Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
MILL (TTY ENTERPRISE OCTOBER 20. 1919 of water, little grains of sand.’ ... as trustee or in any other fiduciary bles of pinochle. Guests were the Ray Around the Dam. relation, the name of the person or Overholsers. Warren Oards ami Jeff Slosh, slop, plop—mud and slop, That’s all, folks. corporation for whom the trustee is Boyers. trickle, trickle, gurgle, tin pants and Mril City, Oregon. Quality job printing at the Enter* Attending OES at Mill City Mon rubber boots, sneezes, coughs and acting, is given; also that the said Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher prise. 1 two paragraphs contain statements day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ran running snouts. Summer’s over. Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager ' embracing affiant’s full knowledge Hellwig, Mrs. Ken Ramsey. Mrs. Ed Ken Arndt up on the south side Staff: Leo C. Dean, Mary Jo Wolverton, Patricia Wolverton and belief as to the cirmcumstances Davis an 1 Mr. and Mirs. Bud Hawk switchback watching for a snag, his ins. Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, and cvnditions under which stockhold teeth chattering in unison with a cou- , Second meeting of pre-school mo pie of wagon drills. Thar’s cold on Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ers and security holders who do not ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , appear upon the books of the com thers was held Monday evening at them* thar hills. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and pany as trustees, hold stock and se- the home of Mrs. Ray Shirley. Crane swinging 12x12s in place . . . Nell Richardson left for Portland those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify" curitiets in a capacity other than Carpenters drilling holes ami driving section. ; that of a bona fide owner; and this and Tacoma where she will visit for dolew pins in cribs ... Euclids dump C. E. ‘Pink' Mason, I rop. two weeks. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not affiant has no reason to believe that ing blaster! rock in crib bays ... Mrs. Leo Fitzgerald has resumed SHELL PRODUCTS be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. any other person, association, or cor- Pumps trying to keep ahead of seep AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES CLASSIFIED RATE ponation has any interest direct or residence in Mongold. Mrs. Claude Beck is back from age . . . You take some brains, brawn, ZENITH TIRES One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1 00 Display advertising 40c inch indirect in said stock, bonds, or other sweat, lots of strong words ami ma Portland after a visit. securities than as so stated by him. FISHING TACKLE Clau ie Beck ami Bill Shuford re- i terials, and a couple of inspectors to 5. That the average number of cop make a cofferdam ... Anyone wish turned with two cteer the first of g 1 o ( n y t r the i ies of each issue sold or distributed, ing to commit suicide stop by the week. ¿[is' 4-S^S OLIRTI 08 through the mails or otherwise, to coffer dam and recite, “Iattle drops Mrs. Ted Brown has been on va- paid subscribers during the twelve 1 months preeding the date shown ab cation in th south for three weekr. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER and belief, a true statement of the A baby shower was given for Mrs. ove is 950. (This information is re SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA ownership, management (and if a Norm Quail by Mesdames Lisle. Bell quired from daily publications only.) TION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE daily paper, the circulation), etc., of and Laughran. About 25 attended. Announces the opening of his pro Charles Wolverton ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST the aforesaid publication for the date Mrs. Rus Smith and Mrs. Jean Phil fessional offices for the practice of shown in the above caption, required Sworn to and subscribed before me lips won at pinochle and Mrs. Bill 24, 1912, AND MARCH 3, 1933. by the Act of August 24, 1912, as this 18th day of October, 1949. OPTOMETRY Of The Mill City Enterprise, pub Smith and Mrs. Pat C rawfor at D. B. Hill Jr. bridge. lished weekly at Mill City. Oregon, amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, in all of ite pluses of visual care embodied in section 537, Postal Laws My commission expires (sea)1 for October 1, 1949. The Fergusons left Friday for a and Regulations, printed on the re 4-24- ’50 State of Oregon holiday irt Portland, visiting the verse of this form-, to wit: County of Marion Private Dining Johnsons and Mickey Lee families. 1991 1 URGROUNDs R' Pb.2-4074 1. That the names and addresses Before me, a notary public, in and Chief Fitzgerald was a thinner guest SALEM, OREGON Room for the State and county aforesaid, o fthe publisher, managing editor and Monday at the D. D. Stevens home. are: business managers personally appeared Charles Wolver MMHMMKSM» Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. and P. O. address Name of— ton, who, having been duly sworn (From The Canyon Castle) Mrs. Tasker were dinner guests of according to law, deposes and says Publisher: Mongold is planning a minstrel the Ben Martins. that he is the publisher of the Mill Charles Wolverton, Mill City, Oregon show in the near future. Frank Wil- Editor : City Enterprise and that the follow NORTH ing is, to the best of his knowledge Charles Wolverton, Mill City, Oregon I son is its director. Prospective talent Managing Editor: is asked to see Mr. Wil9on. - SANTIAM Charles Wolverton, Mill City, Oregon The Friday night square dance was Business Managers: TAUERN I canceled due to conuict of dates with Elsbeth Wolverton, Mill City, Oregon the school carnival. 2. That the owner is: (If owned by Volunteers are sought for a few One Mile East of Detroit a corporation, its name end address hours weekly at the projected kin must be stated and also immediately dergarten. which will be held in the JEWEL MYERS, MGR. thereunder the names and addresses day rootni of the dormatory three of stockholders owning or holding days a week. The project has been and miscellaneous items one per cent or more of the total given financial support of the Detroit amunt of stock. If not owned by a Dam Recreation Assn. Volunteers are corporation, the names and addresses asked to contact Mrs. Ray Shirley, 145 So. Church, Salem of the individual owners must be giv 308B. Mrs. Ned Warriner. 309 A, or i en. If owned by a firm, company, or Mrs. Jeff Boyer, 307B. I----- other unincorporated concern, its the card party Wednesday eve- | mr.v At name and address, as well as those of each individual member, must be ning Betty Allen and Dorothy Dean tied for the pinochle prize; Mrs. given.) Vealey and Mrs. Hellwig won can Charles Wolverton, Mill City, Oregon Elsbeth Wolverton, Mill City, Oregon asta honors; and teams of Tom Ma 3. That the known bondholders. bondholders, honey and M t . Hurst, and Hubert Phone Blue 118B or 42R mortgagees, and other security hold Lisle and Bill Vealey won duplicate ers owning or holding 1 .per cent or i honors. STAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ramsey enter more of the total amount of bonds, MILL CITY Popular - be< sum mortgages, or other securities are: tained Saturday evening for two ta- PHONE MILL C1T> 2602 or 2108 (If there are none, so stote.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next Quality Repair Parts above giving the names of the own Expert Workmanship ers, stockholders and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list We Sell and Install of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the nUMUNC IQUIRMINT stockholder or security holder ap pears upon the books of the company The Mill City Enterprise MILL CITY Service Station Mom & Pop’s Cafe Dr. Leslie J. (arson Mongold Wood Circulators Wood Ranges Gas Ranges Beds and Springs FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS MACS RESHSCCÈ) Stayton Plumbing Co DAILY Kellom’s Grocery MASTER BREAD Good! CRANE Better Vision Means Happier Leisure Eye care will return dividends for every penny it costs. One pair of eyes must last us a life time. Don’t force them beyond their ability. If you can’t see you can't read. If you can't read you can’t learn. If you can’t learn you can’t earn. Take the best care of your eyes. Dr. Mark Hammericksen REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Offices at Mill City Furniture Co. Save on one piece or a whole roomful and pay out of income Open Every Thursday 1 to 6 P.M.6 P. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment • Eve examination • Eye glass adjustments ’ Glasses fitted. • Broken lenses replaced General offices at TenBrook Jewelers. 313 W. 1st St.. ALBANY DAVENO and (P7Q CHAIR .... and up Mill City Furniture Co. MILL CITY, OREGON OPEN EVENINGS EVENINGS UNTIL UNTIL I 8 P- p. ■ m. OPEN