o "JOE BEAVER The Mill City Enterprise say. ¿'•'if- Mil City, Oregon. Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Elabeth Wolverton, Booineos Manager Staff: Leo C. Dean, Mary Jo Wolverton, Patricia Wolverton filtered -» second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon jnder the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ada received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up to 10 a m. Thursday will run m the “Too Late to Classify section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $100 Duplay advertising 40c inch NATIONAL EDITORIAL |Asg0CdlATI^N iP E R ÍÍSOCIATION Ed. Note: Ruth Johnson, Idanha, has composed the following poetic reply to George Steffyfc verses on “Wo man” in last week’s Enterprise: THAT GUY CALLED MAN By Itutn Johnson Woman puts up with a creature call ed man; Sometimes you canft stand him some times you can. He builds you up - then lets yo down, And brags about being the boss over town. He’ll buy you a mink coat and call you his <lear Then bawl you out roundly to see you in tears. Now rude as a donkey, then meek as a lamb; Now crowned with a halo, then mean er than damn. He’ll pick you to pieces, then kiss you back well ? What will he do next? you nevgp- can tell. You took him for better; you got him for worse; With as much or as little as he had in his purge. So if he's like mine, you are holding the bag: There’s no use tn whimper, to cry or to nag. THE Cliff Ambers M aples JUST EAST OF GATES 3DCEE2? Church Activities Just hold your chin up, and smile, Ladies, smile, At least he is nice to you once in a while. And though at most times there’ not much in his ipurse, Just look around you—you could have done worse. Idanha By RHEBA SNYDER Mrs. Chet Cole returned to her home Sunday after a two weeks ill ness in the hospital and in her mo ther’s home, Her condition is im- proved. Mrs. Elbert Brown went to Salem Friday for a physical check-uip. re- turning Tuesday. Fred Story fell in his home and fractured a leg bone. He was taken to Mill City Monday in the ambulance Where a cast was put on. Eldon Haley, student at the Christ ian College at Eugene, was a week end guest at the Henry Heibert home. Mr. Haley gave an aildress after Sun day School and again in the evening. He had dinner with the New family Sunday. Mr. Haley will be with us for two services again next Sunday. All are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin and Mrs. Fred Martin and baby went to the vicinity of Willamina Thursday to visit relatives until Sunday. Mrs. Henry Hiebert drove to Dallas Saturday morning where it was deter mined she was in need of an append ectomy, which she underwent that Saturday afternoon in a Dallas hos- McEWAN PHOTO SHOP i Open each Fndav Mill City Furniture Company 2:00 to 7:30 PORTRAITURE — FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Services Every Lord’s Day- EXAMPLE $1495 1947 Plymouth special 4-dr. sedan Fully e<|ui|>|MMi. Extra nice in every way. Fully guaranteed. 1942 Chevrolet Master 4- dr. sedan $895 Plymouth deluxe 4-dr. sedan DeSoto 3-pass, coupe $795 Ford 3-pass. coupe $495 Plymouth 3-pass. coupe $595 $895 Salem Automobile “They're renaming th« Columbia National Forest Cl a mer.„:’■?! to Gifford Pinchot. Too bad he can’t see the dsdic: ’. ■», eh Joe?” pital. The same afternoon Henry Hie Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.- bert had the misfortune of cutting O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday his thumb quite badly. He went to night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. Dallas Sunday P. M. It would seem that Charles Can i mu mi ....... mum imiuiimmimii«MiiwiMiiiiiimiiniiiiHMiii<MMin«ii lillll'W non had ‘hat first prize, the radio i offered bj Girod store in the bag NORTH with his six-point buck, weighing 215 pounds; but one never knows, they do SANTIAM grorw bigger. TAUERN Jerry Pittam went by bus to Salem Sunday to keep an early business ap pointment, Monday. One Mile East of Detroit A few friends called at the home of Albert Snyder Wednesday evening to JEWEL MYERS, MGR. help him celebrate his birthday anni versary. Cards were iplayed and ice cream and cake served. Mr. and Mrs. George Barney an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Eleanor Jean to Shirl R. Harmon, Jr. of Washington, D. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Shirl R. Harmon of Bend, Ore. Mr. Harmon, Jr. is a Y 2-c in the U. S. Navy where he served for the past five years, and has signed for four -more years. The young couple will be married I in the West Minster Orthodox Presby Private Dining terian church. Bend, Ore. Saturday, October 15 at 8:00 p. m. A reception Room will f<*>w. I Mom & Cafe ’s 11:00 6:30 7:30 CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS AT LOWEST PÜ1CES IN THE VALLEY Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST ’Warren Knape — Pastor Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 SERMON “Good News for Nineteen Centuries” Y’outh meeting 6:45 EVENING SERMON “The Wide Sweep of Prayer” Y’outh night, Saturday 7:00 Music, games, eats and devotions NEW & USED 1605 N. Summer SALEM, ORE. Linoleum Wool Carpet Appliances FREE METHODIST CHURCH “The Church of Light and Life Hour' Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Junior Church 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould Pastor North Mill City Living Room Funrniture Bedroom Furniture • TRADE TERMS Ph. 3-5110 Kiln Dry Lumber and Finish Lumber FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Wood Circulators Wood Ranges Gas Ranges Beds and Springs and miscellaneous items MACS Stayton Plumbing Co. 145 So. Church, Salem Phone Blue 118B or 42R STAYTON MILL CITY Service Station ( Quality Repair Parts Home of Service PLYMOUTH 495 N. Cotn’I. St. 486 N. Cam’l Street Expert Workmanship We Sell and Install SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING TACKLE CRANE SALEM Retail Dept. Idanha Lumber Co Phone Detroit 7024 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC LIGHTING Salem Lighting & Appliance Co 236 N. High St. C, E. ‘Pink* Mason, Prop. COMPANY Phone it 4117 Morning Worship Young People’s Meeting Evening Worship Tom Courtney, Pastor Forest Service, U. 8. Department nt Arrlcn’-i'-s To Buy Your QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CARS 405 N. Comi. St CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 11:00 Services Sunday morning Mill City American Legion Hall FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prelude; call to worship;doxology; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir; sermon; hymn; postlude. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watidns, Pastor 10:06 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:45 Evangelistic Service 7:45 Wed. Bible Study October 2 —Worldwide Communion. Why So Many Good Folks Like You Choose 1941 1942 1940 1937 GATES COMM UNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:W Morning Worship 11:0# Christian Endeavor 6:3# Evening Worship Walter Smith, Pastor. Faith Rebekah lodge was hostess for a pot luck supper held at the hall Monday evening honoring the Boy Scouts, .whom they sponsor, and their families. Approximately 120 were pre sent. Erick Soderberg, field executive from Albany was present and gave a short talk and showed pictures of the scouts on various trips, including the late one over the skyline trail. A meeting will be held at the Ke- bekah hall Tuesday afternoon, Oct ober IS for the cub scout mothers. Every mother is urged to be present to sign up new cubs. .Vs the age limit has been lowered a lot of new ones are expected, so any mother wishing to get her boy signed up. come to the hall at two o’clock. By Ed Nofziger HUMllNO «QUÍPMINT SALEM Roberts Shoe Repair LOCATED Below Mill City Furniture Store Shoes tor Deposit Box 24 Hours a Day or 1-1 >av Sen ice LITTLE ILLS ' I he liveliest weekly in Oregon 0 That’s what folks outside the aanyon are saying about THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. Yet just a little over three ytars ago. The Enterprise was a four page, handset weekly. ens of other businesses, it s gran mg u ith the Canyon Subscribe today! I ike doz- MAKE • True, that ’’little illnett” you’ve been mentioning in an offhand way, may nC* seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms. But. neglected, these "little ills” can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now — you'll save by it in the end. And. of course, we hope you'll bring his prescription to ns for careful compounding. t apilal b¡ u2 (o. Nine months trial subscription. . . . Come to the Santiam Farmers Co-op. for your needs in We a so carry Appliances, such as Home Freezers. Refrigerators, Stoves, (’locks. Pressure Cookers, Washing Machines and many other items N<>t net’f-isarv to t »♦- a nierrber to make a purchase Salem. Oregon PtfSCttPTlOIS . «4 Santi”in Farmers Co-op STAYTON