Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 20. 194» Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison, in Ly ons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green Santiam Trailer Court, Gate*. spent the week end in Portland on business. By Mrs. Wilaon Park MAC’S Miss Janet Klecker of Stavton vis Mrs. Bonham, Mrs. Rose Luck, Mrs ited Sunday at the home of Mr. and 14* B. Church, next to Salem Parking Alvin Haman and Viola Peterson vis ited Mrs. Arthur Peterson in Eman Mrs. Paul Davis. uel Hospital in Portland Saturday. Mrs. Peterson is doing satisfactorily. Butler Trailer Court, Gates. Mrs. Hamm was home over the Mr. and Mrs. L. Kohle moved to Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn week end. Bernice Jobnk celebrated her birth moved to Mill City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pollard and day Oct. 15. She received many nice daughter of Prineville called on Mr. gifts and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Hershfelt of Salem and Mrs. Jim Fish and other friends were visitors of Art and Pearl Dur in the court. Several from here attended the tur ham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Osmus are the new key dinner at the schoolhouse Wed operators of the Gates Cafe. nesday evening. Jim St. Claire motored to the coast Mrs. Frank Atkinson returned home Tuesday from a Salem hospital with for some fishing over the week end. D. E. McKiever and family, L. C. her baby son, Robert Frank. Urnier and family and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Helt went hunting Monday and brought home his deer, a fine H. P. Patterson are newcomers. Mrs. Gene Davidson is very busy five point. Mrs. Rolland Hopper of Salem call with her music lessons and Sunday ed on Mrs. A. T. Bamhardt Thursday school activities. Coony Hansen has as guests over Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fish and son the week end his sister and brother- Jimmy spent the week end on the in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Klell Summers. coast salmon fishing. Coony expects his wife Ora to re Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Parker moved over into the new section of camp turn from California Wednesday. U- Roland Kopp has been tranferred Sunday. We wish to welcome Mr. and Mrs. from the graveyard shift to days. Hear the new Victor Pitt and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haskin and family. DANCE PARTY PLANNED Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Parker had as The Albany Folk Dance Sponsors Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. will hold their monthly folk dance C. O. Rheames. party Friday evening at 8:30 at Vet Mr. and Mrs. Barney Helt and son erans Memorial Hall, 5th and Lyons, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Albany. Sutliff in Salem Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogan and family spent Sunday at Sweet Home visiting friends. Mrs. Charles Dupuis returner! to her home in Divide, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacksor were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Park Saturday evening. The Jacksons are from the Clise trailer court. Trailer Courts BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares Porter & Lau RCA VICTOR SYSTEM OF Christmas Gifts ¡for the Little Folks at the Hobby Shop World's fastest record changer ... new 7-inch record — distor tion-free over 100% of playing surface. BIG SAVINGS for you! Only 12.95 Porter & Lau ■■■■■■■■aaaMaaaaMMMraMMMMUMI Shady Fir Auto Ctourt, Gates By Mrs. Paul Davis Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osmus, one of our neighbors, have bought the Gates Cafe, which is located on the highway, formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butler. The place is now open for business. They will be happy to see everyone. Floyd Fleetwood, who works in the Gates Genera! Store, has just return er! from a hunting trip to eastern Oregon. Sorry! no luck! A bride and bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson who were mar- rial in Eugene Sept. 17 are newcom ers to the court. Mr. Nelson is em ployed by CHI. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Johnson motor ed to Sandy over the week end. They were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Betty Lou Johnson, who had been visiting her parents. Miss Betty is employed in Sandy. Mr. end Mrs. Harry Edwards vis ited their son and daughter-in-law, ¡¡168 N. Commercial, Salem STATE TIMBER SALE Leona Murphy, ageu 6, niece of Oral bids will be received by the Mi s. W. F. Veene, entered Mill City Acting State Forester, acting in be school Monday. half of the State of Oregon by and through its Board of Forestry, at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, at 10:00 o’clock, A. M., November 14, 1949, for all merchantable Douglas fir timber designated for cutting by the State Forester or his agent, upon the following described land located in Marion County, Oregon: W *4 NW ’■« Section 15, Township 9 south, Range 3 East, W. M. Sealed bids will be accepted in place of oral bids if received at the office of the State Forester, 2600 State Sreet, Salem, Oregon not later than the above time and date. Before submitting bids, prospective purchas ers should secure a cqpy of the pros pectus and bid form from the State Forester, Salem, Oregon, or Elmer Taylor, Mehama, Oregon. The Acting State Ik raster reserves the right to waive minor technicalities arto reject any and all bids. Signed: George Spaur ■MUmiMiiiiiii— — Timin'....ntr....... mt uu. n uiiiiiii:im*MM»iidi« Acting State Forester 45« SILVER SADDLE GARAGE Highway West of Mill City FILLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS WELDING AND REPAIRING OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS DUDLEY JONES Tel. 903 Mill City Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Orville Odermann are moving into their new home in the Swift addition. Santiam Hardware CAFE Al a Cart Dinners Short Orders LYONS 1 riiiiam I’.iniii GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heating LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PULMB1NG AND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE TOO SMALL Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Rd. SALEM ■anana i>n uiMnaamMami, ur- ■■■ r.i iih itmtui:.!»«« ur.iui.uianii i:t: i:n<Huanan:«u:mBumiü.MBiuraaanuiuua«BMaMai and IMPLEMENT COMPANY The Commercial Book Store Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES Phone 3-4534 141 N. Commercial St. Stayton SALEM, ORE. ,. V«.. T Look at the ’49 Ford and you’ll see why famed Fashion Academy judged it "Fashion Car of the Year,” over 1949 models of all other makes. MMMMWMMMMI Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry. Nu Method, Mill Olty and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe., Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit. 166 S. High SALEM Ph. 3-9125 .««.L THE ORIGINAL WESTERN HARDBOARD 1 the ( j O m rords 100 horsepower V-8, the Mm!” in Ford’s ‘’Sofa-Wide” Seats... the "Ah!” of "Finger-Tip” for the Home Hobbyist Ideal in workability« finish and strength For all its toughness you can work Chapco easily with wood tools. you can get any natural or . paint effect; you’ll like . ’ \ its hard gloss surface. Y ' k/ HAVI HOMt rUN WITH MOVTN MIA tTIC Al (/fj \ C W A P c o the difference. Only Ford gives you so much car for so little. —- ford "Feel” •••al yovr Ford Dealer’s 4 ft .Ih J 1/4 Kelly Lumber Sales Ph. 2-7390 Herrold-Philippi Motor C o . stayton ------ AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE “FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR —