MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 20. 1940 PRE-SCHOOL MEETING OCT. 25 A meeting of the Lyons Commun ity kin dergarten group will be held Tuesday, Ort. 25, at 8 o'clock in the Twin Cedn schoolhouse. All mother of uhldren pre- school age are invited to attend. Officers will be elected for the com ing year and ,;.laas discussed for the new tenm. Twenty-thiiee children at tended last tenu. Mrs. Charles Pow er is th oteai er, and classes are held 4 wire weekly. Nt* equipment for the year in cdude a flannel boaud for display of children’s work. Prospective mothers needing trans portât.on tray call Mrs. John Pri- deaux, Lyons. ty h' the < >ty c and torta John Iowa bard Dor< Shui Ceri Bev« and F ulai evei NEW STATION OWNER FORMER MINING ENGINEER Allen Ke th, owner of the new Chev ron station which <>|^*ned thia week, is a former 'tuning • ng-ineri in Neva da. He was graduated from the Mack ay School of Mines of the University of Neva ?.«, prior to attending Stan- returned to Salem where they will have charge of another station. RICHARD THE UÜN- HEARTED DISGUISED HIAASELE AS A TAVERN SPIT-BOY. TO ESCAPE SOL DIERS OF HIS * USURPING BROTHER, T JOHN. BUT HIS CLUAA- S/NESS betrayedh / aa . BECAUSE LORD BYRON (1788-1824), LADIES' IDOL, HATED TO SEE WOAAEN EAT, ENGLISH LADIES SPURNED FOOD IN PUBLIC. FROAA THE EARLIEST TIAA ES, ARABS HAVE AAIXED BEER WITH DOUGH TO LEA SEN OR RAISE THEIR BREAD. « THE FRENCH CHEF OF THE ABSTEMIOUS DUKE OF WELLINGTON (l769- 1852) QUIT, BECAUSE THE '/RON DUKE * NEVER COMPLAINED ABOUT HIS FOOD. Allen Keith ford University, and was engaged in the minin'- bi sine s prie« to coming here. Mrs. Keith, who joined him this week, also was a student at the Uni versity of Nevada. They are living in the Reid Mot« I. KEEP NIGII I I h.lil ON. MERCHANTS 4DVISED Poliie Chief J. T. King this i week advu d l<>-sl businessmen to keep a night light hu ning in their estab ■ lishments to facilitate the nightly watch. "A few cents worth of current a LITTLE ILLS MAKE month may prevent a burglary,” he «aid. Chief King is on duty from 12 noon to midnight, and Patrolman Ray Rich takes over then—until the next noon. A bunglary of the Mill City Tav ern was possibly averted last Thurs day night when Benny Bennett, bar- tender, heard prowlers behind the building. Chief King investigated, and the piowlers took flight as soon as he went behind the tavern. OWNERS TAKE BACK STATION Dick Cain and Cecil Lake are back at the Silver Saddle service station. Roland Hopper, who had leased it, nflinniiniiiiiiFitniiin1 a Congratulations to Detroit Rejects Incorporation The proposal to incorporate a six- mile upper Canyon area of Detroit and Idanha was defeated in an elec tion there Thursday, 206 to 99. Edison Vickers, Breitenbuah dist rict justice of the peace, was leader of the movement for incorporation. He advocated it on the grounds of a need for public improvements. Op position centered largely around Id anha, where opponents argued that too much territory had been taken in. The local mill managements there al so were opposed. How the two towns voted was im possible to tell, because both vote in the same precinct. The election outcome leaves for Detroit the problem, before 1951, of finding a new location or disappear ing as a town, because it. lies within the reservoir area of the Detroit Dam GATES MAN GRAVELY HURT IN PORTLAND COLLISION Orville Hayward, Gates, was ser iously injured in Portland Saturday when another automobile struck him whale he was fixing his stalled car during a dense fog. Hayward, son of Mrs. Walter Bris bin, Gates postmaster, was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital where he was in the operating room for five houis for treatment of two broken ankles, a fractured knee and multiple fractures of both legs. Hayward, a logger, will be confined in the hospital at least three month, it was reported. The accident occurred on Denved Ave. near Vanport. He reported he was standing at the rear of his car reaching for a tool when the other vehicle approaching from the rear struck him, tossing him into the air with an inxpact that tore the shoes off his feet. Neither car was damaged beyond locking the bumpers. In the Hayward car also were his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vale, also of Gates, who were uninjured. Quality iob printing at the Enter prise. The Mill City Enterprise Blouses Tailored byGraff 3.95 Rayon and cotton Debby Lynne rayons and crepes plain or fancy 2.95 - 3.95 OLESON'S MILL CITY STATE BANK ANNOUNCEMENT upon its Grand Opening in its EBeautiful New Quarters Capital Drug Co me. Oregon RllIAbl f,• , <07 H. G. CARL General Contractors « Salem Lsr.R'PiioMsl HALLOWE’EN CAKES 98 cents N THIS, our thirtieth anni- niversary in this community we. the directors, officers.and employees of Mui City State Bank extend our thanks for the opportun ity we have had to serve the people of the North Santiam Canyon. We are proud to present our new, mod ern banking quarters, and we extend to you an invitation to inspect our new bank on Saturday. October 22. 2:30 toó 30 ¡v m M ill . C ity S tatc - B ank I ederal Of twit Ins. -a « > Muir’s Bakerv