two days visiting her brother, A. D. THE Some guys just can’t make up their minds which way they want to go! They know they want to go some place and are in a heck of a hurry to get there, wherever it may be. One Gates youth couldn’t make up his mind last Saturday—whether to take "the high road or the low road” at the intersection approaching the bridge. In his haste and undecided state of mind he lost control of his car, smacked into the fence on the southeast corner of the Millsap place, tore out six sections of the fence, breaking the barbed wire, smashing the boards and snappingg the guy wire on a light pole. It is hoped that he has his mind, made up to take it a mite easier next time, and he might even offer to fix the fence and report to the light com pany the broken wire, just to show his heart is in the right place even if his head isn’t perking. Mrs. James Kub and Mrs. Vernon Birdwell and son Larry have gone to Okmulgee, Okla., for a three weeks’ visit with friends an relatives. Mrs. William Athey and her sister, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, have had as their guest at the homes the past week her sister, Mrs. Walter Mc-Kean and three daughters from O’Neal, Calif., and their mother, Hrs. Loretta Fancher of Benton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Munson from Valley Junction were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders. Thurlo Cole, who has been spending his leave from the navy at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Cole, left last of the week for his base at Aimed«, Calif. Keith Kadin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kadin, is visiting at the home of his parents. He is from Winters, Wis. Mrs. Ed Tietze, who has been vis- iting ait the home of her daughter, Mrs. Scott Lindsey, in Portland, for several weeks, returned to her home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heath have moved to Mill City for the winter. M aples Kiln Dry Lumber- Idanha Lumber Co. 14 years’ experience Scott, and her niece and family, Mrs. Larry Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowe, for mer residents of Gates, now of Med ford, were guests av iora, at the inc numr home ui of Mr. ««. and Mrs. Nelson Laniphear last week. I They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders ».ho now own their old home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker have purchased and taken possession of the Truman Tibbetts property east of Gates on the Linn County side. This place is better known as the Lawson home and is one of the larger farms | in this locality. Mr. Tibbitts is in the east at the present, and Mrs. Tibbitts plans to move to Stayton to make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montag, own ers of the Oak Park Motel, left Thurs day for a weeks visit in San Francis co. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker and family of Stayton were visitors Su a The Last Word In Modern Wrecker Service We have just recently put into operation a new heavy duty wrecker. We are now epuipped to in wreck rebuilding Tex’s Tavern MILL CITY A friendly family atmosphere prevails MH ■iX-*** SEE 4-'J and fender repairing John Adams 1 For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel. Auto glass cut and installed, all makes, models Auto painting, complete enamel or lacquer jobs Basements, Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer lamp Mill City, Ore. Ph.9O3 PO Knowles Body & Fender Repair SHOWER MOTOR CO.’S OCTOBER SPECIAL handle any job. We have an experienced wrecker driver standing by 24 hours a day. TWO WRECKERS DAY & NIGHT! The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510 North Commercial St. Phone 3-3175 day Anight Salem, Oregon HALLMARK WE WILL GIVE S & H Green Stamps with each flCW Kaiser or Frazer * f i t i PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Imprinted with Your Name j|ALLft\ARK CARDS The car with the most new features of any car in the market. You are notan Informed Buyer if you don’t see the KAISERor the FRAZER before you buy What does this mean to you7 You can thus not only obtain your new car but also multiple selections of valuable pre- miums--gifts for home or friends. Christmas is coming! Solee gift problems and get that new car, too' Edward Williams 330 ourt Street Salem You'll be mighty happy if you come in and talk this over with us. A special offer jou’ve never had before! SHOWER MOTOR CO. Ph- Blue 52-R 1520 First St. North edge of STAYTON, ORE.