MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 20. 19-19 CARD OF THANKS into and property stolen until it is We « h to eaprew our sincere ap* likely that a gate will soon be put prec it: >n for * 'C mTny helpful kind- Dicks across that road. At the Silver Saddle nesses extern! d to i:s in out recent Still more damage i« a dead spike SHOE deer lying 50 feet from the road with Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Jones an«i Dar bereavement. rell had «tinner with Mr. and M s.1 a bullet hole in his shoulder. REPAIR Otto family R. L. Ash Sunday. eli. H . .1 W«tH- life Mlillil |i ’ . t .l:»’TMI MILL CITY By JEAN ROBERTS U. G. McGee went bear hunting SHIRLEY LAIRD over the week end. He already had | Rain Clothes water-proofed I The 25.000 acre Abiqua basin which bagged his deer. MILL CITY was closed to deer hunters two weeks and repaired Glen Dou«i and William Diehl spent ago was open again Sunday as game- Phone 2603 Mrs. Eugene Giegory, assisted by the week «»nd at their homes in Van hungry hunters tore open gates and Prompt Service Mrs. Kit Richards, entertained the couver. boldly drove into the area. Commercial liefrigera The lock on one gate was filled sixth grade in her home Saturday- R. Jacobsen is working on the re.- , with sticks, a short time after the evening with a birthday party in hon ¡«lent town above the dam. tion Sales ami Service closure order went into effect, trap or of her son. Kiddie. After the open Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Ash bail a 1 2131 Fairgrounds Road ping fo.est service officials anti caus ing of gifts, refreshments were serv birthday dinner Wednesday evening ing them some difficulty getting out. ed, and the gioup attended the thea at the h«>me of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Salem. ( (regoli Pilone 3-7193 Cars and hunters were thick in the ter. Attending were Stevie Miller, Ba nhardt of Gates. The occasion was closed area over the week end, des Larry Bennett. Elaine Downing, Den Mrs. Ash’s anniversary. She was pre pite the warning that trespassers nis Podrabsky, Charles Howe, Dick sented three cakes. Crook and Eddie's biothers, Elton, would be prosecuted. Hunters all oven- the county have and Donnie, Charles Henderson, Ter CARD OF THANKS grumbled and questioned the right of ry Culp. Morrie Bassett, Osel Nelson, We are grabeful for the many kind property owners to close forest ureas Arthur Hedge, Truman Jones, Dar nesses and expressions of sympathy A friendly pine«» to meet to legal hunters, but a certain ,num- rell Williams, Deanna Hoeye, Jean during our recent bereavement. be: of dishonest sportsmen have Thomas, Pat Murray, Ellen Shelton, and «»at Mrs. Benjarr.dn H. Rider and caused this hardship to all the others Phyllis I’rovost, Marlene Level. Cam family by pilfering, trespassing and illegal ille Goble, Evelyn Johnston, Shirley Mrs. George Ditto Lawson, Sue Roberts, Dai la Lee Ab hunting. A large gasoline engine above el, Barbara Podrabsky, Norma Dow aaBMMMMMMKMRI'*. .. Freres has been dismantled and is in ner, Chuck Kuhlman, and Mike O’ You can enjoy the thrill of riding the Shasta Daylight, process of being removed by so-called Leary. the nation’s newest, most beautiful chair car stream Next to Postoffice. Mill City Information ' enter. hunters. An oil house has been broken liner, for very low fares. For example: Only $12 one NYLON UNDERWEAR Detroit, Oregon way, $21.60 roundtrip (plus federal taxi Portland to Bl ’ TTERKK PATTERNS . . Mr. and Mr®. Orville Vogt, the for San Francisco. Low fares from other points, too. INFANTS WEAR 24 hours p day mer Ruby Angelsey, of Albany, were Leave in the morning - arrive San Francisco that in town for a birthday «tinner for her night. See the spectacular scenery of the Shasta father, John Angelsey, and for their Route through huge “Skyview Picture Windows". ' second wedding anniversary. Guests Luxurious chair cars, diner, coffee shop, tavern car AT YOUR FINGERTIPS I were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Angelsey, Mrs. and parlor-observation. All chair car seats reserved I Ira Teeters, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer An- but no charge for reservation. j geysey, Mr. and Mrs. John Angelsey FAST SCHEDULI and Mrs. Annette Strickler. Attorney at Law IV PORTLAND . . . . 7:45 AM. Ira Teeters is improving slowly in IV. SALEM 9:00 A.M. «18 Broadalbin Albany Salem Memorial Hospital. IV. ALBANY . . . . 9:31 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn and Mr. LV. EUGENE . . . . . 10:16 A.M. an«l Mrs. Charles Wolverton spent LV. KLAMATH FALLS . . 3:33 P.M. Saturilay evening as guests of T. J. AB. SAN FRANCISCO . . IltlS F.M. Stocks. Connects with Owl... arriving in A surprise birthday party was giv Loa Angeles 10:55 next morning. Broadway Hit® of Today--4 records en Albert Toman by Mrs. Toman Sat Album .... 3.27 urday evening. Pinochle was played, with prize® awarded for high and low Vaughn Monroe Album Th. fri.ndly Southern Poeltk Wide Stock of 45 rpm records— scores. Guests were Mr. an«l Mrs. Oswald Hirte of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Classics, Popular, Westerns and George Veteto and Mr. and Mrs. Ed all vinylite — 69c each Goachie. Classic Albums: Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis are go Beethoven Symphony No. 7 ing over to George Barretit’s ranch Tchaikovsky Symphony, No. 6 in eastern Oregon where they are go Tcsaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC ing pheasant hunting. Wagner’s Des Rheingold The Firemen's Auxiliary was to and many others LIGHTING meet Thursday evening in the Fire Hall With Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and Mrs. George Stewart hostesses. SALES RENTALS REPAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bushnell of Long 23« N. High St. SALEM "First With What You Want Most" Beach, Calif., left Wednesday morn COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE ing after touring Oregon for two Your Power Tool Rental Headquarters Radio. Washer Refrigerator and months hunting and fishing. While Electrical Appliance here they were guests of Mr. and 1410 So. 12th Salem, Ore. Phone 3-3646 Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 Mrs. Gilbert Wells. Last week they went to Portland, nightelubbinb with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bullis. Tally Davis finally shot her deer, as she said, in various places. Tex LOCATED Below Mil! City Furniture Store Blazek said alt the anirral needed to be mince meat was an apple in its mouth. Oliver Farmen Jr. of Eugene spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Guy Sorenson. Mr. Farmen is a 24 Hours a Day 1-Day Service 1 salesman for an equipment company. Mr. and Mrs. John Baranick of Kel so, Wash., have purchased King's Trading Post. Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, form«: owners, are taking a trip through the south. , Trailer Courts Game Law Violations Hit SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP Mill City Davis Electric & Tavern Supply TAM TM MW SHtiuntiiMR Arthurs Cafp C hicken in the Rough Woods Dry Goods Store HARLOW L WE1NRICK WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. PORTER & LAU HOWSER BROS. Roberts Shoe Repair SHOP! Gates FURNITURE Market Deposit Shoes tor Repair (Night or Day) in Deposit Box Where Every Day is Sale Day for New and Used Furniture Parker & Hutcheson nT Just Arrived! A Carload of ro B' ng Take advantage of our Car- load Purchases and SAVE on all of your building needs LUMBER PAINT HI NT VICTIM WASEX RESIDENT Benjamin H. Ri«ier, 49, who died of a heart attack while hunting in the Bums area, was a former Can yon worker and was son of Mrs. , Geqige Ditto of Niagara. (Mr. Ryder had remained in the car I while the hunting party he was with | went out for «leer. When the party returned, they found him dead. 1 Ml. Ryder is survived by his mo- ■ ther, Mrs. Ditto, his widow, three j daughters and four gran«ichil<iien. WILL BE AT OUW STORE THVRS., OCT. 27 Open that evening to 8 Quality job printing at the Enter prise. TO CONDUCT OUK SEMI-ANNUAL VERNE'S BARBER S H O P E I MILL CITY HRS IO TO 7 I.1PPOLD - BRENNER Accountants • Bookkeeping Service ^Auditing •Payroll Reports •Income Tax Phone«: Mill City 207 Salem 3-7615 WALLBOARDS BUILDERS’ HARDWARE SHEET ROCK BRICK Estimates Promptly Given FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill City utrRtSENTING TAILORING DISPLAY OF CUSTOM CLOTHES MADE TO YOUR MEASURE CEMENT SHINGLES Jack Boyd Jefferson Stayton JERRY'S CAFE &TAVERN Serving Turkey Dinner Friday, Saturday, Sunday COMPLETE DINNER 95c Gates. Oregon I —|!Wl MiW M ■ w •»SB*«M More than MM) fine woolens, many in full pieces, will be on display. Your selection will be custom tailored to your own individual measurements in any authentic style. Custom clothes tailored by Fd. V. Price A Co. are noted for correct style, proper fit, superior fabrics, and fine workman ship. W'c ¡mile you to tomt in . . . no obligation. Len Mitchell Men’s Clothes—in Stayton Open Fri. and Sat. evenings 'til 8