Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 4 194» Don’t TRADE IN DETROIT BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON San t iam FOOD MART CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager MEATS Margaret NOBLE DAVIS GROCERIES Janet NELSON DETROIT TAVERN SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON Red LICENSED and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons Baldwin’s CITY Canyon Club DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2352 LEONARD HERMAN Bruce Persh Wants and Sales FOR ANY kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New or repair. Free estimate. Tel 1171, John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt 3 * MAGAZINE EXCHANGE: — Two for One. Or sell pocket book editions at 10 cents, magazines at 5 cents. I have over 700 to choose from includ ing Detectives, Romances, Westerns, Funnies, etc. Mrs. Goodman, a- 44 ¡cross from ? cafe, Lyons, Ore. ». FOR RENT—2 trailers, one 3-room, on<- 1-room. Both furnished. Edwards FOR SALE: — Two water heaters; Trailer Court, Gates. 42 also baby 'buggy in good condition. See Mrs. Don Sheytlhie. 44 GOOD CAR BUYS 1941 Packard Sedan $250. down ------ j k ULRÎUli ( ô— Very good condition. REALTORS 1935 Chevrolet Sedan $65. down Good transportation. Investments - Insurance - Appraisals 1940 Buick Special Sedan $235. down We specialize in all types of apprais- alg^See us about your values. Expert A real buy $250. down Federal appraiser. Have testified in 1941 Plymouth Sedan Reconditioned motor Federal court 33 times on values. $235. down Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court 1940 Ford Tudor Heater, very good mechanically $200. down MM1 Ford Tudor MILL CITY Radio and heater DISPOSAL SERVICE $175. down 1940 Packard Fordor Radio and heater Garbage, aahes, trimmings, etc. $95. down 193!’. Dodge Sedan Weekly pickups $1 per month, Also Better than average light hauling. $535. down 194« Fond Convertible I Conard Herman Phone 2352 Fully equipped, like new $375. down 1946 Ford Fordor Radio, heater, ■mechanically good NEED A TELEPHONE’—Come in $465. down and see the new Stromberg-Carlson 1947 Ford Club Coupe Heater, new low pressure desk telephone. Highest quality and squeege tires, 21000 actual miles approved for your local phone ser Willys Sedan $195. down vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Mill City Very good mechanically, low Phone 902 cost transportation Quality iob printing at the Enter MECHANIC SPECIAL: —1936 Ford prise. Sedan and 1935 Font Pick-up, both for $195.00 FOR RENT—Johnson Electric floor ■ERKOLD-l’HlI.ll’I’I MOTOR polisher. Will really put on a pro STAYTON tective coat of wax! $1 per day. Also Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327.......... BL, W. Salem Salem Nursing Home NEWLY DECORATED 24-hour nurse service A Dignified. Courteous Ser vice to all types of patients Call at 3595 “IF Street Salem "Elea» Don't Bother Mt I'm Dusted with PULVEX DDV tins TUAS KHRS fM Off FOR SALE: — Maytagg washing machine, two 9 x 12 rugs, one small er rug, library table, breakfast table, four chairs, divan and club chair. Also Apex vacuum cleaner, Montag range, small dresser, two iron beds sole radio. See William Mynette, *4 mile east of Fish Hatchery or phone 2651 Lyons. 41* WANTED cattle, hog« and sheep. Licensed and bonded buyer. Will call at farm. Write Harold E. Suethen. Tinner, Ore. • ■MRSRRNHBMmaRH GOOD DEAL: --Boat, Trailer, And Mercury Motor. All for Only $150.00. Santiam War Surplus, Detroit, Ore. FOR SALE-- Registered cocker pups. Steffy’s, Fairview st. and Valley Heart dr. (Mill rd.) Mill City. Call evenings before 9. 1 FOR SALE: — Choice building sites only a few blocks west of school. See Ogdens at end of Evergreen Street. 40 MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Stay ten, Oregon I GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING PEONE »463 PERMANENT JOB opportunity —young men for work in Stan dard Oil Station. Mill City. Also part time work for high school boys. See Allen Keith at new ser vice station Oct. 18. 41* II II DOST—Toy fox terrier pup, male, whie with light brown, black nose. 3% lbs. Named Tinker. Reward. Charles Harman, Ivy St., E. of Hilltop. 41 Horner’s FRIDAY and SATURDAY I CUSTOM CUTTING Agates to Sapphires and Rubies Cut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing of Emblems and Monograms On Stones. Prices Quoted On Request. Member of ROCKS & MINERALS ASSOCIATION Visitors Welcome Mill City FOR RENT: — Furnished cabin, HELP WANTED: — Waitresses and suitable for bachelors. Inquire at Ellis kitchen help at Manolis’ Santiam Cafe Hill’s resident, Mill City. 1 near Gates. See either Don or George. 40 TO BUY OR SELL: — Homes, Lots, Acreage or Business property be sure to see C. E. Coville, Real Estate, west FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean side, Mill City. equipment call your fuller brush deal er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box 229 Aumsville, Oregon. List your homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID, REAL ESTATE IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab by have it recovered, modernized and I made like new. Mail us a card giving exact location and I will call with samples and give free estimate of cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone 1153. ..TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY.. Keenan WYNN Frank MORGAN Cecil CALLOWAY Suirnay and Monday I echnicoloj^Z J Doors open 7:20 p.m. Complete rfhow can be sewn anytime up to 8:45 I I WOOD for sale—old growth, 16”— $12 cd., 2 ft.—$10 cd., for fireplace. Hardwood also, $15. Doc Nelson, Ph. Walt Nicholson. * JUST ARRIVED IN STOCK: — A large shipment of reconditioned watches. Guaranteed for six months at $12.50. Trade-ins still cheerfully accepted. For A Square Deal see FOR SALE 4 rm. modern home, Square Deal Hardware, 263 Ghemek- garage, 62x100 lot. ’¿block N of post eta St., Salem. 1* office. Lyons, Ore. Owner transferred. 42 WANTED TO RENT: — With op TOP SOIL for lawns. Fill dirt, river tion to buy, three bedroom home. Pti. 1 run gravel and rock. Trevor Stayton, 3818 Mill City. at Stayton, Ph. 688, or Mill City684.* Quality job printing at the Enter REGISTER NOW! for frozen food prise. locker space. Big unit soon under construction here. Sign up with Pen- iiick-Pennick. 40 H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. Di-n’t Borrow — Subscribe! CBI needs accomodations: single and double rooms in private hmes, houses te rent. Please list your available space with CBI. Call Personnel office, 4202. • FOR SALE ’42 Ford Jeep, $475. Motor perfect, tires good. Leo Kirsch Mehama. 38 EXPERT auto and home radio ser vice. 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance THURSDAY FOR SALE: — Beautiful registered cocker pups, black and white. Call evenings before nine at Steffy’s, Val ley Heart Drive and Fairview streets, Thomas Addition, Mill City. 1* A GOOD selection of linoleum yard age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. FOR FREE! HOTPOINT RANGE SERVICE — CALL STAYTON 964R. CHARGE FOR PARTS AND MILEAGE ONLY. FAUST AND ROSS Salem Home Furniture Co. Last week of remodeling sale 36” steel cots, legs fold under, make high bed, complete with pad .. 11.76 Oil circulating heaters from .29.88 23.88 Sentinal battery radio .... 19.88 Platform rockers, from .... Tnnerspring mattresses, from . 19.88 49.88 Davenos from .............. 1.59 16x27 cocoa door mats Just a sample of the many furniture values you will find here. SALEM HOME FURN. CO. 137 So. Commercial St. SALEM, Ore. BLOCK WEST OF THEATER I GAR-WOOD HOISTS and DUMP BODIES BODIES MADE TO ORDER LOGGING TRAILERS Jorgensen Steinke’s II Remember in your wardrobe planning — for slim loveliness 543 Ferry St. Ph. 2-5590 Salem, Ore. f»‘s MARTH MANNING Mill City The SMART SHOP SHUX ELECTRIC COMPANY STAYTON SALEM iiH»Hii:ianuMacBSMRNMsasBaanusNMassRsnai<ui'iiiniiii (Quality i»b printing at the Enter- David M. Reid Real Estate MILL CITY Listings Wanted C. E. & L. R. Coville Real Estate Brokers THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME HEATER EVER MADE! irnimnwr mrnm iihiiwww Mimin mniMtmtMuii HOWARD CORSET SHOP FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 UtATS YQVH MtMlf /7<? SEI THE NEW DUO-THERM FUEL Oll HEATIR AT “Keep Oregon Gre«n” Mil l. CITY FURNITURE CO. Two striking new l>u Therm de-ig: - inspired by famous "period" furniture' The Hepplewhite Models, with a rich walnut finish, the Chippendales, in mxlem blonde. Either of these beautiful new Period designs will modernise your liv ing room—keep you warm without work without dirt' For RENT » IOOK AT TMfSf fXClUSIVf ffATUItft! SANTIAM GARAGE Weddle Funeral Home I ’•'AR.MERS, ATTENTION—Lumiher windows, plumbing fixtures, blankets, Yvonne De Carlo Rod Cameron beds, light plant, for sale cheap. M. & M. Woodworking Co. Entire Blow •‘FRONTEER GAL” FOR SALE: Man’s bicycle in good out camp to be liquidated. Call Al condition, almost new. $35.00. See bany 800, Mrs. C. P. Keyes. 43* Mrs. Joe Novak, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore.41* FOR SALE: — Steeromatic baby j FOR SALE: — Plenty of new inner- buggy, reasonable. Roy S. Keirsey. U. S. Navy in spring mattress beds, for working Bl. East and two blocks south of cor- ' Men 44 i men, reasonable rates in Detroit area. ner 1st and Kingwood. THE SECRET Inquiie Cedar Tavern. I GE Tidy sweeper with all attach ments. Exc. fbr cleaning car and FOR SALE: — White enemeled, smooth top, wood range with copper housecleaning. $1.50 per day at— Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Store coils. Also one wood circulator heater. Arthur Kriever, Ph. 2003, Mill City.2 Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! NOTICE: McEwen’s Photo Shop I WOOD for sale. Delivered or you Going deer hunting. Not here Fri haul. Glenn R. Mattson, Rt 1, Bx. 42 day. 40* I Lyons, Ore. (3 mi. west of Mill City) also second growth fir timber. 40 TO TRADE — 40 a., well imp roveti foothill ranch. Will consider 2 or 3 FOR SALE — Imrge house, 4 bed bedroom house as pairt payment. rooms, suitable for a business loca PENNICK - PENNICK tion. Term*. FOR SALE — Good modem 6 room FOR SALE Income property, apart house in Mill City. Also 3 76x150 n*nt house, 3 room modern cottage, lots. Imrge garage. 3 bl. W of Hilltop 8 lota, excellent location, priced to Store, Ph. 1303, Gordon Wheeler 42 sell. Terms. WANTED — half interest in going business. Will furnish half of every FOR SALE -3 bedroom house, good thing, including capital up to $5000. location, only $4500. 2 man operation. Call Mr. Dunn, Port land, Sunset 8067. 42* FOR SALE new house. 2 bedrooms, FOR SALE — Trailer house, 16 ft., lot 50x100, good location, cheap. clean, $150. See at Clise’s Trailer 42 FOR SALE 100 ft. choice h’way Ceurt. Gates. Lynn Raker. frontage. FOR SALE new 4-unit court, hot and cold water, gas ranges and heat- 1\>R SALE New 5.'» rm. house, era On lot 100x100. 520 W. Washing close to school, a good buy. ton St.. Stayton. Priced for quick sale $10,000 with terms. Dallas Turner, Do you wish to sell? See us. We Gen. Del., Stayton. 40* need listings. l’ENNIUK - PENNICK FOR RENT 3 rm. apartments with Phone 1901 - 702 Mill City ranges and heaters furnished. 520 W Washington, Stayton. 40* FOR SALE Red and white chrome dinette ext. table and 4 chairs. $30. 'Pennick’s Phone 702 or 1901 40* J Mlil City Pharmacy AI.F. O. NELSON Attorney at Law Worden Building Silveiton, Oregon Telephone 161 CLEAN ROOMS: — Available at the Mill City hotel which is now under new management. 38* SHIPMENT OF COTTON PRINTS ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 Hemlock, Lebanon. * GARBAGE SERVICE MILL 1 Borrow, Subscribe! more heat from every drop of oil ♦ MIENTIB FOWFR AIR SLOWER «tributes heat evenly —saves up to 23% in fuel bills! ♦ SIMRIE HEAT CONTROL - you tend the fire by turning ♦ FAUCUS »UAL CHARIKR B'iRME» I)-7 Cat a dial! with Dozer & Winch l»h. 1815 MILL CITY NINETEEN OTHER mponant f- atures to give you more comfort - more economy* Mill City Furniture Co. i