Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
« MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 13, 1949 I mhmkb COME IN AND SELECT YOUR FALL WARDROBE 1 Detroit By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT NOW Saturday Mrs. William Cauble Sr. entertained at an anniversary dinner, the occasion being their 30th wedding SALEM anniversary. Guests were her brother ( and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sin- ----------- ------------- . t ner of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. ■■■<■*■■■■■■■ ! William Cauble Jr. and children. Mr. P and Mrs. Sinner stayed overnight at the William Cauble Jr. home. Guests of Mrs. Cauble Jr. this week are Mrs. PHYSICIAN (S’ 5i RGEON ^Stephen Rogers and daughter Sharon utl, ; ■ Ann of Portland. Mill City At Salem General Hospital on Oct.4 ■ a son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon | White. j The Idanha Veneer Co. closed for 1 hunting from Friday noon until Next to Postoffice, Mill City i I Thursday, Oct. 6. Those men succed- DRESSES SWEATERS ing in getting their bucks were Bill SKIRTS BLOUSES Hamilton, Jeff Leming and LU ZIER’S COSMETICS Wright. On the ranger station crew Carl Ball Bud Cline, and Wade Sheasley ! had each got a buck by Tuesday For Guaranteed evening. The Detroit- Idanha P. T. A. gave Cleaning, it’s the a reception for the teachers at the Library of the new’ grade school building, with Mrs. Raymond Sophy in charge of refreshments. The dec orations were in yellow and gold. Mrs. L. C. Davis, Mrs. B. C. Haseman, 48-HOUR SERVICE and Mrs. Sam Palmerton poured. All MILL CITY of the teachers but one were present making 14 in all. About 60 parents A MEDIEVAL noble man ' s carver HAD TO SLICE MEAT IN TIME TO THE MUSIC OF TINO FLUTE PLAYERS. SMART SHOP while two dozen chairs were pur chased for the children. Attractive new drapes were put up by Mrs. Virgil Cribbs and Mrs. Rob- ert Veness. A phonograph, records, and books for the childrens’ library have been D W. Reid MD Ï Wood's Store A Friendly Place THE S'* EARL OF ALBE MARLE'S CHEF WENT ON STRIKE BECAUSE THE EA RL REFUSED TO REMOVE CEILING TO ACCOMODA TE A DESSERT EIGHTEEN FEET HIGH ! Ou* ru»» I NU-METHOD L Your Idle hours E THE ELIZABETHAN DAGGER ALEHOUSE, FAMED FOR ''MARCH BERE, DOUBL E, DOUBLE ‘ (AGED TINO YEARS), ACCOM ODA TED A RIS- TOCRACY BY DA Y, COMM ONE RS BY NIGHT. Richards Tavern COMPLETE PAINT JOBS OR SPOT MATCH—ANY COLOR FREE ESTIMATES ::: Phone 88 ACETYLINE WELDING Mehama, Ore I A regular schedule is in operation of 15 minute periods. Anyone wi.diing to visit the class es are welcome. SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea gles 2745 meet« at Rod and Gun Club in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 CONSTIPATION (Colitis) Is a ay mpton. not a disease. k Rectal ailments are the under- lying factor. Ilemoroids and other colon ailments must be corrected. *No I om of time No hospitalization Free descriptive booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo Proctologist Salem, Ore. 1144 t enter St. Qro. wo- /Ts caa e Y MEDIEVAL LAW, DOUGH WAS SENT TO THE PUB- L !C E < '.ER. ONL Y * COULD BE CD AT HOME. Used Furniture Used Refrigerator, good working condition A H. E. Martin’s Body & Fender Shop i- To While Away JI * ¿4- 1 I contributed by the children. find friends attended. Snow could be seen on all the surrounding hills Thursday morning. The Idanha Lumber Co. cutting crew who work above Marion Forks re ported 6 inches of snow. left for her home in Grants Pass Saturday morning. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints meets each Sun day at 10 A. M. in the high school i building in Detroit. Priesthood meet J. C. Fowler, constable, investi ing at 11:30 with Zeeland Fryer pre siding. Everyone welcome. gated an accident which occurred 1 miles this side of Gates about 7:30 CARD OF THANKS Saturday evening. The Detroit taxi We wsh to thank our friends for their driver, Charles Berman, and Harry kind sympathy and flowers during Lutz of Cascadia collided. damaging 'our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barney wheels on both cas. No one was hurt. Elmer Barney The following officers of Santiam Francis E. Barney and Bet Fraternal order of Eagles 2745 and ty those women who have been getting Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark members for the Women’s Auxilliary which is to be organized in the near NOTE OF THANKS future had a meeting on Tuesday Our sincere thanks and apprecia evening at the Rod and Gun club, were president, Ed Debolt, and secre tion to all who were so kind and tary, Curtis Howard, and trustees, thoughtful to our brother, father, and g andfather during his long illness, Forest Etter, Art Ingalls and J. C. and for the many lovely flowers and Fowler. Also Mrs. Gale Fagan, Mrs. D. C. Stevens and Mrs. Forest Etter kindnesses shown us at his passing. Sincerely, were there. Mrs. Minnie Dunigan Mrs. Freda Hiatt who has been Mr. and Mrs. George T. Kane visiting the past few days at the Tom and Sally Kane home of her brother-in-law and sis Mr. and Mrs. Leland Kaplinger ter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldwin Mrs. Cleone Judge $65.00 Used Dutch Oven, combination wood and electric range, very good • I ’ I $69.50 •1 i Two Used Baby Cribs, good cond. $7.50 and $10 Also Used Youth Bed •I Mill City Furniture Co. « M M •! I.’ Otto Russell INSURANCE Dance New Civic Building, Stayton Saturday, October 15 Í * Adm. 75c Good Modern Music > BR IDGE TAVERN At the bridge in Mehama COMPLETE I Agency Fire Auto Life Accident Phone 1502 Detroit Smitty Auto Insurance Service Mabel Santiam Rebekah lodge met last week for the regular meeting with Dean Jackson, Noble Grand and Car man Stafford, vice Grand presiding. Some plans were made for a Hallo we'en party this month. Announce ment was made of the hard times ; party to be held at the home of Mrs. | John Nelson. Next lodge night will be Past Noble Grand night with the past officers furnishing entertain ment and ref re «tomenta Marion County Pomona Grange '"•(will meet Wednesday, October 19 at 10:30 a. m. at iWaldo Hills. Officers for the next two years will be elect ed. Eleanor Trindle will judge the canning contest. The kindergarten sponsored by the Mill City P.T.A. opened September 12 with an enrollment of 17 in the morn ing and 13 in the afternoon. An oil burne was contributed by Mrs. Rob ert Veness and was installed by George Hollingsworth. Tables were ma«ie by Neal Martalla and R. L. Ash, MILL CITY TAVERN tv.’. 1**4 : h BYRON DAVIS, PROP. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY Randall’s Elkhorn . Guest Ranch Breakfast I Dinners Lunch > 15 Miles East of Mehama on the Elkhorn Road 2 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO MILL CITY VARIETY Just arrived: Policies issued directly from our office Claims adjusted directly from our office At Savings of IIP to 20 ‘ Indies’ and childrens’ umbrellas Plastic headwear New and uuusual gift items and toys Use t»ur convenient Layaway plan for Christmas dolls and MANUFACTURERS OF TENTS, AWNINGS & CANVAS GOODS Tents For Rent By The Month 729 N. Liberty, JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock other to.VH Shovel and Trucks for Hire A Complete Insurance Service—Fire, I htft. Life. Casualty, Auto. Surety eveainft PHONE 207, MILL CITY ) J . » .... • < f > } Open I ri., Sat. _ MILL CITY-Phone 9242 Days LYONS |5~ n .X Mill City Plant 2 mi lea west on River Road