OCTOBER 2#. 1S49 MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. the school house. Plans were discuss ' ed for a benefit card party in Novem ber. Mr. Bradley of the Oregon Col Hr EVA BRESSLER lege of Education at Monmouth -how Mrs. Jewell was hostess for a par e<l the film, “Human Growth.” ty honoring a group of juniors from the community, held in the commun Sunday guests at the home of Mr. ity clubhouse Friday everting. Games and refreshments furnished the en J and Mrs. Jim Lande were Mr. and Mis. Herman Smith and children, Ray tertainment. Present were George and Clara, of Susanville, Calif.. Mrs. Johnston, Jerry MoMer, Donald Cal I Smith is a sister of Mr. Lande. loway, Shirley Mohler. Jerry Hub Recent visitors at the Ait Ayers bard. Jerry Heineck, Cleo Dysinger, Dorothy Grimes, Jack Jones, Mary home were his Bister, Mrs. Bu: 1 Cox- Shupe, Shirley Calloway, Gloria en of The Dalles, his cousin, Mrs. Carr, Kathryn Carr, Larry Hubbard, Ada Castello of Portland and aunt, Beverly Dysinger, Jeanette Hoffman Mrs. Ollie Neill of La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Hiiil Corbett of Salem and the horteHK. were Sunday dinner guests at the Faith Rebekah Ixtdg«- held ita re- home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bress ular -meeting at the hall Wednesday ler. Mrs. Corbett is a sister of Mr. evening with the following officeis Bressler. Mis. Alice Huber spent the week in the chairs: Frances Mr-Carley, no ble grand, Blanche Wagner, vice end in Dallas at the home of Mr. and grand, Xiarnett Bassett, secretary Mrs. Delbert Shelton. Miss Carroll Johnston, student and Celene Taylor, treasurer. The re gular routine of business was car the Oregon College of Education at ried out, and at the social hour the Monmouth, spent the week end at school teachers from Lyons and Me the home of her parents, Mr. ahd hama were guests. Game« furnished Mils. Paul Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell open the enteitainment, ami dainty refresh ments were served by the committee: their home every Thursday evening Jean Roberta, Elsie Myers, Millie for meetings of Kings Teens. Last Thursday evening Milton Dircks of Bickett and Roberta Longnecker. Salem gave a very intei esting talk. Next Thursday evening a very spe First fall nteeting of the byons Ex cial meeting is expected, with Mr. tension unit will be held in Rebekah and Mrs. Magnus. Mr. Magnus paints hall Friday with candy making as tlhe project. Mrs. John Kunkle and Mis. with a spray gun beautiful pictures Clyde McRae are project leaders. The while Mrs. Magnus sings. All young new president, Mrs. Otto Weidman, people from the ages of 14 to 20 aie and vice president, Mrs. Orville Dow invited to attend. Mrs. Jack Johnston is spending a ning, will be installed at that time. short vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Nellie Thomas, in Med- The Home Economics Club of the ford. Santiam Valley Grange held its reg Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg weie ular meeting at the home of Mrs. Saturday evening dinner guests at Mae Patton in Mehama. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers Present were Mrs. D. A. Franklin, in Elkhorn. Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mr. ani Mis. Norman Johnson of Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mrs. Albert Jul Portland spent the week end at the ian, Mrs. Giles Wagner and Mrs. Jen home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. nie Boihannan. Mrs. Keith Phillips Alex Bodeker. I was a guest of tlhe afternoon. Miss Juanita Downing, student at Oregon State College, s[s>nt Monday- The Mari Linn PT A held its meet- evening at the home of her parents, ing in Ibibekah Hall Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing. Miss Meeting place has Is-en changed to Downing, a senior, has beeen elected LYONS captain of tlhe Chintimni hocloey team Honoring Mrs. Lynn Lambert for her birthday were Mrs. Elbice Miller, Mrs. Zora Pierson and Mrs. Mary Wagner and son of McMinnville. Sunday gueete at the home of Mr. ' an<l Mrs. E. L. Roye were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kuni of Cresswell, Mrs. Ross Godden and children Jerry Lyjin and Nancy of Granta Pass, Miss Vir ginia Rogers of Portland, Lynn Roye of OSC and Imogene Roye of Leban on. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto were Mr. anti Mrs. Arvir Magnuson and son Rich ard of Murdo, S. Dak. Mrs. May Swank of Stayton and nephew, James Abel, of California, visited friends in Lyons Monday af ternoon. Miss Frances Pietrok was brides maid for Doralee Thomas of Scio, at her marriage in St. Joseph Catholic Church in Cloverdale We'lnesdey to Leo Hurliman. The two young wo men attended high school together in Stay ton. The tamale sale and supper held in the community clubhouse Thurs day evening, sponsored by the Wo men’s Society of Christian Service, was well attended with $96 taken in. A word of thank is sent to those who helped on the various committees. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn of Portland spent the week end at the hoime of his brother, Fred Vaughn. They also visited the Albert Rings. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ro ye were re cent visitors in Portland, with rela tives and friends. Don't Borrow I TOMAN’S HILLTOP STORE Friday & Saturday Specials GROCERY DEPARTMENT IGA Sno-Kreem IGA Flour Sperry Pancake Flour IGA Jell-It Vel Super Suds Peets ■■ > ñ i 11^ «• ? Í I ♦ : fa ■ UL$l I i é Rafes Wllh Bch * 1 Family Pack-4 rolls Tissue 1 lb. Walnuts FREE—either Ladies’, Men’s or Children’s Bedroom Slippers while they last on $5.00 or more purchases in the Dry Goods Dept, exclusive of Shoes. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT $2.00 jo In the Heart of the Theatre and Shopping District 2-cell Flaslight, complete .89 8-cup Silex or Curtes Glass coffee maker, was 3.95, now $2.89 Knopp Monarch Pop-upToaster. was 18.95,now$15.95 - yVewebt anct Tsestut 1 Yes Tissue DRY ROODS DEPT. ’>•' f $3.50 JP 3 lbs. .75 50 lbs. 3.69 4 lbs. .49 each .05 large pkg. .27 large pkg. .28 large pkg. .35 FREE with every order of $10 or more! Í Rates without Bath Don't Borrow — Subscribe! Subscribe! ->■ We deliver ■■T Hill Top General Store I ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. ALLEN KEITH Announces The : ♦ « Í ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ : - Mil IT CHEVRON * » A. GAS STATION -, •__________________ * w . ■ ♦ Open daily 6a. m.tol a.m. Sundays 7a.m.tolO p.m. ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ; ♦ ♦ I > '<3 i. I ut vb.UR-1 You are cordially invited to be our guests nt the (¡rand Open ing of our new Chevron (¡as Station in Mill City. We in tend to give you the finest service available for your car. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ yr P * w $ » * i i ■ J I ♦ I. I Aììen Keith, Proprietor • • Featuring Chevron Gasolines, RP.M Oil- and Lubrican ts, Atlas fires, Batteries and Accessories. Permanent Anti-Freeze, Weed Th e ' h-i ' ij < <’ur re-f rooms—ck-^n heat d, equi; ped with h.*t w iter FREE! On Opening Day —G<-Boors ♦ Flowers ill'll Ibirfv Oil «