Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 20. 1949 Out of the Woods By JIM STEVENS THE LESSON OF THE LOG Dimension lumber <2x4s to 2x12»— and common boards abide within the rind of Clears or Select grade» and the sapwood of the sawlog. How is the sawlog to be judged in the tree, where the lumber-to-be is all covered with dabs end bark ? How ia the amuont of lumber to be esti mated ’ What kind of measurement Special TO ALL « CHEVROLET FORD and PLYMOUTH OWNERS is used? How is the figuring done? How are the grades guessed, and who will tell the prices that the grades may bring ? These are questions for experts to answer. The farm woodland owner auks them. There are experts called log buy ers and there are experts called tim ber cruisers. Aand all over the nation there are ¡specialists who trade in the products of sawlogs, the items and grades of lumber from 60 and more of America’s important commercial tree species. They speak their own language of the trade. West Coast Lumber Catalog. A lumber grade is a definition from official grading rules—such as those of the West Coast Bureau of Lumber Grades and Inspection for Douglas fir Western hemlock, Western red cedar ami Sitka spruce. ‘‘The object of grading rules,” the book say«, “ is to establish a basis of quality that will realize ... the characteristics of a species ... to produce grades o f relative quality, and so developed as to be best adapt ed to the principal purposes for which the species is used.” Example: West Coast Rule 208 governs “No. 2 Studding, Blocking and Small Posts,” (a grade that ap plies to much of the product of farm sawlogs.) The characteristics the rule lits are knots, knot holes, spike knots, checks, pitch, pitch pockets, sap stain, shake, skips, splits, torn grain, variation in size, wane, white specks, worm holes. Each has its limits de fined for the grade. Of course, the characteristics named are not all to be found in a single tree. The Rule says, ‘‘A serious combination of (characteristics named) not permit ted.” Log Grades. Few farmers are so blind to timber values nowadays as to setf-ji sawlog harvest for a lump sum ‘‘on the stump.” This practice harks back to the early days when the product of the sawmill was sold on a “millrun” basis. American lumber standards ami the detailed grading rules of the regional lumber industries are trade patterns and sales catalogs which the industrial logger follows and which the farm woodland owner should fol low also. There’s money in it. Some of your supposed sawtimber may have peeler logs in it. In any case, they can be sold by grade and according to the board feet they scale. Log grades are uniformly specified by the several log scaling and grad ing bureaus of Western Washington and Oregon. A sample specification is for No. 2 sarwlogs: “No. 2 Douglas fir and .•Ipruce saw- mlil logs shall be not less than 12 feet in length and not less than 16 inches in diameter if spruce, or not less than 112 inches in diameter if Dougglas fir, below the grade of No. log but which will be suitalble in grade: (a) For the manufacture of lumber in the grades of at least 65 per cent No. 1 Common or Better lumber, or (bl for the manufacture of lumber in the grades of 25 per cent Clear or Better or B and Better or an equivalent value in combina tion of grades.” Recent studies show that Douglas fir logs 12 inches in diameter and up will generally grade No. 2 sawmill. In some stands of larges second growth it is possible to obtain some No. 3 peelers. Idanha By RHEBA SNYDER The fire department was called on the job last W’ednsday evening when a chimney fire broke out in the home of Vem Alvin. Greatest damage was caused by having to cut a hole in the roof to get to the flames. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallford and daughter were Salem visitors Satur day. The church drive is nearing com pletion. Solicitors wish to thank all for their support ami for their kind i ami courteous treatment, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Haley and sons, Mike and Steven, of Eugene, were week end guests at the Albert Snyder home. Mr. Haley’s topics for next Sunday are: Morning Service-* “The One Talent”; evening—“The Rich Man.” Everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer were business callers in Mehama Saturday. The North Santiam Willing Work ers Club held their first October , meeting with Bemadine Stoll Wed nesday afternoon. Those present were Edna Gordon, Georgia New, PeajJ Geibler, Mary Gulliford, Ida Hansen, Margaret Howland and Reba Sny der. The meeting^ was conduted by the vice president, Mrs. Gordon, in the absence of the ¡president, Mrs. Barney. Mrs. Reynolds spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Winifred Johnson, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James McKinney and Yes, we Mean Business, and Typewriters Calculators Adding Machines CAPITOL OFFICE I (II IPMENT CO. SALEM 531 Court Sales — Rentals — Service OPEN SUNDAY ■MM Watch for opening of Complete Food Service Mill City Meat Market Thomas Housing Project LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE If You’re a G. I., See G. E. Thomas, Mill City Yoder-Martin Const. Co GENERAL CONTRACTORS Commercial and Residential Builders Expert Bulldozing Road Building Clearing. Grading and Leveling Masonry and Concrete Work WE ALWAYS GEAR ANTEE OCR WORK City 1611 Stayton Blue 162-B Corvallis 1915 V / REMEMBER I LAST JANUARY O’ AND FEBRUARY Be comfortable now and prepared for the really cold weather to come. Spark Oil Heater* always give rou just the temperature you want when you want it. See them today. :«• :«• Come to the Santiam Farmers Co-op for your needs in For the Next 7 Days family were business callers in Sa lem Saturday. Oti» Floyd, Lebanon, formerly of Idanha, called at the Frank New home on his way home Saturday eve ning from deer hunting. The American Legion Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Vira Bray in Detroit. A short business meeting was held. Floy Storey’s team won the membership contest. Mrs. Jane W’eis- gerber ami Mrs. Hazel Baldwin won prizes in the advertising game. Re freshments were served by the hos tess and Mrs. Mabel Moore. Nert meeting will be with Ella Peeler. Charles Cannon is still leading in the largest buck contest, but Mrs. Glen Ellen Denton has crowded out Hank Davis for second place, with a 211 pound deer, .»hot on Black Butte. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Le ming, a six pound girl, Mnday Oct. 17, at a Salem hsptal. Guests the past week at the Mar tin Rudy home were Mrs. Rudy’s sis ter, Mrs. R. K. Wilkinson and Mr. Wilkinson of Smith River, Calif. Henry Heibert and Donald and Leonard Snyder drove to Dallas Sun day t ovisit a few hours with Mrs. Heibert at the Dallas hospital, where , .»he is recovering from a major oper ation. Mr. Heibert was a dinner guest ait the Snyder home. FEEDS, SEEDS, PEAT MOSS, ETC We also carry Appliances, such as Home Freezers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Clocks, Pressure Cookers, Washing Machines and many other items FORSPENDING CONTROL , Spark . deluxe ., r rom OiJ Heaters give both c^Utiag •“«‘immediate radiant beat For complete comfort. Delivery you need both. SPARK II welcome jrour account HoiL CIRCULATING NEATERSK Not necessary to be a member to make a purchase SPANIOL & CO an EXTRA SPECIAL AL- Santiam Farmers Co-op Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works LOWANCE to Chevrolet, STAYTON STAYTON, ORE to Prove it, we’re offering ... R4F BY CHECH. Thenyou will have a record, of each, payment. You.ll know where you are and where you’re $oin$. Mill City State Bank Ph. 505B MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. Ford, and Plymouth Owners who Become Owners of a new MERCURY BUILD for Happiness a NEW HOME the car that Thousands call THE BEST BUY ON THE ROAD TODAY! So Before vou Decide on any <a at any price—it will pay you to get » a ♦ / f '•* on your Che» role». Ford, or Plym outh? Mr can pntmiw you will be \ J mighty gglad you did? But Hurry Hurry. DH»e in Today? Warnet Motor Co > our Lincoln Mercury Idealer today’s Blitz Weonhard Complete supply of buildinir ALL GRADES OF LUMBER. MATERIAL (OST- LET US ESTIMATE YOl'R YOUR ENTIRE BUILDING PROJECT needs BEILY LUMBER SALES CO IIO N. Commercial SALEM. OREGON Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock OPEN SAT! ROWS Retail Division Kusseil Kelly, Mgr