MILL CITY ENTFIRPRISE. Mill Mehama Arc & Acetyline Welding By MRS. JEAN ROBERTS A large and appreciative audience Mrs. Ed Taylor slipped and fell turned out Thursday evening to hear Truck and Auto Repairing last week, breaking an ankle. She is Howard Pyfer of the Marion County Open Days and Evenings home now and reportedly is getting Health Dept, lectuie on the services along well. Mrs. Mae Patton is in at of his office and show two special tendance. SILVER SADDLE films on communicable diseases, at Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer are the first meeting of the Parent- Tea GARAGE home again in Mehama for the win cher Ass. Highway west of Mill City ter. They spent the summer months Eollowing the program. Miss Car at Marion Forks at the new fish men Stafford played selections on the Tel. 903, Mill City hatchery there. accordion. Ladies aid held its meeting last Mis. Robert Veness, president, an week at the home of Mrs. Keith Phil nounced the November meeting would lips. Present were Mrs. Madeleine feature a roundtable discussion with Ridling, M:s. E. Philippi, Mrs. Fran Lyons, Detroit and Mill City PTAs For Guaranteed ces McCarley, Mrs. eJnnie Moe, Mrs. participating on home influence. Russell Wilson, Mrs. Harry Monroe, The refreshment committee includ Cleaning, it's the Mrs. Merle Teeters and Mrs. Reed ed Mrs. Ernest Podrabsky. Mrs. Rus White. No business meting was held sell Moberg. Mrs. Hattie Fencl. Mrs. because the president and vice pres Elmer Shaw and Mrs. Stanley Walc ident were absent. zak. Home Economics metting was held [ last week at the home of Mrs. Mae 48-HOl R SERVICE Mrs. Lawrence Walworth gave a 1 Patton. Eight women were present. very interesting lecture on Hawaii at MILL CITY The regular business meeting was j followed by refreshments in the af- the regular meeting of the Mill City Women's Club Tuesday evening. Af ! temoon. Mr. and Mrs. Reed White have just terwand, the group made lies, first prizes going to Mrs. Frederick Rugh, I purchased a new sedan. Otto Russell Betsy Kriever and Mrs. Crissie Hen Mrs. Garmen McDonald and Leo derson. Consolation prizes went to ' Kirsch celebiated their birthdays on Mrs. Kay Colburn, Mrs. R. L. Faust Sunday at a birthday dinned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kirsch. and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore. Agency New members voted in were Mrs. Farmers Union meeting was held at the Women’s Clubhouse Friday Melbourne Rambo, Mr. s. John Muir, Fire and Mrs. Alice Stew’art., evening. Auto Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rockwell have Life moved to the cottage behind Barney Kirsch's place. Accident Another bear was felled by a Me- FIRST Phone 1502 Detroit hama hunter last week. Chris Mc- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Donald was the hunter. Prelude; call to worshipjdoxology; Miss Phyllis Wallen, who is at- tending school in Ashland, was a Me- invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer hama visitor last week. Ivan Darby leturned home - -- - with ... a - notices; offering; music by choir buck after a week’» hunting trip to sermon; hymn; postlude. October 2 —Worldwide Communion. < eastern Oregon. NU-METHOD INSURANCE Church Activities BR IDGE TAVERN At the bridge in Mehama Smilly Mabel Guests for the evening were Mrs. SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea James Barton. Mrs. Vincent Palmer, gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club and Mrs. Floyd Jonees. The latter in Idanha «ach Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 two are going to be leaders of tiwo Bluebird groups which have been Don’t Borrow — Subscribe I formed this year The club voted to sponsor again the Camptire group of Mrs. Arthur Erie ver and the Cub Scouts. Hostesses for the evening were A Friendly Place Miss Daisy Hendricson ami Mrs. Lee .Ross. Mrs. Cora Calavan of Scio visited her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Balti more. Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Anglesey left Friday for her home in I^Belle, Idaho, after vis iting relatives in Mill City, including Mr. and Mrs. John Angelsey, Mr. and I Mrs. Ed Angelsey, Mrs. Annette Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Angel sey and Mrs. Ira Teeters. During her stay here she was the house guest Mill City people having dinner at ft Elkhorn Guest Ranch Sunday includ- ' ed Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haecox and son and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wol verton, Lincoln and Jefferson. Richards Tavern GATES MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP. Hendricson's Dry Goods, Notions De. R. Reynold« Clinic Naturo Proctologist 1144 Center St. Salem, Ore. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY T-SHIRTS ANKLETS JEANS BELTS FOR SCHOOL At the Mill City Furniture Store FLOWERS FREE ESTIMATES CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall Mehama, Ore FREE METHODIST CHURCH 'The Church of Light and Life Hour" Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Junior Church 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Phone 1906 Pastor Rev. L. C. Gould North Mill City OATHS COMMUNITY WHERE I RlENDS MEET 0HURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Christian Endeavor 6:80 7:30 Evening Worship Walter Smith, Pastor. On Highway 222, Linn County side MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor It’s New ! MILL CITY VARIETY DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST Warren Knape — Pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 Youth meeting 6:45 Youth night, Saturday 7: Music, games, eats and devotions ACETYI.INE WELDING Phone 88 It’s Smart! MEANDER INN George ‘Sparky’ Ditter Sunday School Morning Worship Evangelistic Service Wed. Bible Study .*;nm 10:00 11:00 Just arrived: Ladies’ and childrens’ umbrellas Plastic headwear New and uuusual gift items and toys C0^£IN Let us show you the biggest selection ever. ttocki in thi Wit! 25<to»'0-A ROlL Opti hi, Sat. HUTCHEON Auto Insurance Service I FURNITURE A PAINT STORE McEwan Photo Shops f want to remind you that Christmas is beginning to creep up on us and that it is not too early to begin thinking about Photographs of your children or family group for the Ideal ( hristmas (¡¡ft. A photograph of yourself is the gift only you can give; unique and deeply appreciated by triends who receive it. Photographers always have a rush AT LOWEST Policies issued direcily from our office eveiiiju 162 No. Commercial, SALEM CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST f Services Sunday morning 11:00 American Legion Hall Mill City COMPLETE Use our convenient Layaway plan for Christmas dolls and other toys from thi largii! ■ t Your Idle hours FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Services Every Lord’s Day Morning Worship 11:00 6:30 GOODE’S FLOWER SHOP Young PeopTe’s Meeting 7:30 Evening Worship iPhone Blue r>4B Stayton, Oregon Tom Courtney, Pastor COMPLETE PAINT JOBS OR SPOT MATCH—KM COLOR I To While Away CONSTIPATION (Colitis) Is a sympton. not a disease. Rectal ailments are the under lying factor. Heinoroids and other colon ailments must be corrected. •No Toss of time No hospitalization Free descriptive booklet - - - - T T TTTT-.TTTTT. . . « . . . . , H. E. Martin’s Body & Fender Shop Tony Ziebert OCTOBER >0. ISIS of last-minute business during the PRICES IN THE Christ mas Season and that is why VALLEY Claims adjusted directly from our office we NEW &(SED u> HAVE YOUR PHOTO GRAPH TAKEN EARLY AND AV OID DELAYS that usually develop GLENN’S MARKET At Savings of 10 to 20* I * Room Eunrniture of having maintained our low prices I Î without incres»- since pre-war days. Onr studio in the Mill Ciy Fumt- t ire store is op»-n each Friday after noon and evening. • TRAM PHONE 207, MILL CITY Ph HF | 3 x * photos in fine mounts. 5 x 7'» are 315.00 per dozen. We are proud • Wool Carpet A Complete insur.trce Service-Fire, Theft, Life. ( «suait», Auto. Surety < able—as low as 39.00 per dozen for SALEM, ORE. Kpplianro KEiD McEwan’s prices are very reason 1605 N. Summer • Linoleum < i DAVID near the end of December. «■HMM* • TERMS 3-311« Our studio in the Mill City Furniture Store is open each Friday afternoon and evening