MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 6. 1949 SEE John Adams For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel. Basements, Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer Camp Mill City, Ore. Ph.906 PO Jones & Fagg Authorized Frigidaire Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Services I860 State St. SALEM, OREGON Phone 3-6900 M Members of the Birthday Club were entertained Saturday afternoon in Lyons at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Following the lunch eon hour eucher was in play. Mrs. Gerald Heath held high score at the close of the afternoon, Mrs. Riley Champ secon i and Mrs. Elmer Stew art received consolation. Mrs. Earl Allen of Lyons was given visitor’s prize. Others attending were Mrs. Wai ter Brisbin, Mrs. Blanche Dean. Mrs. Martha Bowes, Mrs. Clarence John son, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. Robert I.evon, Mrs. Walter Bevier, Mrs. Ed mund Davis and Mrs. Lula Collins. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen were his sister and husiband, Capt. and Mrs. E. R. Thompson of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKey had as their dinner guests at their home in the Oak Park Motel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis. Over Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders last week were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman and family. Miss Mamie Bayes and Mrs. Gladys Van re Walk er, all of Salem. i Mr, and Mrs. Henry Montag of the Oak Park Motel spent the week end in Portland. Gilbert Brsosig is one of the many suffering from the flu here the past week and has been unable to work. Mr. and Mis. Sam Knapp, former resklent of Gates but now from near Madras, were here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Haivey Kanoff of REMEMBER I LAST JANUARY o AND FEBRUARY Be comfortable now and prepared for the really cold weather to come. Spark Oil Heater* always -ou just the temperature you want when you want it See them today. give Lyons stopped at the Ned Riahards Monday when he ran a sliinbing spur home as they passed through en route through the fleshy part of hi* left to Ogden, Utah. They were accom foot. He was treated at the fit st aid panied on the trip by Bart Fletcher station where it was determined the of Arizona. Saturday guests at the bone was not injured. Elmo Fryer, eldest son of Mr. and Richards home were Mrs. Harold Longfellow and baby son. Royce, and Mrs. Tom Fryet, who received his Mrs. Elton Brown and Harold of Me diploma several months ago from a | photographic school in Portland, has hama. Mr. and Mrs. Elnwr Klutke and j started his own shop in Sweet Home two sons attended the fiftieth wed where they new live. ding anniversary of her grandpar Mr. and Mis. J. Cal Schlador via-I ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kirkland in ited last weekend at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lulu Briggs, at Corval- | Mehama Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Burrel Cole and son, Marlin, lis. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Schlador spent several days last week in Port left for a week’s hunting at Lake- land wheie Marlin was given a phys view. Her nephew anti wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Briggs of Roseburg were ical checkup. Norman Garrison, Clare Henness, to accompany them. Gerald Garrison and Harry Saltala Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright left Fri left Fiiday mornning for Lakeview day for several days of hunting in on a hunting trip. eastern Oregon, Others who were A few of many hunting over the planning to go were Mr. and Mrs. week end were Nick Ball, who got William Cauble Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. his buck. Paul Davis, Harry McKey, Guy Wilson and .laughters. Mrs. Ed Byrkit was in Salem two Glen Henness, Joe Joaquin and Joe days this week getting some dental Bowes. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Varcoe, for wotk done. Mrs. Glen Dryden wtio recently re merly living in Mill City, hav pur chased the second house built here turned from St. Charles Hospital in by Davis and Park. They took pos Bend where she was treated for pneu session of their new home this week. monia, has gon to Bend this week Mr. Varcoe is employed in the office for further treatment, i of OBI. Sometime ago Mrs. Glen Dryden Mrs. Lula Collins spent several loaned a book, “Manila Espionage,” days of last week at the home of her autographed by the author. She is daughter an I son-in-law, Mr. and not sure who borrowed the book, and Mrs. Clarence Rsheim in Sweet Home would greatly appreciate its return. Warien Knape, who recently has Clyde Oliver and sons Bill and Ed Keith spent the week end in eastern been assigned to fill the pastorate at the Detroit Ghurch of Christ, Is a Oregon hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Hirte left senior student at the Bible College last Friday for a week’s camping and in Eugene. He will be here each Fri hunting trip in eastern Oregon. Mrs. day Saturday and Sunday. He ex Laura Joaquin is caring for their five pects to be calling to get acquainted an<l asks the co-opeiation of people children during their absence. Miss Helen Wilson was hostess here. His emphasis will be upon a young people’s program. Services are Thursday evening of last week at dinner honoring Mrs. Velma Carey Sun ray school, 10 a.m., church, 11, on her biithrlay anniversary. Places young people's meeting, 6:4.r>, and were set for the guest of honor, Mrs. evening services at 7:30. The Idanha PTA is giving a re Carey, Don and Jimmy Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Ha:old Wilson. Gale Carey ception for the teadheis in the library and daughter Donna and the hostess, of the new school building. Monday Miss Wilson. Mrs. Gale Carey was Oct. 3. Mrs. Raymond Sophy is in charge of the program. S. T. Moore ill and unable to attend. is president this year. K. of C. & C. D. A Annual Columbus Day DANCE Friday. October 14 Stayton Civic Bldg. Glen Williams Orchestra Thomas Housing Project LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE If You’re a G. L, See G. E. Thomas, Mill City Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill (Mty and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe.. Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit. 163 S. High SALEM Ph. 34125 Detroit By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT . , ,, «.,TTOm Spark deluxe OiJ Heater* give both circulating «ndimme(|iate radiant heat For complete comfort, Del iv ery you need both. MASTER „ SPARK ¿foïï.CIRCULATIHC HEATERS^ Hendricsons Store I I ! I SPANIOL & ( 0 Dry Goods, Notions ANKLETS BELTS JEANS FOR SCHOOL At the Mill City Furniture Store T-SHIRTS Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works Ph. 5O5B » * (Ms i STAYTON, ORE. The condition of Ray Johnson Detroit, manager of the telephone company ther, is fair, according to hi* wife who is staying in Salem to be near him. Mi. Johnson was taken to Memorial Hospital Saturday eve ning suffering from a severe attack of stomach ulcers. Albert Warty has been off woik a few days due to an injury suffered Apple Tree Court A modern Motel and Trailer Court Lyons I MASTER BREAD Qac On Highway 222 Popular - be<au*e it * In Salem s I GREENLY’S P/umfeing For a comfortable and inexpensive place to stay it’s- • - Heating LET IS FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON Pl’LMBING AND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE TOO SMALL Shop and Residence 4260 Macleav Rd. Hotel Salem SALEM It's the Hospitality Yoder-Martin ( onsî GENERAL CONTRACTORS (’ »mmercial and Residential Builder Let us show you the biggest se’?ction ever.. ttockt in th« W«it Expert Bulldozing XML COST R°U R. ad Building I arm», Grading and Leveling asi»® and ( onere te >’• ork i WE XLW.VYS GUARANTEE OUR WORK Stayton Wu« 162-H FOR THE from th« largest (.'n valli* 1913 HUTCHEON paint stoke 162 North Commercial S t LEM MUIRS •- * »Ota« with Both *ot»» without Both (3. SO up $2.00 up In the Heart of the Theatre and Shopping District NewwtcinoC fëestût ORT LAND OREGON I