Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 20. 1949 Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! FARMERS, ATTENTION—Tjimber. windows, plumbing fixtures, blankets, ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit beds, light plant, for sale cheap. M. ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 & M. Woodworking Co. Entire Blow Hemlock, Lebanon. • out cam? to be liquidated. Call Al bany 800, Mrs. C. P. Keyes. 43* GOOD DEAL: --Boat, Trailer, And Mercury Motor. All for Only $150.00. FOR SALE: — Steeromatic baby Santiam War Surplus, Detroit, Ore. buggy, reasonable. Roy S. Keirsey. I Bl. East and two blocks south of cor- i ner 1st and Kingwood. FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean equipment call your fuller brush deal er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box 229 Aumsville, Oregon. BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON Santiam FOOD MART CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. £ FRY, Manager MEATS LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE $1 par month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2352 LEONARD HERMAN Wants and Sales FOR ANY kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New or repair. Free estimate. Tel 1171, John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 * FOR RENT—2 trailers, one 3-room, one 1-Toom. Both furnished. Edwards Trailer Court, Gate«. 42 FOR SALE Large house, 4 bed rooms, suitable for a business loca tion. Terms. FOR SALE—Income property, apart ment house, 3 room modern cottage, 8 lota, excellent location, priced to sell. Terms. FOR SALE 3 bedroom house, good location, only $4500. FOR SALE new house, 2 bedrooms, lot 50x100, good location, cheap. FOR SALE — 100 ft. choice h’way frontage. FOR OALB- New 55 rm. house, close to school, a good buy. Do you wish to set)? See us. We need listings. PENNICK - PEN NICK Phone 1901 - 702 Mill City <®I needs accomodations: single and double rooms in private limes, houses to rent. Please list your available apace with CBI. Call Personnel office, 4202 • Don't Borrow, Subscribe! GROCERIES Janet NELSON Margaret NOBLE DAVIS SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON • Horner’s a’n'dnerG. List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID, REAL ESTATE DETROIT TAVERN i and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden NEWLY DECORATED 24-hour nurse service A Digliitied, Courteous Ser vice to nil ty|K*s of iwtieute Call at 3595 “D” Street Salem Float Don't Bothor Mo I'm Duttod with PULVEX DDT” Weddle Funeral Home MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Joan DAVIS KANSAS CITY Kirn Suouay and Monday DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS j «. Canyon Club Listings Wanted For RENT —J F. ULkicM cô— D-7 Cat with Dozer & Winch Jorgensen Steinke’s •Wk ■ FOR SALE Good modern 6 room I house in Mill City. Also 3 76x150 I lots, large garage. 3 bl. W of Hilltop Store, Ph. 1303, Gordon Wheeler 42 WANTED half interest in going business. Will furnish half of every thing, including capital up to $.’>000. 2 man operation. Call Mr. Dunn, Port- I land. Sunset 8067. 42* Ph. 1815 MILL CITY STOP FOR SCHOOL BUSESI , srp&rot W6M4HY »TOPPED ----- »V« H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop • • ••• • * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging Repairing. and Sawmill HIA)«K WEST OF THEATER STOPPED SCHOOL BUG LOADING OH UNLOADING 1 IX>R SALE Trailer house, 16 ft., j clean, $150. See at Clise’s Trailer I Court. Gates. Lynn Baker. 42 HOWARD CORSET SHOP MULT/PL£ LANZ STP££TM H/M/UAY FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie-Dreases-Smocks 131 High St Salem Ph. 4032 I PROCtEQ I NG WANTED cattle, hogs and sheep. Licenser! and bonded buyer. Will call at farm. Write Harold E Suethen. Turner, Ore. David M. Reid KIUS HUS fttfs fM off Mlil City P haiiruy ..TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY.. Gene AUTRY LOADED PISTOLS Baldwin’s I TO TRADE 40 a., well improved ¡•foothill ranch. Will consider 2 or 3 ' bedroom house as part payment. PENNIOK - PENNICK Salem Nursing Home FRIDAY and SATURDAY IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab & -, -.1 <r <- -r -fr t ' by have it recovered, modernized and made like new. Mail us a card giving exact location and I will call with SHIPMENT OF COTTON PRINTS samples and give free estimate of JERRY ft ALL cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. Ÿ Motjàaimz | TECHNICOLOR Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen THURSDAY’ IN NEW FALL COLORS sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone FOR SALE — Mont. Ward elec. Wash 1153. er for $30. Anna N. Swift, Mill City. UNIVHSAl ;,,.. ORAL prsssnts A GOOD selection of linoleum yard 45 age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. Salem Home Furniture Co. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. Last week of remodeling sale EXPERT auto and home radio ser 36” steel cots, legs fold under, make , vice. 20 years experience, all makes. high bed, complete with pad .. 11.76 , Guaranteed service. Oil circulating heaters from ..29.88, Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance Persh Sentinal battei y radio ........... 23.88 Bruce Doors open 7:20 p.m. Complete show can be seen anytime up to 8:45 Platform rockers, from ........... 19.88 FOR SALE: — White enemeled, Quality iob printing at the Enter ; Innerspring mattresses, from . 19.88 WANTED—Barkie Douglas fir poles smooth top, wood range with coppe- prise. coils. Also one wood circulator heater. I Davenos from ............................ 49.88 ’ or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or Otti*/'’.??' MAGAZINE EXCHANGE: Two Arthur Kriever, Ph. 2003, Mill City.2 I 16x27 cocoa door mats ........... 1.59 write Standard Pole & Piling Co., I Just a sample of the many furniture for One. Or sell pocket book editions Inc. 44* at 10 cents, magazines at 5 cents. I TO BUY OR SELL: — Homes, Lots, j values you will find here. have over 700 to choose from includ Acreage or Business property be sure ' SALEM HOME FI RN. CO. FOR SALE—one good cam.? or sleep C. E. & L. R. Coville ing Detectives, Romances, Westerns, to see C. E. Coville, Real Estate, west ; 137 So. Commercial St. ing trailer. Value $275. Sell for $125 Funnies, etc. Mrs. Goodman, a- side, Mill City. SALEM, Ore. cash. C. H. Duvall, N. 2nd and Ches Real Estate Brokers cross from ? cafe, Lyons, Ore. 44 WOOD for sale—old growth, 16”— ter, Silverton. 42 Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! FOR SALE: — Two water heaters; $12 cd., 2 ft.—$10 cd., for fireplace. PERMANENT JOB opportunity also baby buggy in good condition. Hardwood also, $15. Doc Nelson, Ph. i • —young men for work in Stan See Mrs. Don Sheythe. 44 Walt Nicholeon. dard Oil Station. Mill City. Also FOR SALE—4 rm. modern home, part time work for high school garage, 62x100 lot. *4 block N of post boys. See Allen Keith at new ser RBALTORS office, Lyons, Ore. Owner transferred. vice station OcL 18. 41* Investments - Insurance - Appraisals 42 We specialize in all types of apprais- al^See us about your values. Expert FOR SALE: — 7-room plastered, Federal appraiser. Have testified in modern house, 190 acres, *4 million GAR-WOOD HOISTS Federal oourt 33 times on values. feet of timber. Also 3 room house. Ph 3-8072 Salem Rm. 202, 817 Court $6,000.00 down. 314 miles east of and DUMP BODIES Gates, Linn County side. Will con BODIES MADE TO ORDER sider selling house only. See Tony MI14. CITY’ Baker. 45 LOGGING TRAILERS DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR SALE: — Business and Home, Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. $8,000. 18 acres land. Sawmill and ’4 Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also million feet timber. Five room house, 543 Ferry St. Ph. 2-5590 light hauling. spring water piped. Five acres culti- Salem, Ore. Leonard Herman Phona 2352 rated. Family orchard and be: lies. Also large brooder house. 114 miles NEED A TELEPHONE 7—Come in from Gates. $2,000.00 down, balance and see the new Stremberg-Oarlaon on terms or will trade. C. E. desk telephone. Highest quality and COVILLE, BROKER, WEST SIDE, approved for your local phone ser MILL CITY. vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Phone 902 Mill City FOR SALE—3 acres on highway, no buildings. C. McRae, Lyons, Ore, 2’4 44 Quality iob printing at the Enter mi. E. prise. FOR SALE—’37 Chev. coach, fair FOR RENT—Johnson Electric floor cond, rad, heater, just lecondition- polisher. Will really put on a pro ed. $200. F. L. Woodrum, Martin's tective coat of wax! $1 per day. Also trailer court. Red GE Tidy sweetper with all attach ments. Exc. for cleaning car and housecleaning. $1.50 per day at— Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Store Phone 3-9468 or 8-5327........... dn. 1W1 Bm Si, W. Salem CUSTOM CUTTING Agates to Sapphires and Rubies Cut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing of Emblems and Monograms On Stones. Prices Quoted On Request. Member of ROCKS & MINERALS ASSOCIATION Visitors Welcome Mill City Il II Real Estate I. MILL CITY SANTIAM GARAGE STOPF SCHOOL BUS LOADING CQ lb! LOADING T Stayton, Oregon AI.F. O. NELSON Attorney at law Worden Building Sil vat ton, Oregon Telephone 161 Mill City .» El FCTRIR COMPANY STAYTON Confuse-’ about Oregon'» new school bus (ti pping . . _ law s is the way it works On ■ two-lane roadway, ycu t stop when meeting or overtaking a schc< s which has halted to load or unload children On »ays haling three or more lanes, you must » p only if you're traveling in the same direction AL« _ as ny children are leaving the bus or axing _ stopped, you must not _ proceed as long ro- • g 'he roadway To as .st in holding traffic while road, all buses are being equip- ' .. . children cress ha «road w vitt red s - signa! .irmi a» rap "v as p< f ble You must stop iot the bus whether ar not th» »top irr.1 H PH»’- - ** * se of this sigral b • e bus dr »- • mol- indk-alaa the «itiuUoa requires yos la remain ■ looped. os eqi>a'’y tor • -eet* anr ’ < r*v and hiebwayv.