Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 13. 1949 FORM ER RESIDENT KILLED BY were former residents of this com LIGHTNING IN PHILIPPINE IS. munity having lives! on the Ed Jack- behind them, at leat that’s what they tol-i their wives they were chasing. Mrs. Frank White, Rt. 1, Lyons has son farm. received word that her brother, Ches ter Gray who was living at Mindano, in the Philippine Islands, was killed by lightning October 6. The Grays Things have been decidedly dull Burdette Cole took his wife with here for the past week, due to the ab sence of men! Most of the men were him to eastern Oregon hunting, in out chasing deers and left their dears company with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert of Mill City. They left Wed nesday and returned the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards spent several days in Eugene at the home BARBER. 2ND&BWAY of his son, Claude Edwards, and fam o L_| O 0 M,LL C,TY ily. While in Eugene Mrs. Edwards O n I HRS IO TO 7 visited a girlhood friend. Mrs. M. M. Hollis, whom she had not seen for 49 yeai-s. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards plan to leave this week on a trip to Port land an from there to southern Cal ifornia and Arizona to spend the win ter. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen this week were her twin sister, Mrs. Neal Schuman, and Mrs. Effie Schu-man, both of Portland. Davis Electric VERNE’S Bargains. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! 'Lofs of em J FRIDAY & SATURDAY Oct. 14 & 15 Lyons Variety Store Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS SALES RENTALS HOWSER BROS. Your Power Tool Rental Headquarters 1410 So. 12th Salem, Ore. Phone 3-3646 A friendly place to meet and eat. and Mr. Lewis drove his truck. He moved the belongings of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson to Roseburg on his way. Mrs. Wilson and two boys rode with him. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and boys have moved to Roseburg where Mr. Wilson has secured employment in the furniture department of Mont gomery Ward store there. He former AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ly was employed by Dave Epps in the Mill City Furniture Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kirkland who have resided in the Oak Park Motel for some time left Sunday for Le banon where he is now employed. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap spent Sunday in Stayton at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Edmund Kleck- er, and family. Mrs. Laura Joaquin returned home Broadway Hits of Today--! records Saturday evening after a week spent Album .... 3.27 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Vaughn Monroe Album Hárte, where she cared for the Hirte Wide Stock of 45 rpm records— children during the absence of their Classics, Popular, Westerns and parents. all vinylite — 69c each Zane Spick and Glen Hearing were Classic Albums: married Sept. 29 in Pasco, Wash. Mr. Beethoven Symphony No. 7 and Mrs. Hearing will make their Tchaikovsky Symphony, No. 6 home in Gates where he is in busi Tcsaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite ness. Wagner’s Des Rheingold Mr. and Mi's. Founlt Paul, formerly and many others of Longbeach, Calif., have moved to Gates from Mill City. They have | rented the house just completad by Davis and Park and purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards. Mr. Paul is | “First With What You Want Most’’ enwl' loyed in the office of CBI. COMPLETE APPIANCE 8ERVICE .nnouncements have been made of An Radio. Washer Refrigerator and the marriage Sept 20 of Mrs. Flo Eject ria* 1 Appliance rence Carrysott and Wesley Wise, Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 both of Portland. The bride is a for mer resident of Gates where she was in business for several years and has many friends here. SHOP! Gates FURNITURE Market Where Every Day is Sale Day for New and Used Furniture Parker & Hutcheson TììF Just Arrived! ACarloadof gol^lNG Take advantage of our Car load Purchases and SAVEon all of your building needs CEMENT lumber PAINT WALLBOARDS BUILDERS’ HARDWARE SHEET ROCK SHINGLES BRICK Estimate Fi ld on aï°° P r o m p 11 y Given ereres building supplì M ili City A Jefferson 2131 Fairgrounds Kuuil Arthurs Cafe PORTER & LAI REPAIRS Commercial Refrigera tion Sales and Service Mill City Chicken in the Hough Information Center. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lewie have re- turned to Los Angeles, their former home, for the winter. Mrs. Lewis and daughter Robin made the trip bv rail Double order of Green Stamps on all sales over $1.00 Bargains! Phone 751 SCENE from “Little Women,” the Louisa May Olcott story appearing in a film to be shown at the Mill City Theater Oct. 16 and 17. Specials on children’s overalls and wranglers Bargains! See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. I). Bargains! See our new items and good prices Bargains! Oregon Mutual Fire insurance & Tavern Supply Stayton Detroit, Oregon 24 hour« a day You’ll be sure to hear those words when you attend the Special Meet ings at First Christian Church Mill City Dallas Meserve, Evangelist Special music by the Ferrins Real Values 1941 CHEVROLET '/, ton Pickup - Al $695.00 1949 WILLYS h ton Pickup — like new ..................... 1395.00 1941 CHEVROLET Tudor ................... . ............................. 495.00 1941 STUDEBAKER Commander Sedan ........................ 696.00 1941 STUDEBAKER Champion, Perfect....................... 695.00 1936 ODLS — runs good ..................................................... 150.00 1949 FORD (Tub Coupe — A Beauty .............................. 1695.00 1946 CHEVROLET Sedan — It’s Tops ....................... 1295.00 1947 I’ONTIAC Streamliner Sedanette ......................... (DOPER AH VE KINDERGARTEN, STARTS AGAIN AT LYONS A meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux last Thursday evening at which plans were made for the starting of the kinder garten school which wiH be held tw i< e a weekk on Wednesdays and Fridays at the Twin Ceiars school house. Mrs. Charles Power will be the instructor again assisted by the various mothers. The first class was held Wednesday, October 5th. Present at the Prideaux home iwere Mrs. Robert Fetherston, Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Olmstead. Mrs. William Prichard, M ts George Attaberry. Mrs. Charles Pow er and Mrs. Phelps. STUDEBAKER Starlit« Club Coupe, R. H. Ä OD. PLYMOUTH De Luxe Sedan. Iw new < hryn. Motor .. 595.90 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 No. High, Salem, Ore. Every Meal An Occasion Courteous service. pleasant atmosphere. delectable food —make our meols remember ed! < hicken Dinners Steaks, Chops Workmen’s lunches to go. 75# Wide menu daily OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP SHIRLEY LAIRD MILL CITY Phone 2603 159540 159540 Viw’c STEAK V 1 V S i OUSE