The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, October 20, 1949, Image 1

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    Looking Up
and Down
the Canyon
I chink The Enterprise can express
the pride of the whole town in our
beautiful new bank building. For a
home-town bank is truly an institu­
tion in which everyone has a partial
The new building, which adds al­
most 200 feet of new business front­
age to this growing trade center, is
a compliment to the town and the
Canyon. It marks the end of a long
period when pievailing opinion was
that there is no future for the area.
It betokens the beginning of a new
era, when sound and conservative ,
business judgment says:
"We’re no longer an overgiown
logging camp, waiting for the end,
but a strongly based community with
a prosperous future.”
A banker is supposed, according to
popular opinion, to look down his ;
nose and say “no” when ambitious
undertakings are proposed, But when
the bank itself takes the lead, the ,
trail has been blazed.
To the directors and management
of Mill City State Bank we all say,
“Thank you for your belief in the
Governor Douglas McKay and two
eommunitj—our goal is to fulfill in
The upstream coffer dam at De-
Democrats prominently mentioned
concrete accomplishments the faith
trait damsite was nearing comple­ ' as candidates for governor have
this building exemplifies in the fut­
tion this week, and work was begun
' agreed that the completion of the
ure of Mill City.”
the carpenter shop and the warej (North Santiam highway from Mill
• • •
The Mill City State Bank will hold oped for the banks quarters, now al­
deposit vault, and a new safe house, Consolidated Buihieis, Inc.,
City into the valley is uigent.
There has been considerable spec­ its formal opening in its new build most tripled from its previous loca­ i door, equipped with time devices. A
reported today.
The Democrats were State Sena­
ulation of late, since The Enterprise ing Saturday fiom 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. tion.
Imorde.n oil furnace heats the build­
A cable has been strung at about tors Richard L. Neuberger and Aus­
The bank’s fixtures were mover! in­
passes into the capable hands of Don
The remodeling program opened up ing.
the height of the cableways connect- I
Peterson next month, upon the sub­ to the new quarters this week, and a hundred feet of additional store
Additional office space is provided ing the two sides of the canyon, and tin F. Flegel.
I All three responded to an editorial
ject of “what will the Wolvertons business was being conducted there frontage.
[in a balcony.
powerful lights will be strung across In the “Up and Down the Canyon”
by Tuesday.
The interior of the bank is decor­
The Santiam War Surplus has ta­
The bank is one of the most mod­ ated i »green and cha treuse.and all ken the former quarters of the bank. it to light the entire damsite area.
column of the Enterprise a few
For a time the Wolvertons were
Jack Murray, public lelations ex­
likewise speculating, But tbat’t all ern in the Willamette Valley area. It counters and tables are in bleached
In th eremodeled building, besides ecutive, reported employment Thurs­ weeks ago, asking for a definite com-
. mitment on the question,
over now.
was remodeled an:) completely ebuilt birch, which also is used for wains­ the bank, will be located the Mill
day at 496.
The Governor’« letter, addressed
The erstwhile managers of The En­ from the old Hammond' general store cotting in the lobby portion.
I City Furniture Co. and Baker’s Mill
Heavy excavabion work has been tothe publisher of the paper, said:
terprise have pondered long.
Jack, the south end being deveH
There has been added a large saf- City Jewelry.
halted on the graveyard shift and
“If your letter of September 26th
Colburn suggested raising frogs, pro­ I
work has been shifted to the is intended as a query as to whether
mising he would market the froglegs
day side, particularly where big e- or not I favor the earliest possible
but the idea, although possessing
quipn.ent is used.
completion of the North Santiam
great merit, was rejected on the
highway, then my answer is a pos­
grounds that the croaking of frogs
would be reminiscent of the rumbing
ENGINEER TELLS DAM PLANS itive “yesi." I consider it one of the
most important highway job« in the
of the press at The Enterprise, and
(From The Canyon Castle)
state and one that should be pushed
we wanted to get away from that-
An informative talk on the Detroit as rapidly as fund* will permit.
or its memory.
Dam was given before a Mongold
Barbara Hirte, five-year-old daugh­
“My home and besinea* an* located
Another proposal was that the ed­
audience last week by Ken Ramsey, in Salem. Thi* toad mean* as much
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Hirte,
itor hire out as a linotype operator,
construction engineer. HU talk was to Salem aa U dq*a to the eastern
of grates, who was stricken with >w-
but that too was .retoed Lecauae his
part of a series sponsored by the part of Marion Coimty. The Detroit
. 'untile paralysis last .week and was
years of sanity are perhaps numbered
A motorist Tuesday night mirac­
A young mother braved heat and Army Engineers and the Detroit Dam Dam and the great increase m pop­
anyway, and there was no good in ulously escaped injury when the car hospitalized in Salem, has been re­
ulation adds to thi* need, as well as
hastening hi* appointment with the he was driving .plunged off the high­ turned to her home and is reported flames in her burning house Tuesday Recreation Assn.
to ibe recovering as rapidly as could to rescue her baby and got the child
Mr. Ramsey said that preliminary the vital need of connecting up this
man in the white coat.
way grai.e, roiled over the railroad
safely into her car where she fainted work on Detroit Dam began as early cross-state highway.
At long last just the right idea has tracks and stopped almost at the riv­ be expected.
The little girl is still in bed and away. The home, owned by Bud Hen- as 1935, and that final plans were
“My interest in thi* whole picture
come forth—the Wolverton« are go- er 75 feet below at a curve just east
has difficulty in the use of one of her ik> son, located west of Mill City, was approved in 1945.
dates back to the years I seived a*
ing to manufacture wood blocks for of Mill City.
completely destroyed.
legs, although it is not paralyzed.
he kiddies — with scraps of lumber
The engineer said that originally chairman of the Willamette Valley
The driver, Bob Roberts, Gates, was
Mrs. Henderson had prepared
supplied by R usb and Carl Kelly, only merely sc ! etched, but the car, a '29
it had been planned to divert the riv- , Project Committee. I devoted a great
breakfast for her husband, three er with flumes above the present bed, deal
ment ever reported in this area.
they don’t know about it yet.
time, effort and personal ex-
Ford, was demolished
months old baby and two year old I but that specifications were amended penwe to the Willamette Valley Pro­
I shall be head of the block com­
Police Chief J. T. King of Mill
child, and returned to bed, because to permit use of the diversion tun- j*rt, building of the dam being part
pany—and there are some of my de­ City said the wreck was not discover­
she had been up most of the night. nel, recently completed.
tractors who will say that that makes ed until the next day. The driver of
of the outcome of the work carried
She was awakened by the intense
me the blockhead. But what are such the car, wlhidh belonged to Francis
The upstream coffer dam is being <”» *> loyally by a great many re*i-
heat. She then got both children out constructed of 12” x 12" tinxbero laid
petty libels to a block magnate.
of the Wilhamette Valley. It il
Nosak, Gates, apparently had gone
of the house, but was scorched about loghouse fashion and filled with rock.' nlT hope that this road will be built
Because of previous experience in home after c arwing out of the car.
the same post in The Enterprise, Leo
The beams are sheathed with 2 inch •• quickly as feaaible, due omsider-
The Henderson family is staying lumber and sealed with concrete. The ' atton being given at the same time
C. Dean will become the stumbling
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
with Mr. andl Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson. temporary darn provides a dry work-, to the right« and welfare of the pee­
block. Elsbeth Wolverton, none too Don Hatman was seriously injured
A tax rate of over 100 mills was
The fire was be lived to have origin­ ing area.
outstanding as business manager of Sabur day when the Flat man car and
I N* in other sections of the state.”
the forecast this week for the cur­ ated from papers behind the stove or
the Enterprise, will be the vice pres­ one driven by Al Ziebert. Gates, col­
Mr. Ramsey .said that considerable ' Mr. Hegel, in hie reply, denied ha
rent fiscal year in Mill Cily, in Linn fl om a burning chimney flue.
ident and first block in the path of lided east of here.
thought and planning was given <o *** a ean'hdate for governor “or for
progress, and our two daughters, Pa­
the cableways before the two-tower ( *nF other public office.
Police rr ported that Flatman turn­
H. A. Southard, sheriff and tax col­
“I am a member of th* State Sen-
tricia and Mary Jo, will be her as­ ed off the highway into a driveway at
structure for pouring gconcrete was
lector for Linn County, announced
sistants. From that point the block Manolis Santiam Cafe and that the
decided upon.
The towers will be ' ate,” he wrote, “and a Ufe-long cit­
taxes for the various subdivisions.
business will be pretty well blocked collierion was unavoidable by the car
used at Shasta ami izen of Oregon, interested in Che de­
/ Mill City’s special city levy was
off. Except for my two sons, ages 4
that both head velopment of the state and doing ev­
lowest in the county, except for one
and 7, who will be blockbusters.
be movable to erything practicable to make Oregon
The infant gill was released from town, Brownsville.
Harrii4>urg was
We will sell Hocks of stock before the hospital and was reported Thurs­
Date has been set for Nov. 19
allow more flexibility in pouring op- a better state in which to live.
high with 67.4 mills. Sweet Home had
“7 was over the North Santiam
the fifth annual firemen’s ball, an
any serious work is done, because, day to be recovering.
24. Lebanon 23.7, ranging down to
from Staters to Salem a few
like Mr. Tucker, it is better to pro­
ent really looked forward to in
Construction of a road to the quar­
9.2 for Brownsville. Mill City’s 11.3 Canyon.
week* ago. It 1* one of the beautiful
duce stock certificates rather than
was actually below Brownaville be­
The annual t azzle-dazzle of the Location of the aggregate plan, and highways of the state and represents
cause of a | ec:el tax there for roads
• • •
Mill City Volunteer fire department rock storage area «re not yet decid­ an investment of many million* of
Open house at the Mill City ele­ of 10 mills.
We print with some amazement the
generally <imws as many as 1200
Mill City’s fire district tax was people, and last year about $3000 ed. Tentatively, he said, the storage
“That portion of the highway from
letter from Gov. Douglas McKay ex­ mentary school has been postponed
second highest, with 8 mills to Idan­
Mil! City to Salem apparently follows
pressing his advocacy of early com­ to Oct. 28, because of delay in the
Wss grossed in a single evening.
ha's 10. Fire district levies were as
The Mill City area turns out be­ few hundred yanks east of the dam­ either an Indian trail or a wagon
pletion of the North Santiam high­ completion of the kitchen and new
low as .5 for Brownsville.
road of our pioneer*. It is narrow,
way from Mill City into Salem. What
cause the |>eople here know that the site.
Despite the undertaking of a large
T * public is invited to attend next
crooked and dangerous, and of course
befuddles us is why he’s never told
local firemen spend all their proceed*
new elementary school, Mill City dis­
Messrs. Banfield. Bakiock A Co. all F iday evening. A program presented
on ad ng equipment and supplies for sey included plans for the finished should be modernized immediately to
trict 129J was not much above the
better fire protection.
about it. He runs Oregon, doesn't by the first to sixth grades will be
dam. It will have six galleries and justify the money already expended
art of the program. PT A officers average with 42.2. District 55 had
The affair will be held this year internal passages. One, following the on other portion* of the highway.
59.8 mills and district 5 had 52.0.
will serve refreshments.
"This is not the only highway in
as before in the high school gym.
contour of the bed, will be used for
grouting and drainage. There will be the state that needs attention, how­
a vertical «haft for an elevator afid ever. We need a four-lane highway
Bids weie opened this week by
one stairwell. There will be four 5- from Salem to Portland. The present
Bonneville Power Administration
x 10 foot gates for lowering the res­ Portland Salem highway is wholly
clearing the right-of-way for the Eug
ervoir, and six spillway gates at the inadequate, in my opinion.”
cne-Goshen transmission lines No.l
Sen. Neuberger wrote briefly but
top to handle overbow. The crest of
and 2 on Invitation N6.4831. Seven­
the tarn will form a bridge across in complete agreement with the load
teen bids were received. Low bid was
development. He sain:
the canyon.
that of \fike B. Po ter. Salem, Ore.
“Dear Charley: I’m for completing
Scheduled visitors at the dam last
with $32f<6; r.Wrt were Devere D.
1 agree it’s a separate problem
Saturday were Lt. Col. Lewis E.
Walker, Delmar W. Bkimhagen, W.
Knerr, commanding officer of the from that of Detrvi Dam and abould-
W. Voncannon, Sandpoint, Idaho,
6239th ORASU, Maj. B. L. Price, ex­ n’t be mixed up with it.”
with $43.230; and third was R
Mr. N'eubei ger’s reference was to
ecutive officer, Maj. W. I). Smith, en­
Jones, Hillsboro, with »45.470
stand of the state highway com-
gineering division, and 1st LX. J. C.
T. ese bids are being studied.
mi*sion, which turned down the road
Boyer, control officer.
G of ’ en
The grad'n
Lt. Col.. J. W. Miles, resident en­ I project because it claimed that the
gineer, led the visitors on a tour of ro«d would be used in connection with
the construction of the Detroit Dam,
the project.
anti hence was up to the federal go-
or the Eugene-Goshn ll.-.gv
to build.
e«, the McKenxie-Gosben sect o 1
Eugene Gregory and Bill Richards
the Lebanon-Gosben line and the
left for < istem Oregon Friday night. IM HOOL OUT TWO DAYS
s'-en substation. Upon completion
Elementary and high schools wiK
In lew than two hours Saturday both
the clearing of the Eugene-Goshen
hunter* had their buck* and were on be closed Monday and Tuesday for
rht-of-way. a 115 kv line will be
Teacher institute.
their way back home.
week by Allen Keith, on the North Santiam Highway here.
der construction.
Mill City Bank in New Building
Driver Unhurt Child Strickenl Mother Saves
With Polio
Infant from
Road Plunge
Blazing Home
Lower Tax
Bill Forecast
Firemen’s Benefit
Set for Nov. 19
Finish Road
Leaders Urge
CBI Nearing
Highway 222
Windup of
Vital, Say
Coffer Dam
Party Chiefs