Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, OCTOBER 6. 190» •=— Mongold (From The Canyon Castle) gram of recreation sporsored by th« association. It includes: Card parties, Wednesdays; square dances, Frutays; sports, etc. A series of talks on the Detroit j^ject by Lt. Col. Jack Miles have been arranged by the associa- tjon A total memmbership of 252, re- presenting 126 families was reported at Monday’s meeting of the executive board of the Detroit Dam Recrea- tion Assn. The organization is made up largely of federal emplowees and their families. Its board of directors | Teams of Col. Miles and Stella Da- includes Mrs. McDaniel, Mr. Hellwig, ■ vis and the Mahoneys won first in Mrs. Vealey, Bill Smith, Ray Over duplicate bridge at the Wednesay eve holser, Hubert Lisle, Mrs. Crawford, nindg card session. Mrs. Beck was Harry Rutherford and Norman Quail, i first in pinodhle; the Overholsers in canasta. pesident. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Hartwig are Mr. Quail in this week’s issue of the Canyon Castle, Mongold Camp the .parents of a girl born Friday at publication, stressed the wide pro- | Salem Memorial Hospital. The baby was named Loveda Mae. Ill with flu have been Louisa Craw ford, Betty Ferguson, Mrs. Hellwig, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Harrow. The Bell and Gibbs families enter tained Ben Martin and his mother, Mrs. Reed, of Blackfoot, Idaho, in an informal dinner Sunday. Frankland Smith and Ray Halver son of Tacoma were guests at the home of Bill and Lenora Smith this week end. Mr. Smith is Bill's brother. The Howard Timms drove to Port MILL CITY land Sunday to visit her sister. Mrs. Georgia Potter. fREt^ UCCI’ DAILY Kellom’s Grocery Mr. and Mis. Art Richardson drove to Breitenbush Monday. Col. Jack Miles is in the John Day country hunting. Successful deer hunters include Bill Shuford, Bill Phillips, Mrs. Pe terson, daughter of Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Traw. Mrs. Claude Beck is in Portland while Mr. Beck is hunting for deer. Lois and Harvey Panics and Alice ami Ralph Jetton went to Portland shopping Satuday afternoon and had dinner there. Don and Shirley Walker and boys went to Salem Monday shopping for school clothes. Opal Werner is sick with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Don Morrison ae vis- Damsite News—Overheard on the iting with Edna and Lou McCabe. Lou is sick with a cold. highway near the dam: The Woodrums were in Salem Fri Visitor (to CBI flagman): How day night visiting their son, Melvin. many men are working here? Flagman: Well, I’d say about half Floyd Woodium is down with the flu. of them, mister. Happy MacElvain and Bobby Yates That’s sure a sea-worthy craft the drill crew has, now that the river has were in Salem shopping Monday. Hap py has been in bed with a cold the been pulled out from under it. Johnny Jones is going to file a min- j past two days. eial claim in the river bed, according* Mert and Hip Carlson spent the week end in Portland on business, to all reports. and Hip spent Monday in bed with AROUND THE JOB — Howard a cold. Timms and Scoty Wright over the Bud Howard started to paint the portal kibitzing the coffer dam ... trailer Saturday and came down with Harry Rutherford and Ken Ramsey a cold, spent two days in bed. going over the situation with Lew McDaniel ... The Baker Boys and CBI surveyors busy on the river bed ... All the CBI’s board of strategy on the upstream bridge going over the seepage . .. There goes Ray Wal ker, CBI’s Mr. Warehouse ... Nice guy, by the way... The musty dears MILL CITY of the swing shift who sign them selves Lil Abner Richardson, Dag wood Dibblee and Doubleduty Davis. ... Bye now. Tex’s Tavern' Trailer Courts A friendly family atmosphere prevails —Will IliU^.-. THE SILVER SADDLE Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jacobsen re turned Tuesday night from Salem where they had been staying with her parents and working at the cannery. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hopper left Friday on a hunting trip and returned Wednesday with no deer. They enjoy- ed a visit wit'h friends at Austin, however. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sullenberger spent the week-end hunting in east- i n Oregon but were unsuccessful. Marjorie Murray celebrated her birthday October 5th with a family dinner of chicken and cake. M> . and Mrs. Floyd Chase left on Wednesday evening for Payette.Ida. to visit his parents. Mrs. A. T. Barnhart stoppped in to see Mrs. R. L. Ash Saturday on her way to Albany. Have a watch that is really accurate. Our expert cleaning, oiling and repairs work wonders with ailing watches. Bring yours in for free inspection. C\EI.MN OWNERS LOOK... i If you; ¿in Watch does not have a Dural’ower Mainspring* • .. by all means get one (it is available for most models), ’t his is the most amazing main spring ever matte. Vlon t rust. Holds its power for a permanent accuracy never before possible. •Madoof At Martin's lilciloy ■ nirtal. latent pending BAKER'S Mill City Jewelry 1 1 **• ** r r * .Ji SCENE from “Little Women,” the Louisa May Olcott story appearing' in a film to be shown at the Mill City Theater Oct. 16 and 17. Elkhorn By MRS. MILLIE BICKETT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knox and children of Mill City were recent vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longneck- er. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Newsome of Mill City and Harold Billington of Lyons spent Saturday night with the Bicketts. Bob Van Eaton and a schoolmate spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Barnett and daughter Marcia of Mill City called on Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Knox and children, also Kenneth Knoff of Ly ons were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett. Carl Longnecker and brother Fred, of Eugene, left Friday for eastern Oregon, returning Sunday with a nice buck. SHOP! Gates FURNITURE Market Where Every Day is Sale Day for New and Used Furniture Parker & Hutcheson 'ins6 ta k » V J s MANOL IS SANTIAM CAFE Friday, October 7, at 7:00 p. m A New Beautiful l)ine-and-l)ance Spot on Highway 222 betw een Mill City and Gates JOSEPHINE MANOLIS DON WALKER GEO. M ANOL IS The following firms, who had a part in the construction, congratulate Manol is Santiam Cafe on the occasion of their open «ng; Davis Electric Tavern Supply, Salem Equipment E. A. Finlay, Silverton, Electrical Contract Greene-Winkler Co.. Portland Equipment Gas Ileal, Inc., Lyons, Propane Gas Clary Cash Register Co. Willamette Amusement. Salem Music Kelly Lumber Sales Lreres Building Supply Building Materials Chet Blum. Salem Olum Larson, Silverton Building Contractors