Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 13, 1949 Mehama By MRS. JEAN ROBERTS A promising young painter has just made his debut in the Mehama com munity. Roddy Wilson, three-year- old eon of Mr. ami Mrs. Ercill Wilson is the artist. Hoddy tired of the red color of his tricycle, and painted it with black grease. Four pairs of overalls also got patented. Roddy was painting the walls of his father’s shop when his painting career was abruptly halted. Barbecued bear meat is a popular dish in the Mehama area, with the killing of a second bear, by the Rubin boys last Sunday. Thirteen hours were spent barbecuing it, along with some venison, turkeys, etc., that Andy Spriggs custom cooks. Another eating establishment was opened here Saturday—Roy and Ha zel’s fountain and lunch. State highway stop signs appeared on all Mehama side streets last week. A home extension meeting was held at the Women’s Clubhouse last Fri day, with Miss Eleanor Trindle, ex tension agent, speaking on the sub ject of unifying home furnishings. About 1 women were present. Mrs. Doris Teeters, M r s. Merle Teeters The Commercial Book Store Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES Phone 3-453-1 141 N. Commercial St. and Mrs. Reer White served refresh ments. A new roof was put on Mrs. Moe’s house last week be her relatives. Vis iting and assisting over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kornmann of Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brant of Macleay. A quilting bee sponsored by the ladies aid was held at the home of Mrs. Merle Teeters last Thursday. Ob ject of the meeting was to make a quilt for the Cox family, -who were burned out. The quilt was completed and five or six blankets were donated. How many have noticed Mehama’s town clock, placed on the front of Martin’s body and fender shop, by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Martin. It’s a nice clock with luminous dial clearly vis ible at night. Parents gathered in the school basement Thursday night to discuss continuence of the hot lunch program in the grade school. It was decided to give an entertainment and suipper in the near future to raise funds for the program. SALHM, ORB TOMAN’S HILLTOP STORE Friday & Saturday Specials GROCERY DEPARTMENT IGA Jell-It IGA Salad Dressing IGA Peanut Butter IGA Sno-Kreem Kellogg Pep 10 lbs. Fisher Flour Cigarettes, popular brands FREE .23 .27 .37 .79 .15 .87 ctn. 1.45 4 for pt. pt. 3 lbs. U3 LYONS Several hunitem returning from their hunting trip to eastern Oregon report snow in Chait locality, with 14 inches on the Santiam Pass. The first series of the afternoon card parties was held Wednesday at the Rebekah hall with Mrs. Arthur Olmstead, hostess. A one-thirty de sert luncheon was served followed by Detroit home economics and typing teacher. several days because of the snow. Mrs. Ringo of Gervais has been se Ray Johnson who was brought home from Salem Memorial Hosptial Sat cured to teach in her absence. urday is improving at his borne here. He was in the hospital sometime with First snow of the year was seen on a severe attack of stomach ulcers. nearby hills here Thursday morning. The same day snow fell on Santiam Pass and other places in eastern Ore gon. Some of the cutting crews in logging operations had to lay off for BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Detroit High School will hold its annual carnival Friday. Several clev MAC’S er posters are advertising the affair locally. The carnival will be held in 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking the new auditorium. A large crowd can be accomodated. Proceeds will go for school equipment. SPECIAL Miss Arcola Petit is taking a two weeks rest at the home of her bro ther in Toledo, due to illness. She is SILVER SADDLE GARAGE Highway West of Mill City FULLY MODERN EXPERT MECHANICS WELDING AND REPAIRING OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS DUDLEY JONES Tel. 903 Mill City Dicks SHOE REPAIR Christmas Gifts for the Little Folks at the Hobby Shop 168 N. Commercial, Salem wash dresses for children sizes 1 to 14 1-49 to Raincoats MILL CITY Football-Home Game Mill City High vs. St Paul 2 p. m. October 14 OLESONS with every order of $10 or more! 1 lb. Margarine 1 lb. RG Soda Crackers 1 lb. Strawberry Preserves Set Santiam grange held their regular meeting at the hall Friday evening -with 23 members present. The regular routine of business was carried out with a committee appointed to buy a hot water heater for -the kitchen. Their social night will be held Friday evening, October 21. The home econ omics club will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Mat Patton on Tues day afternoon, October 11. Dances will be -held every Saturday night. Mr. and M ts . .Clayson who are grangers in South Dakota, were guests of the evening. several table« of 500. High score went to Mrs. Orville Downing, low to Mrs. Bob Carleton. The guest prize went to Mrs. Calvin Trahan. Present for the afternoon were Mrs. Bob Free, Mrs. Floyd Basseitt, Mrs. George Huff man, Mrs. Walter Bevier, Mrs. Albert Bass, Mrs. Pat Lyon«, Mrs. Vem Ny- digger, Mrs. Calvin Trahan, Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Bob Carleton, Mrs. Orville Downing and Mrs. Olmstead. Jor Rainclothes, Shoes, Rubber Footwear, etc. We deliver Do You Hill Top General Store ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry Nu-Method, Mill Qfty and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; MU Jeff Cafe.. Idmha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit MB ß. High SALEM THE ORIGINAL WESTERN HARDBOARD For remodeling, it's wonderful” tenet This delivered price includes U.S. Taxes, Dual Windshield Wipers and Tail lights, Oil Bath Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, Gas, Oil and Service Policy. Throe-way economy from CHAPCO tor batten You’ll save on remodeling time and labor—you’ll cut upkeep expense because it lasts longer—and you'll save money now because it's priced lower. SIMCDIl TASIIY WITH White sidewall tires, V-8 engine and overdrive optional at extra cost. Price may vary slightly in different localities. Local end state taxes (if any) are extra. Ford «and FEEL the difference/" MOVIN MACTICM CHAPCO Sbelvas ■■ flxtvraa Dimantiont 4-H. ■ l-h. 3 Thkiinasw« »/4-In . 3/14-In . 1/4-In. Kelly Lumber Sales Herrold-Philippi Motor C o . stayton AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR”—